candisc 0.9.0 (2024-05-06)

This is a semi-major release, largely of the documentation of the package.

candisc 0.8-6 (2021-10-07)

candisc 0.8-5 (2021-01-22)

candisc 0.8-4

candisc 0.8-3 (2020-04-22)

o dontrun/donttest more examples from heplot.candisc to appease the CRAN daemon.

candisc 0.8-2

o Clarify docs for plot.candisc wrt col & pch (thx: Mohammad Bahram) o candisc gets a hex sticker on GitHub o Fix notes from devtools::check_win_devel

candisc 0.8-1

o Fixed bug in plot.candisc with default col and pch values (thx: David Carlson)

candisc 0.8-0 (2017-09-19)

o Fix 1D plot.candisc to better reflect the canonical structure coefficients. The ylim of the scale is now forced to include 0 and -1 and/or +1 depending on the signs of the structure coefficients. [thx: Martina Vandebroek] o Pass ... to boxplot() and plot() for 1D in plot.candisc o Added diabetes vignette

candisc 0.7-2 (2016-11-11)

o Add Wilks.candisc method; this corrects a bug where the values of the stepdown tests for canonical discriminant analysis were calculated incorrectly [thx: Martina Vandebroek] o Now use Wilks.candisc in print.candisc

candisc 0.7-1

o respect var.lwd in 2D plot.candisc() o heplot.candisc() gets a rev.axes argument to reverse the axes and a var.pos argument to position variable labels o vectors() now produces nicer arrow head a la matlib::vectors() o added var.pos argument to plot.candisc o allow to suppress likelihood ratio tests in print.candisc

candisc 0.7-0 (2016-04-27)

o Added Wine data -- three cultivars with a very simple canonical structure o Added ellipses to plot.candisc(); enhanced candisc.Rd documentation o Added varOrder() for effect ordering in MLMs o plot.candisc() gets a var.labels argument o added method="colmean" and descending=T/F to varOrder() o plot.candisc() gets a rev.axes argument o fixed imports() in NAMESPACE for CRAN checks

candisc 0.6-7 (2015-04-19)

o Now use rgl:: in *3d functions and requireNamespace("rgl") o import(car)

candisc 0.6-6

o Added vecscale() to more reliably scale the variable vectors in plot.candisc() and heplot.candisc() to the plot bounding box [thx: Uwe Ligges for the code] o Exported vecscale o Added can_lm() to calculate the canonical lm() representation of a term in an mlm

candisc 0.6-5 (2013-06-12)

o candisc() now doesn't allow ndim > rank [thx: [email protected]] o In plot.candisc() fixed bug in use of pch and col [thx: [email protected]] and cleaned up code

candisc 0.6-4

o Don't use paste0() to avoid dependency on R>2.15.0

candisc 0.6-3 (2013-03-15)

o Minor documentation changes o In cancor(), now handle missing data more flexibly via na.rm= and use= o Now suggest corrplot package for cancor.Rd example

candisc 0.6-2 (2013-02-12)

o Reorganized print() and summary() methods for cancor() o Smoothed out documentation o Added observation weights to cancor() methods o Added ability to plot X and or Y vectors in heplot.cancor() o Extended example of plot.cancor(), showing variable vectors for X & Y

candisc 0.6-1 (2013-01-30)

o Continued development of methods and plots for canonical correlation analysis within the HE plot framework: o Now export scores() and scores.cancor() method o coef.cancor gets a standardize= argument o Added redundancy() for redundancy analysis o Added a plot.cancor() method, visualizing the relations between the Ycan and Xcan variable scores o Added vectors3d() o Added heplot3d() method for cancor objects. o More significantly, re-implemented cancor() as an S3 generic, with a cancor.formula method and the original as the cancor.default method.

candisc 0.6-0 (2013-01-23)

o Added cancor and related methods for canonical correlation analysis o Added Wilks() methods for Wilks' Lambda canonical tests o Added vectors() for drawing labeled vectors o Added S3 heplot.cancor() method for cancor objects.

candisc 0.5-23

o Fixed buglet in summary.candisc() [thx: David Carlson, [email protected]] o heplot.candisc now uses plot.candisc in the 1 df case

candisc 0.5-22

o Extended Description:

candisc 0.5-21 (2011-12-11)

o Fixed Authors@R in DESCRIPTION for R 2.14.x

candisc 0.5-20

o Updated links to o Updated candisc heplot3d() examples

candisc 0.5-19 (2010-09-19)

o switched inst/CHANGES to NEWS o Extended candiscList and Grass examples o Extended package description o Fixed minor buglet in print.candisc

candisc 0.5-18 (2010-07-29)

o Fixed predictor.names problem with car_2.0-0 o Added var.cex to heplot.candisc and heplot3d.candisc

candisc 0.5-17

o Allow to select canonical dimension in plot(candisc(), which=)

candisc 0.5-15 (2009-06-14)

o Added titles.1d argument to plot.candisc to allow customized titles for 1D plots (wish of Manuel Sp?nola)

candisc 0.5-13 (2009-02-02)

o Added Wolves data, with examples for 2-way design. o Improved plot for 1D case.

candisc 0.5-11

o Michael Friendly now maintainer o now require heplots >= 0.8-3 for use of xlim, ylim, zlim o added asp="iso" to heplot3d.candisc, so default is now equal scaling

candisc 0.5-10 (2008-11-09)

o improved documentation o added var.lwd to heplot3d.candisc o changed rgl.* to *3d functions to avoid rgl problems o added suffix= to heplot.candisc and heplot3d.candisc o added graphics=TRUE to menus in *.candiscList functions o added suffix= to plot.candisc

candisc 0.5-9 (2008-04-14)

candisc 0.5-8

candisc 0.5-7

o Initial version released to CRAN.