Title: | Visualizing Hypothesis Tests in Multivariate Linear Models |
Description: | Provides HE plot and other functions for visualizing hypothesis tests in multivariate linear models. HE plots represent sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear hypotheses and for error using ellipses (in two dimensions) and ellipsoids (in three dimensions). The related 'candisc' package provides visualizations in a reduced-rank canonical discriminant space when there are more than a few response variables. |
Authors: | Michael Friendly [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Michael Friendly <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.7.4 |
Built: | 2025-03-23 20:19:55 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/friendly/heplots |
The heplots
package provides functions for visualizing hypothesis
tests in multivariate linear models (MANOVA, multivariate multiple
regression, MANCOVA, and repeated measures designs). HE plots represent
sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear hypotheses and for error
using ellipses (in two dimensions), ellipsoids (in three dimensions), or by
line segments in one dimension.
The basic theory behind HE plots is described by Friendly (2007). See Fox, Friendly and Monette (2007) for a brief introduction; Friendly & Sigal (2016) for a tutorial on these methods; and Friendly, Monette and Fox (2013) for a general discussion of the role of elliptical geometry in statistical understanding.
Other topics now addressed here include robust MLMs, tests for equality of covariance matrices in MLMs, and chi square Q-Q plots for MLMs.
The package also provides a collection of data sets illustrating a variety of multivariate linear models of the types listed above, together with graphical displays.
Several tutorial vignettes are also included. See
The graphical functions contained here all display multivariate model effects in variable (data) space, for one or more response variables (or contrasts among response variables in repeated measures designs).
constructs two-dimensional HE plots for model terms and linear hypotheses for pairs of response variables in multivariate linear models.
constructs analogous 3D plots for triples of response variables.
constructs a “matrix” of pairwise HE plots.
constructs 1-dimensional analogs of HE plots for model terms and linear hypotheses for single response variables.
For repeated measure designs, between-subject effects and within-subject
effects must be plotted separately, because the error terms (E matrices)
differ. For terms involving within-subject effects, these functions carry
out a linear transformation of the matrix Y of responses to a matrix
Y M, where M is the model matrix for a term in the
intra-subject design and produce plots of the H and E matrices in this
transformed space. The vignette repeated
describes these graphical
methods for repeated measures designs.
The related car package calculates Type II and Type III tests of
multivariate linear hypotheses using the Anova
The candisc-package
package provides functions for
visualizing effects for MLM model terms in a low-dimensional canonical space
that shows the largest hypothesis relative to error variation. The
candisc package now also includes related methods for canonical
correlation analysis.
The heplots
package also contains a large number of multivariate data
sets with examples of analyses and graphic displays. Use
to see the current list.
Michael Friendly, John Fox, and Georges Monette
Maintainer: Michael Friendly, [email protected], http://datavis.ca
Friendly, M. (2006). Data Ellipses, HE Plots and Reduced-Rank Displays for Multivariate Linear Models: SAS Software and Examples. Journal of Statistical Software, 17(6), 1-42. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v17/i06/, doi:10.18637/jss.v017.i06
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421-444. http://datavis.ca/papers/jcgs-heplots.pdf, doi:10.1198/106186007X208407
Fox, J., Friendly, M. & Monette, G. (2007). Visual hypothesis tests in multivariate linear models: The heplots package for R. DSC 2007: Directions in Statistical Computing. https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/heplots-dsc-paper.pdf
Friendly, M. (2010). HE Plots for Repeated Measures Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 37(4), 1-40. doi:10.18637/jss.v037.i04.
Fox, J., Friendly, M. & Weisberg, S. (2013). Hypothesis Tests for Multivariate Linear Models Using the car Package. The R Journal, 5(1), https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2013-1/fox-friendly-weisberg.pdf.
Friendly, M., Monette, G. & Fox, J. (2013). Elliptical Insights: Understanding Statistical Methods Through Elliptical Geometry. Statistical Science, 2013, 28 (1), 1-39, http://datavis.ca/papers/ellipses.pdf.
Friendly, M. & Sigal, M. (2014). Recent Advances in Visualizing Multivariate Linear Models. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica, 37, 261-283
Friendly, M. & Sigal, M. (2016). Graphical Methods for Multivariate Linear Models in Psychological Research: An R Tutorial. Submitted for publication.
, linearHypothesis
for Anova.mlm computations and tests
for reduced-rank views in canonical space
for a different approach to testing effects in MANOVA designs
This data was taken from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. It is a cross-sectional sample of participants from grades 7–12, described and analyzed by Warne (2014).
A data frame with 4344 observations on the following 3 variables.
an ordered factor with levels 7
< 9
< 10
< 11
< 12
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
is the response to the question "In the last month, how
often did you feel depressed or blue?"
is the response to the question "In the last month, how often
did you have trouble relaxing?"
The responses for depression
and anxiety
were recorded on a
5-point Likert scale, with categories 0="Never", 1="Rarely",
2="Occasionally", 3="Often", 4="Every day"
Warne, R. T. (2014). A primer on Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) for Behavioral Scientists. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 19 (1).
data(AddHealth) if(require(dplyr) & require(ggplot2)) { # find means & std.errors by grade means <- AddHealth |> group_by(grade) |> summarise( n = n(), dep_se = sd(depression, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n), anx_se = sd(anxiety, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n), depression = mean(depression), anxiety = mean(anxiety) ) |> relocate(depression, anxiety, .after = grade) |> print() # plot means with std.error bars ggplot(data = means, aes(x = anxiety, y = depression, color = grade)) + geom_point(size = 3) + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = anxiety - anx_se, xmax = anxiety + anx_se)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = depression - dep_se, ymax = depression + dep_se)) + geom_line(aes(group = 1), linewidth = 1.5) + geom_label(aes(label = grade), nudge_x = -0.015, nudge_y = 0.02) + scale_color_discrete(guide = "none") + theme_bw(base_size = 15) } # fit mlm AH.mod <- lm(cbind(anxiety, depression) ~ grade, data=AddHealth) car::Anova(AH.mod) summary(car::Anova(AH.mod)) heplot(AH.mod, hypotheses="grade.L", fill=c(TRUE, FALSE), level = 0.4)
data(AddHealth) if(require(dplyr) & require(ggplot2)) { # find means & std.errors by grade means <- AddHealth |> group_by(grade) |> summarise( n = n(), dep_se = sd(depression, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n), anx_se = sd(anxiety, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n), depression = mean(depression), anxiety = mean(anxiety) ) |> relocate(depression, anxiety, .after = grade) |> print() # plot means with std.error bars ggplot(data = means, aes(x = anxiety, y = depression, color = grade)) + geom_point(size = 3) + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = anxiety - anx_se, xmax = anxiety + anx_se)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = depression - dep_se, ymax = depression + dep_se)) + geom_line(aes(group = 1), linewidth = 1.5) + geom_label(aes(label = grade), nudge_x = -0.015, nudge_y = 0.02) + scale_color_discrete(guide = "none") + theme_bw(base_size = 15) } # fit mlm AH.mod <- lm(cbind(anxiety, depression) ~ grade, data=AddHealth) car::Anova(AH.mod) summary(car::Anova(AH.mod)) heplot(AH.mod, hypotheses="grade.L", fill=c(TRUE, FALSE), level = 0.4)
Data are a subset from an observational, longitudinal, study on adopted children. Is child's intelligence related to intelligence of the biological mother and the intelligence of the adoptive mother?
A data frame with 62 observations on the following 6 variables.
adoptive mother's years of education (proxy for her IQ)
biological mother's score on IQ test
IQ of child at age 2
IQ of child at age 4
IQ of child at age 8
IQ of child at age 13
The child's intelligence was measured at age 2, 4, 8, and 13 for this sample. How does intelligence change over time, and how are these changes related to intelligence of the birth and adoptive mother?
Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2002). The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (2nd ed), Duxbury.
This data set is identical to ex1605
in the
Friendly, M. (2010). HE Plots for Repeated Measures Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 37(4), 1-40. doi:10.18637/jss.v037.i04.
Skodak, M. and Skeels, H.M. (1949). A Final Follow-up Study of One Hundred Adopted Children, Journal of Genetic Psychology 75: 85–125.
# Treat as multivariate regression problem Adopted.mod <- lm(cbind(Age2IQ, Age4IQ, Age8IQ, Age13IQ) ~ AMED + BMIQ, data=Adopted) Adopted.mod require(car) # test overall multivariate regression print(linearHypothesis(Adopted.mod, c("AMED","BMIQ")), SSP=FALSE) # show separate linear regressions op <- par(mfcol=c(2,4), mar=c(4,4,1,1)+.1) for (i in 3:6) { dataEllipse(as.matrix(Adopted[,c(1,i)]), col="black", levels=0.68, ylim=c(70,140)) abline(lm(Adopted[,i] ~ Adopted[,1]), col="red", lwd=2) dataEllipse(as.matrix(Adopted[,c(2,i)]), col="black", levels=0.68, ylim=c(70,140)) abline(lm(Adopted[,i] ~ Adopted[,2]), col="red", lwd=2) abline(a=0,b=1, lty=1, col="blue") } par(op) # between-S (MMReg) plots heplot(Adopted.mod, hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ")), main="IQ scores of adopted children: MMReg") pairs(Adopted.mod, hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ"))) if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ heplot3d(Adopted.mod, hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ")), col = c("red", "blue", "black", "gray"), wire=FALSE) } # Treat IQ at different ages as a repeated measure factor # within-S models & plots Age <- data.frame(Age=ordered(c(2,4,8,13))) car::Anova(Adopted.mod, idata=Age, idesign=~Age, test="Roy") # within-S plots heplot(Adopted.mod, idata=Age, idesign=~Age, iterm="Age", cex=1.25, cex.lab=1.4, fill=c(FALSE, TRUE), hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ")) )
# Treat as multivariate regression problem Adopted.mod <- lm(cbind(Age2IQ, Age4IQ, Age8IQ, Age13IQ) ~ AMED + BMIQ, data=Adopted) Adopted.mod require(car) # test overall multivariate regression print(linearHypothesis(Adopted.mod, c("AMED","BMIQ")), SSP=FALSE) # show separate linear regressions op <- par(mfcol=c(2,4), mar=c(4,4,1,1)+.1) for (i in 3:6) { dataEllipse(as.matrix(Adopted[,c(1,i)]), col="black", levels=0.68, ylim=c(70,140)) abline(lm(Adopted[,i] ~ Adopted[,1]), col="red", lwd=2) dataEllipse(as.matrix(Adopted[,c(2,i)]), col="black", levels=0.68, ylim=c(70,140)) abline(lm(Adopted[,i] ~ Adopted[,2]), col="red", lwd=2) abline(a=0,b=1, lty=1, col="blue") } par(op) # between-S (MMReg) plots heplot(Adopted.mod, hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ")), main="IQ scores of adopted children: MMReg") pairs(Adopted.mod, hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ"))) if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ heplot3d(Adopted.mod, hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ")), col = c("red", "blue", "black", "gray"), wire=FALSE) } # Treat IQ at different ages as a repeated measure factor # within-S models & plots Age <- data.frame(Age=ordered(c(2,4,8,13))) car::Anova(Adopted.mod, idata=Age, idesign=~Age, test="Roy") # within-S plots heplot(Adopted.mod, idata=Age, idesign=~Age, iterm="Age", cex=1.25, cex.lab=1.4, fill=c(FALSE, TRUE), hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ")) )
Draws a 3D arrow in an rgl scene with barbs at the arrow head
arrow3d( p0 = c(0, 0, 0), p1 = c(1, 1, 1), barblen, s = 0.05, theta = pi/6, n = 3, ... )
arrow3d( p0 = c(0, 0, 0), p1 = c(1, 1, 1), barblen, s = 0.05, theta = pi/6, n = 3, ... )
p0 |
Initial point (tail of arrow) |
p1 |
Ending point (head of arrow) |
barblen |
Length of each barb, in data units |
s |
length of barb as fraction of line length (unless barblen is specified) |
theta |
opening angle of barbs |
n |
number of barbs |
... |
args passed to lines3d for line styling, e.g., |
Returns (invisibly): integer ID of the line added to the scene
Barry Rowlingson, posted to R-help, 1/10/2010
arrow3d(c(0,0,0), c(2,2,2), barblen=.2, lwd=3, col="black") arrow3d(c(0,0,0), c(-2,2,2), barblen=.2, lwd=3, col="red")
arrow3d(c(0,0,0), c(2,2,2), barblen=.2, lwd=3, col="black") arrow3d(c(0,0,0), c(-2,2,2), barblen=.2, lwd=3, col="red")
This function extends bartlett.test
to a multivariate
response setting. It performs the Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances
for each of a set of response variables, and prints a compact summary.
Bartlett's test is the univariate version of Box's M test for equality of covariance matrices. This function provides a univariate follow-up test to Box's M test to give one simple assessment of which response variables contribute to significant differences in variances among groups.
bartlettTests(y, ...) ## Default S3 method: bartlettTests(y, group, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' bartlettTests(y, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' bartlettTests(y, ...)
bartlettTests(y, ...) ## Default S3 method: bartlettTests(y, group, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' bartlettTests(y, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' bartlettTests(y, ...)
y |
A data frame or matrix of numeric response variables for the default method, or a model formula for a multivariate linear model, or the multivariate linear model itself. In the case of a formula or model, the variables on the right-hand-side of the model must all be factors and must be completely crossed. |
... |
other arguments, passed to |
group |
a vector or factor object giving the group for the
corresponding elements of the rows of |
data |
the data set, for the |
An object of classes "anova" and "data.frame", with one observation
for each response variable in y
Michael Friendly
Bartlett, M. S. (1937). Properties of sufficiency and statistical tests. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A, 160, 268-282.
for Box's M test for all responses together.
bartlettTests(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) data(Skulls, package="heplots") bartlettTests(Skulls[,-1], Skulls$epoch) # formula method bartlettTests(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls)
bartlettTests(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) data(Skulls, package="heplots") bartlettTests(Skulls[,-1], Skulls$epoch) # formula method bartlettTests(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls)
or rgl::qmesh3d
objectEllipsoids are created by rgl functions as meshes of points, segments, ... from coordinates in various forms. This function calculates the bounding box, defined as the range of the x, y, and z coordinates.
bbox3d(x, ...)
bbox3d(x, ...)
x |
A mesh3d object |
... |
ignored |
A 2 x 3 matrix, giving the minimum and maximum values in the rows and x, y, z coordinates in the columns.
Pabalan, Davey and Packe (2000) studied the effects of captivity and maltreatment on reproductive capabilities of queen and worker bees in a complex factorial design.
A data frame with 246 observations on the following 6 variables.
a factor with levels Queen
a factor with levels ""
an ordered factor: time of treatment
an index of ovarian development
an index of ovarian reabsorption
a factor with levels 0
Bees were placed in a small tube and either held captive (CAP) or shaken
periodically (MAL) for one of 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 or 15 minutes, after which
they were sacrificed and two measures: ovarian development (Iz
) and
ovarian reabsorption (Iy
), were taken. A single control group was
measured with no such treatment, i.e., at time 0; there are n=10 per group.
The design is thus nearly a three-way factorial, with factors caste
(Queen, Worker), treat
(CAP, MAL) and time
, except that there
are only 11 combinations of Treatment and Time; we call these trtime
Models for the three-way factorial design, using the formula
cbind(Iz,Iy) ~ caste*treat*time
ignore the control condition at
, where treat==NA
To handle the additional control group at time==0
, while separating
the effects of Treatment and Time, 10 contrasts can be defined for the
factor in the model cbind(Iz,Iy) ~ caste*trtime
for details.
In the heplot
examples below, the default size="evidence"
displays are too crowded to interpret, because some effects are so highly
significant. The alternative effect-size scaling, size="effect"
makes the relations clearer.
Pabalan, N., Davey, K. G. & Packe, L. (2000). Escalation of Aggressive Interactions During Staged Encounters in Halictus ligatus Say (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), with a Comparison of Circle Tube Behaviors with Other Halictine Species Journal of Insect Behavior, 13, 627-650.
Friendly, M. (2006). Data Ellipses, HE Plots and Reduced-Rank Displays for Multivariate Linear Models: SAS Software and Examples Journal of Statistical Software, 17, 1-42.
data(Bees) require(car) # 3-way factorial, ignoring 0 group bees.mod <- lm(cbind(Iz,Iy) ~ caste*treat*time, data=Bees) car::Anova(bees.mod) op<-palette(c(palette()[1:4],"brown","magenta", "olivedrab","darkgray")) heplot(bees.mod, xlab="Iz: Ovarian development", ylab="Iz: Ovarian reabsorption", main="Bees: ~caste*treat*time") heplot(bees.mod, size="effect", xlab="Iz: Ovarian development", ylab="Iz: Ovarian reabsorption", main="Bees: ~caste*treat*time", ) # two-way design, using trtime bees.mod1 <- lm(cbind(Iz,Iy) ~ caste*trtime, data=Bees) Anova(bees.mod1) # HE plots for this model, with both significance and effect size scaling heplot(bees.mod1, xlab="Iz: Ovarian development", ylab="Iz: Ovarian reabsorption", main="Bees: ~caste*trtime") heplot(bees.mod1, xlab="Iz: Ovarian development", ylab="Iz: Ovarian reabsorption", main="Bees: ~caste*trtime", size="effect") palette(op) # effect plots for separate responses if(require(effects)) { bees.lm1 <-lm(Iy ~ treat*caste*time, data=Bees) bees.lm2 <-lm(Iz ~ treat*caste*time, data=Bees) bees.eff1 <- allEffects(bees.lm1) plot(bees.eff1,multiline=TRUE,ask=FALSE) bees.eff2 <- allEffects(bees.lm2) plot(bees.eff2,multiline=TRUE,ask=FALSE) }
data(Bees) require(car) # 3-way factorial, ignoring 0 group bees.mod <- lm(cbind(Iz,Iy) ~ caste*treat*time, data=Bees) car::Anova(bees.mod) op<-palette(c(palette()[1:4],"brown","magenta", "olivedrab","darkgray")) heplot(bees.mod, xlab="Iz: Ovarian development", ylab="Iz: Ovarian reabsorption", main="Bees: ~caste*treat*time") heplot(bees.mod, size="effect", xlab="Iz: Ovarian development", ylab="Iz: Ovarian reabsorption", main="Bees: ~caste*treat*time", ) # two-way design, using trtime bees.mod1 <- lm(cbind(Iz,Iy) ~ caste*trtime, data=Bees) Anova(bees.mod1) # HE plots for this model, with both significance and effect size scaling heplot(bees.mod1, xlab="Iz: Ovarian development", ylab="Iz: Ovarian reabsorption", main="Bees: ~caste*trtime") heplot(bees.mod1, xlab="Iz: Ovarian development", ylab="Iz: Ovarian reabsorption", main="Bees: ~caste*trtime", size="effect") palette(op) # effect plots for separate responses if(require(effects)) { bees.lm1 <-lm(Iy ~ treat*caste*time, data=Bees) bees.lm2 <-lm(Iz ~ treat*caste*time, data=Bees) bees.eff1 <- allEffects(bees.lm1) plot(bees.eff1,multiline=TRUE,ask=FALSE) bees.eff2 <- allEffects(bees.lm2) plot(bees.eff2,multiline=TRUE,ask=FALSE) }
performs the Box's (1949) M-test for homogeneity of covariance
matrices obtained from multivariate normal data according to one or more
classification factors. The test compares the product of the log
determinants of the separate covariance matrices to the log determinant of
the pooled covariance matrix, analogous to a likelihood ratio test. The test
statistic uses a chi-square approximation.
boxM(Y, ...) ## Default S3 method: boxM(Y, group, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' boxM(Y, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' boxM(Y, ...) ## S3 method for class 'boxM' summary(object, digits = getOption("digits"), cov = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, ...)
boxM(Y, ...) ## Default S3 method: boxM(Y, group, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' boxM(Y, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' boxM(Y, ...) ## S3 method for class 'boxM' summary(object, digits = getOption("digits"), cov = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, ...)
Y |
The response variable matrix for the default method, or a
... |
Arguments passed down to methods. |
group |
a factor defining groups, or a vector of length n doing the same. |
data |
a numeric data.frame or matrix containing n observations of p variables; it is expected that n > p. |
object |
a |
digits |
number of digits to print for the |
cov |
logical; if |
quiet |
logical; if |
As an object of class "htest"
, the statistical test is printed
normally by default. As an object of class "boxM"
, a few methods are
There is no general provision as yet for handling missing data. Missing data are simply removed, with a warning.
As well, the computation assumes that the covariance matrix for each group
is non-singular, so that can be calculated for each
group. At the minimum, this requires that
for each group.
Box's M test for a multivariate linear model highly sensitive to departures from multivariate normality, just as the analogous univariate test. It is also affected adversely by unbalanced designs. Some people recommend to ignore the result unless it is very highly significant, e.g., p < .0001 or worse.
The summary
method prints a variety of additional statistics based on
the eigenvalues of the covariance matrices. These are returned invisibly,
as a list containing the following components:
- log determinants
- eigenvalues of the covariance matrices
- statistics computed on the eigenvalues for each covariance matrix:product
: the product of eigenvalues, ;
: the sum of eigenvalues, ;
: the average precision of eigenvalues, ;
: the maximum eigenvalue,
A list with class c("htest", "boxM")
containing the following
statistic |
an approximated value of the chi-square distribution. |
parameter |
the degrees of freedom related of the test statistic in this case that it follows a Chi-square distribution. |
p.value |
the p-value of the test. |
cov |
a list containing the
within covariance matrix for each level of |
pooled |
the pooled covariance matrix. |
logDet |
a vector containing the natural logarithm of each matrix in |
means |
a matrix of the means for all groups, followed by the grand means |
df |
a vector of the degrees of freedom for all groups, followed by that for the pooled covariance matrix |
data.name |
a character string giving the names of the data. |
method |
the character string "Box's M-test for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices". |
The default method was taken from the biotools package, Anderson Rodrigo da Silva [email protected]
Generalized by Michael Friendly and John Fox
Box, G. E. P. (1949). A general distribution theory for a class of likelihood criteria. Biometrika, 36, 317-346.
Morrison, D.F. (1976) Multivariate Statistical Methods.
carries out homogeneity of variance
tests for univariate models with better statistical properties.
, a simple plot of the log determinants
plots covariance ellipses in variable space for
several groups.
data(iris) # default method res <- boxM(iris[, 1:4], iris[, "Species"]) res # summary method gives details summary(res) # visualize (what is done in the plot method) dets <- res$logDet ng <- length(res$logDet)-1 dotchart(dets, xlab = "log determinant") points(dets , 1:4, cex=c(rep(1.5, ng), 2.5), pch=c(rep(16, ng), 15), col= c(rep("blue", ng), "red")) # plot method gives confidence intervals for logDet plot(res, gplabel="Species") # formula method boxM( cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris) ### Skulls dat data(Skulls) # lm method skulls.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) boxM(skulls.mod)
data(iris) # default method res <- boxM(iris[, 1:4], iris[, "Species"]) res # summary method gives details summary(res) # visualize (what is done in the plot method) dets <- res$logDet ng <- length(res$logDet)-1 dotchart(dets, xlab = "log determinant") points(dets , 1:4, cex=c(rep(1.5, ng), 2.5), pch=c(rep(16, ng), 15), col= c(rep("blue", ng), "red")) # plot method gives confidence intervals for logDet plot(res, gplabel="Species") # formula method boxM( cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris) ### Skulls dat data(Skulls) # lm method skulls.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) boxM(skulls.mod)
Displays confidence ellipses for all parameters in an multivariate linear
model, for a given pair of variables. As such, it is a generalization of
coefplot(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' coefplot( object, variables = 1:2, parm = NULL, df = NULL, level = 0.95, intercept = FALSE, Scheffe = FALSE, bars = TRUE, fill = FALSE, fill.alpha = 0.2, labels = !add, label.pos = NULL, xlab, ylab, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, axes = TRUE, main = "", add = FALSE, lwd = 1, lty = 1, pch = 19, col = palette(), cex = 2, cex.label = 1.5, lty.zero = 3, col.zero = 1, pch.zero = "+", verbose = FALSE, ... )
coefplot(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' coefplot( object, variables = 1:2, parm = NULL, df = NULL, level = 0.95, intercept = FALSE, Scheffe = FALSE, bars = TRUE, fill = FALSE, fill.alpha = 0.2, labels = !add, label.pos = NULL, xlab, ylab, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, axes = TRUE, main = "", add = FALSE, lwd = 1, lty = 1, pch = 19, col = palette(), cex = 2, cex.label = 1.5, lty.zero = 3, col.zero = 1, pch.zero = "+", verbose = FALSE, ... )
object |
A multivariate linear model, such as fit by |
... |
Other parameters passed to methods |
variables |
Response variables to plot, given as their indices or names |
parm |
Parameters to plot, given as their indices or names |
df |
Degrees of freedom for hypothesis tests |
level |
Confidence level for the confidence ellipses |
intercept |
logical. Include the intercept? |
Scheffe |
If |
bars |
Draw univariate confidence intervals for each of the variables? |
fill |
a logical value or vector. |
fill.alpha |
Opacity of the confidence ellipses |
labels |
Labels for the confidence ellipses |
label.pos |
Positions of the labels for each ellipse. See
xlab , ylab
x, y axis labels |
xlim , ylim
Axis limits |
axes |
Draw axes? |
main |
Plot title |
add |
logical. Add to an existing plot? |
lwd |
Line widths |
lty |
Line types |
pch |
Point symbols for the parameter estimates |
col |
Colors for the confidence ellipses, points, lines |
cex |
Character size for points showing parameter estimates |
cex.label |
Character size for ellipse labels |
lty.zero , col.zero , pch.zero
Line type, color and point symbol for horizontal and vertical lines at 0, 0. |
verbose |
logical. Print parameter estimates and variance-covariance for each parameter? |
Returns invisibly a list of the coordinates of the ellipses drawn
Michael Friendly
rohwer.mlm <- lm(cbind(SAT,PPVT,Raven)~n+s+ns, data=Rohwer) coefplot(rohwer.mlm, lwd=2, main="Bivariate coefficient plot for SAT and PPVT", fill=TRUE) coefplot(rohwer.mlm, add=TRUE, Scheffe=TRUE, fill=TRUE) coefplot(rohwer.mlm, var=c(1,3)) mod1 <- lm(cbind(SAT,PPVT,Raven)~n+s+ns+na+ss, data=Rohwer) coefplot(mod1, lwd=2, fill=TRUE, parm=(1:5), main="Bivariate 68% coefficient plot for SAT and PPVT", level=0.68)
rohwer.mlm <- lm(cbind(SAT,PPVT,Raven)~n+s+ns, data=Rohwer) coefplot(rohwer.mlm, lwd=2, main="Bivariate coefficient plot for SAT and PPVT", fill=TRUE) coefplot(rohwer.mlm, add=TRUE, Scheffe=TRUE, fill=TRUE) coefplot(rohwer.mlm, var=c(1,3)) mod1 <- lm(cbind(SAT,PPVT,Raven)~n+s+ns+na+ss, data=Rohwer) coefplot(mod1, lwd=2, fill=TRUE, parm=(1:5), main="Bivariate 68% coefficient plot for SAT and PPVT", level=0.68)
calculates the column deviations of data values from a
central value (mean, median, etc.), possibly stratified by a grouping
colDevs(x, group, center = mean, group.var = FALSE, ...)
colDevs(x, group, center = mean, group.var = FALSE, ...)
x |
A numeric data frame or matrix. |
group |
A factor (or variable that can be coerced to a factor)
indicating the membership of each observation in |
center |
A function used to center the values (for each group if
group.var |
logical. If |
... |
Arguments passed down |
Conceptually, the function is similar to a column-wise
, by group, allowing an arbitrary center
Non-numeric columns of x
are removed, with a warning.
By default, it returns a numeric matrix containing the deviations from the centering
function. If levels==TRUE
, it returns a data.frame containing the group factor prepended to the
matrix of deviations.
Michael Friendly
for column means,
data(iris) Species <- iris$Species irisdev <- colDevs(iris[,1:4], Species, mean) irisdev <- colDevs(iris[,1:4], Species, median) # trimmed mean, using an anonymous function irisdev <- colDevs(iris[,1:4], Species, function(x) mean(x, trim=0.25)) # include the group factor in output irisdev <- colDevs(iris[,1:4], Species, group.var = "Species") head(irisdev) # no grouping variable: deviations from column grand means # include all variables (but suppress warning for this doc) irisdev <- suppressWarnings( colDevs(iris) ) # two-way design colDevs(Plastic[,1:3], Plastic[,"rate"]) colDevs(Plastic[,1:3], Plastic[,"additive"]) # cell deviations #' colDevs(Plastic[,1:3], interaction(Plastic[,c("rate", "additive")]))
data(iris) Species <- iris$Species irisdev <- colDevs(iris[,1:4], Species, mean) irisdev <- colDevs(iris[,1:4], Species, median) # trimmed mean, using an anonymous function irisdev <- colDevs(iris[,1:4], Species, function(x) mean(x, trim=0.25)) # include the group factor in output irisdev <- colDevs(iris[,1:4], Species, group.var = "Species") head(irisdev) # no grouping variable: deviations from column grand means # include all variables (but suppress warning for this doc) irisdev <- suppressWarnings( colDevs(iris) ) # two-way design colDevs(Plastic[,1:3], Plastic[,"rate"]) colDevs(Plastic[,1:3], Plastic[,"additive"]) # cell deviations #' colDevs(Plastic[,1:3], interaction(Plastic[,c("rate", "additive")]))
The function draws covariance ellipses for one or more groups and optionally
for the pooled total sample. It uses either the classical product-moment
covariance estimate, or a robust alternative, as provided by
. Provisions are provided to do this for more
than two variables, in a scatterplot matrix format.
These plot methods provide one way to visualize possible heterogeneity of within-group covariance matrices in a one-way MANOVA design. When covariance matrices are nearly equal, their covariance ellipses should all have the same shape. When centered at a common mean, they should also all overlap.
They can also be used to visualize the difference between classical and
robust covariance matrices by overlaying the two in a single plot (via add=TRUE
covEllipses(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' covEllipses( x, group, pooled = TRUE, method = c("classical", "mve", "mcd"), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' covEllipses( x, group, pooled = TRUE, method = c("classical", "mve", "mcd"), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'formula' covEllipses(x, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'boxM' covEllipses(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: covEllipses( x, means, df, labels = NULL, variables = 1:2, level = 0.68, segments = 60, center = FALSE, center.pch = "+", center.cex = 2, col = getOption("heplot.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "brown", "magenta", "darkgray")), lty = 1, lwd = 2, fill = FALSE, fill.alpha = 0.3, label.pos = 0, xlab, ylab, vlabels, var.cex = 2, main = "", xlim, ylim, axes = TRUE, offset.axes, add = FALSE, ... )
covEllipses(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' covEllipses( x, group, pooled = TRUE, method = c("classical", "mve", "mcd"), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' covEllipses( x, group, pooled = TRUE, method = c("classical", "mve", "mcd"), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'formula' covEllipses(x, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'boxM' covEllipses(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: covEllipses( x, means, df, labels = NULL, variables = 1:2, level = 0.68, segments = 60, center = FALSE, center.pch = "+", center.cex = 2, col = getOption("heplot.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "brown", "magenta", "darkgray")), lty = 1, lwd = 2, fill = FALSE, fill.alpha = 0.3, label.pos = 0, xlab, ylab, vlabels, var.cex = 2, main = "", xlim, ylim, axes = TRUE, offset.axes, add = FALSE, ... )
x |
The generic argument. For the default method, this is a list of
covariance matrices. For the |
... |
Other arguments passed to the default method for |
group |
a factor defining groups, or a vector of length
pooled |
Logical; if |
method |
the covariance method to be used: classical product-moment
( |
data |
For the |
means |
For the default method, a matrix of the means for all groups
(followed by the grand means, if |
df |
For the default method, a vector of the degrees of freedom for the covariance matrices |
labels |
Either a character vector of labels for the groups, or
variables |
indices or names of the response variables to be plotted;
defaults to |
level |
equivalent coverage of a data ellipse for normally-distributed
errors, defaults to |
segments |
number of line segments composing each ellipse; defaults to
center |
If |
center.pch |
character to use in plotting the centroid of the data;
defaults to |
center.cex |
size of character to use in plotting the centroid (means) of the
data; defaults to |
col |
a color or vector of colors to use in plotting ellipses—
recycled as necessary— see Details. A single color can be given, in which case it is used
for all ellipses. For convenience, the default colors for all plots
produced in a given session can be changed by assigning a color vector via
lty |
vector of line types to use for plotting the ellipses—
recycled as necessary— see Details. Defaults to |
lwd |
vector of line widths to use for plotting the ellipses—
recycled as necessary— see Details. Defaults to
fill |
A logical vector indicating whether each ellipse should be
filled or not— recycled as necessary— see Details. Defaults to |
fill.alpha |
Alpha transparency for filled ellipses, a numeric scalar
or vector of values within |
label.pos |
Label position, a vector of integers (in |
xlab |
x-axis label; defaults to name of the x variable. |
ylab |
y-axis label; defaults to name of the y variable. |
vlabels |
Labels for the variables can also be supplied through this
argument, which is more convenient when |
var.cex |
character size for variable labels in the pairs plot, when |
main |
main plot label; defaults to |
xlim |
x-axis limits; if absent, will be computed from the data. |
ylim |
y-axis limits; if absent, will be computed from the data. |
axes |
Whether to draw the x, y axes; defaults to |
offset.axes |
proportion to extend the axes in each direction if computed from the data; optional. |
add |
if |
The arguments labels
, lty
, lwd
, fill
, fill.alpha
and label.pos
are used to
draw the ellipses for the groups and also for the pooled, within-group covariance, which is the last in a list
when these are computed by the functions.
These arguments are each taken in the order specified, and recycled as necessary.
Nothing is returned. The function is used for its side-effect of producing a plot.
Michael Friendly
data(iris) # compare classical and robust covariance estimates covEllipses(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) covEllipses(iris[,1:4], iris$Species, fill=TRUE, method="mve", add=TRUE, labels="") # method for a boxM object x <- boxM(iris[, 1:4], iris[, "Species"]) x covEllipses(x, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE) ) covEllipses(x, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), center=TRUE, label.pos=1:4 ) # method for a list of covariance matrices cov <- c(x$cov, pooled=list(x$pooled)) df <- c(table(iris$Species)-1, nrow(iris)-3) covEllipses(cov, x$means, df, label.pos=3, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE)) covEllipses(cov, x$means, df, label.pos=3, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), center=TRUE) # scatterplot matrix version covEllipses(iris[,1:4], iris$Species, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), variables=1:4, fill.alpha=.1)
data(iris) # compare classical and robust covariance estimates covEllipses(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) covEllipses(iris[,1:4], iris$Species, fill=TRUE, method="mve", add=TRUE, labels="") # method for a boxM object x <- boxM(iris[, 1:4], iris[, "Species"]) x covEllipses(x, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE) ) covEllipses(x, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), center=TRUE, label.pos=1:4 ) # method for a list of covariance matrices cov <- c(x$cov, pooled=list(x$pooled)) df <- c(table(iris$Species)-1, nrow(iris)-3) covEllipses(cov, x$means, df, label.pos=3, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE)) covEllipses(cov, x$means, df, label.pos=3, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), center=TRUE) # scatterplot matrix version covEllipses(iris[,1:4], iris$Species, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), variables=1:4, fill.alpha=.1)
A chi square quantile-quantile plots show the relationship between
data-based values which should be distributed as and
corresponding quantiles from the
distribution. In multivariate
analyses, this is often used both to assess multivariate normality and check
for or identify outliers.
For a data frame of numeric variables or a matrix supplied as the argument x
it uses the Mahalanobis squared distances () of
from the centroid
taking the sample covariance matrix
into account,
The method for "mlm"
objects fit using lm
for a multivariate response
applies this to the residuals from the model.
cqplot(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' cqplot(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: cqplot( x, method = c("classical", "mcd", "mve"), detrend = FALSE, pch = 19, col = palette()[1], cex = par("cex"), ref.col = "red", ref.lwd = 2, conf = 0.95, env.col = "gray", env.lwd = 2, env.lty = 1, env.fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2, fill.color = trans.colors(ref.col, fill.alpha), labels = if (!is.null(rownames(x))) rownames(x) else 1:nrow(x), id.n, id.method = "r", id.cex = 1, id.col = palette()[1], xlab, ylab, main, what = deparse(substitute(x)), ylim, ... )
cqplot(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' cqplot(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: cqplot( x, method = c("classical", "mcd", "mve"), detrend = FALSE, pch = 19, col = palette()[1], cex = par("cex"), ref.col = "red", ref.lwd = 2, conf = 0.95, env.col = "gray", env.lwd = 2, env.lty = 1, env.fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2, fill.color = trans.colors(ref.col, fill.alpha), labels = if (!is.null(rownames(x))) rownames(x) else 1:nrow(x), id.n, id.method = "r", id.cex = 1, id.col = palette()[1], xlab, ylab, main, what = deparse(substitute(x)), ylim, ... )
x |
either a numeric data frame or matrix for the default method, or an
object of class |
... |
Other arguments passed to methods |
method |
estimation method used for center and covariance, one of:
detrend |
logical; if |
pch |
plot symbol for points. Can be a vector of length equal to the
number of rows in |
col |
color for points. Can be a vector of length equal to the
number of rows in |
cex |
character symbol size for points. Can be a vector of length
equal to the number of rows in |
ref.col |
Color for the reference line |
ref.lwd |
Line width for the reference line |
conf |
confidence coverage for the approximate confidence envelope |
env.col |
line color for the boundary of the confidence envelope |
env.lwd |
line width for the confidence envelope |
env.lty |
line type for the confidence envelope |
env.fill |
logical; should the confidence envelope be filled? |
fill.alpha |
transparency value for |
fill.color |
color used to fill the confidence envelope |
labels |
vector of text strings to be used to identify points, defaults
to |
id.n |
number of points labeled. If |
id.method |
point identification method. The default
id.cex |
size of text for point labels |
id.col |
color for point labels |
xlab |
label for horizontal (theoretical quantiles) axis |
ylab |
label for vertical (empirical quantiles) axis |
main |
plot title |
what |
the name of the object plotted; used in the construction of
ylim |
limits for vertical axis. If not specified, the range of the confidence envelope is used. |
is a more general version of similar functions in other
packages that produce chi square QQ plots. It allows for classical
Mahalanobis squared distances as well as robust estimates based on the MVE
and MCD; it provides an approximate confidence (concentration) envelope
around the line of unit slope, a detrended version, where the reference line
is horizontal, the ability to identify or label unusual points, and other
graphical features.
Cases with any missing values are excluded from the calculation and graph with a warning.
In the typical use of QQ plots, it essential to have something in the nature of a confidence band
around the points to be able to appreciate whether, and to what degree the observed data points
differ from the reference distribution. For cqplot
, this helps to assess whether the
data are reasonably distributed as multivariate normal and also to flag potential outliers.
The calculation of the confidence envelope here follows that used in the SAS program, http://www.datavis.ca/sasmac/cqplot.html which comes from Chambers et al. (1983), Section 6.8.
The essential formula computes the standard errors as:
where is the i-th
ordered value of
is an estimate of the slope of
the reference line obtained from the ratio of the interquartile range of the
values to that of the
distribution and
is the density of the chi square distribution at the quantile
The pointwise confidence envelope of coverage conf
= is then calculated as
Note that this confidence envelope applies only to the computed
using the classical estimates of location (
) and scatter (
). The
function provides for simulated envelopes, but only for
a univariate measure. Oldford (2016) provides a general theory and methods
for QQ plots.
Returns invisibly a data.frame containing squared Mahalanobis distances (DSQ
their quantile
s and p
corresponding to the rows of x
or the residuals of the model for the identified points,
else NULL
if no points are identified.
Michael Friendly
J. Chambers, W. S. Cleveland, B. Kleiner, P. A. Tukey (1983). Graphical methods for data analysis, Wadsworth.
R. W. Oldford (2016), "Self calibrating quantile-quantile plots", The American Statistician, 70, 74-90.
for calculation of Mahalanobis squared distance;
; qqPlot
can give a similar
result for Mahalanobis squared distances of data or residuals;
has many features for all types of QQ plots.
cqplot(iris[, 1:4]) iris.mod <- lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:4]) ~ Species, data=iris) out <- cqplot(iris.mod, id.n=3) # show return value out # compare with car::qqPlot car::qqPlot(Mahalanobis(iris[, 1:4]), dist="chisq", df=4) # Adopted data Adopted.mod <- lm(cbind(Age2IQ, Age4IQ, Age8IQ, Age13IQ) ~ AMED + BMIQ, data=Adopted) cqplot(Adopted.mod, id.n=3) cqplot(Adopted.mod, id.n=3, method="mve") # Sake data Sake.mod <- lm(cbind(taste, smell) ~ ., data=Sake) cqplot(Sake.mod) cqplot(Sake.mod, method="mve", id.n=2) # SocialCog data -- one extreme outlier data(SocialCog) SC.mlm <- lm(cbind(MgeEmotions,ToM, ExtBias, PersBias) ~ Dx, data=SocialCog) cqplot(SC.mlm, id.n=1) # data frame example: stackloss data data(stackloss) cqplot(stackloss[, 1:3], id.n=4) # very strange cqplot(stackloss[, 1:3], id.n=4, detrend=TRUE) cqplot(stackloss[, 1:3], id.n=4, method="mve") cqplot(stackloss[, 1:3], id.n=4, method="mcd")
cqplot(iris[, 1:4]) iris.mod <- lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:4]) ~ Species, data=iris) out <- cqplot(iris.mod, id.n=3) # show return value out # compare with car::qqPlot car::qqPlot(Mahalanobis(iris[, 1:4]), dist="chisq", df=4) # Adopted data Adopted.mod <- lm(cbind(Age2IQ, Age4IQ, Age8IQ, Age13IQ) ~ AMED + BMIQ, data=Adopted) cqplot(Adopted.mod, id.n=3) cqplot(Adopted.mod, id.n=3, method="mve") # Sake data Sake.mod <- lm(cbind(taste, smell) ~ ., data=Sake) cqplot(Sake.mod) cqplot(Sake.mod, method="mve", id.n=2) # SocialCog data -- one extreme outlier data(SocialCog) SC.mlm <- lm(cbind(MgeEmotions,ToM, ExtBias, PersBias) ~ Dx, data=SocialCog) cqplot(SC.mlm, id.n=1) # data frame example: stackloss data data(stackloss) cqplot(stackloss[, 1:3], id.n=4) # very strange cqplot(stackloss[, 1:3], id.n=4, detrend=TRUE) cqplot(stackloss[, 1:3], id.n=4, method="mve") cqplot(stackloss[, 1:3], id.n=4, method="mcd")
Draws a 3D cross or axis vectors in an rgl scene.
cross3d(centre = rep(0, 3), scale = rep(1, 3), ...)
cross3d(centre = rep(0, 3), scale = rep(1, 3), ...)
centre |
A scalar or vector of length 3, giving the centre of the 3D cross |
scale |
A scalar or vector of length 3, giving the lengths of the arms of the 3D cross |
... |
Other arguments, passed on to |
Used for its side-effect, but returns (invisibly) a 6 by 3 matrix containing the end-points of three axes, in pairs.
Michael Friendly
Find degrees of freedom for model terms
df.terms(model, term, ...) ## Default S3 method: df.terms(model, term, ...)
df.terms(model, term, ...) ## Default S3 method: df.terms(model, term, ...)
model |
A model object, such as fit using |
term |
One or more terms from the model |
... |
Other arguments, ignored |
Reaven and Miller (1979) examined the relationship among blood chemistry measures of glucose tolerance and insulin in 145 nonobese adults. They used the PRIM9 system at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center to visualize the data in 3D, and discovered a peculiar pattern that looked like a large blob with two wings in different directions.
A data frame with 145 observations on the following 6 variables.
relative weight, expressed as the ratio of actual weight to expected weight, given the person's height, a numeric vector
fasting plasma glucose level, a numeric vector
test plasma glucose level, a measure of glucose intolerance, a numeric vector
plasma insulin during test, a measure of insulin response to oral glucose, a numeric vector
steady state plasma glucose, a measure of insulin resistance, a numeric vector
diagnostic group, a factor with levels Normal
After further analysis, the subjects were classified as subclinical (chemical) diabetics, overt diabetics and normals. This study was influential in defining the stages of development of Type 2 diabetes. Overt diabetes is the most advanced stage, characterized by elevated fasting blood glucose concentration and classical symptoms. Preceding overt diabetes is the latent or chemical diabetic stage, with no symptoms of diabetes but demonstrable abnormality of oral or intravenous glucose tolerance.
was defined as the "area under the plasma glucose curve for
the three hour oral glucose tolerance test." Reaven & Miller refer to this
variable as "Glucose area".
was defined as the "area under the plasma insulin curve", and
is referred to in the paper as "Insulin area".
This study was influential in defining the stages of development of Type 2 diabetes. Overt diabetes is the most advanced stage, characterized by elevated fasting blood glucose concentration and classical symptoms. Preceding overt diabetes is the latent or chemical diabetic stage, with no symptoms of diabetes but demonstrable abnormality of oral or intravenous glucose tolerance.
Andrews, D. F. & Herzberg, A. M. (1985). Data: A Collection of Problems from Many Fields for the Student and Research Worker, Springer-Verlag, Ch. 36.
Friendly, M. (1991). SAS System for Statistical Graphics, Cary, NC: SAS Institute.
Reaven, G. M. and Miller, R. G. (1979). An attempt to define the nature of chemical diabetes using a multidimensional analysis. Diabetologia, 16, 17-24.
data(Diabetes) col <- c("blue", "red", "darkgreen")[Diabetes$group] pch <- c(16,15,17)[Diabetes$group] # a perplexing plot, similar to Fig 2, but with a loess smooth plot(instest ~ glutest, data=Diabetes, pch=16, cex.lab=1.25, xlab="Glucose area (glutest)", ylab="Insulin area (instest)") lines( loess.smooth(Diabetes$glutest, Diabetes$instest), col="blue", lwd=2) # scatterplot matrix, colored by group plot(Diabetes[,1:5], col=col, pch=pch) # covariance ellipses covEllipses(Diabetes[,2:5], Diabetes$group, fill=TRUE, pooled=FALSE, col=col) covEllipses(Diabetes[,2:5], Diabetes$group, fill=TRUE, pooled=FALSE, col=col, variables=1:4) # Box's M test diab.boxm <- boxM(Diabetes[,2:5], Diabetes$group) diab.boxm plot(diab.boxm) # heplots diab.mlm <- lm(cbind(glufast, glutest, instest, sspg) ~ group, data=Diabetes) heplot(diab.mlm) pairs(diab.mlm, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1)
data(Diabetes) col <- c("blue", "red", "darkgreen")[Diabetes$group] pch <- c(16,15,17)[Diabetes$group] # a perplexing plot, similar to Fig 2, but with a loess smooth plot(instest ~ glutest, data=Diabetes, pch=16, cex.lab=1.25, xlab="Glucose area (glutest)", ylab="Insulin area (instest)") lines( loess.smooth(Diabetes$glutest, Diabetes$instest), col="blue", lwd=2) # scatterplot matrix, colored by group plot(Diabetes[,1:5], col=col, pch=pch) # covariance ellipses covEllipses(Diabetes[,2:5], Diabetes$group, fill=TRUE, pooled=FALSE, col=col) covEllipses(Diabetes[,2:5], Diabetes$group, fill=TRUE, pooled=FALSE, col=col, variables=1:4) # Box's M test diab.boxm <- boxM(Diabetes[,2:5], Diabetes$group) diab.boxm plot(diab.boxm) # heplots diab.mlm <- lm(cbind(glufast, glutest, instest, sspg) ~ group, data=Diabetes) heplot(diab.mlm) pairs(diab.mlm, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1)
A tiny hypothetical dataset to illustrate one-way MANOVA.
A dogfood manufacturer wanted to study preference for different dogfood formulas, two of their own
("Old", "New") and two from other manufacturers ("Major", "Alps"). In a between-dog design, 4 dogs
were presented with a bowl of one formula
and the time to start
eating and amount
eaten were recorded.
A data frame with 16 observations on the following 3 variables.
factor, a factor with levels Old
, New
, Major
, Alps
numeric, time to start eating
numeric, amount eaten
In addition to testing the overall effects of formula
three useful (and orthogonal) contrasts can specified for this 3-df factor:
vs. Theirs
, with weights c(1, 1, -1, -1)
vs. Alps
, with weights c(0, 0, 1, -1)
vs. New
, with weights c(1, -1, 0, 0)
Because these are orthogonal contrasts, they fully decompose the main effect of formula
in that their sum of squares add to the overall sum of squares.
Used in my Psych 6140 lecture notes, http://friendly.apps01.yorku.ca/psy6140/
data(dogfood) library(car) library(candisc) # make some boxplots op <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) boxplot(start ~ formula, data = dogfood) points(start ~ formula, data = dogfood, pch=16, cex = 1.2) boxplot(amount ~ formula, data = dogfood) points(amount ~ formula, data = dogfood, pch=16, cex = 1.2) par(op) # setup contrasts to test interesting comparisons C <- matrix( c( 1, 1, -1, -1, #Ours vs. Theirs 0, 0, 1, -1, #Major vs. Alps 1, -1, 0, 0), #New vs. Old nrow=4, ncol=3) # assign these to the formula factor contrasts(dogfood$formula) <- C # re-fit the model dogfood.mod <- lm(cbind(start, amount) ~ formula, data=dogfood) dogfood.mod <- lm(cbind(start, amount) ~ formula, data=dogfood) Anova(dogfood.mod) # data ellipses covEllipses(cbind(start, amount) ~ formula, data=dogfood, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1) # test these contrasts with multivariate tests linearHypothesis(dogfood.mod, "formula1", title="Ours vs. Theirs") linearHypothesis(dogfood.mod, "formula2", title="Old vs. New") linearHypothesis(dogfood.mod, "formula3", title="Alps vs. Major") heplot(dogfood.mod, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1) # display contrasts in the heplot hyp <- list("Ours/Theirs" = "formula1", "Old/New" = "formula2") heplot(dogfood.mod, hypotheses = hyp, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1) dogfood.can <- candisc(dogfood.mod, data=dogfood) heplot(dogfood.can, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1, lwd = 2, var.lwd = 2, var.cex = 2)
data(dogfood) library(car) library(candisc) # make some boxplots op <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) boxplot(start ~ formula, data = dogfood) points(start ~ formula, data = dogfood, pch=16, cex = 1.2) boxplot(amount ~ formula, data = dogfood) points(amount ~ formula, data = dogfood, pch=16, cex = 1.2) par(op) # setup contrasts to test interesting comparisons C <- matrix( c( 1, 1, -1, -1, #Ours vs. Theirs 0, 0, 1, -1, #Major vs. Alps 1, -1, 0, 0), #New vs. Old nrow=4, ncol=3) # assign these to the formula factor contrasts(dogfood$formula) <- C # re-fit the model dogfood.mod <- lm(cbind(start, amount) ~ formula, data=dogfood) dogfood.mod <- lm(cbind(start, amount) ~ formula, data=dogfood) Anova(dogfood.mod) # data ellipses covEllipses(cbind(start, amount) ~ formula, data=dogfood, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1) # test these contrasts with multivariate tests linearHypothesis(dogfood.mod, "formula1", title="Ours vs. Theirs") linearHypothesis(dogfood.mod, "formula2", title="Old vs. New") linearHypothesis(dogfood.mod, "formula3", title="Alps vs. Major") heplot(dogfood.mod, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1) # display contrasts in the heplot hyp <- list("Ours/Theirs" = "formula1", "Old/New" = "formula2") heplot(dogfood.mod, hypotheses = hyp, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1) dogfood.can <- candisc(dogfood.mod, data=dogfood) heplot(dogfood.can, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1, lwd = 2, var.lwd = 2, var.cex = 2)
A function to draw the principal axes of a 2D ellipse from a correlation, covariance or sums of squares and cross products matrix in an existing plot.
ellipse.axes( x, centre = c(0, 0), center = centre, scale, which = 1:2, level = 0.95, radius = sqrt(qchisq(level, 2)), extend = 0, labels = TRUE, label.ends = c(2, 4), label.pos = c(2, 4, 1, 3), type = c("lines", "arrows"), ... )
ellipse.axes( x, centre = c(0, 0), center = centre, scale, which = 1:2, level = 0.95, radius = sqrt(qchisq(level, 2)), extend = 0, labels = TRUE, label.ends = c(2, 4), label.pos = c(2, 4, 1, 3), type = c("lines", "arrows"), ... )
x |
A square positive definite matrix at least |
centre , center
The center of the ellipse |
scale |
If x is a correlation matrix, then the standard deviations of
each parameter can be given in the scale parameter. This defaults to
which |
An integer vector to select which variables from the object |
level |
The coverage level of a simultaneous region of the ellipse. The default is 0.95, for a 95% region. This is used to control the size of the ellipse. |
radius |
The size of the ellipsoid may also be controlled by specifying the
value of a t-statistic on its boundary. This defaults to the square root of a chi-square statistic
for a given |
extend |
Fraction to extend the |
labels |
Either a logical value, a character string, or a character
vector of length 2. If |
label.ends |
A vector of indices in the range |
label.pos |
Positions of text labels relative to the ends of the axes used in |
type |
Character. Draw |
... |
Invisibly returns a 4 x 2 matrix containing the end points of the axes in pairs (min, max) by rows.
Michael Friendly
data(iris) cov <- cov(iris[,1:2]) mu <- colMeans(iris[,1:2]) radius <- sqrt(qchisq(0.68, 2)) plot(iris[,1:2], asp=1) car::ellipse(mu, cov, radius = radius) res <- ellipse.axes(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, labels = TRUE) res # try some options plot(iris[,1:2], asp=1) car::ellipse(mu, cov, radius = radius) abline(h=mu[2], v=mu[1], col = "grey") ellipse.axes(cov, centre=mu, level = 0.68, labels = "Dim", label.ends = 1:4, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "red", cex = 1.5) # draw arrows rather than lines plot(iris[,1:2], asp=1) car::ellipse(mu, cov, radius = radius) ellipse.axes(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, type = "arrows", extend = 0.2)
data(iris) cov <- cov(iris[,1:2]) mu <- colMeans(iris[,1:2]) radius <- sqrt(qchisq(0.68, 2)) plot(iris[,1:2], asp=1) car::ellipse(mu, cov, radius = radius) res <- ellipse.axes(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, labels = TRUE) res # try some options plot(iris[,1:2], asp=1) car::ellipse(mu, cov, radius = radius) abline(h=mu[2], v=mu[1], col = "grey") ellipse.axes(cov, centre=mu, level = 0.68, labels = "Dim", label.ends = 1:4, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "red", cex = 1.5) # draw arrows rather than lines plot(iris[,1:2], asp=1) car::ellipse(mu, cov, radius = radius) ellipse.axes(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, type = "arrows", extend = 0.2)
Draw Conjugate Axes and Parallelogram Surrounding a Covariance Ellipse
ellipse.box( x, center = c(0, 0), which = 1:2, level = 0.95, radius = sqrt(qchisq(level, 2)), factor = c("cholesky", "pca"), draw = c("box", "diameters", "both"), ... )
ellipse.box( x, center = c(0, 0), which = 1:2, level = 0.95, radius = sqrt(qchisq(level, 2)), factor = c("cholesky", "pca"), draw = c("box", "diameters", "both"), ... )
x |
A square positive definite matrix at least 2x2 in size. It will be treated as the correlation or covariance of a multivariate normal distribution. |
center |
The center of the ellipse |
which |
An integer vector to select which variables from the object |
level |
The coverage level of a simultaneous region of the ellipse. The default is 0.95, for a 95% region. This is used to control the size of the ellipse. |
radius |
The size of the ellipsoid may also be controlled by specifying the
value of a t-statistic on its boundary. This defaults to the square root of a chi-square statistic
for a given |
factor |
A function defining the conjugate axes used to transform the unit
circle into an ellipse. |
draw |
What to draw? |
... |
Other arguments passed to |
Invisibly returns a 2 column matrix containing the end points of lines.
data(iris) cov <- cov(iris[,3:4]) mu <- colMeans(iris[,3:4]) radius <- sqrt(qchisq(0.68, 2)) plot(iris[,3:4], asp=1) car::ellipse(mu, cov, radius = radius) ellipse.axes(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, labels = TRUE) ellipse.box(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, factor = "pca", col = "red", lwd = 2 ) res <- ellipse.box(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, factor = "chol", col = "green", lwd = 2 ) res
data(iris) cov <- cov(iris[,3:4]) mu <- colMeans(iris[,3:4]) radius <- sqrt(qchisq(0.68, 2)) plot(iris[,3:4], asp=1) car::ellipse(mu, cov, radius = radius) ellipse.axes(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, labels = TRUE) ellipse.box(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, factor = "pca", col = "red", lwd = 2 ) res <- ellipse.box(cov, center=mu, level = 0.68, factor = "chol", col = "green", lwd = 2 ) res
A function to draw the major axes of a 3D ellipsoid from a correlation, covariance or sums of squares and cross products matrix.
ellipse3d.axes( x, centre = c(0, 0, 0), center = centre, scale = c(1, 1, 1), level = 0.95, t = sqrt(qchisq(level, 3)), which = 1:3, labels = TRUE, label.ends = c(2, 4, 6), ... )
ellipse3d.axes( x, centre = c(0, 0, 0), center = centre, scale = c(1, 1, 1), level = 0.95, t = sqrt(qchisq(level, 3)), which = 1:3, labels = TRUE, label.ends = c(2, 4, 6), ... )
x |
A square positive definite matrix at least 3x3 in size. It will be treated as the correlation or covariance of a multivariate normal distribution. |
centre , center
The center of the ellipse |
scale |
If x is a correlation matrix, then the standard deviations of
each parameter can be given in the scale parameter. This defaults to
level |
The coverage level of a simultaneous region. The default is 0.95, for a 95% region. This is used to control the size of the ellipsoid. |
t |
The size of the ellipsoid may also be controlled by specifying the
value of a t-statistic on its boundary, which defaults to the square root of a chi-square statistic
for a given |
which |
An integer vector to select which variables from the object will be plotted. The default is the first 3. |
labels |
Either a logical value, a character string, or a character
vector of length 3. If |
label.ends |
A vector of length 3 indicating which ends of the axes
should be labeled, corresponding to a selection of rows of the 6 x 3 matrix
of axes end points. Default: |
... |
Other arguments passed to |
Returns a 6 x 3 matrix containing the end points of the three axis lines in pairs by rows.
Michael Friendly
data(iris) iris3 <- iris[,1:3] cov <- cov(iris3) mu <- colMeans(iris3) col <-c("blue", "green", "red")[iris$Species] library(rgl) plot3d(iris3, type="s", size=0.4, col=col, cex=2, box=FALSE, aspect="iso") plot3d( ellipse3d(cov, centre=mu, level=0.68), col="gray", alpha=0.2, add = TRUE) axes <- ellipse3d.axes(cov, centre=mu, level=0.68, color="gray", lwd=2)
data(iris) iris3 <- iris[,1:3] cov <- cov(iris3) mu <- colMeans(iris3) col <-c("blue", "green", "red")[iris$Species] library(rgl) plot3d(iris3, type="s", size=0.4, col=col, cex=2, box=FALSE, aspect="iso") plot3d( ellipse3d(cov, centre=mu, level=0.68), col="gray", alpha=0.2, add = TRUE) axes <- ellipse3d.axes(cov, centre=mu, level=0.68, color="gray", lwd=2)
This is an experimental function designed to separate internal code in link{heplot3d}
Ellipsoid(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' Ellipsoid(x, which = 1:3, method = c("classical", "mve", "mcd"), ...) ## Default S3 method: Ellipsoid( x, center = c(0, 0, 0), which = 1:3, radius = 1, df = Inf, label = "", cex.label = 1.5, col = "pink", lwd = 1, segments = 40, shade = TRUE, alpha = 0.1, wire = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, warn.rank = FALSE, ... )
Ellipsoid(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' Ellipsoid(x, which = 1:3, method = c("classical", "mve", "mcd"), ...) ## Default S3 method: Ellipsoid( x, center = c(0, 0, 0), which = 1:3, radius = 1, df = Inf, label = "", cex.label = 1.5, col = "pink", lwd = 1, segments = 40, shade = TRUE, alpha = 0.1, wire = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, warn.rank = FALSE, ... )
x |
An object. In the default method the parameter x should be a square positive definite matrix at least 3x3 in size. It will be treated as the correlation or covariance of a multivariate normal
distribution. For the |
... |
Other arguments |
which |
This parameter selects which variables from the object will be plotted. The default is the first 3. |
method |
the covariance method to be used: classical product-moment ( |
center |
center of the ellipsoid, a vector of length 3, typically the mean vector of data |
radius |
size of the ellipsoid |
df |
degrees of freedom associated with the covariance matrix, used to calculate the appropriate F statistic |
label |
label for the ellipsoid |
cex.label |
text size of label |
col |
color of the ellipsoid |
lwd |
line with for the wire-frame version |
segments |
number of segments composing each ellipsoid; defaults to |
shade |
logical; should the ellipsoid be smoothly shaded? |
alpha |
transparency of the shaded ellipsoid |
wire |
logical; should the ellipsoid be drawn as a wire frame? |
verbose |
logical; for debugging |
warn.rank |
logical; warn if the ellipsoid is less than rank 3? |
returns the bounding box of the ellipsoid invisibly; otherwise used for it's side effect of drawing the ellipsoid
# none yet
# none yet
Calculates partial eta-squared for linear models or multivariate analogs of eta-squared (or R^2), indicating the partial association for each term in a multivariate linear model. There is a different analog for each of the four standard multivariate test statistics: Pillai's trace, Hotelling-Lawley trace, Wilks' Lambda and Roy's maximum root test.
etasq(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' etasq(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'Anova.mlm' etasq(x, anova = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' etasq(x, anova = FALSE, partial = TRUE, ...)
etasq(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' etasq(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'Anova.mlm' etasq(x, anova = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' etasq(x, anova = FALSE, partial = TRUE, ...)
x |
A |
... |
Other arguments passed down to |
anova |
A logical, indicating whether the result should also contain
the test statistics produced by |
partial |
A logical, indicating whether to calculate partial or classical eta^2. |
For univariate linear models, classical
= SSH / SST and partial
= SSH / (SSH + SSE). These are identical in one-way designs.
Partial eta-squared describes the proportion of total variation attributable to a given factor, partialling out (excluding) other factors from the total nonerror variation. These are commonly used as measures of effect size or measures of (non-linear) strength of association in ANOVA models.
All multivariate tests are based on the latent roots of
. The analogous multivariate partial
measures are
calculated as:
When anova=FALSE
, a one-column data frame containing the
eta-squared values for each term in the model.
When anova=TRUE
, a 5-column (lm) or 7-column (mlm) data frame
containing the eta-squared values and the test statistics produced by
for each term in the model.
Michael Friendly
Muller, K. E. and Peterson, B. L. (1984). Practical methods for computing power in testing the Multivariate General Linear Hypothesis Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2, 143-158.
Muller, K. E. and LaVange, L. M. and Ramey, S. L. and Ramey, C. T. (1992). Power Calculations for General Linear Multivariate Models Including Repeated Measures Applications. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 1209-1226.
library(car) data(Soils, package="carData") soils.mod <- lm(cbind(pH,N,Dens,P,Ca,Mg,K,Na,Conduc) ~ Block + Contour*Depth, data=Soils) #Anova(soils.mod) etasq(Anova(soils.mod)) etasq(soils.mod) # same etasq(Anova(soils.mod), anova=TRUE) etasq(soils.mod, test="Wilks") etasq(soils.mod, test="Hotelling")
library(car) data(Soils, package="carData") soils.mod <- lm(cbind(pH,N,Dens,P,Ca,Mg,K,Na,Conduc) ~ Block + Contour*Depth, data=Soils) #Anova(soils.mod) etasq(Anova(soils.mod)) etasq(soils.mod) # same etasq(Anova(soils.mod), anova=TRUE) etasq(soils.mod, test="Wilks") etasq(soils.mod, test="Hotelling")
Data collected as part of a preliminary study examining the relation between football helmet design and neck injuries. There are 30 subjects in each of three groups: High school football players, college players and non-football players.
A data frame with 90 observations on the following 7 variables.
a factor with levels High school
a numeric vector: head width at widest dimension
a numeric vector: head circumference
a numeric vector: front to back distance at eye level
a numeric vector: eye to top of head
a numeric vector:ear to top of head
a numeric vector: jaw width
Rencher, A. C. (1995), Methods of Multivariate Analysis, New York: Wiley, Table 8.3.
data(FootHead) str(FootHead) require(car) # use Helmert contrasts for group contrasts(FootHead$group) <- contr.helmert contrasts(FootHead$group) foot.mod <- lm(cbind(width, circum,front.back,eye.top,ear.top,jaw) ~ group, data=FootHead) Manova(foot.mod) # show the HE plot for the first two variables heplot(foot.mod, main="HE plot for width and circumference", fill=TRUE, col=c("red", "blue")) # show it with tests of Helmert contrasts heplot(foot.mod, hypotheses=list("group.1"="group1","group.2"="group2"), col=c("red", "blue", "green3", "green3" ), main="HE plot with orthogonal Helmert contrasts") # show all pairwise HE plots pairs(foot.mod) # ... with tests of Helmert contrasts pairs(foot.mod, hypotheses=list("group.1"="group1","group.2"="group2"), col=c("red", "blue", "green3", "green3"), hyp.labels=FALSE) # see that the hypothesis for groups really is 2D if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ heplot3d(foot.mod, variables=c(1,2,6), hypotheses=list("group.1"="group1","group.2"="group2"), col=c("red", "blue", "green3", "green3" ), wire=FALSE) }
data(FootHead) str(FootHead) require(car) # use Helmert contrasts for group contrasts(FootHead$group) <- contr.helmert contrasts(FootHead$group) foot.mod <- lm(cbind(width, circum,front.back,eye.top,ear.top,jaw) ~ group, data=FootHead) Manova(foot.mod) # show the HE plot for the first two variables heplot(foot.mod, main="HE plot for width and circumference", fill=TRUE, col=c("red", "blue")) # show it with tests of Helmert contrasts heplot(foot.mod, hypotheses=list("group.1"="group1","group.2"="group2"), col=c("red", "blue", "green3", "green3" ), main="HE plot with orthogonal Helmert contrasts") # show all pairwise HE plots pairs(foot.mod) # ... with tests of Helmert contrasts pairs(foot.mod, hypotheses=list("group.1"="group1","group.2"="group2"), col=c("red", "blue", "green3", "green3"), hyp.labels=FALSE) # see that the hypothesis for groups really is 2D if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ heplot3d(foot.mod, variables=c(1,2,6), hypotheses=list("group.1"="group1","group.2"="group2"), col=c("red", "blue", "green3", "green3" ), wire=FALSE) }
This function takes an "mlm" object, fit by lm
with a multivariate response.
The goal is to return something analogous to glance.lm
for a univariate response linear model.
## S3 method for class 'mlm' glance(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mlm' glance(x, ...)
x |
An |
... |
Additional arguments. Not used. |
In the multivariate case, it returns a tibble
with one row for each
response variable, containing goodness of fit measures, F-tests and p-values.
A tibble
with one row for each response variable and the columns:
R squared statistic, or the percent of variation explained by the model.
Estimated standard error of the residuals
Overall F statistic for the model
Numerator degrees of freedom for the overall test
Denominator degrees of freedom for the overall test
P-value corresponding to the F statistic
Number of observations used
iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris) glance(iris.mod)
iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris) glance(iris.mod)
uses sequential, orthogonal projections, as in the
Gram-Schmidt method, to transform a matrix or numeric columns of a data
frame into an uncorrelated set, possibly retaining the same column means and
standard deviations as the original.
gsorth(y, order, recenter = TRUE, rescale = TRUE, adjnames = TRUE)
gsorth(y, order, recenter = TRUE, rescale = TRUE, adjnames = TRUE)
y |
A numeric data frame or matrix |
order |
An integer vector specifying the order of and/or a subset of
the columns of |
recenter |
If |
rescale |
If |
adjnames |
If |
In statistical applications, interpretation depends on the order
the variables orthogonalized. In multivariate linear models, orthogonalizing
the response, Y variables provides the equivalent of step-down tests, where
Y1 is tested alone, and then Y2.1, Y3.12, etc. can be tested to determine
their additional contributions over the previous response variables.
Similarly, orthogonalizing the model X variables provides the equivalent of
Type I tests, such as provided by anova
The method is equivalent to setting each of columns 2:p
to the
residuals from a linear regression of that column on all prior columns,
z[,j] <- resid( lm( z[,j] ~ as.matrix(z[,1:(j-1)]), data=z) )
However, for accuracy and speed the transformation is carried out using the QR decomposition.
Returns a matrix or data frame with uncorrelated columns. Row and column names are copied to the result.
Michael Friendly
GSiris <- gsorth(iris[,1:4]) GSiris <- gsorth(iris, order=1:4) # same, using order str(GSiris) zapsmall(cor(GSiris)) colMeans(GSiris) # sd(GSiris) -- sd(<matrix>) now deprecated apply(GSiris, 2, sd) # orthogonalize Y side GSiris <- data.frame(gsorth(iris[,1:4]), Species=iris$Species) iris.mod1 <- lm(as.matrix(GSiris[,1:4]) ~ Species, data=GSiris) car::Anova(iris.mod1) # orthogonalize X side rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer) car::Anova(rohwer.mod) # type I tests for Rohwer data Rohwer.orth <- cbind(Rohwer[,1:5], gsorth(Rohwer[, c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")], adjnames=FALSE)) rohwer.mod1 <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer.orth) car::Anova(rohwer.mod1) # compare with anova() anova(rohwer.mod1) # compare heplots for original Xs and orthogonalized, Type I heplot(rohwer.mod) heplot(rohwer.mod1)
GSiris <- gsorth(iris[,1:4]) GSiris <- gsorth(iris, order=1:4) # same, using order str(GSiris) zapsmall(cor(GSiris)) colMeans(GSiris) # sd(GSiris) -- sd(<matrix>) now deprecated apply(GSiris, 2, sd) # orthogonalize Y side GSiris <- data.frame(gsorth(iris[,1:4]), Species=iris$Species) iris.mod1 <- lm(as.matrix(GSiris[,1:4]) ~ Species, data=GSiris) car::Anova(iris.mod1) # orthogonalize X side rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer) car::Anova(rohwer.mod) # type I tests for Rohwer data Rohwer.orth <- cbind(Rohwer[,1:5], gsorth(Rohwer[, c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")], adjnames=FALSE)) rohwer.mod1 <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer.orth) car::Anova(rohwer.mod1) # compare with anova() anova(rohwer.mod1) # compare heplots for original Xs and orthogonalized, Type I heplot(rohwer.mod) heplot(rohwer.mod1)
A study was conducted investigating the effectiveness of different kinds of psychological treatment on the sensitivity of headache sufferers to noise, described in Hand and Taylor (1987), Study E.
A data frame with 98 observations on the following 6 variables.
Type of headache, a factor with levels Migrane
Treatment group, a factor with levels T1
. See Details
Noise level rated as Uncomfortable, initial measure
Noise level rated as Definitely Uncomfortable, initial measure
Noise level rated as Uncomfortable, final measure
Noise level rated as Definitely Uncomfortable, final measure
In a pre-post design, 98 patients were first assessed for the volume of noise which they found uncomfortable (U) and definitely uncomfortable (DU). They were then given relaxation training, where they listened to the noise at the DU level and given instruction breathing techniques and the use of visual imagery to distract them from discomfort. One of four treatments was then applied, and all patients were reassessed for the noise volume they considered uncomfortable (U) and definitely uncomfortable (DU).
The treatments are described as follows:
Listened again to the tone at their initial DU level, for the same amount of time they were able to tolerate it before.
Same as T1, with one additional minute exposure
Same as T2, but were explicitly instructed to use the relaxation techniques
These subject experienced no further exposure to the noise tone until the final sensitivity measures were taken
Hand and Taylor described several substantive hypotheses related to the
differences among treatments. In the Headache
data frame, these have
been included as contrasts(Headache$treatment)
D. J. Hand and C. C. Taylor (1987). Multivariate analysis of variance and repeated measures: a practical approach for behavioural scientists London: Chapman and Hall. ISBN: 0412258005. Table E.1.
library(car) data(Headache) str(Headache) # basic MLM, specifying between-S effects headache.mod <- lm(cbind(u1, du1, u2, du2) ~ type * treatment, data=Headache) ############################## ## between-S tests ############################## Anova(headache.mod, test="Roy") # test each contrast separately print(linearHypothesis(headache.mod, hypothesis="treatment1", test="Roy"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(headache.mod, hypothesis="treatment2", test="Roy"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(headache.mod, hypothesis="treatment3", test="Roy"), SSP=FALSE) heplot(headache.mod, variables=c(1,3), hypotheses=paste("treatment", 1:3, sep=""), hyp.labels=c("extra.exp", "no.inst", "explicit.inst"), xlab="u1: Initial sensitivity", ylab="u2: Final sensitivity", main="Headache data: Unpleasant levels") abline(0, 1, lty=5, col="gray") heplot(headache.mod, variables=c(2,4), hypotheses=paste("treatment", 1:3, sep=""), xlab="du1: Initial sensitivity", ylab="du2: Final sensitivity", main="Headache data: Definitely Unpleasant levels") abline(0, 1, lty=5, col="gray") pairs(headache.mod) ############################## # between-S and within-S tests ############################## idata = expand.grid(level=factor(c("U", "DU")), phase=factor(1:2)) Anova(headache.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~level*phase)
library(car) data(Headache) str(Headache) # basic MLM, specifying between-S effects headache.mod <- lm(cbind(u1, du1, u2, du2) ~ type * treatment, data=Headache) ############################## ## between-S tests ############################## Anova(headache.mod, test="Roy") # test each contrast separately print(linearHypothesis(headache.mod, hypothesis="treatment1", test="Roy"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(headache.mod, hypothesis="treatment2", test="Roy"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(headache.mod, hypothesis="treatment3", test="Roy"), SSP=FALSE) heplot(headache.mod, variables=c(1,3), hypotheses=paste("treatment", 1:3, sep=""), hyp.labels=c("extra.exp", "no.inst", "explicit.inst"), xlab="u1: Initial sensitivity", ylab="u2: Final sensitivity", main="Headache data: Unpleasant levels") abline(0, 1, lty=5, col="gray") heplot(headache.mod, variables=c(2,4), hypotheses=paste("treatment", 1:3, sep=""), xlab="du1: Initial sensitivity", ylab="du2: Final sensitivity", main="Headache data: Definitely Unpleasant levels") abline(0, 1, lty=5, col="gray") pairs(headache.mod) ############################## # between-S and within-S tests ############################## idata = expand.grid(level=factor(c("U", "DU")), phase=factor(1:2)) Anova(headache.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~level*phase)
This function plots ellipses representing the hypothesis and error sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for terms and linear hypotheses in a multivariate linear model. These include MANOVA models (all explanatory variables are factors), multivariate regression (all quantitative predictors), MANCOVA models, homogeneity of regression, as well as repeated measures designs treated from a multivariate perspective.
heplot(mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' heplot( mod, terms, hypotheses, term.labels = TRUE, hyp.labels = TRUE, err.label = "Error", label.pos = NULL, variables = 1:2, error.ellipse = !add, factor.means = !add, grand.mean = !add, remove.intercept = TRUE, type = c("II", "III", "2", "3"), idata = NULL, idesign = NULL, icontrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), imatrix = NULL, iterm = NULL, markH0 = !is.null(iterm), manova, size = c("evidence", "effect.size", "significance"), level = 0.68, alpha = 0.05, segments = 60, center.pch = "+", center.cex = 2, col = getOption("heplot.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "magenta", "brown", "darkgray")), lty = 2:1, lwd = 1:2, fill = FALSE, fill.alpha = 0.3, xlab, ylab, main = "", xlim, ylim, axes = TRUE, offset.axes, add = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, warn.rank = FALSE, ... )
heplot(mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' heplot( mod, terms, hypotheses, term.labels = TRUE, hyp.labels = TRUE, err.label = "Error", label.pos = NULL, variables = 1:2, error.ellipse = !add, factor.means = !add, grand.mean = !add, remove.intercept = TRUE, type = c("II", "III", "2", "3"), idata = NULL, idesign = NULL, icontrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), imatrix = NULL, iterm = NULL, markH0 = !is.null(iterm), manova, size = c("evidence", "effect.size", "significance"), level = 0.68, alpha = 0.05, segments = 60, center.pch = "+", center.cex = 2, col = getOption("heplot.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "magenta", "brown", "darkgray")), lty = 2:1, lwd = 1:2, fill = FALSE, fill.alpha = 0.3, xlab, ylab, main = "", xlim, ylim, axes = TRUE, offset.axes, add = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, warn.rank = FALSE, ... )
mod |
a model object of class |
... |
arguments to pass down to |
terms |
a logical value or character vector of terms in the model for
which to plot hypothesis matrices; if missing or |
hypotheses |
optional list of linear hypotheses for which to plot
hypothesis matrices; hypotheses are specified as for the
term.labels |
logical value or character vector of names for the terms
to be plotted. If |
hyp.labels |
logical value or character vector of names for the
hypotheses to be plotted. If |
err.label |
Label for the error ellipse |
label.pos |
Label position, a vector of integers (in |
variables |
indices or names of the two response variables to be
plotted; defaults to |
error.ellipse |
if |
factor.means |
logical value or character vector of names of factors
for which the means are to be plotted, or |
grand.mean |
if |
remove.intercept |
if |
type |
“type” of sum-of-squares-and-products matrices to compute; one
of |
idata |
an optional data frame giving a factor or factors defining the
intra-subject model for multivariate repeated-measures data. See Friendly
(2010) and Details of |
idesign |
a one-sided model formula using the “data” in idata and specifying the intra-subject design for repeated measure models. |
icontrasts |
names of contrast-generating functions to be applied by default to factors and ordered factors, respectively, in the within-subject “data”; the contrasts must produce an intra-subject model matrix in which different terms are orthogonal. The default is c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"). |
imatrix |
In lieu of |
iterm |
For repeated measures designs, you must specify one
intra-subject term (a character string) to select the SSPE (E) matrix used
in the HE plot. Hypothesis terms plotted include the |
markH0 |
A logical value (or else a list of arguments to
manova |
optional |
size |
how to scale the hypothesis ellipse relative to the error
ellipse; if |
level |
equivalent coverage of ellipse (assuming normally-distributed errors).
This defaults to |
alpha |
significance level for Roy's greatest-root test statistic; if
segments |
number of line segments composing each ellipse; defaults to |
center.pch |
character to use in plotting the centroid of the data;
defaults to |
center.cex |
size of character to use in plotting the centroid of the data; defaults to |
col |
a color or vector of colors to use in plotting ellipses; the
first color is used for the error ellipse; the remaining colors — recycled
as necessary — are used for the hypothesis ellipses. A single color can
be given, in which case it is used for all ellipses. For convenience, the
default colors for all heplots produced in a given session can be changed by
assigning a color vector via |
lty |
vector of line types to use for plotting the ellipses; the first
is used for the error ellipse, the rest — possibly recycled — for the
hypothesis ellipses; a single line type can be given. Defaults to |
lwd |
vector of line widths to use for plotting the ellipses; the first
is used for the error ellipse, the rest — possibly recycled — for the
hypothesis ellipses; a single line width can be given. Defaults to
fill |
A logical vector indicating whether each ellipse should be filled or not. The first value is used for the error ellipse, the rest — possibly recycled — for the hypothesis ellipses; a single fill value can be given. Defaults to FALSE for backward compatibility. See Details below. |
fill.alpha |
Alpha transparency for filled ellipses, a numeric scalar
or vector of values within |
xlab |
x-axis label; defaults to name of the x variable. |
ylab |
y-axis label; defaults to name of the y variable. |
main |
main plot label; defaults to |
xlim |
x-axis limits; if absent, will be computed from the data. |
ylim |
y-axis limits; if absent, will be computed from the data. |
axes |
Whether to draw the x, y axes; defaults to |
offset.axes |
proportion to extend the axes in each direction if computed from the data; optional. |
add |
if |
verbose |
if |
warn.rank |
if |
The heplot
function plots a representation of the covariance ellipses
for hypothesized model terms and linear hypotheses (H) and the corresponding
error (E) matrices for two response variables in a multivariate linear model
The plot helps to visualize the nature and dimensionality response variation
on the two variables jointly in relation to error variation that is
summarized in the various multivariate test statistics (Wilks' Lambda,
Pillai trace, Hotelling-Lawley trace, Roy maximum root). Roy's maximum root
test has a particularly simple visual interpretation, exploited in the
version of the plot. See the description of argument
For a 1 df hypothesis term (a quantitative regressor, a single contrast or
parameter test), the H matrix has rank 1 (one non-zero latent root of ) and the H "ellipse" collapses to a degenerate line.
Typically, you fit a mlm with mymlm <- lm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, ...) ~
, and plot some or all of the modelterms
heplot(mymlm, ...)
. Arbitrary linear hypotheses related to the terms
in the model (e.g., contrasts of an effect) can be included in the plot
using the hypotheses
argument. See
for details.
For repeated measure designs, where the response variables correspond to one
or more variates observed under a within-subject design, between-subject
effects and within-subject effects must be plotted separately, because the
error terms (E matrices) differ. When you specify an intra-subject term
), the analysis and HE plots amount to analysis of the matrix
Y of responses post-multiplied by a matrix M determined by the
intra-subject design for that term. See Friendly (2010) or the
in this package for an extended discussion and
The related candisc
package provides functions for
visualizing a multivariate linear model in a low-dimensional view via a
generalized canonical discriminant analyses.
provide a low-rank 2D (or 3D) view
of the effects for a given term in the space of maximum discrimination.
When an element of fill
, the ellipse outline is drawn
using the corresponding color in col
, and the interior is filled with
a transparent version of this color specified in fill.alpha
. To
produce filled (non-degenerate) ellipses without the bounding outline, use a
value of lty=0
in the corresponding position.
The function invisibly returns an object of class "heplot"
with coordinates for the various hypothesis ellipses and the error ellipse,
and the limits of the horizontal and vertical axes. These may be useful for
adding additional annotations to the plot, using standard plotting
functions. (No methods for manipulating these objects are currently
The components are:
a list containing the coordinates of each ellipse for the hypothesis terms
a matrix containing the coordinates for the error ellipse
x,y coordinates of the centroid
x-axis limits
y-axis limits
the radius for the unit circles used to generate the ellipses
Friendly, M. (2006). Data Ellipses, HE Plots and Reduced-Rank Displays for Multivariate Linear Models: SAS Software and Examples Journal of Statistical Software, 17(6), 1–42. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v17/i06/, DOI: 10.18637/jss.v017.i06
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421–444. http://datavis.ca/papers/jcgs-heplots.pdf
Friendly, Michael (2010). HE Plots for Repeated Measures Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 37(4), 1-40. DOI: 10.18637/jss.v037.i04.
Fox, J., Friendly, M. & Weisberg, S. (2013). Hypothesis Tests for Multivariate Linear Models Using the car Package. The R Journal, 5(1), https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2013-1/fox-friendly-weisberg.pdf.
Friendly, M. & Sigal, M. (2014) Recent Advances in Visualizing Multivariate Linear Models. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica, 37, 261-283.
, linearHypothesis
details on testing MLMs.
, heplot3d
, pairs.mlm
for other HE plot functions.
for plotting confidence ellipses for parameters
in MLMs.
for calculation of transparent colors.
for labeling positions in plotting H and E
, heplot.candisc
reduced-rank views of mlm
s in canonical space.
## iris data contrasts(iris$Species) <- matrix(c(0,-1,1, 2, -1, -1), 3,2) contrasts(iris$Species) iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris) hyp <- list("V:V"="Species1","S:VV"="Species2") heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp) # compare with effect-size scaling heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, size="effect", add=TRUE) # try filled ellipses; include contrasts heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.2, col=c("red", "blue")) heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, fill=TRUE, col=c("red", "blue"), lty=c(0,0,1,1)) # vary label position and fill.alpha heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=c(0.3,0.1), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=c(0,0,1,1), label.pos=0:3) # what is returned? hep <-heplot(iris.mod, variables=c(1,3), hypotheses=hyp) str(hep) # all pairs pairs(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, hyp.labels=FALSE) ## Pottery data, from car package data(Pottery, package = "carData") pottery.mod <- lm(cbind(Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na) ~ Site, data=Pottery) heplot(pottery.mod) heplot(pottery.mod, terms=FALSE, add=TRUE, col="blue", hypotheses=list(c("SiteCaldicot = 0", "SiteIsleThorns=0")), hyp.labels="Sites Caldicot and Isle Thorns") ## Rohwer data, multivariate multiple regression/ANCOVA #-- ANCOVA, assuming equal slopes rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ SES + n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer) car::Anova(rohwer.mod) col <- c("red", "black", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "brown", "gray") heplot(rohwer.mod, col=col) # Add ellipse to test all 5 regressors heplot(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")), col=col, fill=TRUE) # View all pairs pairs(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss"))) # or 3D plot if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ col <- c("pink", "black", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "brown", "gray") heplot3d(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")), col=col) }
## iris data contrasts(iris$Species) <- matrix(c(0,-1,1, 2, -1, -1), 3,2) contrasts(iris$Species) iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris) hyp <- list("V:V"="Species1","S:VV"="Species2") heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp) # compare with effect-size scaling heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, size="effect", add=TRUE) # try filled ellipses; include contrasts heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.2, col=c("red", "blue")) heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, fill=TRUE, col=c("red", "blue"), lty=c(0,0,1,1)) # vary label position and fill.alpha heplot(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=c(0.3,0.1), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=c(0,0,1,1), label.pos=0:3) # what is returned? hep <-heplot(iris.mod, variables=c(1,3), hypotheses=hyp) str(hep) # all pairs pairs(iris.mod, hypotheses=hyp, hyp.labels=FALSE) ## Pottery data, from car package data(Pottery, package = "carData") pottery.mod <- lm(cbind(Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na) ~ Site, data=Pottery) heplot(pottery.mod) heplot(pottery.mod, terms=FALSE, add=TRUE, col="blue", hypotheses=list(c("SiteCaldicot = 0", "SiteIsleThorns=0")), hyp.labels="Sites Caldicot and Isle Thorns") ## Rohwer data, multivariate multiple regression/ANCOVA #-- ANCOVA, assuming equal slopes rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ SES + n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer) car::Anova(rohwer.mod) col <- c("red", "black", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "brown", "gray") heplot(rohwer.mod, col=col) # Add ellipse to test all 5 regressors heplot(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")), col=col, fill=TRUE) # View all pairs pairs(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss"))) # or 3D plot if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ col <- c("pink", "black", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "brown", "gray") heplot3d(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")), col=col) }
This function plots a 1-dimensional representation of the hypothesis (H) and error (E) sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for terms and linear hypotheses in a multivariate linear model.
heplot1d(mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' heplot1d( mod, terms, hypotheses, term.labels = TRUE, hyp.labels = TRUE, variables = 1, error.ellipse = !add, factor.means = !add, grand.mean = !add, remove.intercept = TRUE, type = c("II", "III", "2", "3"), idata = NULL, idesign = NULL, icontrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), imatrix = NULL, iterm = NULL, manova, size = c("evidence", "effect.size", "significance"), level = 0.68, alpha = 0.05, center.pch = "|", col = getOption("heplot.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "magenta", "brown", "darkgray")), lty = 2:1, lwd = 1:2, xlab, main = "", xlim, axes = TRUE, offset.axes = 0.1, add = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
heplot1d(mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' heplot1d( mod, terms, hypotheses, term.labels = TRUE, hyp.labels = TRUE, variables = 1, error.ellipse = !add, factor.means = !add, grand.mean = !add, remove.intercept = TRUE, type = c("II", "III", "2", "3"), idata = NULL, idesign = NULL, icontrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), imatrix = NULL, iterm = NULL, manova, size = c("evidence", "effect.size", "significance"), level = 0.68, alpha = 0.05, center.pch = "|", col = getOption("heplot.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "magenta", "brown", "darkgray")), lty = 2:1, lwd = 1:2, xlab, main = "", xlim, axes = TRUE, offset.axes = 0.1, add = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
mod |
a model object of class |
... |
arguments to pass down to |
terms |
a logical value or character vector of terms in the model for
which to plot hypothesis matrices; if missing or |
hypotheses |
optional list of linear hypotheses for which to plot
hypothesis matrices; hypotheses are specified as for the
term.labels |
logical value or character vector of names for the terms
to be plotted. If |
hyp.labels |
logical value or character vector of names for the
hypotheses to be plotted. If |
variables |
indices or names of the two response variables to be
plotted; defaults to |
error.ellipse |
if |
factor.means |
logical value or character vector of names of factors
for which the means are to be plotted, or |
grand.mean |
if |
remove.intercept |
if |
type |
“type” of sum-of-squares-and-products matrices to compute; one
of |
idata |
an optional data frame giving a factor or factors defining the
intra-subject model for multivariate repeated-measures data. See Details of
idesign |
a one-sided model formula using the “data” in idata and specifying the intra-subject design for repeated measure models. |
icontrasts |
names of contrast-generating functions to be applied by default to factors and ordered factors, respectively, in the within-subject “data”; the contrasts must produce an intra-subject model matrix in which different terms are orthogonal. The default is c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"). |
imatrix |
In lieu of |
iterm |
For repeated measures designs, you must specify one
intra-subject term (a character string) to select the SSPE (E) matrix used
in the HE plot. Hypothesis terms plotted include the |
manova |
optional |
size |
how to scale the hypothesis ellipse relative to the error
ellipse; if |
level |
equivalent coverage of ellipse (assuming normally-distributed errors).
This defaults to |
alpha |
significance level for Roy's greatest-root test statistic; if
center.pch |
character to use in plotting the centroid of the data;
defaults to |
col |
a color or vector of colors to use in plotting ellipses; the
first color is used for the error ellipse; the remaining colors — recycled
as necessary — are used for the hypothesis ellipses. A single color can
be given, in which case it is used for all ellipses. For convenience, the
default colors for all heplots produced in a given session can be changed by
assigning a color vector via |
lty |
vector of line types to use for plotting the ellipses; the first
is used for the error ellipse, the rest — possibly recycled — for the
hypothesis ellipses; a single line type can be given. Defaults to |
lwd |
vector of line widths to use for plotting the ellipses; the first
is used for the error ellipse, the rest — possibly recycled — for the
hypothesis ellipses; a single line width can be given. Defaults to |
xlab |
x-axis label; defaults to name of the x variable. |
main |
main plot label; defaults to |
xlim |
x-axis limits; if absent, will be computed from the data. |
axes |
Whether to draw the x, y axes; defaults to |
offset.axes |
proportion to extend the axes in each direction if computed from the data; optional. |
add |
if |
verbose |
if |
In particular, for a given response, the 1-D representations of H and E matrices correspond to line segments. The E “ellipse” is shown as a filled rectangle whose width equals the mean squared error for that response. The H “ellipse” for each model term is shown as a line segment whose length represents either the size of the effect or the evidence for that effect.
This version is an initial sketch. Details of the implementation are subject to change.
The function invisibly returns an object of class "heplot1d"
with coordinates for the various hypothesis ellipses and the error ellipse,
and the limits of the horizontal and vertical axes. (No methods for
manipulating these objects are currently available.)
The components are:
H |
ranges for the hypothesis terms |
E |
range for E |
xlim |
x-axis limits |
Michael Friendly
, linearHypothesis
hypothesis tests in mlm
, heplot3d
, pairs.mlm
other HE plot methods
## Plastics data plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) heplot1d(plastic.mod, col=c("pink","blue")) heplot1d(plastic.mod, col=c("pink","blue"),variables=2) heplot1d(plastic.mod, col=c("pink","blue"),variables=3) ## Bees data bees.mod <- lm(cbind(Iz,Iy) ~ caste*treat*time, data=Bees) heplot1d(bees.mod) heplot1d(bees.mod, variables=2)
## Plastics data plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) heplot1d(plastic.mod, col=c("pink","blue")) heplot1d(plastic.mod, col=c("pink","blue"),variables=2) heplot1d(plastic.mod, col=c("pink","blue"),variables=3) ## Bees data bees.mod <- lm(cbind(Iz,Iy) ~ caste*treat*time, data=Bees) heplot1d(bees.mod) heplot1d(bees.mod, variables=2)
This function plots ellipsoids in 3D representing the hypothesis and error sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for terms and linear hypotheses in a multivariate linear model.
heplot3d(mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' heplot3d( mod, terms, hypotheses, term.labels = TRUE, hyp.labels = TRUE, err.label = "Error", variables = 1:3, error.ellipsoid = !add, factor.means = !add, grand.mean = !add, remove.intercept = TRUE, type = c("II", "III", "2", "3"), idata = NULL, idesign = NULL, icontrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), imatrix = NULL, iterm = NULL, manova, size = c("evidence", "effect.size", "significance"), level = 0.68, alpha = 0.05, segments = 40, col = getOption("heplot3d.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "magenta", "brown", "darkgray")), lwd = c(1, 4), shade = TRUE, shade.alpha = 0.2, wire = c(TRUE, FALSE), bg.col = c("white", "black"), fogtype = c("none", "exp2", "linear", "exp"), fov = 30, offset = 0.01, xlab, ylab, zlab, xlim, ylim, zlim, cex.label = 1.5, add = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, warn.rank = FALSE, ... )
heplot3d(mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mlm' heplot3d( mod, terms, hypotheses, term.labels = TRUE, hyp.labels = TRUE, err.label = "Error", variables = 1:3, error.ellipsoid = !add, factor.means = !add, grand.mean = !add, remove.intercept = TRUE, type = c("II", "III", "2", "3"), idata = NULL, idesign = NULL, icontrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), imatrix = NULL, iterm = NULL, manova, size = c("evidence", "effect.size", "significance"), level = 0.68, alpha = 0.05, segments = 40, col = getOption("heplot3d.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "magenta", "brown", "darkgray")), lwd = c(1, 4), shade = TRUE, shade.alpha = 0.2, wire = c(TRUE, FALSE), bg.col = c("white", "black"), fogtype = c("none", "exp2", "linear", "exp"), fov = 30, offset = 0.01, xlab, ylab, zlab, xlim, ylim, zlim, cex.label = 1.5, add = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, warn.rank = FALSE, ... )
mod |
a model object of class |
... |
arguments passed from generic. |
terms |
a logical value or character vector of terms in the model for
which to plot hypothesis matrices; if missing or |
hypotheses |
optional list of linear hypotheses for which to plot
hypothesis matrices; hypotheses are specified as for the
term.labels |
logical value or character vector of names for the terms
to be plotted. If |
hyp.labels |
logical value or character vector of names for the
hypotheses to be plotted. If |
err.label |
Label for the error ellipse |
variables |
indices or names of the three response variables to be
plotted; defaults to |
error.ellipsoid |
if |
factor.means |
logical value or character vector of names of factors
for which the means are to be plotted, or |
grand.mean |
if |
remove.intercept |
if |
type |
“type” of sum-of-squares-and-products matrices to compute; one
of |
idata |
an optional data frame giving a factor or factors defining the
intra-subject model for multivariate repeated-measures data. See Details of
idesign |
a one-sided model formula using the “data” in idata and specifying the intra-subject design for repeated measure models. |
icontrasts |
names of contrast-generating functions to be applied by default to factors and ordered factors, respectively, in the within-subject “data”; the contrasts must produce an intra-subject model matrix in which different terms are orthogonal. The default is c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"). |
imatrix |
In lieu of |
iterm |
For repeated measures designs, you must specify one
intra-subject term (a character string) to select the SSPE (E) matrix used
in the HE plot. Hypothesis terms plotted include the |
manova |
optional |
size |
how to scale the hypothesis ellipse relative to the error
ellipse; if |
level |
equivalent coverage of ellipse (assuming normally-distributed errors).
This defaults to |
alpha |
significance level for Roy's greatest-root test statistic; if
segments |
number of segments composing each ellipsoid; defaults to |
col |
a color or vector of colors to use in plotting ellipsoids; the
first color is used for the error ellipsoid; the remaining colors —
recycled as necessary — are used for the hypothesis ellipsoid. A single
color can be given, in which case it is used for all ellipsoid. For
convenience, the default colors for all heplots produced in a given session
can be changed by assigning a color vector via |
lwd |
a two-element vector giving the line width for drawing ellipsoids
(including those that degenerate to an ellipse) and for drawing ellipsoids
that degenerate to a line segment. The default is |
shade |
a logical scalar or vector, indicating whether the ellipsoids
should be rendered with |
shade.alpha |
a numeric value in the range [0,1], or a vector of such
values, giving the alpha transparency for ellipsoids rendered with
wire |
a logical scalar or vector, indicating whether the ellipsoids
should be rendered with |
bg.col |
background colour, |
fogtype |
type of “fog” to use for depth-cueing; the default is
fov |
field of view angle; controls perspective. See
offset |
proportion of axes to off set labels; defaults to |
xlab |
x-axis label; defaults to name of the x variable. |
ylab |
y-axis label; defaults to name of the y variable. |
zlab |
z-axis label; defaults to name of the z variable. |
xlim |
x-axis limits; if absent, will be computed from the data. |
ylim |
y-axis limits; if absent, will be computed from the data. |
zlim |
z-axis limits; if absent, will be computed from the data. |
cex.label |
text size for ellipse labels |
add |
if |
verbose |
if |
warn.rank |
if |
When the H matrix for a term has rank < 3, the ellipsoid collapses to an ellipse (rank(H)=2) or a line (rank(H)=1).
Rotating the plot can be particularly revealing, showing views in which H
variation is particularly large or small in relation to E variation. See
and movie3d
for details on
creating animations.
The arguments xlim
, ylim
, and zlim
can be used to
expand the bounding box of the axes, but cannot decrease it.
invisibly returns a list containing the bounding
boxes of the error (E) ellipsoid and for each term or linear hypothesis
specified in the call. Each of these is a 2 x 3 matrix with rownames "min"
and "max" and colnames corresponding to the variables plotted. An additional
component, center
, contains the coordinates of the centroid in the
The function also leaves an object named .frame
in the global
environment, containing the rgl object IDs for the axes, axis labels, and
bounding box; these are deleted and the axes, etc. redrawn if the plot is
added to.
Friendly, M. (2006). Data Ellipses, HE Plots and Reduced-Rank Displays for Multivariate Linear Models: SAS Software and Examples Journal of Statistical Software, 17(6), 1-42. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v17/i06/
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421-444. http://datavis.ca/papers/jcgs-heplots.pdf
, linearHypothesis
, for
details on MANOVA tests and linear hypotheses
, pairs.mlm
, for other plotting methods
for mlm
, for details about 3D plots with rgl
for 3D HE plots in canonical space.
# Soils data, from carData package data(Soils, package = "carData") soils.mod <- lm(cbind(pH,N,Dens,P,Ca,Mg,K,Na,Conduc) ~ Block + Contour*Depth, data=Soils) car::Anova(soils.mod) heplot(soils.mod, variables=c("Ca", "Mg")) pairs(soils.mod, terms="Depth", variables=c("pH", "N", "P", "Ca", "Mg")) heplot3d(soils.mod, variables=c("Mg", "Ca", "Na"), wire=FALSE) # Plastic data plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) ## Not run: heplot3d(plastic.mod, col=c("red", "blue", "brown", "green3"), wire=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
# Soils data, from carData package data(Soils, package = "carData") soils.mod <- lm(cbind(pH,N,Dens,P,Ca,Mg,K,Na,Conduc) ~ Block + Contour*Depth, data=Soils) car::Anova(soils.mod) heplot(soils.mod, variables=c("Ca", "Mg")) pairs(soils.mod, terms="Depth", variables=c("pH", "N", "P", "Ca", "Mg")) heplot3d(soils.mod, variables=c("Mg", "Ca", "Na"), wire=FALSE) # Plastic data plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) ## Not run: heplot3d(plastic.mod, col=c("red", "blue", "brown", "green3"), wire=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
A data set on measures of post-operative recovery of 32 patients undergoing an elective herniorrhaphy operation, in relation to pre-operative measures.
A data frame with 32 observations on the following 9 variables.
patient age
patient sex, a factor with levels f
physical status (ignoring that associated with the operation). A 1-5 scale, with 1=perfect health, 5=very poor health.
body build, a 1-5 scale, with 1=emaciated, 2=thin, 3=average, 4=fat, 5=obese.
preoperative complications with heart, 1-4 scale, with 1=none, 2=mild, 3=moderate, 4=severe.
preoperative complications with respiration, 1-4 scale, with 1=none, 2=mild, 3=moderate, 4=severe.
condition upon leaving the recovery room, a 1-4 scale, with 1=routine recovery, 2=intensive care for observation overnight, 3=intensive care, with moderate care required, 4=intensive care, with moderate care required.
length of stay in hospital after operation (days)
level of nursing required one week after operation, a 1-5 scale, with 1=intense, 2=heavy, 3=moderate, 4=light, 5=none (?); see Details
, nurse
and los
are outcome measures; the
remaining variables are potential predictors of recovery status.
The variable nurse
is recorded as 1-4, with remaining (20) entries
entered as "-" in both sources. It is not clear whether this means "none"
or NA. The former interpretation was used in constructing the R data frame,
so nurse==5
for these observations. Using
Hernior$nurse[Hernior$nurse==5] <- NA
would change to the other
interpretation, but render nurse
useless in a multivariate analysis.
The ordinal predictors could instead be treated as factors, and there are also potential interactions to be explored.
Mosteller, F. and Tukey, J. W. (1977), Data analysis and regression, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Data Exhibit 8, 567-568. Their source: A study by B. McPeek and J. P. Gilbert of the Harvard Anesthesia Center.
Hand, D. J., Daly, F., Lunn, A. D., McConway, K. J. and Ostrowski, E. (1994), A Handbook of Small Data Sets, Number 484, 390-391.
library(car) data(Hernior) str(Hernior) Hern.mod <- lm(cbind(leave, nurse, los) ~ age + sex + pstat + build + cardiac + resp, data=Hernior) car::Anova(Hern.mod, test="Roy") # actually, all tests are identical # test overall regression print(linearHypothesis(Hern.mod, c("age", "sexm", "pstat", "build", "cardiac", "resp")), SSP=FALSE) # joint test of age, sex & caridac print(linearHypothesis(Hern.mod, c("age", "sexm", "cardiac")), SSP=FALSE) # HE plots clr <- c("red", "darkgray", "blue", "darkgreen", "magenta", "brown", "black") heplot(Hern.mod, col=clr) pairs(Hern.mod, col=clr) ## Enhancing the pairs plot ... # create better variable labels vlab <- c("LeaveCondition\n(leave)", "NursingCare\n(nurse)", "LengthOfStay\n(los)") # Add ellipse to test all 5 regressors simultaneously hyp <- list("Regr" = c("age", "sexm", "pstat", "build", "cardiac", "resp")) pairs(Hern.mod, hypotheses=hyp, col=clr, var.labels=vlab) ## Views in canonical space for the various predictors if (require(candisc)) { Hern.canL <- candiscList(Hern.mod) plot(Hern.canL, term="age") plot(Hern.canL, term="sex") plot(Hern.canL, term="pstat") # physical status }
library(car) data(Hernior) str(Hernior) Hern.mod <- lm(cbind(leave, nurse, los) ~ age + sex + pstat + build + cardiac + resp, data=Hernior) car::Anova(Hern.mod, test="Roy") # actually, all tests are identical # test overall regression print(linearHypothesis(Hern.mod, c("age", "sexm", "pstat", "build", "cardiac", "resp")), SSP=FALSE) # joint test of age, sex & caridac print(linearHypothesis(Hern.mod, c("age", "sexm", "cardiac")), SSP=FALSE) # HE plots clr <- c("red", "darkgray", "blue", "darkgreen", "magenta", "brown", "black") heplot(Hern.mod, col=clr) pairs(Hern.mod, col=clr) ## Enhancing the pairs plot ... # create better variable labels vlab <- c("LeaveCondition\n(leave)", "NursingCare\n(nurse)", "LengthOfStay\n(los)") # Add ellipse to test all 5 regressors simultaneously hyp <- list("Regr" = c("age", "sexm", "pstat", "build", "cardiac", "resp")) pairs(Hern.mod, hypotheses=hyp, col=clr, var.labels=vlab) ## Views in canonical space for the various predictors if (require(candisc)) { Hern.canL <- candiscList(Hern.mod) plot(Hern.canL, term="age") plot(Hern.canL, term="sex") plot(Hern.canL, term="pstat") # physical status }
Plot an interpolation between two related data sets, typically transformations of each other. This function is designed to be used in animations.
interpPlot( xy1, xy2, alpha, xlim, ylim, points = TRUE, add = FALSE, col = palette()[1], ellipse = FALSE, ellipse.args = NULL, abline = FALSE, col.lines = palette()[2], lwd = 2, id.method = "mahal", labels = rownames(xy1), id.n = 0, id.cex = 1, id.col = palette()[1], segments = FALSE, segment.col = "darkgray", ... )
interpPlot( xy1, xy2, alpha, xlim, ylim, points = TRUE, add = FALSE, col = palette()[1], ellipse = FALSE, ellipse.args = NULL, abline = FALSE, col.lines = palette()[2], lwd = 2, id.method = "mahal", labels = rownames(xy1), id.n = 0, id.cex = 1, id.col = palette()[1], segments = FALSE, segment.col = "darkgray", ... )
xy1 |
First data set, a 2-column matrix or data.frame |
xy2 |
Second data set, a 2-column matrix or data.frame |
alpha |
The value of the interpolation fraction, typically (but not
necessarily) |
xlim , ylim
x, y limits for the plot. If not specified, the function
uses the ranges of |
points |
Logical. Whether to plot the points in the current interpolation? |
add |
Logical. Whether to add to an existing plot? |
col |
Color for plotted points. |
ellipse |
logical. |
ellipse.args |
other arguments passed to |
abline |
logical. |
col.lines |
line color |
lwd |
line width |
id.method |
How points are to be identified. See |
labels |
observation labels |
id.n |
Number of points to be identified. If set to zero, no points are identified. |
id.cex |
Controls the size of the plotted labels. The default is 1 |
id.col |
Controls the color of the plotted labels. |
segments |
logical. |
segment.col |
line color for segments |
... |
other arguments passed to |
Points are plotted via the linear interpolation,
The function allows plotting of the data ellipse, the linear regression line, and line segments showing the movement of points.
Interpolations other than linear can be obtained by using a non-linear
series of alpha
values. For example
will give a sinusoid interpolation.
Returns invisibly the interpolated XY points.
The examples here just use on-screen animations to the console
graphics window. The animation
package provides
facilities to save these in various formats.
Michael Friendly
, showLabels
################################################# # animate an AV plot from marginal to conditional ################################################# data(Duncan, package="carData") duncmod <- lm(prestige ~ income + education, data=Duncan) mod.mat <- model.matrix(duncmod) # function to do an animation for one variable dunc.anim <- function(variable, other, alpha=seq(0, 1, .1)) { var <- which(variable==colnames(mod.mat)) duncdev <- scale(Duncan[,c(variable, "prestige")], scale=FALSE) duncav <- lsfit(mod.mat[, -var], cbind(mod.mat[, var], Duncan$prestige), intercept = FALSE)$residuals colnames(duncav) <- c(variable, "prestige") lims <- apply(rbind(duncdev, duncav),2,range) for (alp in alpha) { main <- if(alp==0) paste("Marginal plot:", variable) else paste(round(100*alp), "% Added-variable plot:", variable) interpPlot(duncdev, duncav, alp, xlim=lims[,1], ylim=lims[,2], pch=16, main = main, xlab = paste(variable, "| ", alp, other), ylab = paste("prestige | ", alp, other), ellipse=TRUE, ellipse.args=(list(levels=0.68, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=alp/2)), abline=TRUE, id.n=3, id.cex=1.2, cex.lab=1.25) Sys.sleep(1) } } # show these in the R console if(interactive()) { dunc.anim("income", "education") dunc.anim("education", "income") } ############################################ # correlated bivariate data with 2 outliers # show rotation from data space to PCA space ############################################ set.seed(123345) x <- c(rnorm(100), 2, -2) y <- c(x[1:100] + rnorm(100), -2, 2) XY <- cbind(x=x, y=y) rownames(XY) <- seq_along(x) XY <- scale(XY, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) # start, end plots car::dataEllipse(XY, pch=16, levels=0.68, id.n=2) mod <- lm(y~x, data=as.data.frame(XY)) abline(mod, col="red", lwd=2) pca <- princomp(XY, cor=TRUE) scores <- pca$scores car::dataEllipse(scores, pch=16, levels=0.68, id.n=2) abline(lm(Comp.2 ~ Comp.1, data=as.data.frame(scores)), lwd=2, col="red") # show interpolation # functions for labels, as a function of alpha main <- function(alpha) {if(alpha==0) "Original data" else if(alpha==1) "PCA scores" else paste(round(100*alpha,1), "% interpolation")} xlab <- function(alpha) {if(alpha==0) "X" else if(alpha==1) "PCA.1" else paste("X +", alpha, "(X - PCA.1)")} ylab <- function(alpha) {if(alpha==0) "Y" else if(alpha==1) "PCA.2" else paste("Y +", alpha, "(Y - PCA.2)")} interpPCA <- function(XY, alpha = seq(0,1,.1)) { XY <- scale(XY, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) if (is.null(rownames(XY))) rownames(XY) <- 1:nrow(XY) pca <- princomp(XY, cor=TRUE) scores <- pca$scores for (alp in alpha) { interpPlot(XY, scores, alp, pch=16, main = main(alp), xlab = xlab(alp), ylab = ylab(alp), ellipse=TRUE, ellipse.args=(list(levels=0.68, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=(1-alp)/2)), abline=TRUE, id.n=2, id.cex=1.2, cex.lab=1.25, segments=TRUE) Sys.sleep(1) } } # show in R console if(interactive()) { interpPCA(XY) } ## Not run: library(animation) saveGIF({ interpPCA(XY, alpha <- seq(0,1,.1))}, movie.name="outlier-demo.gif", ani.width=480, ani.height=480, interval=1.5) ## End(Not run)
################################################# # animate an AV plot from marginal to conditional ################################################# data(Duncan, package="carData") duncmod <- lm(prestige ~ income + education, data=Duncan) mod.mat <- model.matrix(duncmod) # function to do an animation for one variable dunc.anim <- function(variable, other, alpha=seq(0, 1, .1)) { var <- which(variable==colnames(mod.mat)) duncdev <- scale(Duncan[,c(variable, "prestige")], scale=FALSE) duncav <- lsfit(mod.mat[, -var], cbind(mod.mat[, var], Duncan$prestige), intercept = FALSE)$residuals colnames(duncav) <- c(variable, "prestige") lims <- apply(rbind(duncdev, duncav),2,range) for (alp in alpha) { main <- if(alp==0) paste("Marginal plot:", variable) else paste(round(100*alp), "% Added-variable plot:", variable) interpPlot(duncdev, duncav, alp, xlim=lims[,1], ylim=lims[,2], pch=16, main = main, xlab = paste(variable, "| ", alp, other), ylab = paste("prestige | ", alp, other), ellipse=TRUE, ellipse.args=(list(levels=0.68, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=alp/2)), abline=TRUE, id.n=3, id.cex=1.2, cex.lab=1.25) Sys.sleep(1) } } # show these in the R console if(interactive()) { dunc.anim("income", "education") dunc.anim("education", "income") } ############################################ # correlated bivariate data with 2 outliers # show rotation from data space to PCA space ############################################ set.seed(123345) x <- c(rnorm(100), 2, -2) y <- c(x[1:100] + rnorm(100), -2, 2) XY <- cbind(x=x, y=y) rownames(XY) <- seq_along(x) XY <- scale(XY, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) # start, end plots car::dataEllipse(XY, pch=16, levels=0.68, id.n=2) mod <- lm(y~x, data=as.data.frame(XY)) abline(mod, col="red", lwd=2) pca <- princomp(XY, cor=TRUE) scores <- pca$scores car::dataEllipse(scores, pch=16, levels=0.68, id.n=2) abline(lm(Comp.2 ~ Comp.1, data=as.data.frame(scores)), lwd=2, col="red") # show interpolation # functions for labels, as a function of alpha main <- function(alpha) {if(alpha==0) "Original data" else if(alpha==1) "PCA scores" else paste(round(100*alpha,1), "% interpolation")} xlab <- function(alpha) {if(alpha==0) "X" else if(alpha==1) "PCA.1" else paste("X +", alpha, "(X - PCA.1)")} ylab <- function(alpha) {if(alpha==0) "Y" else if(alpha==1) "PCA.2" else paste("Y +", alpha, "(Y - PCA.2)")} interpPCA <- function(XY, alpha = seq(0,1,.1)) { XY <- scale(XY, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) if (is.null(rownames(XY))) rownames(XY) <- 1:nrow(XY) pca <- princomp(XY, cor=TRUE) scores <- pca$scores for (alp in alpha) { interpPlot(XY, scores, alp, pch=16, main = main(alp), xlab = xlab(alp), ylab = ylab(alp), ellipse=TRUE, ellipse.args=(list(levels=0.68, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=(1-alp)/2)), abline=TRUE, id.n=2, id.cex=1.2, cex.lab=1.25, segments=TRUE) Sys.sleep(1) } } # show in R console if(interactive()) { interpPCA(XY) } ## Not run: library(animation) saveGIF({ interpPCA(XY, alpha <- seq(0,1,.1))}, movie.name="outlier-demo.gif", ani.width=480, ani.height=480, interval=1.5) ## End(Not run)
This dataset, from Grice & Iwasaki (2007), gives scores on the five personality scales of the NEO PI-r (Costa & McCrae, 1992), called the "Big Five" personality traits: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness-to-Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness.
A data frame with 203 observations on the following 7 variables.
ID number
a factor with
levels Eur
Neuroticism score
Extraversion score
Openness score
Agreeableness score
Conscientiousness score
The groups are:
European Americans (Caucasians living in the United States their entire lives)
Asian Americans (Asians living in the United States since before the age of 6 years)
Asian Internationals (Asians who moved to the United States after their 6th birthday)
The factor Group
is set up to compare E vs. Asian and the two Asian
Grice, J., & Iwasaki, M. (2007). A truly multivariate approach to MANOVA. Applied Multivariate Research, 12, 199-226. https://doi.org/10.22329/amr.v12i3.660.
Costa Jr, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEOFFI) professional manual. Psychological Assessment Resources.
data(Iwasaki_Big_Five) # use Helmert contrasts for groups contrasts(Iwasaki_Big_Five$Group) <- matrix(c(2, -1, -1, 0, -1, 1), ncol=2) str(Iwasaki_Big_Five) Big5.mod <- lm(cbind(N, E, O, A, C) ~ Group, data=Iwasaki_Big_Five) coef(Big5.mod) car::Anova(Big5.mod) # test contrasts car::linearHypothesis(Big5.mod, "Group1", title = "Eur vs Asian") car::linearHypothesis(Big5.mod, "Group2", title = "Asian: Amer vs Inter") # heplots labs <- c("Neuroticism", "Extraversion", "Openness", "Agreeableness", "Conscientiousness" ) heplot(Big5.mod, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2, cex.lab = 1.5, xlab = labs[1], ylab = labs[2]) heplot(Big5.mod, variables = c(2,5), fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2, cex.lab = 1.5, xlab = labs[2], ylab = labs[5]) pairs(Big5.mod, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2, var.labels = labs) # canonical discriminant analysis if (require(candisc)) { library(candisc) Big5.can <- candisc(Big5.mod) Big5.can heplot(Big5.can, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1) }
data(Iwasaki_Big_Five) # use Helmert contrasts for groups contrasts(Iwasaki_Big_Five$Group) <- matrix(c(2, -1, -1, 0, -1, 1), ncol=2) str(Iwasaki_Big_Five) Big5.mod <- lm(cbind(N, E, O, A, C) ~ Group, data=Iwasaki_Big_Five) coef(Big5.mod) car::Anova(Big5.mod) # test contrasts car::linearHypothesis(Big5.mod, "Group1", title = "Eur vs Asian") car::linearHypothesis(Big5.mod, "Group2", title = "Asian: Amer vs Inter") # heplots labs <- c("Neuroticism", "Extraversion", "Openness", "Agreeableness", "Conscientiousness" ) heplot(Big5.mod, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2, cex.lab = 1.5, xlab = labs[1], ylab = labs[2]) heplot(Big5.mod, variables = c(2,5), fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2, cex.lab = 1.5, xlab = labs[2], ylab = labs[5]) pairs(Big5.mod, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2, var.labels = labs) # canonical discriminant analysis if (require(candisc)) { library(candisc) Big5.can <- candisc(Big5.mod) Big5.can heplot(Big5.can, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.1) }
is used to a draw text label on an ellipse at its center or
somewhere around the periphery in a very flexible way.
label.ellipse( ellipse, label, col = "black", label.pos = NULL, xpd = TRUE, tweak = 0.5 * c(strwidth("M"), strheight("M")), ... )
label.ellipse( ellipse, label, col = "black", label.pos = NULL, xpd = TRUE, tweak = 0.5 * c(strwidth("M"), strheight("M")), ... )
ellipse |
A two-column matrix of coordinates for the ellipse boundary |
label |
Character string to be used as the ellipse label |
col |
Label color |
label.pos |
Label position relative to the ellipse. See details |
xpd |
Should the label be allowed to extend beyond the plot limits? |
tweak |
A vector of two lengths used to tweak label positions |
... |
Other parameters passed to |
If label.pos=NULL
, the function uses the sign of the correlation
represented by the ellipse to determine a position
at the top () or bottom (
) of the ellipse.
Integer values of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively indicate positions
at the center, below, to the left of, above
and to the right of the max/min coordinates of the ellipse.
Label positions can also be specified as the corresponding character strings
c("center", "bottom", "left", "top", "right")
, or compass directions,
c("C", "S", "W", "N", "E")
, or
Other integer label.pos
values, 5:nrow(ellipse)
are taken as indices of the row coordinates
to be used for the ellipse label.
Equivalently, label.pos
can also be a fraction in (0,1), interpreted
as the fraction of the way around the unit circle, counterclockwise from the point (1,0).
Michael Friendly
circle <- function(center=c(0,0), radius=1, segments=60) { angles <- (0:segments)*2*pi/segments circle <- radius * cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles)) t( c(center) + t( circle )) } label_demo <- function(ell) { plot(-2:2, -2:2, type="n", asp=1, main="label.pos values and points (0:60)") lines(ell, col="gray") points(0, 0, pch="+", cex=2) labs <- c("center", "bot", "left", "top", "right") for (i in 0:4) { label.ellipse(ell, label=paste(i, ":", labs[i+1]), label.pos = i) } for( i in 5*c(1,2, 4,5, 7,8, 10,11)) { points(ell[i,1], ell[i,2], pch=16) label.ellipse(ell, label=i, label.pos=i) } } circ <- circle(radius=1.8) label_demo(circ) ell <-circ %*% chol(matrix( c(1, .5, .5, 1), 2, 2)) label_demo(ell)
circle <- function(center=c(0,0), radius=1, segments=60) { angles <- (0:segments)*2*pi/segments circle <- radius * cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles)) t( c(center) + t( circle )) } label_demo <- function(ell) { plot(-2:2, -2:2, type="n", asp=1, main="label.pos values and points (0:60)") lines(ell, col="gray") points(0, 0, pch="+", cex=2) labs <- c("center", "bot", "left", "top", "right") for (i in 0:4) { label.ellipse(ell, label=paste(i, ":", labs[i+1]), label.pos = i) } for( i in 5*c(1,2, 4,5, 7,8, 10,11)) { points(ell[i,1], ell[i,2], pch=16) label.ellipse(ell, label=i, label.pos=i) } } circ <- circle(radius=1.8) label_demo(circ) ell <-circ %*% chol(matrix( c(1, .5, .5, 1), 2, 2)) label_demo(ell)
This function extends leveneTest
to a multivariate
response setting. It performs the Levene test of homogeneity of variances
for each of a set of response variables, and prints a compact summary.
leveneTests(y, ...) ## Default S3 method: leveneTests(y, group, center = median, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' leveneTests(y, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' leveneTests(y, ...)
leveneTests(y, ...) ## Default S3 method: leveneTests(y, group, center = median, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' leveneTests(y, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' leveneTests(y, ...)
y |
A data frame or matrix of numeric response variables for the default method, or a model formula for a multivariate linear model, or the multivariate linear model itself. In the case of a formula or model, the variables on the right-hand-side of the model must all be factors and must be completely crossed. |
... |
arguments to be passed down to |
group |
a vector or factor object giving the group for the
corresponding elements of the rows of |
center |
The name of a function to compute the center of each group;
data |
the data set, for the |
An object of classes "anova" and "data.frame", with one observation
for each response variable in y
Michael Friendly
Levene, H. (1960). Robust Tests for Equality of Variances. In Olkin, I. et al. (Eds.), Contributions to Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of Harold Hotelling, Stanford University Press, 278-292.
Brown, M. B. & Forsythe, A. B. (1974). Robust Tests For Equality Of Variances Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69, 364-367.
leveneTests(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) # handle a 1-column response? leveneTests(iris[,1, drop=FALSE], iris$Species) data(Skulls, package="heplots") leveneTests(Skulls[,-1], Skulls$epoch) # formula method leveneTests(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) # use 10% trimmed means leveneTests(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls, trim = 0.1) # mlm method skulls.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) leveneTests(skulls.mod)
leveneTests(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) # handle a 1-column response? leveneTests(iris[,1, drop=FALSE], iris$Species) data(Skulls, package="heplots") leveneTests(Skulls[,-1], Skulls$epoch) # formula method leveneTests(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) # use 10% trimmed means leveneTests(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls, trim = 0.1) # mlm method skulls.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) leveneTests(skulls.mod)
This function uses asymptotic results described by Cai et. al (2016), Theorem 1, to calculate approximate, normal theory confidence intervals (CIs) for the log determinant of one or more sample covariance matrices.
logdetCI(cov, n, conf = 0.95, method = 1, bias.adj = TRUE)
logdetCI(cov, n, conf = 0.95, method = 1, bias.adj = TRUE)
cov |
a covariance matrix or a (named) list of covariance matrices, all the same size |
n |
sample size, or vector of sample sizes, one for each covariance matrix |
conf |
confidence level |
method |
Three methods are provided, based on Cai et. al Theorem 1
( |
bias.adj |
logical; set |
Their results are translated into a CI via the approximation
is the sample estimate of a population covariance matrix,
is a bias correction constant and
is a width factor for
the confidence interval. Both
are functions of the
sample size,
and number of variables,
This function is included here only to provide an approximation to
graphical accuracy for use with Box's M test for equality of
covariance matrices, boxM
and its associated
Cai et. al (2015) claim that their Theorem 1 holds with either fixed
growing with
, as long as
. Their
Corollary 1 (
) is the special case when is fixed.
Their Corollary 2 (
) is the special case when is fixed.
The properties of this CI estimator are unknown in small to moderate sample sizes, but it seems to be the only one available. It is therefore experimental in this version of the package and is subject to change in the future.
The term offsets the confidence interval from the sample estimate
. When
is large relative to
, the confidence interval may not overlap the sample estimate.
Strictly speaking, this estimator applies to the MLE of the covariance
matrix , i.e., using
rather than
as the divisor. The factor
has not yet been taken into
account here.
A data frame with one row for each covariance matrix. lower
and upper
are the boundaries of the confidence intervals. Other
columns are logdet, bias, se
Michael Friendly
Cai, T. T.; Liang, T. & Zhou, H. H. (2015) Law of log determinant of sample covariance matrix and optimal estimation of differential entropy for high-dimensional Gaussian distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 137, 161-172. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2015.02.003
data(iris) iris.mod <- lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:4]) ~ iris$Species) iris.boxm <- boxM(iris.mod) cov <- c(iris.boxm$cov, list(pooled=iris.boxm$pooled)) n <- c(rep(50, 3), 150) CI <- logdetCI( cov, n=n, conf=.95, method=1) CI plot(iris.boxm, xlim=c(-14, -8), main="Iris data, Box's M test", gplabel="Species") arrows(CI$lower, 1:4, CI$upper, 1:4, lwd=3, angle=90, len=.1, code=3) CI <- logdetCI( cov, n=n, conf=.95, method=1, bias.adj=FALSE) CI plot(iris.boxm, xlim=c(-14, -8), main="Iris data, Box's M test", gplabel="Species") arrows(CI$lower, 1:4, CI$upper, 1:4, lwd=3, angle=90, len=.1, code=3)
data(iris) iris.mod <- lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:4]) ~ iris$Species) iris.boxm <- boxM(iris.mod) cov <- c(iris.boxm$cov, list(pooled=iris.boxm$pooled)) n <- c(rep(50, 3), 150) CI <- logdetCI( cov, n=n, conf=.95, method=1) CI plot(iris.boxm, xlim=c(-14, -8), main="Iris data, Box's M test", gplabel="Species") arrows(CI$lower, 1:4, CI$upper, 1:4, lwd=3, angle=90, len=.1, code=3) CI <- logdetCI( cov, n=n, conf=.95, method=1, bias.adj=FALSE) CI plot(iris.boxm, xlim=c(-14, -8), main="Iris data, Box's M test", gplabel="Species") arrows(CI$lower, 1:4, CI$upper, 1:4, lwd=3, angle=90, len=.1, code=3)
This function is a convenience wrapper to mahalanobis
offering also the possibility to calculate robust Mahalanobis squared
distances using MCD and MVE estimators of center and covariance (from
Mahalanobis( x, center, cov, method = c("classical", "mcd", "mve"), nsamp = "best", ... )
Mahalanobis( x, center, cov, method = c("classical", "mcd", "mve"), nsamp = "best", ... )
x |
a numeric matrix or data frame with, say, |
center |
mean vector of the data; if this and |
cov |
covariance matrix (p x p) of the data |
method |
estimation method used for center and covariance, one of:
nsamp |
passed to |
... |
other arguments passed to |
Any missing data in a row of x
causes NA
to be returned for
that row.
a vector of length nrow(x)
containing the squared distances.
Michael Friendly
summary(Mahalanobis(iris[, 1:4])) summary(Mahalanobis(iris[, 1:4], method="mve")) summary(Mahalanobis(iris[, 1:4], method="mcd"))
summary(Mahalanobis(iris[, 1:4])) summary(Mahalanobis(iris[, 1:4], method="mve")) summary(Mahalanobis(iris[, 1:4], method="mcd"))
A utility function to draw and label a point in a 2D (or 3D) HE plot corresponding to a point null hypothesis being tested. This is most useful for repeated measure designs where null hypotheses for within-S effects often correspond to (0,0).
mark.H0( x = 0, y = 0, z = NULL, label, cex = 2, pch = 19, col = "green3", lty = 2, pos = 2 )
mark.H0( x = 0, y = 0, z = NULL, label, cex = 2, pch = 19, col = "green3", lty = 2, pos = 2 )
x |
Horizontal coordinate for H0 |
y |
Vertical coordinate for H0 |
z |
z coordinate for H0. If not NULL, the function assumes that a
label |
Text used to label the point. Defaults to
cex |
Point and text size. For 3D plots, the function uses
pch |
Plot character. Ignored for 3D plots. |
col |
Color for text, character and lines |
lty |
Line type for vertical and horizontal reference lines. Not drawn if |
pos |
Position of text. Ignored for 3D plots |
None. Used for side effect of drawing on the current plot.
Michael Friendly
Vocab.mod <- lm(cbind(grade8,grade9,grade10,grade11) ~ 1, data=VocabGrowth) idata <-data.frame(grade=ordered(8:11)) heplot(Vocab.mod, type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~grade, iterm="grade", main="HE plot for Grade effect") mark.H0()
Vocab.mod <- lm(cbind(grade8,grade9,grade10,grade11) ~ 1, data=VocabGrowth) idata <-data.frame(grade=ordered(8:11)) heplot(Vocab.mod, type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~grade, iterm="grade", main="HE plot for Grade effect") mark.H0()
Scores for two groups of school children taught by different math teachers and tested for both basic math (BM) problems and solving word problems (WP).
A data frame with 12 observations on the following 3 variables.
a factor with levels 1
Basic Math score, a numeric vector
Word Problems score, a numeric vector
Fictitious data
data(mathscore) str(mathscore) math.mod <- lm(cbind(BM, WP) ~ group, data=mathscore) car::Anova(math.mod) # scatterplot with data ellipses car::scatterplot(WP ~ BM | group, data=mathscore, ellipse=list(levels=0.68), smooth=FALSE, pch=c(15,16), legend=list(coords = "topright")) # HE plot heplot(math.mod, fill=TRUE, cex=2, cex.lab=1.8, xlab="Basic math", ylab="Word problems")
data(mathscore) str(mathscore) math.mod <- lm(cbind(BM, WP) ~ group, data=mathscore) car::Anova(math.mod) # scatterplot with data ellipses car::scatterplot(WP ~ BM | group, data=mathscore, ellipse=list(levels=0.68), smooth=FALSE, pch=c(15,16), legend=list(coords = "topright")) # HE plot heplot(math.mod, fill=TRUE, cex=2, cex.lab=1.8, xlab="Basic math", ylab="Word problems")
Male participants were shown a picture of one of three young women. Pilot work had indicated that the one woman was beautiful, another of average physical attractiveness, and the third unattractive. Participants rated the woman they saw on each of twelve attributes. These measures were used to check on the manipulation by the photo.
A data frame with 114 observations on the following 17 variables.
Attractiveness of the photo, a factor with levels Beautiful
Type of crime, a factor with levels Burglary
(theft of items from victim's room) Swindle
(conned a male victim)
length of sentence given the defendant by the mock juror subject
a rating of how serious the subject thought the defendant's crime was
rating of the photo for 'exciting'
rating of the photo for 'calm'
rating of the photo for 'independent'
rating of the photo for 'sincere'
rating of the photo for 'warm'
rating of the photo for 'physical attractiveness'
rating of the photo for 'exciting'
rating of the photo for 'kind'
rating of the photo for 'intelligent'
rating of the photo for 'strong'
rating of the photo for 'sophisticated'
rating of the photo for 'happy'
self-rating of the subject for 'physical attractiveness'
Then the participants were told that the person in the photo had committed a Crime, and asked to rate the seriousness of the crime and recommend a prison sentence, in Years.
Does attractiveness of the "defendant" influence the sentence or perceived seriousness of the crime? Does attractiveness interact with the nature of the crime?
Originally obtained from Dr. Wuensch's StatData page at East Carolina University. No longer exists.
Data from the thesis by Plaster, M. E. (1989). Inmates as mock jurors: The effects of physical attractiveness upon juridic decisions. M.A. thesis, Greenville, NC: East Carolina University.
# manipulation check: test ratings of the photos classified by Attractiveness jury.mod1 <- lm( cbind(phyattr, happy, independent, sophisticated) ~ Attr, data=MockJury) car::Anova(jury.mod1, test="Roy") heplot(jury.mod1, main="HE plot for manipulation check") pairs(jury.mod1) if (require(candisc)) { jury.can <- candisc(jury.mod1) jury.can heplot(jury.can, main="Canonical HE plot") } # influence of Attr of photo and nature of crime on Serious and Years jury.mod2 <- lm( cbind(Serious, Years) ~ Attr * Crime, data=MockJury) car::Anova(jury.mod2, test="Roy") heplot(jury.mod2) # stepdown test (ANCOVA), controlling for Serious jury.mod3 <- lm( Years ~ Serious + Attr * Crime, data=MockJury) car::Anova(jury.mod3) # need to consider heterogeneous slopes? jury.mod4 <- lm( Years ~ Serious * Attr * Crime, data=MockJury) car::Anova(jury.mod3, jury.mod4)
# manipulation check: test ratings of the photos classified by Attractiveness jury.mod1 <- lm( cbind(phyattr, happy, independent, sophisticated) ~ Attr, data=MockJury) car::Anova(jury.mod1, test="Roy") heplot(jury.mod1, main="HE plot for manipulation check") pairs(jury.mod1) if (require(candisc)) { jury.can <- candisc(jury.mod1) jury.can heplot(jury.can, main="Canonical HE plot") } # influence of Attr of photo and nature of crime on Serious and Years jury.mod2 <- lm( cbind(Serious, Years) ~ Attr * Crime, data=MockJury) car::Anova(jury.mod2, test="Roy") heplot(jury.mod2) # stepdown test (ANCOVA), controlling for Serious jury.mod3 <- lm( Years ~ Serious + Attr * Crime, data=MockJury) car::Anova(jury.mod3) # need to consider heterogeneous slopes? jury.mod4 <- lm( Years ~ Serious * Attr * Crime, data=MockJury) car::Anova(jury.mod3, jury.mod4)
The primary purpose of the study (Hartman, 2016, Heinrichs et al. (2015)) was to evaluate patterns and levels of performance on neurocognitive measures among individuals with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder using a well-validated, comprehensive neurocognitive battery specifically designed for individuals with psychosis (Heinrichs et al. (2008))
A data frame with 242 observations on the following 10 variables.
Diagnostic group, a factor with levels Schizophrenia
Speed of processing domain T score, a numeric vector
Attention/Vigilance Domain T score, a numeric vector
Working memory a numeric vector
Verbal Learning Domain T score, a numeric vector
Visual Learning Domain T score, a numeric vector
Reasoning/Problem Solving Domain T score, a numeric vector
Social Cognition Domain T score, a numeric vector
Subject age, a numeric vector
Subject gender, a factor with levels Female
The main interest was in determining how well these measures distinguished among all groups and whether there were variables that distinguished between the schizophrenia and schizoaffective groups.
Neurocognitive function was assessed using the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB; Nuechterlein et al., 2008). The MCCB consists of 10 individually administered tests that measure cognitive performance in seven domains: speed of processing, attention/vigilance, working memory, verbal learning, visual learning, reasoning and problem solving, and social cognition.
The clinical sample comprised 116 male and female patients who met the following criteria: 1) a diagnosis of schizophrenia (n = 70) or schizoaffective disorder (n = 46) confirmed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders; 2) outpatient status; 3) a history free of developmental or learning disability; 4) age 18-65; 5) a history free of neurological or endocrine disorder; and 6) no concurrent DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of substance use disorder.
Non-psychiatric control participants (n = 146) were screened for medical and psychiatric illness and history of substance abuse. Patients were recruited from three outpatient clinics in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Control participants were recruited through local newspaper and online classified advertisements for paid research participation.
Hartman, L. I. (2016). Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder: One Condition or Two? Unpublished PhD dissertation, York University.
Heinrichs, R.W., Pinnock, F., Muharib, E., Hartman, L.I., Goldberg, J.O., &
McDermid Vaz, S. (2015). Neurocognitive normality in schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 2 (4), 227-232.
doi: 10.1016/j.scog.2015.09.001
Heinrichs, R. W., Ammari, N., McDermid Vaz, S. & Miles, A. (2008). Are schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder neuropsychologically distinguishable? Schizophrenia Research, 99, 149-154.
Nuechterlein K.H., Green M.F., Kern R.S., Baade L.E., Barch D., Cohen J., Essock S., Fenton W.S., Frese F.J., Gold J.M., Goldberg T., Heaton R., Keefe R.S.E., Kraemer H., Mesholam-Gately R., Seidman L.J., Stover E., Weinberger D.R., Young A.S., Zalcman S., Marder S.R. (2008) The MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery, Part 1: Test selection, reliability, and validity. American Journal of Psychiatry, 165 (2), 203-213. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18172019/.
library(car) data(NeuroCog) NC.mlm <- lm(cbind( Speed, Attention, Memory, Verbal, Visual, ProbSolv) ~ Dx, data=NeuroCog) Anova(NC.mlm) # test contrasts contrasts(NeuroCog$Dx) print(linearHypothesis(NC.mlm, "Dx1"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(NC.mlm, "Dx2"), SSP=FALSE) # pairwise HE plots pairs(NC.mlm, var.cex=1.5) # canonical discriminant analysis if (require(candisc)) { NC.can <- candisc(NC.mlm) NC.can plot(NC.can, ellipse=TRUE, rev.axes=c(TRUE,FALSE), pch=c(7,9,10)) }
library(car) data(NeuroCog) NC.mlm <- lm(cbind( Speed, Attention, Memory, Verbal, Visual, ProbSolv) ~ Dx, data=NeuroCog) Anova(NC.mlm) # test contrasts contrasts(NeuroCog$Dx) print(linearHypothesis(NC.mlm, "Dx1"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(NC.mlm, "Dx2"), SSP=FALSE) # pairwise HE plots pairs(NC.mlm, var.cex=1.5) # canonical discriminant analysis if (require(candisc)) { NC.can <- candisc(NC.mlm) NC.can plot(NC.can, ellipse=TRUE, rev.axes=c(TRUE,FALSE), pch=c(7,9,10)) }
The dataset come from a small random sample of the U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.
A data frame with 243 observations on the following 6 variables.
Math achievement test score
Reading achievement test score
score on a measure of child's antisocial behavior, 0:6
score on a measure of child's
hyperactive behavior, 0:5
yearly income of child's father
years of education of child's father
In this dataset, math
and read
scores are taken at the outcome
variables. Among the remaining predictors, income
and educ
might be considered as background variables necessary to control for.
Interest might then be focused on whether the behavioural variables
and hyperact
contribute beyond that.
This dataset was derived from a larger one used by Patrick Curran at the 1997 meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD). A description now only exists on the WayBack Machine, http://web.archive.org/web/20050404145001/http://www.unc.edu/~curran/example.html.
More details are available at http://web.archive.org/web/20060830061414/http://www.unc.edu/~curran/srcd-docs/srcdmeth.pdf.
library(car) data(NLSY) #examine the data scatterplotMatrix(NLSY, smooth=FALSE) # test control variables by themselves # ------------------------------------- mod1 <- lm(cbind(read,math) ~ income+educ, data=NLSY) Anova(mod1) heplot(mod1, fill=TRUE) # test of overall regression coefs <- rownames(coef(mod1))[-1] linearHypothesis(mod1, coefs) heplot(mod1, fill=TRUE, hypotheses=list("Overall"=coefs)) # additional contribution of antisoc + hyperact over income + educ # ---------------------------------------------------------------- mod2 <- lm(cbind(read,math) ~ antisoc + hyperact + income + educ, data=NLSY) Anova(mod2) coefs <- rownames(coef(mod2))[-1] heplot(mod2, fill=TRUE, hypotheses=list("Overall"=coefs, "mod2|mod1"=coefs[1:2])) linearHypothesis(mod2, coefs[1:2]) heplot(mod2, fill=TRUE, hypotheses=list("mod2|mod1"=coefs[1:2]))
library(car) data(NLSY) #examine the data scatterplotMatrix(NLSY, smooth=FALSE) # test control variables by themselves # ------------------------------------- mod1 <- lm(cbind(read,math) ~ income+educ, data=NLSY) Anova(mod1) heplot(mod1, fill=TRUE) # test of overall regression coefs <- rownames(coef(mod1))[-1] linearHypothesis(mod1, coefs) heplot(mod1, fill=TRUE, hypotheses=list("Overall"=coefs)) # additional contribution of antisoc + hyperact over income + educ # ---------------------------------------------------------------- mod2 <- lm(cbind(read,math) ~ antisoc + hyperact + income + educ, data=NLSY) Anova(mod2) coefs <- rownames(coef(mod2))[-1] heplot(mod2, fill=TRUE, hypotheses=list("Overall"=coefs, "mod2|mod1"=coefs[1:2])) linearHypothesis(mod2, coefs[1:2]) heplot(mod2, fill=TRUE, hypotheses=list("mod2|mod1"=coefs[1:2]))
Postovsky (1970) investigated the effect of delay in oral practice at the beginning of second language learning. A control condition began oral practice with no delay, while an experimental group had a four-week delay before starting oral practice. The data consists of scores on language skills at the end of six weeks of study.
Students in this study were matched on age, education, former language training, intelligence and language aptitude.
A data frame with 56 observations on the following 5 variables.
Group, a factor with levels Control
Listening test, a numeric vector
Speaking test, a numeric vector
Reading test, a numeric vector
Writing test, a numeric vector
Timm, N. H. (1975). Multivariate Analysis with Applications in Education and Psychology. Wadsworth (Brooks/Cole), Exercise 3.12, p. 279.
Postovsky, V. A. (1970). Effects of delay in oral practice at the start of second language training. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.
library(car) library(candisc) data(oral) # make some boxplots op <- par(mfrow=c(1,4), cex.lab=1.5) clr <- c("pink", "lightblue") Boxplot(listen ~ group, data=oral, col = clr, cex.lab = 1.5) Boxplot(speak ~ group, data=oral, col = clr, cex.lab = 1.5) Boxplot(read ~ group, data=oral, col = clr, cex.lab = 1.5) Boxplot(write ~ group, data=oral, col = clr, cex.lab = 1.5) par(op) # view the data ellipses covEllipses(cbind(listen, speak, read, write) ~ group, data=oral, variables = 1:4, level = 0.40, pooled = FALSE, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.05) oral.mod <- lm(cbind(listen, speak, read, write) ~ group, data=oral) Anova(oral.mod) # canonical view oral.can <- candisc(oral.mod) |> print() summary(oral.can) # reflect the structure & scores to make them positive oral.can$structure[, "Can1"] <- -1 * oral.can$structure[, "Can1"] oral.can$scores[, "Can1"] <- -1 * oral.can$scores[, "Can1"] plot(oral.can, var.lwd=2)
library(car) library(candisc) data(oral) # make some boxplots op <- par(mfrow=c(1,4), cex.lab=1.5) clr <- c("pink", "lightblue") Boxplot(listen ~ group, data=oral, col = clr, cex.lab = 1.5) Boxplot(speak ~ group, data=oral, col = clr, cex.lab = 1.5) Boxplot(read ~ group, data=oral, col = clr, cex.lab = 1.5) Boxplot(write ~ group, data=oral, col = clr, cex.lab = 1.5) par(op) # view the data ellipses covEllipses(cbind(listen, speak, read, write) ~ group, data=oral, variables = 1:4, level = 0.40, pooled = FALSE, fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.05) oral.mod <- lm(cbind(listen, speak, read, write) ~ group, data=oral) Anova(oral.mod) # canonical view oral.can <- candisc(oral.mod) |> print() summary(oral.can) # reflect the structure & scores to make them positive oral.can$structure[, "Can1"] <- -1 * oral.can$structure[, "Can1"] oral.can$scores[, "Can1"] <- -1 * oral.can$scores[, "Can1"] plot(oral.can, var.lwd=2)
The Oslo data set contains chemical concentrations of 332 samples of
different plant species collected along a 120 km transect running through
the city of Oslo, Norway. It is a subset of the
data provided by the rrcov
A data frame with 332 observations on the following 14 variables.
transect site ID, a factor with levels
X coordinate, a numeric vector
Y coordinate, a numeric vector
forest type, a factor with levels birspr
weather type, a factor with levels cloud
type, a factor with levels camsed
(Cambro-Silurian sedimentary),
(Precambrian gneisses - Oslo), gneis_r
(- Randsfjord),
(Magmatic rocks)
altitude, a numeric vector
Copper, a numeric vector
Iron, a numeric vector
Potassium, a numeric vector
Magnesium, a numeric vector
Manganese, a numeric vector
Lead, a numeric vector
Zinc, a numeric vector
The OsloTransect
contains 360 observations, with 9
observations per site. Only 7 chemical elements were retained from the 25
contained in the OsloTransect
data, and these were all
log-transformed, following Todorov and Filzmoser (2009).
Only complete cases on these variables were retained, and two lithological types of low frequency were removed, leaving 332 observations.
Reimann, C., Arnoldussen, A., Boyd, R., Finne, T.E., Koller, F., Nordgulen, Oe., And Englmaier, P. (2007) Element contents in leaves of four plant species (birch, mountain ash, fern and spruce) along anthropogenic and geogenic concentration gradients, The Science of the Total Environment, 377, 416-433.
Todorov V. and Filzmoser P. (2009) Robust statistic for the one-way MANOVA, submitted to the Journal of Environmetrics.
data(Oslo) table(Oslo$litho) Oslo.mod <- lm(cbind(Cu, K, Mg, Mn, P, Zn) ~ litho, data=Oslo) car::Anova(Oslo.mod) heplot(Oslo.mod, var=c("Cu", "Mn")) pairs(Oslo.mod) ## Not run: if(require(candisc)) { Oslo.can <- candisc(Oslo.mod) Oslo.can heplot(Oslo.can) if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ heplot3d(Oslo.can, shade=TRUE, wire=FALSE, alpha=0.5, var.col="red") } } ## End(Not run)
data(Oslo) table(Oslo$litho) Oslo.mod <- lm(cbind(Cu, K, Mg, Mn, P, Zn) ~ litho, data=Oslo) car::Anova(Oslo.mod) heplot(Oslo.mod, var=c("Cu", "Mn")) pairs(Oslo.mod) ## Not run: if(require(candisc)) { Oslo.can <- candisc(Oslo.mod) Oslo.can heplot(Oslo.can) if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ heplot3d(Oslo.can, shade=TRUE, wire=FALSE, alpha=0.5, var.col="red") } } ## End(Not run)
Data on overdoses of the drug amitriptyline.
Amitriptyline is a drug prescribed by physicians as an antidepressant. However, there are also
conjectured side effects that seem to be related to the use of the drug: irregular heart beat,
abnormal blood pressure and irregular waves on the electrocardiogram (ECG).
This dataset (originally from Rudorfer, 1982) gives data on 17 patients admitted to hospital after an overdose
of amitriptyline.
The two response variables are: TCAD
and AMI
. The other variables are predictors.
A data frame with 17 observations on the following 7 variables.
total TCAD plasma level, a numeric vector
amount of amitriptyline present in the TCAD plasma level, a numeric vector
a factor with levels Male
amount of drug taken at time of overdose, a numeric vector
diastolic blood pressure, a numeric vector
ECG PR wave measurement, a numeric vector
ECG QRS wave measurement, a numeric vector
Johnson & Wichern (2005), Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Exercise 7.25, p. 426.
Rudorfer, M. V. Cardiovascular changes and plasma drug levels after amitriptyline overdose. (1982). J. Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology. 19(1),67-78. doi:10.3109/15563658208990367, PMID: 7154142.
Clay Ford, "Getting started with Multivariate Multiple Regression", https://library.virginia.edu/data/articles/getting-started-with-multivariate-multiple-regression.
ECG measurements:
data(Overdose) str(Overdose) pairs(Overdose) over.mlm <- lm(cbind(TCAD, AMI) ~ Gender + amount + BP + ECG_PR + ECG_QRS, data = Overdose) coef(over.mlm) # check for outliers cqplot(over.mlm) # HE plot shows that relations of responses to predictors are essentially one-dimensional heplot(over.mlm) # canonical correlation analysis if(require(candisc)) { cancor(cbind(TCAD, AMI) ~ as.numeric(Gender) + amount + BP + ECG_PR + ECG_QRS, data = Overdose) }
data(Overdose) str(Overdose) pairs(Overdose) over.mlm <- lm(cbind(TCAD, AMI) ~ Gender + amount + BP + ECG_PR + ECG_QRS, data = Overdose) coef(over.mlm) # check for outliers cqplot(over.mlm) # HE plot shows that relations of responses to predictors are essentially one-dimensional heplot(over.mlm) # canonical correlation analysis if(require(candisc)) { cancor(cbind(TCAD, AMI) ~ as.numeric(Gender) + amount + BP + ECG_PR + ECG_QRS, data = Overdose) }
The function (in the form of an mlm
method for the generic
function) constructs a “matrix” of pairwise
HE plots (see heplot) for a multivariate linear model.
## S3 method for class 'mlm' pairs( x, variables, var.labels, var.cex = 2, type = c("II", "III", "2", "3"), idata = NULL, idesign = NULL, icontrasts = NULL, imatrix = NULL, iterm = NULL, manova, offset.axes = 0.05, digits = getOption("digits") - 1, fill = FALSE, fill.alpha = 0.3, ... )
## S3 method for class 'mlm' pairs( x, variables, var.labels, var.cex = 2, type = c("II", "III", "2", "3"), idata = NULL, idesign = NULL, icontrasts = NULL, imatrix = NULL, iterm = NULL, manova, offset.axes = 0.05, digits = getOption("digits") - 1, fill = FALSE, fill.alpha = 0.3, ... )
x |
an object of class |
variables |
indices or names of the three of more response variables to be plotted; defaults to all of the responses. |
var.labels |
labels for the variables plotted in the diagonal panels; defaults to names of the response variables. |
var.cex |
character expansion for the variable labels. |
type |
type of sum-of-squares-and-products matrices to compute; one
of |
idata |
an optional data frame giving a factor or factors defining the
intra-subject model for multivariate repeated-measures data. See Details of
idesign |
a one-sided model formula using the “data” in idata and specifying the intra-subject design for repeated measure models. |
icontrasts |
names of contrast-generating functions to be applied by default to factors and ordered factors, respectively, in the within-subject “data”; the contrasts must produce an intra-subject model matrix in which different terms are orthogonal. The default is c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"). |
imatrix |
In lieu of |
iterm |
For repeated measures designs, you must specify one
intra-subject term (a character string) to select the SSPE (E) matrix used
in the HE plot. Hypothesis terms plotted include the |
manova |
optional |
offset.axes |
proportion to extend the axes in each direction; defaults to 0.05. |
digits |
number of significant digits in axis end-labels; taken from
the |
fill |
A logical vector indicating whether each ellipse should be
filled or not. The first value is used for the error ellipse, the rest —
possibly recycled — for the hypothesis ellipses; a single fill value can
be given. Defaults to FALSE for backward compatibility. See Details of
fill.alpha |
Alpha transparency for filled ellipses, a numeric scalar
or vector of values within |
... |
arguments to pass down to |
Michael Friendly
Friendly, M. (2006). Data Ellipses, HE Plots and Reduced-Rank Displays for Multivariate Linear Models: SAS Software and Examples Journal of Statistical Software, 17(6), 1-42. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v17/i06/
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421-444. http://datavis.ca/papers/jcgs-heplots.pdf
# ANCOVA, assuming equal slopes rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ SES + n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer) # View all pairs, with ellipse for all 5 regressors pairs(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")))
# ANCOVA, assuming equal slopes rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ SES + n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer) # View all pairs, with ellipse for all 5 regressors pairs(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")))
The data, from an exercise given by Meyers et al. (2006) relates to 60 fathers assessed on three subscales of a Perceived Parenting Competence Scale. The fathers were selected from three groups: (a) fathers of a child with no disabilities; (b) fathers with a physically disabled child; (c) fathers with a mentally disabled child.
A data frame with 60 observations on the following 4 variables.
a factor with levels Normal
Physical Disability
Mental Disability
caretaking responsibilities, a numeric vector
emotional support provided to the child, a numeric vector
recreational time spent with the child, a numeric vector
The scores on the response variables are discrete.
Meyers, L. S., Gamst, G, & Guarino, A. J. (2006). Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, https://study.sagepub.com/meyers3e, Exercises 10B.
data(Parenting) require(car) # fit the MLM parenting.mod <- lm(cbind(caring, emotion, play) ~ group, data=Parenting) car::Anova(parenting.mod) # Box's M test boxM(parenting.mod) plot(boxM(parenting.mod)) parenting.mod <- lm(cbind(caring, emotion, play) ~ group, data=Parenting) car::Anova(parenting.mod) # test contrasts print(linearHypothesis(parenting.mod, "group1"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(parenting.mod, "group2"), SSP=FALSE) heplot(parenting.mod) # display tests of contrasts hyp <- list("N:MP" = "group1", "M:P" = "group2") heplot(parenting.mod, hypotheses=hyp) # make a prettier plot heplot(parenting.mod, hypotheses=hyp, asp=1, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=c(0.3,0.1), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=c(0,0,1,1), label.pos=c(1,1,3,2), cex=1.4, cex.lab=1.4, lwd=3) pairs(parenting.mod, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=c(0.3, 0.1)) ## Not run: heplot3d(parenting.mod, wire=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
data(Parenting) require(car) # fit the MLM parenting.mod <- lm(cbind(caring, emotion, play) ~ group, data=Parenting) car::Anova(parenting.mod) # Box's M test boxM(parenting.mod) plot(boxM(parenting.mod)) parenting.mod <- lm(cbind(caring, emotion, play) ~ group, data=Parenting) car::Anova(parenting.mod) # test contrasts print(linearHypothesis(parenting.mod, "group1"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(parenting.mod, "group2"), SSP=FALSE) heplot(parenting.mod) # display tests of contrasts hyp <- list("N:MP" = "group1", "M:P" = "group2") heplot(parenting.mod, hypotheses=hyp) # make a prettier plot heplot(parenting.mod, hypotheses=hyp, asp=1, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=c(0.3,0.1), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=c(0,0,1,1), label.pos=c(1,1,3,2), cex=1.4, cex.lab=1.4, lwd=3) pairs(parenting.mod, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=c(0.3, 0.1)) ## Not run: heplot3d(parenting.mod, wire=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Data originally from palmerpenguins
. Includes
measurements for penguin species, island in Palmer Archipelago,
size (flipper length, body mass, bill dimensions), and sex.
A tibble with 333 rows and 8 variables:
a factor denoting penguin species ("Adélie", "Chinstrap" or "Gentoo"
a factor denoting island in Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica ("Biscoe", "Dream" or "Torgersen"
a number denoting bill length (millimeters)
a number denoting bill depth (millimeters)
an integer denoting flipper length (millimeters)
an integer denoting body mass (grams)
a factor denoting penguin sex ("f", "m"
an integer denoting the study year (2007, 2008, or 2009)
In this version, variable names have been shortened (removing units) and observations with missing data have been removed.
Adélie penguins: Palmer Station Antarctica LTER and K. Gorman. 2020. Structural size measurements and isotopic signatures of foraging among adult male and female Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) nesting along the Palmer Archipelago near Palmer Station, 2007-2009 ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative doi:10.6073/pasta/98b16d7d563f265cb52372c8ca99e60f
Gentoo penguins: Palmer Station Antarctica LTER and K. Gorman. 2020. Structural size measurements and isotopic signatures of foraging among adult male and female Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) nesting along the Palmer Archipelago near Palmer Station, 2007-2009 ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative doi:10.6073/pasta/7fca67fb28d56ee2ffa3d9370ebda689
Chinstrap penguins: Palmer Station Antarctica LTER and K. Gorman. 2020. Structural size measurements and isotopic signatures of foraging among adult male and female Chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) nesting along the Palmer Archipelago near Palmer Station, 2007-2009 ver 6. Environmental Data Initiative doi:10.6073/pasta/c14dfcfada8ea13a17536e73eb6fbe9e
Originally published in: Gorman K.B., Williams T.D., Fraser W.R. (2014) Ecological Sexual Dimorphism and Environmental Variability within a Community of Antarctic Penguins (Genus Pygoscelis). PLoS ONE 9(3): e90081. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090081
data(peng) # Covariance ellipses, centered, first two variables covEllipses(cbind(bill_length, bill_depth) ~ species, data=peng, center=TRUE, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), fill.alpha=.1, label.pos=c(1:3,0)) # All pairs when more than two variables are specified. They look pretty similar covEllipses(peng[,3:6], peng$species, variables=1:4, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), fill.alpha=.1) # Box's M test peng.boxm <- boxM(cbind(bill_length, bill_depth, flipper_length, body_mass) ~ species, data=peng) peng.boxm plot(peng.boxm, gplabel="Species") # Fit MANOVA model, predicting species peng.mod0 <-lm(cbind(bill_length, bill_depth, flipper_length, body_mass) ~ species, data=peng) car::Anova(peng.mod0) # HE plot heplot(peng.mod0, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1, size="effect", xlim=c(35,52), ylim=c(14,20))
data(peng) # Covariance ellipses, centered, first two variables covEllipses(cbind(bill_length, bill_depth) ~ species, data=peng, center=TRUE, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), fill.alpha=.1, label.pos=c(1:3,0)) # All pairs when more than two variables are specified. They look pretty similar covEllipses(peng[,3:6], peng$species, variables=1:4, fill=c(rep(FALSE,3), TRUE), fill.alpha=.1) # Box's M test peng.boxm <- boxM(cbind(bill_length, bill_depth, flipper_length, body_mass) ~ species, data=peng) peng.boxm plot(peng.boxm, gplabel="Species") # Fit MANOVA model, predicting species peng.mod0 <-lm(cbind(bill_length, bill_depth, flipper_length, body_mass) ~ species, data=peng) car::Anova(peng.mod0) # HE plot heplot(peng.mod0, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1, size="effect", xlim=c(35,52), ylim=c(14,20))
An experiment was conducted to determine the optimum conditions for extruding plastic film. Three responses were measured in relation to two factors, rate of extrusion and amount of an additive.
A data frame with 20 observations on the following 5 variables.
a numeric vector: tear resistance
a numeric vector: film gloss
a numeric vector: film opacity
a factor representing change in the rate of extrusion with levels Low
(-10%), High
a factor with levels Low
(1.0%), High
Johnson, R.A. & Wichern, D.W. (1992). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall. Example 6.12 (p. 266).
Krzanowski, W. J. (1988). Principles of Multivariate Analysis. A User's Perspective. Oxford. (p. 381)
str(Plastic) plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) car::Anova(plastic.mod) pairs(plastic.mod)
str(Plastic) plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) car::Anova(plastic.mod) pairs(plastic.mod)
This function creates a simple dot chart showing the contributions (log
determinants) of the various groups to Box's M test for equality of
covariance matrices. An important virtue of these plots is that they can show
how the groups differ from each other, and from the pooled
covariance matrix using a scalar like . In this way, they
can suggest more specific questions or hypotheses regarding the
equality of covariance matrices, analogous to the use of contrasts
and linear hypotheses for testing differences among group mean vectors.
Because Box's M test is based on a specific function (log determinant) of the covariance matrices in the groups compared to the pooled covariance matrix, this function also also allow plots of other measures based on the eigenvalues of these covariance matrices.
Confidence intervals are only available for the default Box M test, using
## S3 method for class 'boxM' plot( x, gplabel = NULL, which = c("logDet", "product", "sum", "precision", "max"), log = which == "product", pch = c(16, 15), cex = c(2, 2.5), col = c("blue", "red"), rev = FALSE, xlim, conf = 0.95, method = 1, bias.adj = TRUE, lwd = 2, ... )
## S3 method for class 'boxM' plot( x, gplabel = NULL, which = c("logDet", "product", "sum", "precision", "max"), log = which == "product", pch = c(16, 15), cex = c(2, 2.5), col = c("blue", "red"), rev = FALSE, xlim, conf = 0.95, method = 1, bias.adj = TRUE, lwd = 2, ... )
x |
A |
gplabel |
character string used to label the group factor. |
which |
Measure to be plotted. The default, |
log |
logical; if |
pch |
a vector of two point symbols to use for the individual groups and the pooled data, respectively |
cex |
character size of point symbols, a vector of length two for groups and pooled data, respectively |
col |
colors for point symbols, a vector of length two for the groups and the pooled data |
rev |
logical; if |
xlim |
x limits for the plot |
conf |
coverage for approximate confidence intervals, |
method |
confidence interval method; see |
bias.adj |
confidence interval bias adjustment; see
lwd |
line width for confidence interval |
... |
Arguments passed down to |
Michael Friendly
Friendly, M., & Sigal, M. (2018). Visualizing Tests for Equality of Covariance Matrices. The American Statistician, 72(4); doi:10.1080/00031305.2018.1497537. Online: https://www.datavis.ca/papers/EqCov-TAS.pdf.
# Iris data res <- boxM(iris[, 1:4], iris[, "Species"]) plot(res, gplabel="Species") # Skulls data skulls.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) skulls.boxm <- boxM(skulls.mod) plot(skulls.boxm, gplabel="Epoch") plot(skulls.boxm, gplabel="Epoch", bias.adj=FALSE) # other measures plot(skulls.boxm, which="product", gplabel="Epoch", xlim=c(10,14)) plot(skulls.boxm, which="sum", gplabel="Epoch") plot(skulls.boxm, which="precision", gplabel="Epoch") plot(skulls.boxm, which="max", gplabel="Epoch")
# Iris data res <- boxM(iris[, 1:4], iris[, "Species"]) plot(res, gplabel="Species") # Skulls data skulls.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) skulls.boxm <- boxM(skulls.mod) plot(skulls.boxm, gplabel="Epoch") plot(skulls.boxm, gplabel="Epoch", bias.adj=FALSE) # other measures plot(skulls.boxm, which="product", gplabel="Epoch", xlim=c(10,14)) plot(skulls.boxm, which="sum", gplabel="Epoch") plot(skulls.boxm, which="precision", gplabel="Epoch") plot(skulls.boxm, which="max", gplabel="Epoch")
Creates an index plot of the observation weights assigned in the last
iteration of robmlm
. Observations with low weights have large
residual squared distances and are potential multivariate outliers with
respect to the fitted model.
## S3 method for class 'robmlm' plot( x, labels, id.weight = 0.7, id.pos = 4, pch = 19, col = palette()[1], cex = par("cex"), segments = FALSE, xlab = "Case index", ylab = "Weight in robust MANOVA", ... )
## S3 method for class 'robmlm' plot( x, labels, id.weight = 0.7, id.pos = 4, pch = 19, col = palette()[1], cex = par("cex"), segments = FALSE, xlab = "Case index", ylab = "Weight in robust MANOVA", ... )
x |
A |
labels |
Observation labels; if not specified, uses rownames from the original data |
id.weight |
Threshold for identifying observations with small weights |
id.pos |
Position of observation label relative to the point |
pch |
Point symbol(s); can be a vector of length equal to the number of observations in the data frame |
col |
Point color(s) |
cex |
Point character size(s) |
segments |
logical; if |
xlab |
x axis label |
ylab |
y axis label |
... |
other arguments passed to |
Returns invisibly the weights for the observations labeled in the plot
Michael Friendly
data(Skulls) sk.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) plot(sk.rmod, col=Skulls$epoch) axis(side=3, at=15+seq(0,120,30), labels=levels(Skulls$epoch), cex.axis=1) # Pottery data data(Pottery, package = "carData") pottery.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(Al,Fe,Mg,Ca,Na)~Site, data=Pottery) plot(pottery.rmod, col=Pottery$Site, segments=TRUE) # SocialCog data data(SocialCog) SC.rmod <- robmlm(cbind( MgeEmotions, ToM, ExtBias, PersBias) ~ Dx, data=SocialCog) plot(SC.rmod, col=SocialCog$Dx, segments=TRUE)
data(Skulls) sk.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) plot(sk.rmod, col=Skulls$epoch) axis(side=3, at=15+seq(0,120,30), labels=levels(Skulls$epoch), cex.axis=1) # Pottery data data(Pottery, package = "carData") pottery.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(Al,Fe,Mg,Ca,Na)~Site, data=Pottery) plot(pottery.rmod, col=Pottery$Site, segments=TRUE) # SocialCog data data(SocialCog) SC.rmod <- robmlm(cbind( MgeEmotions, ToM, ExtBias, PersBias) ~ Dx, data=SocialCog) plot(SC.rmod, col=SocialCog$Dx, segments=TRUE)
Results of chemical analyses of 48 specimens of Romano-British pottery
published by Tubb et al. (1980). The numbers are the percentage of various
metal oxides found in each sample for elements of concentrations greater
than 0.01%. This is the original data set from Tubb et al. (1980), in
contrast to Pottery
A data frame with 48 observations on the following 12 variables.
a factor with levels Gl
a factor with levels AshleyRails
a factor with levels 1
amount of aluminum oxide,
amount of iron oxide,
amount of magnesium oxide, MgO
amount of calcium oxide, CaO
amount of sodium oxide,
amount of potassium oxide,
amount of titanium oxide,
amount of manganese oxide, MnO
amount of BaO
The specimens are identified by their rownames
in the data frame.
indicates at which kiln site the pottery was found; Site
gives the location names of those sites. The kiln sites come from three
s, ("Gl"=1, "Wales"=(2, 3), "NF"=(4, 5))
, where the full
names are "Gloucester", "Wales", and "New Forrest".
The variable Kiln
comes pre-supplied with contrasts to test
interesting hypotheses related to Site
and Region
Originally slightly modified from files by David Carlson, now at
Baxter, M. J. 2003. Statistics in Archaeology. Arnold, London.
Carlson, David L. 2017. Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Using R. Cambridge University Press, pp 247-255, 335-342.
Tubb, A., A. J. Parker, and G. Nickless. 1980. The Analysis of Romano-British Pottery by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Archaeometry, 22, 153-171.
for the related (subset) data set;
for a newer version with more variables.
library(car) data(Pottery2) # contrasts for Kiln correspond to between Region [,1:2] and within Region [,3:4] contrasts(Pottery2$Kiln) pmod <-lm(cbind(Al,Fe,Mg,Ca,Na,K,Ti,Mn,Ba)~Kiln, data=Pottery2) car::Anova(pmod) # extract coefficient names for linearHypotheses coefs <- rownames(coef(pmod))[-1] # test differences among regions linearHypothesis(pmod, coefs[1:2]) # test differences within regions B, C linearHypothesis(pmod, coefs[3:4]) heplot(pmod, fill=c(TRUE,FALSE), hypotheses=list("Region" =coefs[1:2], "WithinBC"=coefs[3:4])) # all pairwise views; note that Ba shows no effect pairs(pmod, fill=c(TRUE,FALSE)) # canonical view, via candisc::heplot if (require(candisc)) { # canonical analysis: how many dimensions? (pcan <- candisc(pmod)) heplot(pcan, scale=18, fill=c(TRUE,FALSE), var.col="darkgreen", var.lwd=2, var.cex=1.5) ## Not run: heplot3d(pcan, scale=8) ## End(Not run) }
library(car) data(Pottery2) # contrasts for Kiln correspond to between Region [,1:2] and within Region [,3:4] contrasts(Pottery2$Kiln) pmod <-lm(cbind(Al,Fe,Mg,Ca,Na,K,Ti,Mn,Ba)~Kiln, data=Pottery2) car::Anova(pmod) # extract coefficient names for linearHypotheses coefs <- rownames(coef(pmod))[-1] # test differences among regions linearHypothesis(pmod, coefs[1:2]) # test differences within regions B, C linearHypothesis(pmod, coefs[3:4]) heplot(pmod, fill=c(TRUE,FALSE), hypotheses=list("Region" =coefs[1:2], "WithinBC"=coefs[3:4])) # all pairwise views; note that Ba shows no effect pairs(pmod, fill=c(TRUE,FALSE)) # canonical view, via candisc::heplot if (require(candisc)) { # canonical analysis: how many dimensions? (pcan <- candisc(pmod)) heplot(pcan, scale=18, fill=c(TRUE,FALSE), var.col="darkgreen", var.lwd=2, var.cex=1.5) ## Not run: heplot3d(pcan, scale=8) ## End(Not run) }
Data from a probe experiment testing whether immediate memory for sentences is influenced by the phrase structure of the sentence. The data sets come from Timm (1975), Ex. 3.14 and Ex. 3.16 (p.244)
: A data frame with 11 observations on the following 5 variables.
speed at position 1
speed at position 2
speed at position 3
speed at position 4
speed at position 5
: A data frame with 20 observations on the following 6 variables.
Short term memory capacity: a factor with levels High
speed at position 1
speed at position 2
speed at position 3
speed at position 4
speed at position 5
Procedure: Subjects listened to tape-recorded sentences. Each sentence was followed by a "probe word" from one of 5 positions within the sentence. The subject had to respond with the word which immediately followed the probe word in the sentence. The dependent measure is response speed = k(1/reaction time).
Sample sentence:
* The tall man met the young girl who got the new hat. Pos'ns: 1 2 3 4 5 Function: ADJ1 SUBJ ADJ2 OBJ REL.PN
In Probe2
, there are two groups of subjects, pre-selected on a test
of short term memory.
These data sets (fictitious) are used as examples of single-sample and two-sample profile analysis or simple repeated measure designs with structured contrasts.
Timm, N. (1975) Multivariate analysis, with applications in education and psychology Brooks/Cole.
data(Probe1) boxplot(Probe1) pmod1 <- lm(cbind(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) ~ 1, data=Probe1) idata <- data.frame(position=factor(1:5)) library(car) (pmod1.aov <- car::Anova(pmod1, idata=idata, idesign=~position)) # using default contrasts (p5 as reference level) heplot(pmod1, manova=pmod1.aov, iterm="position", type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~position) pairs(pmod1, manova=pmod1.aov, iterm="position", type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~position) # contrasts for substantative hypotheses regarding # sentence position effects C <- matrix(c( 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, -4), 5, 4) rownames(C) <- paste("p", 1:5, sep="") colnames(C) <- c("SubPred", "AdjNoun", "SPxAN", "RelPN") contrasts(idata$position)<- C (pmod1.aov <- car::Anova(pmod1, idata=idata, idesign=~position)) heplot(pmod1, manova=pmod1.aov, iterm="position", type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~position) pairs(pmod1, manova=pmod1.aov, iterm="position", type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~position)
data(Probe1) boxplot(Probe1) pmod1 <- lm(cbind(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) ~ 1, data=Probe1) idata <- data.frame(position=factor(1:5)) library(car) (pmod1.aov <- car::Anova(pmod1, idata=idata, idesign=~position)) # using default contrasts (p5 as reference level) heplot(pmod1, manova=pmod1.aov, iterm="position", type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~position) pairs(pmod1, manova=pmod1.aov, iterm="position", type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~position) # contrasts for substantative hypotheses regarding # sentence position effects C <- matrix(c( 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, -4), 5, 4) rownames(C) <- paste("p", 1:5, sep="") colnames(C) <- c("SubPred", "AdjNoun", "SPxAN", "RelPN") contrasts(idata$position)<- C (pmod1.aov <- car::Anova(pmod1, idata=idata, idesign=~position)) heplot(pmod1, manova=pmod1.aov, iterm="position", type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~position) pairs(pmod1, manova=pmod1.aov, iterm="position", type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~position)
The data are from a study of weight gain, where investigators randomly assigned 30 rats to three treatment groups: treatment 1 was a control (no additive); treatments 2 and 3 consisted of two different additives (thiouracil and thyroxin respectively) to the rats drinking water. Weight was measured at baseline (week 0) and at weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4. Due to an accident at the beginning of the study, data on 3 rats from the thyroxin group are unavailable.
A data frame with 27 observations on the following 6 variables.
a factor with levels Control
Weight at Week 0 (baseline weight)
Weight at Week 1
Weight at Week 2
Weight at Week 3
Weight at Week 4
The trt
factor comes supplied with contrasts comparing Control
to each of Thiouracil
and Thyroxin
Originally from Box (1950), Table D (page 389), where the values for weeks 1-4 were recorded as the gain in weight for that week.
Fitzmaurice, G. M. and Laird, N. M. and Ware, J. H (2004). Applied Longitudinal Analysis, New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience. https://rdrr.io/rforge/ALA/.
Box, G.E.P. (1950). Problems in the analysis of growth and wear curves. Biometrics, 6, 362-389.
Friendly, Michael (2010). HE Plots for Repeated Measures Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 37(4), 1-40. doi:10.18637/jss.v037.i04.
data(RatWeight) contrasts(RatWeight$trt) rat.mod <- lm(cbind(wt0, wt1, wt2, wt3, wt4) ~ trt, data=RatWeight) rat.mod idata <- data.frame(week = ordered(0:4)) car::Anova(rat.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~week, test="Roy") # quick look at between group effects pairs(rat.mod) # between-S, baseline & week 4 heplot(rat.mod, col=c("red", "blue", "green3", "green3"), variables=c(1,5), hypotheses=c("trt1", "trt2"), main="Rat weight data, Between-S effects") # within-S heplot(rat.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~week, iterm="week", col=c("red", "blue", "green3"), # hypotheses=c("trt1", "trt2"), main="Rat weight data, Within-S effects")
data(RatWeight) contrasts(RatWeight$trt) rat.mod <- lm(cbind(wt0, wt1, wt2, wt3, wt4) ~ trt, data=RatWeight) rat.mod idata <- data.frame(week = ordered(0:4)) car::Anova(rat.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~week, test="Roy") # quick look at between group effects pairs(rat.mod) # between-S, baseline & week 4 heplot(rat.mod, col=c("red", "blue", "green3", "green3"), variables=c(1,5), hypotheses=c("trt1", "trt2"), main="Rat weight data, Between-S effects") # within-S heplot(rat.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~week, iterm="week", col=c("red", "blue", "green3"), # hypotheses=c("trt1", "trt2"), main="Rat weight data, Within-S effects")
Data from Maxwell and Delaney (1990, p. 497) representing the reaction times of 10 subjects in some task where visual stimuli are tilted at 0, 4, and 8 degrees; with noise absent or present. Each subject responded to 3 tilt x 2 noise = 6 conditions. The data thus comprise a repeated measure design with two within-S factors.
A data frame with 10 observations giving the reaction time for the 6 conditions.
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Baron, J. and Li, Y. (2003). Notes on the use of R for psychology experiments and questionnaires, https://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Baron-rpsych.pdf
Michael Friendly (2010). HE Plots for Repeated Measures Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 37(4), 1-40. doi:10.18637/jss.v037.i04.
Maxwell, S. E. & Delaney, H. D. (1990). Designing Experiments and Analyzing Data: A model comparison perspective. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
data(ReactTime) (RT.mod <- lm(as.matrix(ReactTime)~1)) # within-S factors within <- expand.grid(tilt=ordered(c(0,4,8)), noise=c("NA", "NP")) car::Anova(RT.mod, idata=within, idesign=~tilt * noise) heplot(RT.mod, idata=within, idesign=~tilt * noise, iterm="tilt") # plotting means and std errors directly levels <- expand.grid(Tilt=c(0,4,8), noise=c("NA", "NP")) (means.df <- data.frame(levels, mean=colMeans(ReactTime), se=sqrt(diag(var(ReactTime)))/9)) with(means.df, { plot(Tilt, mean, type="n", main="Reaction Time data", xlab="Tilt", ylab="Reaction time") colors <- rep(c("red", "blue"), each=3) pts <- rep(c(15, 16), each=3) lines(Tilt[1:3], mean[1:3], col="red", lwd=2) lines(Tilt[4:6], mean[4:6], col="blue", lwd=2) points(Tilt, mean, pch=pts, col=colors, cex=1.2) arrows(Tilt, mean-se, Tilt, mean+se, angle=90, code=3, col=colors, len=.05, lwd=2) # labels at last point, in lieu of legend text(Tilt[3], mean[3]-10, labels="NA", col="red", pos=1) text(Tilt[6], mean[6]-10, labels="NP", col="blue", pos=1) } )
data(ReactTime) (RT.mod <- lm(as.matrix(ReactTime)~1)) # within-S factors within <- expand.grid(tilt=ordered(c(0,4,8)), noise=c("NA", "NP")) car::Anova(RT.mod, idata=within, idesign=~tilt * noise) heplot(RT.mod, idata=within, idesign=~tilt * noise, iterm="tilt") # plotting means and std errors directly levels <- expand.grid(Tilt=c(0,4,8), noise=c("NA", "NP")) (means.df <- data.frame(levels, mean=colMeans(ReactTime), se=sqrt(diag(var(ReactTime)))/9)) with(means.df, { plot(Tilt, mean, type="n", main="Reaction Time data", xlab="Tilt", ylab="Reaction time") colors <- rep(c("red", "blue"), each=3) pts <- rep(c(15, 16), each=3) lines(Tilt[1:3], mean[1:3], col="red", lwd=2) lines(Tilt[4:6], mean[4:6], col="blue", lwd=2) points(Tilt, mean, pch=pts, col=colors, cex=1.2) arrows(Tilt, mean-se, Tilt, mean+se, angle=90, code=3, col=colors, len=.05, lwd=2) # labels at last point, in lieu of legend text(Tilt[3], mean[3]-10, labels="NA", col="red", pos=1) text(Tilt[6], mean[6]-10, labels="NP", col="blue", pos=1) } )
Fit a multivariate linear model by robust regression using a simple M estimator.
robmlm(X, ...) ## Default S3 method: robmlm( X, Y, w, P = 2 * pnorm(4.685, lower.tail = FALSE), tune, max.iter = 100, psi = psi.bisquare, tol = 1e-06, initialize, verbose = FALSE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'formula' robmlm( formula, data, subset, weights, na.action, model = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'robmlm' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'robmlm' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.robmlm' print(x, ...)
robmlm(X, ...) ## Default S3 method: robmlm( X, Y, w, P = 2 * pnorm(4.685, lower.tail = FALSE), tune, max.iter = 100, psi = psi.bisquare, tol = 1e-06, initialize, verbose = FALSE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'formula' robmlm( formula, data, subset, weights, na.action, model = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'robmlm' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'robmlm' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.robmlm' print(x, ...)
X |
for the default method, a model matrix, including the constant (if present) |
... |
other arguments, passed down. In particular relevant control
arguments can be passed to the to the |
Y |
for the default method, a response matrix |
w |
prior weights |
P |
two-tail probability, to find cutoff quantile for chisq (tuning constant); default is set for bisquare weight function |
tune |
tuning constant (if given directly) |
max.iter |
maximum number of iterations |
psi |
robustness weight function; |
tol |
convergence tolerance, maximum relative change in coefficients |
initialize |
modeling function to find start values for coefficients,
equation-by-equation; if absent WLS ( |
verbose |
show iteration history? ( |
formula |
a formula of the form |
data |
a data frame from which variables specified in |
subset |
An index vector specifying the cases to be used in fitting. |
weights |
a vector of prior weights for each case. |
na.action |
A function to specify the action to be taken if |
model |
should the model frame be returned in the object? |
contrasts |
optional contrast specifications; see
x |
a |
object |
a |
These S3 methods are designed to provide a specification of a class of
robust methods which extend mlm
s, and are therefore compatible with
other mlm
extensions, including Anova
Fitting is done by iterated re-weighted least squares (IWLS), using weights
based on the Mahalanobis squared distances of the current residuals from the
origin, and a scaling (covariance) matrix calculated by
. The design of these methods were loosely
modeled on rlm
An internal vcov.mlm
function is an extension of the standard
method providing for observation weights.
An object of class "robmlm"
inheriting from c("mlm",
This means that the returned "robmlm"
contains all the components of
objects described for lm
, plus the
final observation weights
number of iterations
logical: did the IWLS process converge?
The generic accessor functions coefficients
, fitted.values
extract various useful features of the value
returned by robmlm
John Fox; packaged by Michael Friendly
A. Marazzi (1993) Algorithms, Routines and S Functions for Robust Statistics. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
############## # Skulls data # make shorter labels for epochs and nicer variable labels in heplots Skulls$epoch <- factor(Skulls$epoch, labels=sub("c","",levels(Skulls$epoch))) # variable labels vlab <- c("maxBreadth", "basibHeight", "basialLength", "nasalHeight") # fit manova model, classically and robustly sk.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) sk.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) # standard mlm methods apply here coefficients(sk.rmod) # index plot of weights plot(sk.rmod$weights, type="h", xlab="Case Index", ylab="Robust mlm weight", col="gray") points(sk.rmod$weights, pch=16, col=Skulls$epoch) axis(side=1, at=15+seq(0,120,30), labels=levels(Skulls$epoch), tick=FALSE, cex.axis=1) # heplots to see effect of robmlm vs. mlm heplot(sk.mod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), xlab=vlab[1], ylab=vlab[2], cex=1.25, lty=1) heplot(sk.rmod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), add=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE, lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,2), term.labels=FALSE, hyp.labels=FALSE, err.label="") ############## # Pottery data data(Pottery, package = "carData") pottery.mod <- lm(cbind(Al,Fe,Mg,Ca,Na)~Site, data=Pottery) pottery.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(Al,Fe,Mg,Ca,Na)~Site, data=Pottery) car::Anova(pottery.mod) car::Anova(pottery.rmod) # index plot of weights plot(pottery.rmod$weights, type="h") points(pottery.rmod$weights, pch=16, col=Pottery$Site) # heplots to see effect of robmlm vs. mlm heplot(pottery.mod, cex=1.3, lty=1) heplot(pottery.rmod, add=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE, lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,2), term.labels=FALSE, err.label="") ############### # Prestige data data(Prestige, package = "carData") # treat women and prestige as response variables for this example prestige.mod <- lm(cbind(women, prestige) ~ income + education + type, data=Prestige) prestige.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(women, prestige) ~ income + education + type, data=Prestige) coef(prestige.mod) coef(prestige.rmod) # how much do coefficients change? round(coef(prestige.mod) - coef(prestige.rmod),3) # pretty plot of case weights plot(prestige.rmod$weights, type="h", xlab="Case Index", ylab="Robust mlm weight", col="gray") points(prestige.rmod$weights, pch=16, col=Prestige$type) legend(0, 0.7, levels(Prestige$type), pch=16, col=palette()[1:3], bg="white") heplot(prestige.mod, cex=1.4, lty=1) heplot(prestige.rmod, add=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE, lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,2), term.labels=FALSE, err.label="")
############## # Skulls data # make shorter labels for epochs and nicer variable labels in heplots Skulls$epoch <- factor(Skulls$epoch, labels=sub("c","",levels(Skulls$epoch))) # variable labels vlab <- c("maxBreadth", "basibHeight", "basialLength", "nasalHeight") # fit manova model, classically and robustly sk.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) sk.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) # standard mlm methods apply here coefficients(sk.rmod) # index plot of weights plot(sk.rmod$weights, type="h", xlab="Case Index", ylab="Robust mlm weight", col="gray") points(sk.rmod$weights, pch=16, col=Skulls$epoch) axis(side=1, at=15+seq(0,120,30), labels=levels(Skulls$epoch), tick=FALSE, cex.axis=1) # heplots to see effect of robmlm vs. mlm heplot(sk.mod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), xlab=vlab[1], ylab=vlab[2], cex=1.25, lty=1) heplot(sk.rmod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), add=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE, lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,2), term.labels=FALSE, hyp.labels=FALSE, err.label="") ############## # Pottery data data(Pottery, package = "carData") pottery.mod <- lm(cbind(Al,Fe,Mg,Ca,Na)~Site, data=Pottery) pottery.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(Al,Fe,Mg,Ca,Na)~Site, data=Pottery) car::Anova(pottery.mod) car::Anova(pottery.rmod) # index plot of weights plot(pottery.rmod$weights, type="h") points(pottery.rmod$weights, pch=16, col=Pottery$Site) # heplots to see effect of robmlm vs. mlm heplot(pottery.mod, cex=1.3, lty=1) heplot(pottery.rmod, add=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE, lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,2), term.labels=FALSE, err.label="") ############### # Prestige data data(Prestige, package = "carData") # treat women and prestige as response variables for this example prestige.mod <- lm(cbind(women, prestige) ~ income + education + type, data=Prestige) prestige.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(women, prestige) ~ income + education + type, data=Prestige) coef(prestige.mod) coef(prestige.rmod) # how much do coefficients change? round(coef(prestige.mod) - coef(prestige.rmod),3) # pretty plot of case weights plot(prestige.rmod$weights, type="h", xlab="Case Index", ylab="Robust mlm weight", col="gray") points(prestige.rmod$weights, pch=16, col=Prestige$type) legend(0, 0.7, levels(Prestige$type), pch=16, col=palette()[1:3], bg="white") heplot(prestige.mod, cex=1.4, lty=1) heplot(prestige.rmod, add=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE, lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,2), term.labels=FALSE, err.label="")
Data from an experiment by William D. Rohwer on kindergarten children designed to examine how well performance on a set of paired-associate (PA) tasks can predict performance on some measures of aptitude and achievement.
A data frame with 69 observations on the following 10 variables.
a numeric vector, corresponding to SES
Socioeconomic status, a factor with levels Hi
a numeric vector: score on a Student Achievement Test
a numeric vector: score on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
a numeric vector: score on the Raven Progressive Matrices Test
a numeric vector: performance on a 'named' PA task
a numeric vector: performance on a 'still' PA task
a numeric vector: performance on a 'named still' PA task
a numeric vector: performance on a 'named action' PA task
a numeric vector: performance on a 'sentence still' PA task
The variables SAT
and Raven
are responses to be
potentially explained by performance on the paired-associate (PA) learning
, s
, ns
, na
, and ss
Timm, N.H. 1975). Multivariate Analysis with Applications in Education and Psychology. Wadsworth (Brooks/Cole), Examples 4.3 (p. 281), 4.7 (p. 313), 4.13 (p. 344).
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421–444. http://datavis.ca/papers/jcgs-heplots.pdf
str(Rohwer) # Plot responses against each predictor library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) yvars <- c("SAT", "PPVT", "Raven" ) xvars <- c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss") Rohwer_long <- Rohwer %>% pivot_longer(cols = all_of(xvars), names_to = "xvar", values_to = "x") |> pivot_longer(cols = all_of(yvars), names_to = "yvar", values_to = "y") |> mutate(xvar = factor(xvar, xvars), yvar = factor(yvar, yvars)) ggplot(Rohwer_long, aes(x, y, color = SES, shape = SES, fill = SES)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, formula = y ~ x) + stat_ellipse(geom = "polygon", level = 0.68, alpha = 0.1) + facet_grid(yvar ~ xvar, scales = "free") + labs(x = "predictor", y = "response") + theme_bw(base_size = 14) ## ANCOVA, assuming equal slopes rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ SES + n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer) car::Anova(rohwer.mod) # Visualize the ANCOVA model heplot(rohwer.mod) # Add ellipse to test all 5 regressors heplot(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss"))) # View all pairs pairs(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss"))) # or 3D plot ## Not run: col <- c("red", "green3", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "brown", "gray") heplot3d(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")), col=col, wire=FALSE) ## End(Not run) ## fit separate, independent models for Lo/Hi SES rohwer.ses1 <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer, subset=SES=="Hi") rohwer.ses2 <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer, subset=SES=="Lo") # overlay the separate HE plots heplot(rohwer.ses1, ylim=c(40,110),col=c("red", "black")) heplot(rohwer.ses2, add=TRUE, col=c("blue", "black"), grand.mean=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE)
str(Rohwer) # Plot responses against each predictor library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) yvars <- c("SAT", "PPVT", "Raven" ) xvars <- c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss") Rohwer_long <- Rohwer %>% pivot_longer(cols = all_of(xvars), names_to = "xvar", values_to = "x") |> pivot_longer(cols = all_of(yvars), names_to = "yvar", values_to = "y") |> mutate(xvar = factor(xvar, xvars), yvar = factor(yvar, yvars)) ggplot(Rohwer_long, aes(x, y, color = SES, shape = SES, fill = SES)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, formula = y ~ x) + stat_ellipse(geom = "polygon", level = 0.68, alpha = 0.1) + facet_grid(yvar ~ xvar, scales = "free") + labs(x = "predictor", y = "response") + theme_bw(base_size = 14) ## ANCOVA, assuming equal slopes rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ SES + n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer) car::Anova(rohwer.mod) # Visualize the ANCOVA model heplot(rohwer.mod) # Add ellipse to test all 5 regressors heplot(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss"))) # View all pairs pairs(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss"))) # or 3D plot ## Not run: col <- c("red", "green3", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "brown", "gray") heplot3d(rohwer.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = c("n", "s", "ns", "na", "ss")), col=col, wire=FALSE) ## End(Not run) ## fit separate, independent models for Lo/Hi SES rohwer.ses1 <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer, subset=SES=="Hi") rohwer.ses2 <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer, subset=SES=="Lo") # overlay the separate HE plots heplot(rohwer.ses1, ylim=c(40,110),col=c("red", "black")) heplot(rohwer.ses2, add=TRUE, col=c("blue", "black"), grand.mean=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE)
In a classic experiment carried out from 1918 to 1934, growth of apple trees of six different rootstocks were compared on four measures of size. How do the measures of size vary with the type of rootstock?
A data frame with 48 observations on the following 5 variables.
a factor with levels 1
a numeric vector: trunk girth at 4 years (mm x 100)
a numeric vector: extension growth at 4 years (m)
a numeric vector: trunk girth at 15 years (mm x 100)
a numeric vector: weight of tree above ground at 15 years (lb x 1000)
This is a balanced, one-way MANOVA design, with n=8 trees for each rootstock.
Andrews, D. and Herzberg, A. (1985). Data: A Collection of Problems from Many Fields for the Student and Research Worker Springer-Verlag, pp. 357–360.
Rencher, A. C. (1995). Methods of Multivariate Analysis. New York: Wiley, Table 6.2
library(car) data(RootStock) str(RootStock) root.mod <- lm(cbind(girth4, ext4, girth15, weight15) ~ rootstock, data=RootStock) car::Anova(root.mod) pairs(root.mod) # test two orthogonal contrasts among the rootstocks hyp <- matrix(c(2,-1,-1,-1,-1,2, 1, 0,0,0,0,-1), 2, 6, byrow=TRUE) car::linearHypothesis(root.mod, hyp) heplot(root.mod, hypotheses=list(Contrasts=hyp, C1=hyp[1,], C2=hyp[2,])) heplot1d(root.mod, hypotheses=list(Contrasts=hyp, C1=hyp[1,], C2=hyp[2,]))
library(car) data(RootStock) str(RootStock) root.mod <- lm(cbind(girth4, ext4, girth15, weight15) ~ rootstock, data=RootStock) car::Anova(root.mod) pairs(root.mod) # test two orthogonal contrasts among the rootstocks hyp <- matrix(c(2,-1,-1,-1,-1,2, 1, 0,0,0,0,-1), 2, 6, byrow=TRUE) car::linearHypothesis(root.mod, hyp) heplot(root.mod, hypotheses=list(Contrasts=hyp, C1=hyp[1,], C2=hyp[2,])) heplot1d(root.mod, hypotheses=list(Contrasts=hyp, C1=hyp[1,], C2=hyp[2,]))
Siotani et al. (1985) describe a study of Japanese rice wine (sake) used to
investigate the relationship between two subjective ratings (taste
and smell
) and a number of physical measurements on 30 brands of
A data frame with 30 observations on the following 10 variables.
mean taste rating
mean smell rating
pH measurement
one measure of acidity
another measure of acidity
Sake-meter score
direct reducing sugar content
total sugar content
alcohol content
formol-nitrogen content
These data provide one example of a case where a multivariate regression doesn't benefit from having multiple outcome measures, using the standard tests. Barrett (2003) uses this data to illustrate influence measures for multivariate regression models.
The taste
and smell
values are the mean ratings of 10 experts
on some unknown scale.
Siotani, M. Hayakawa, T. & Fujikoshi, Y. (1985). Modern Multivariate Statistical Analysis: A Graduate Course and Handbook. American Sciences Press, p. 217.
Barrett, B. E. (2003). Understanding Influence in Multivariate Regression. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 32 (3), 667-680.
data(Sake) # quick look at the data boxplot(scale(Sake)) Sake.mod <- lm(cbind(taste,smell) ~ ., data=Sake) library(car) car::Anova(Sake.mod) predictors <- colnames(Sake)[-(1:2)] # overall multivariate regression test linearHypothesis(Sake.mod, predictors) heplot(Sake.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = predictors))
data(Sake) # quick look at the data boxplot(scale(Sake)) Sake.mod <- lm(cbind(taste,smell) ~ ., data=Sake) library(car) car::Anova(Sake.mod) predictors <- colnames(Sake)[-(1:2)] # overall multivariate regression test linearHypothesis(Sake.mod, predictors) heplot(Sake.mod, hypotheses=list("Regr" = predictors))
School Data, from Charnes et al. (1981), a large scale social experiment in public school education.
It was conceived in the late 1960's as a federally sponsored program charged with providing remedial
assistance to educationally disadvantaged early primary school students.
One aim is to explain scores on 3
different tests, reading
, mathematics
and selfesteem
from 70 school sites by means of 5 explanatory variables related to parents
and teachers.
A data frame with 70 observations on the following 8 variables.
Education level of mother as measured by the percentage of high school graduates among female parents
Highest occupation of a family member according to a pre-arranged rating scale
Parental visits index, representing the number of visits to the school site
Parent counseling index, calculated from data on time spent with child on school-related topics such as reading together, etc.
Number of teachers at the given site
Reading score as measured by the Metropolitan Achievement Test
Mathematics score as measured by the Metropolitan Achievement Test
Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, intended as a measure of self-esteem
A number of observations are unusual, a fact only revealed by plotting.
The study was designed to compare schools using Program Follow Through (PFT)
management methods of taking actions to achieve goals with those of
Non Follow Through (NFT). Observations 1:49
came from PFT sites
and 50:70
from NFT sites.
This and other descriptors are contained in the dataset schoolsites
This dataset was came originally from the (now-defunct) FRB
A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper and E. Rhodes (1981). Evaluating Program and Managerial Efficiency: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Program Follow Through. Management Science, 27, 668-697.
data(schooldata) # initial screening plot(schooldata) # better plot library(corrgram) corrgram(schooldata, lower.panel=panel.ellipse, upper.panel=panel.pts) # check for multivariate outliers res <- cqplot(schooldata, id.n = 5) res #fit the MMreg model school.mod <- lm(cbind(reading, mathematics, selfesteem) ~ education + occupation + visit + counseling + teacher, data=schooldata) # shorthand: fit all others school.mod <- lm(cbind(reading, mathematics, selfesteem) ~ ., data=schooldata) car::Anova(school.mod) # HE plots heplot(school.mod, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) pairs(school.mod, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) # robust model, using robmlm() school.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(reading, mathematics, selfesteem) ~ ., data=schooldata) # note that counseling is now significant car::Anova(school.rmod) # Index plot of the weights wts <- school.rmod$weights notable <- which(wts < 0.8) plot(wts, type = "h", col="gray", ylab = "Observation weight") points(seq_along(wts), wts, pch=16, col = ifelse(wts < 0.8, "red", "black")) text(notable, wts[notable], labels = notable, pos = 3, col = "red") # compare classical HE plot with that based on the robust model heplot(school.mod, cex=1.4, lty=1, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) heplot(school.rmod, add=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE, lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,2), term.labels=FALSE, err.label="", fill=TRUE)
data(schooldata) # initial screening plot(schooldata) # better plot library(corrgram) corrgram(schooldata, lower.panel=panel.ellipse, upper.panel=panel.pts) # check for multivariate outliers res <- cqplot(schooldata, id.n = 5) res #fit the MMreg model school.mod <- lm(cbind(reading, mathematics, selfesteem) ~ education + occupation + visit + counseling + teacher, data=schooldata) # shorthand: fit all others school.mod <- lm(cbind(reading, mathematics, selfesteem) ~ ., data=schooldata) car::Anova(school.mod) # HE plots heplot(school.mod, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) pairs(school.mod, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) # robust model, using robmlm() school.rmod <- robmlm(cbind(reading, mathematics, selfesteem) ~ ., data=schooldata) # note that counseling is now significant car::Anova(school.rmod) # Index plot of the weights wts <- school.rmod$weights notable <- which(wts < 0.8) plot(wts, type = "h", col="gray", ylab = "Observation weight") points(seq_along(wts), wts, pch=16, col = ifelse(wts < 0.8, "red", "black")) text(notable, wts[notable], labels = notable, pos = 3, col = "red") # compare classical HE plot with that based on the robust model heplot(school.mod, cex=1.4, lty=1, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) heplot(school.rmod, add=TRUE, error.ellipse=TRUE, lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,2), term.labels=FALSE, err.label="", fill=TRUE)
Descriptors for the sites of the schooldata
dataset, from Charnes et al. (1981).
The study was designed to compare schools using Program Follow Through (PFT)
management methods of taking actions to achieve goals with those of
Non Follow Through (NFT). Observations 1:49
came from PFT sites
and 50:70
from NFT sites.
This dataset gives other descriptors for the sites, from their Exhibit C.
A data frame with 70 observations on the following 7 variables.
site number, a numeric vector
program type, a factor with levels PFT
("Program Follow Through") and NFT
("Non Follow Through")
education style model, a factor with levels BA
, Bank Street
California Process
, Cognitive Curriculum
, Home-School
, Parent Education
, Responsive Education
location of site, a character vector
US region, a factor with levels NC
, NE
, S
, W
city size, an ordered factor with levels Rural
< Small
< Medium
< Large
size of the student population, a numeric vector
A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper and E. Rhodes (1981). Evaluating Program and Managerial Efficiency: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Program Follow Through. Management Science, 27, 668-697, Exhibit C.
data(schoolsites) str(schoolsites) schools <- cbind(schooldata, schoolsites) schools.mod <- lm(cbind(reading, mathematics, selfesteem) ~ education + occupation + visit + counseling + teacher + type + region, data = schools) car::Anova(schools.mod)
data(schoolsites) str(schoolsites) schools <- cbind(schooldata, schoolsites) schools.mod <- lm(cbind(reading, mathematics, selfesteem) ~ education + occupation + visit + counseling + teacher + type + region, data = schools) car::Anova(schools.mod)
Measurements made on Egyptian skulls from five epochs.
A data frame with 150 observations on the following 5 variables.
the epoch the skull as assigned to, an
ordered factor with levels c4000BC
, c1850BC
, and cAD150
, where the years are only given approximately, of course.
maximal breadth of the skull.
basibregmatic height of the skull.
basialiveolar length of the skull.
nasal height of the skull.
The epochs correspond to the following periods of Egyptian history:
the early predynastic period (circa 4000 BC);
the late predynastic period (circa 3300 BC);
the 12th and 13th dynasties (circa 1850 BC);
the Ptolemiac period (circa 200 BC);
the Roman period (circa 150 AD).
The question is whether the measurements change over time. Non-constant measurements of the skulls over time would indicate interbreeding with immigrant populations.
Note that using polynomial contrasts for epoch
essentially treats the
time points as equally spaced.
D. J. Hand, F. Daly, A. D. Lunn, K. J. McConway and E. Ostrowski (1994). A Handbook of Small Datasets, Chapman and Hall/CRC, London.
Thomson, A. and Randall-Maciver, R. (1905) Ancient Races of the Thebaid, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hand, D. J., F. Daly, A. D. Lunn, K. J. McConway and E. Ostrowski (1994). A Handbook of Small Datasets, Chapman and Hall/CRC, London.
data(Skulls) library(car) # for Anova # make shorter labels for epochs Skulls$epoch <- factor(Skulls$epoch, labels=sub("c","",levels(Skulls$epoch))) # longer variable labels vlab <- c("maxBreadth", "basibHeight", "basialLength", "nasalHeight") # fit manova model sk.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) Anova(sk.mod) summary(Anova(sk.mod)) # test trends over epochs print(linearHypothesis(sk.mod, "epoch.L"), SSP=FALSE) # linear component print(linearHypothesis(sk.mod, "epoch.Q"), SSP=FALSE) # quadratic component # typical scatterplots are not very informative scatterplot(mb ~ bh|epoch, data=Skulls, ellipse = list(levels=0.68), smooth=FALSE, legend = list(coords="topright"), xlab=vlab[2], ylab=vlab[1]) scatterplot(mb ~ bl|epoch, data=Skulls, ellipse = list(levels=0.68), smooth=FALSE, legend = list(coords="topright"), xlab=vlab[3], ylab=vlab[1]) # HE plots heplot(sk.mod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), xlab=vlab[1], ylab=vlab[2]) pairs(sk.mod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), var.labels=vlab) # 3D plot shows that nearly all of hypothesis variation is linear! ## Not run: heplot3d(sk.mod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), col=c("pink", "blue")) # view in canonical space if (require(candisc)) { sk.can <- candisc(sk.mod) sk.can heplot(sk.can) heplot3d(sk.can) } ## End(Not run)
data(Skulls) library(car) # for Anova # make shorter labels for epochs Skulls$epoch <- factor(Skulls$epoch, labels=sub("c","",levels(Skulls$epoch))) # longer variable labels vlab <- c("maxBreadth", "basibHeight", "basialLength", "nasalHeight") # fit manova model sk.mod <- lm(cbind(mb, bh, bl, nh) ~ epoch, data=Skulls) Anova(sk.mod) summary(Anova(sk.mod)) # test trends over epochs print(linearHypothesis(sk.mod, "epoch.L"), SSP=FALSE) # linear component print(linearHypothesis(sk.mod, "epoch.Q"), SSP=FALSE) # quadratic component # typical scatterplots are not very informative scatterplot(mb ~ bh|epoch, data=Skulls, ellipse = list(levels=0.68), smooth=FALSE, legend = list(coords="topright"), xlab=vlab[2], ylab=vlab[1]) scatterplot(mb ~ bl|epoch, data=Skulls, ellipse = list(levels=0.68), smooth=FALSE, legend = list(coords="topright"), xlab=vlab[3], ylab=vlab[1]) # HE plots heplot(sk.mod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), xlab=vlab[1], ylab=vlab[2]) pairs(sk.mod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), var.labels=vlab) # 3D plot shows that nearly all of hypothesis variation is linear! ## Not run: heplot3d(sk.mod, hypotheses=list(Lin="epoch.L", Quad="epoch.Q"), col=c("pink", "blue")) # view in canonical space if (require(candisc)) { sk.can <- candisc(sk.mod) sk.can heplot(sk.can) heplot3d(sk.can) } ## End(Not run)
The data set SocGrades
contains four outcome measures on student
performance in an introductory sociology course together with six potential
predictors. These data were used by Marascuilo and Levin (1983) for an
example of canonical correlation analysis, but are also suitable as examples
of multivariate multiple regression, MANOVA, MANCOVA and step-down analysis
in multivariate linear models.
A data frame with 40 observations on the following 10 variables.
Social class, an ordered factor with levels
> 2
> 3
sex, a factor with levels F
grade point average
College Board test scores
previous high school unit in sociology, a factor with 2 no
, yes
score on course pretest
score on first midterm exam
score on second midterm exam
score on final exam
course evaluation
, midterm2
, final
, and possibly eval
the response variables. All other variables are potential predictors.
The factors class
, sex
, and hssoc
can be used with
in correlational analyses.
Marascuilo, L. A. and Levin, J. R. (1983). Multivariate Statistics in the Social Sciences Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole, Table 5-1, p. 192.
data(SocGrades) # basic MLM grades.mod <- lm(cbind(midterm1, midterm2, final, eval) ~ class + sex + gpa + boards + hssoc + pretest, data=SocGrades) car::Anova(grades.mod, test="Roy") clr <- c("red", "blue", "darkgreen", "magenta", "brown", "black", "darkgray") heplot(grades.mod, col=clr) pairs(grades.mod, col=clr) ## Not run: heplot3d(grades.mod, col=clr, wire=FALSE) ## End(Not run) if (require(candisc)) { # calculate canonical results for all terms grades.can <- candiscList(grades.mod) # extract canonical R^2s unlist(lapply(grades.can, function(x) x$canrsq)) # plot class effect in canonical space heplot(grades.can, term="class", scale=4) # 1 df terms: show canonical scores and weights for responses plot(grades.can, term="sex") plot(grades.can, term="gpa") plot(grades.can, term="boards") }
data(SocGrades) # basic MLM grades.mod <- lm(cbind(midterm1, midterm2, final, eval) ~ class + sex + gpa + boards + hssoc + pretest, data=SocGrades) car::Anova(grades.mod, test="Roy") clr <- c("red", "blue", "darkgreen", "magenta", "brown", "black", "darkgray") heplot(grades.mod, col=clr) pairs(grades.mod, col=clr) ## Not run: heplot3d(grades.mod, col=clr, wire=FALSE) ## End(Not run) if (require(candisc)) { # calculate canonical results for all terms grades.can <- candiscList(grades.mod) # extract canonical R^2s unlist(lapply(grades.can, function(x) x$canrsq)) # plot class effect in canonical space heplot(grades.can, term="class", scale=4) # 1 df terms: show canonical scores and weights for responses plot(grades.can, term="sex") plot(grades.can, term="gpa") plot(grades.can, term="boards") }
The general purpose of the study (Hartman, 2016, Heinrichs et al. (2015)) was to evaluate patterns and levels of performance on neurocognitive measures among individuals with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder using a well-validated, comprehensive neurocognitive battery specifically designed for individuals with psychosis (Heinrichs et al. (2008))
A data frame with 139 observations on the following 5 variables.
Diagnostic group, a factor with levels
, Schizoaffective
, Control
Score on the Managing emotions test, a numeric vector
Score on the The Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (theory of mind), a numeric vector
Externalizing Bias score, a numeric vector
Personal Bias score, a numeric vector
The data here are for a subset of the observations in NeuroCog
for which measures on various scales of social cognition were also
available. Interest here is on whether the schizophrenia group can be
distinguished from the schizoaffective group on these measures.
The Social Cognitive measures were designed to tap various aspects of the
perception and cognitive procession of emotions of others. Emotion
perception was assessed using a Managing Emotions (MgeEmotions
) score
from the MCCB. A "theory of mind" (ToM
) score assessed ability to
read the emotions of others from photographs of the eye region of male and
female faces. Two other measures, externalizing bias (ExtBias
) and
personalizing bias (PersBias
) were calculated from a scale measuring
the degree to which individuals attribute internal, personal or situational
causal attributions to positive and negative social events.
See NeuroCog
for a description of the sample. Only those with
complete data on all the social cognitive measures are included in this data
There is one extreme outlier in the schizophrenia group and other possible outliers in the control group, left in here for tutorial purposes.
Hartman, L. I. (2016). Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder: One Condition or Two? Unpublished PhD dissertation, York University.
Heinrichs, R.W., Pinnock, F., Muharib, E., Hartman, L.I., Goldberg, J.O., & McDermid Vaz, S. (2015). Neurocognitive normality in schizophrenia revisited. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 2 (4), 227-232. doi: 10.1016/j.scog.2015.09.001
library(car) data(SocialCog) SC.mod <- lm(cbind(MgeEmotions, ToM, ExtBias, PersBias) ~ Dx, data=SocialCog) SC.mod car::Anova(SC.mod) # test hypotheses of interest in terms of contrasts print(linearHypothesis(SC.mod, "Dx1"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(SC.mod, "Dx2"), SSP=FALSE) #' ## HE plots heplot(SC.mod, hypotheses=list("Dx1"="Dx1", "Dx2"="Dx2"), fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=.1) pairs(SC.mod, fill=c(TRUE,FALSE), fill.alpha=.1)
library(car) data(SocialCog) SC.mod <- lm(cbind(MgeEmotions, ToM, ExtBias, PersBias) ~ Dx, data=SocialCog) SC.mod car::Anova(SC.mod) # test hypotheses of interest in terms of contrasts print(linearHypothesis(SC.mod, "Dx1"), SSP=FALSE) print(linearHypothesis(SC.mod, "Dx2"), SSP=FALSE) #' ## HE plots heplot(SC.mod, hypotheses=list("Dx1"="Dx1", "Dx2"="Dx2"), fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=.1) pairs(SC.mod, fill=c(TRUE,FALSE), fill.alpha=.1)
provides a general method for calculating univariate or
multivariate statistics for a matrix or data.frame stratified by one or more
statList(X, factors, FUN, drop = FALSE, ...)
statList(X, factors, FUN, drop = FALSE, ...)
X |
A matrix or data frame containing the variables to be summarized |
factors |
A vector, matrix or data frame containing the factors for
which |
A function to be applied to the pieces of |
drop |
Logical, indicating whether empty levels of |
... |
Other arguments, passed to |
is the general function. X
is first split
, and FUN
is applied to the result.
and covList
are just calls to statList
with the appropriate FUN
Returns a list of items corresponding to the unique elements in
, or the interaction of factors
. Each item is the
result of applying FUN
to that collection of rows of X
. The
items are named according to the levels in factors
Michael Friendly
# grand means statList(iris[,1:4], FUN=colMeans) # species means statList(iris[,1:4], iris$Species, FUN=colMeans) # same colMeansList(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) # var-cov matrices, by species covList(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) # multiple factors iris$Dummy <- sample(c("Hi","Lo"),150, replace=TRUE) colMeansList(iris[,1:4], iris[,5:6])
# grand means statList(iris[,1:4], FUN=colMeans) # species means statList(iris[,1:4], iris$Species, FUN=colMeans) # same colMeansList(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) # var-cov matrices, by species covList(iris[,1:4], iris$Species) # multiple factors iris$Dummy <- sample(c("Hi","Lo"),150, replace=TRUE) colMeansList(iris[,1:4], iris[,5:6])
is a utility function designed to calculate means for the
levels of factor(s) for any term in a multivariate linear model.
termMeans(mod, term, label.factors = FALSE, abbrev.levels = FALSE)
termMeans(mod, term, label.factors = FALSE, abbrev.levels = FALSE)
mod |
An mlm model object |
term |
A character string indicating a given term in the model. All factors in the term must be included in the model, even if they are in the model data frame. |
label.factors |
If true, the rownames for each row in the result include the name(s) of the factor(s) involved, followed by the level values. Otherwise, the rownames include only the levels of the factor(s), with multiple factors separated by ':' |
abbrev.levels |
Either a logical or an integer, specifying whether the
levels values of the factors in the |
Returns a matrix whose columns correspond to the response variables
in the model and whose rows correspond to the levels of the factor(s) in the
Michael Friendly
factors <- expand.grid(A=factor(1:3),B=factor(1:2),C=factor(1:2)) n <- nrow(factors) responses <-data.frame(Y1=10+round(10*rnorm(n)),Y2=10+round(10*rnorm(n))) test <- data.frame(factors, responses) mod <- lm(cbind(Y1,Y2) ~ A*B, data=test) termMeans(mod, "A") termMeans(mod, "A:B") termMeans(mod, "A:B", label.factors=TRUE) ## Not run: termMeans(mod, "A:B:C") # generates an error ## End(Not run) plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) colors = c("red", "darkblue", "darkgreen", "brown") heplot(plastic.mod, col=colors, cex=1.25) # add means for interaction term intMeans <- termMeans(plastic.mod, 'rate:additive', abbrev=2) points(intMeans[,1], intMeans[,2], pch=18, cex=1.2, col="brown") text(intMeans[,1], intMeans[,2], rownames(intMeans), adj=c(0.5,1), col="brown")
factors <- expand.grid(A=factor(1:3),B=factor(1:2),C=factor(1:2)) n <- nrow(factors) responses <-data.frame(Y1=10+round(10*rnorm(n)),Y2=10+round(10*rnorm(n))) test <- data.frame(factors, responses) mod <- lm(cbind(Y1,Y2) ~ A*B, data=test) termMeans(mod, "A") termMeans(mod, "A:B") termMeans(mod, "A:B", label.factors=TRUE) ## Not run: termMeans(mod, "A:B:C") # generates an error ## End(Not run) plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) colors = c("red", "darkblue", "darkgreen", "brown") heplot(plastic.mod, col=colors, cex=1.25) # add means for interaction term intMeans <- termMeans(plastic.mod, 'rate:additive', abbrev=2) points(intMeans[,1], intMeans[,2], pch=18, cex=1.2, col="brown") text(intMeans[,1], intMeans[,2], rownames(intMeans), adj=c(0.5,1), col="brown")
The Ten Item Personality Inventory (Gosling et al. 2003) is a brief inventory of the Big Five personality domains (Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Openness to experience). This dataset, originally from the Open Source Psychometrics Project (https://openpsychometrics.org/), was used by Jones et al. (2020), from which we obtained this version.
A data frame with 1799 observations on the following 16 variables.
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
an ordered factor with levels
< HS
< Univ
< Grad
an ordered factor with levels Rural
< Suburban
< Urban
a factor with levels M
a factor with levels Native
a numeric vector
a factor with levels Agnostic
Christian (Mormon)
Christian (Protestant)
Christian (Other)
a factor with levels Heterosexual
a factor with levels Asian
a factor with levels Yes
a factor with levels Never married
Currently married
Previously married
a numeric vector
In addition to scores on the Big Five scales, the dataset contains 11 demographic variables on the participants, potentially useful in multivariate analyses.
Scores on each personality domain were calculated by averaging items
assigned to each domain (after reverse scoring specific items). In this
version, total scores for each scale were calculated by averaging the
positively and negatively coded items, for example, TIPI$Extraversion
<- (TIPI$E + (8-TIPI$E_r))/2
Then, for the present purposes, some tidying was done:
100 cases with 'gender=="Other" were deleted;
codes for levels of 'education', 'engnat' and 'race' were abbreviated for ease of use in graphics.
Jones, P.J., Mair, P., Simon, T. et al. (2020). Network Trees: A Method for Recursively Partitioning Covariance Structures. Psychometrika, 85, 926?945. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11336-020-09731-4
Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., & Swann, W. B, Jr. (2003). A very brief measure of the Big-Five personality domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 504?528.
data(TIPI) # fit an mlm tipi.mlm <- lm(cbind(Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness) ~ engnat + gender + education, data = TIPI ) car::Anova(tipi.mlm) heplot(tipi.mlm, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) pairs(tipi.mlm, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) # candisc works best for factors with >2 levels library(candisc) tipi.can <- candisc(tipi.mlm, term="education") tipi.can heplot(tipi.can, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1, var.col = "darkred", var.cex = 1.5, var.lwd = 3)
data(TIPI) # fit an mlm tipi.mlm <- lm(cbind(Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness) ~ engnat + gender + education, data = TIPI ) car::Anova(tipi.mlm) heplot(tipi.mlm, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) pairs(tipi.mlm, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1) # candisc works best for factors with >2 levels library(candisc) tipi.can <- candisc(tipi.mlm, term="education") tipi.can heplot(tipi.can, fill=TRUE, fill.alpha=0.1, var.col = "darkred", var.cex = 1.5, var.lwd = 3)
Takes a vector of colors (as color names or rgb hex values) and adds a specified alpha transparency to each.
trans.colors(col, alpha = 0.5, names = NULL)
trans.colors(col, alpha = 0.5, names = NULL)
col |
A character vector of colors, either as color names or rgb hex values |
alpha |
alpha transparency value(s) to apply to each color (0 means fully transparent and 1 means opaque) |
names |
optional character vector of names for the colors |
Colors (col
) and alpha
need not be of the same length. The
shorter one is replicated to make them of the same length.
A vector of color values of the form "#rrggbbaa"
Michael Friendly
trans.colors(palette(), alpha=0.5) # alpha can be vectorized trans.colors(palette(), alpha=seq(0, 1, length=length(palette()))) # lengths need not match: shorter one is repeated as necessary trans.colors(palette(), alpha=c(.1, .2)) trans.colors(colors()[1:20]) # single color, with various alphas trans.colors("red", alpha=seq(0,1, length=5)) # assign names trans.colors("red", alpha=seq(0,1, length=5), names=paste("red", 1:5, sep=""))
trans.colors(palette(), alpha=0.5) # alpha can be vectorized trans.colors(palette(), alpha=seq(0, 1, length=length(palette()))) # lengths need not match: shorter one is repeated as necessary trans.colors(palette(), alpha=c(.1, .2)) trans.colors(colors()[1:20]) # single color, with various alphas trans.colors("red", alpha=seq(0,1, length=5)) # assign names trans.colors("red", alpha=seq(0,1, length=5), names=paste("red", 1:5, sep=""))
Univariate Test Statistics for a Multivariate Linear Model
uniStats(x, ...)
uniStats(x, ...)
x |
A |
... |
Other arguments, ignored |
An object of class c("anova", "data.frame")
containing, for each response variable
the overall for all terms in the model and the overall
together with its degrees of freedom and p-value.
iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris) car::Anova(iris.mod) uniStats(iris.mod) data(Plastic, package = "heplots") plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) # multivariate tests car::Anova(plastic.mod)
iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species, data=iris) car::Anova(iris.mod) uniStats(iris.mod) data(Plastic, package = "heplots") plastic.mod <- lm(cbind(tear, gloss, opacity) ~ rate*additive, data=Plastic) # multivariate tests car::Anova(plastic.mod)
Data from the Laboratory School of the University of Chicago. They consist of scores from a cohort of pupils in grades 8-11 on the vocabulary section of the Cooperative Reading Test. The scores are scaled to a common, but arbitrary origin and unit of measurement, so as to be comparable over the four grades.
A data frame with 64 observations on the following 4 variables.
Grade 8 vocabulary score
Grade 9 vocabulary score
Grade 10 vocabulary score
Grade 11 vocabulary score
Since these data cover an age range in which physical growth is beginning to decelerate, it is of interest whether a similar effect occurs in the acquisition of new vocabulary.
R.D. Bock, Multivariate statistical methods in behavioral research, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975, pp453.
Friendly, Michael (2010). HE Plots for Repeated Measures Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 37(4), 1-40. doi:10.18637/jss.v037.i04.
Keesling, J.W., Bock, R.D. et al, "The Laboratory School study of vocabulary growth", University of Chicago, 1975.
library(car) data(VocabGrowth) # Standard Multivariate & Univariate repeated measures analysis Vocab.mod <- lm(cbind(grade8,grade9,grade10,grade11) ~ 1, data=VocabGrowth) idata <-data.frame(grade=ordered(8:11)) car::Anova(Vocab.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~grade, type="III") ##Type III Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests: Pillai test statistic ## Df test stat approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) ##(Intercept) 1 0.653 118.498 1 63 4.115e-16 *** ##grade 1 0.826 96.376 3 61 < 2.2e-16 *** heplot(Vocab.mod, type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~grade, iterm="grade", main="HE plot for Grade effect") ### doing this 'manually' by explicitly transforming Y -> Y M # calculate Y M, using polynomial contrasts trends <- as.matrix(VocabGrowth) %*% poly(8:11, degree=3) colnames(trends)<- c("Linear", "Quad", "Cubic") # test all trend means = 0 == Grade effect within.mod <- lm(trends ~ 1) Manova(within.mod) heplot(within.mod, terms="(Intercept)", col=c("red", "blue"), type="3", term.labels="Grade", main="HE plot for Grade effect") mark.H0()
library(car) data(VocabGrowth) # Standard Multivariate & Univariate repeated measures analysis Vocab.mod <- lm(cbind(grade8,grade9,grade10,grade11) ~ 1, data=VocabGrowth) idata <-data.frame(grade=ordered(8:11)) car::Anova(Vocab.mod, idata=idata, idesign=~grade, type="III") ##Type III Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests: Pillai test statistic ## Df test stat approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) ##(Intercept) 1 0.653 118.498 1 63 4.115e-16 *** ##grade 1 0.826 96.376 3 61 < 2.2e-16 *** heplot(Vocab.mod, type="III", idata=idata, idesign=~grade, iterm="grade", main="HE plot for Grade effect") ### doing this 'manually' by explicitly transforming Y -> Y M # calculate Y M, using polynomial contrasts trends <- as.matrix(VocabGrowth) %*% poly(8:11, degree=3) colnames(trends)<- c("Linear", "Quad", "Cubic") # test all trend means = 0 == Grade effect within.mod <- lm(trends ~ 1) Manova(within.mod) heplot(within.mod, terms="(Intercept)", col=c("red", "blue"), type="3", term.labels="Grade", main="HE plot for Grade effect") mark.H0()
Contrived data on weight loss and self esteem over three months, for three groups of individuals: Control, Diet and Diet + Exercise. The data constitute a double-multivariate design.
A data frame with 34 observations on the following 7 variables.
a factor with levels Control
Weight loss at 1 month
Weight loss at 2 months
Weight loss at 3 months
Self esteem at 1 month
Self esteem at 2 months
Self esteem at 3 months
Helmert contrasts are assigned to group
, comparing Control
) and Diet
vs. DietEx
Originally taken from http://www.csun.edu/~ata20315/psy524/main.htm, but modified slightly
Friendly, Michael (2010). HE Plots for Repeated Measures Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 37(4), 1-40. doi:10.18637/jss.v037.i04.
data(WeightLoss) str(WeightLoss) table(WeightLoss$group) contrasts(WeightLoss$group) <- matrix(c(-2,1,1, 0, -1, 1),ncol=2) (wl.mod<-lm(cbind(wl1,wl2,wl3,se1,se2,se3)~group, data=WeightLoss)) heplot(wl.mod, hypotheses=c("group1", "group2")) pairs(wl.mod, variables=1:3) pairs(wl.mod, variables=4:6) # within-S variables within <- data.frame(measure=rep(c("Weight loss", "Self esteem"),each=3), month=rep(ordered(1:3),2)) # doubly-multivariate analysis: requires car 2.0+ ## Not run: imatrix <- matrix(c( 1,0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 1,0, 0,-2, 0, 0, 1,0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,1, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0,1, 0, 0, 0,-2, 0,1, 0, 0, 1, 1), 6, 6, byrow=TRUE) # NB: for heplots the columns of imatrix should have names colnames(imatrix) <- c("WL", "SE", "WL.L", "WL.Q", "SE.L", "SE.Q") rownames(imatrix) <- colnames(WeightLoss)[-1] (imatrix <- list(measure=imatrix[,1:2], month=imatrix[,3:6])) contrasts(WeightLoss$group) <- matrix(c(-2,1,1, 0,-1,1), ncol=2) (wl.mod<-lm(cbind(wl1, wl2, wl3, se1, se2, se3)~group, data=WeightLoss)) (wl.aov <- car::Anova(wl.mod, imatrix=imatrix, test="Roy")) heplot(wl.mod, imatrix=imatrix, iterm="group:measure") ## End(Not run) # do the correct analysis 'manually' unit <- function(n, prefix="") { J <-matrix(rep(1, n), ncol=1) rownames(J) <- paste(prefix, 1:n, sep="") J } measure <- kronecker(diag(2), unit(3, 'M')/3, make.dimnames=TRUE) colnames(measure)<- c('WL', 'SE') between <- as.matrix(WeightLoss[,-1]) %*% measure between.mod <- lm(between ~ group, data=WeightLoss) car::Anova(between.mod) heplot(between.mod, hypotheses=c("group1", "group2"), xlab="Weight Loss", ylab="Self Esteem", col=c("red", "blue", "brown"), main="Weight Loss & Self Esteem: Group Effect") month <- kronecker(diag(2), poly(1:3), make.dimnames=TRUE) colnames(month)<- c('WL', 'SE') trends <- as.matrix(WeightLoss[,-1]) %*% month within.mod <- lm(trends ~ group, data=WeightLoss) car::Anova(within.mod) heplot(within.mod) heplot(within.mod, hypotheses=c("group1", "group2"), xlab="Weight Loss", ylab="Self Esteem", type="III", remove.intercept=FALSE, term.labels=c("month", "group:month"), main="Weight Loss & Self Esteem: Within-S Effects") mark.H0()
data(WeightLoss) str(WeightLoss) table(WeightLoss$group) contrasts(WeightLoss$group) <- matrix(c(-2,1,1, 0, -1, 1),ncol=2) (wl.mod<-lm(cbind(wl1,wl2,wl3,se1,se2,se3)~group, data=WeightLoss)) heplot(wl.mod, hypotheses=c("group1", "group2")) pairs(wl.mod, variables=1:3) pairs(wl.mod, variables=4:6) # within-S variables within <- data.frame(measure=rep(c("Weight loss", "Self esteem"),each=3), month=rep(ordered(1:3),2)) # doubly-multivariate analysis: requires car 2.0+ ## Not run: imatrix <- matrix(c( 1,0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 1,0, 0,-2, 0, 0, 1,0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,1, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0,1, 0, 0, 0,-2, 0,1, 0, 0, 1, 1), 6, 6, byrow=TRUE) # NB: for heplots the columns of imatrix should have names colnames(imatrix) <- c("WL", "SE", "WL.L", "WL.Q", "SE.L", "SE.Q") rownames(imatrix) <- colnames(WeightLoss)[-1] (imatrix <- list(measure=imatrix[,1:2], month=imatrix[,3:6])) contrasts(WeightLoss$group) <- matrix(c(-2,1,1, 0,-1,1), ncol=2) (wl.mod<-lm(cbind(wl1, wl2, wl3, se1, se2, se3)~group, data=WeightLoss)) (wl.aov <- car::Anova(wl.mod, imatrix=imatrix, test="Roy")) heplot(wl.mod, imatrix=imatrix, iterm="group:measure") ## End(Not run) # do the correct analysis 'manually' unit <- function(n, prefix="") { J <-matrix(rep(1, n), ncol=1) rownames(J) <- paste(prefix, 1:n, sep="") J } measure <- kronecker(diag(2), unit(3, 'M')/3, make.dimnames=TRUE) colnames(measure)<- c('WL', 'SE') between <- as.matrix(WeightLoss[,-1]) %*% measure between.mod <- lm(between ~ group, data=WeightLoss) car::Anova(between.mod) heplot(between.mod, hypotheses=c("group1", "group2"), xlab="Weight Loss", ylab="Self Esteem", col=c("red", "blue", "brown"), main="Weight Loss & Self Esteem: Group Effect") month <- kronecker(diag(2), poly(1:3), make.dimnames=TRUE) colnames(month)<- c('WL', 'SE') trends <- as.matrix(WeightLoss[,-1]) %*% month within.mod <- lm(trends ~ group, data=WeightLoss) car::Anova(within.mod) heplot(within.mod) heplot(within.mod, hypotheses=c("group1", "group2"), xlab="Weight Loss", ylab="Self Esteem", type="III", remove.intercept=FALSE, term.labels=c("month", "group:month"), main="Weight Loss & Self Esteem: Within-S Effects") mark.H0()