--- title: "Matrix inversion by elementary row operations" author: "Michael Friendly" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Matrix inversion by elementary row operations} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r nomessages, echo = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( warning = FALSE, message = FALSE ) options(digits=4) par(mar=c(5,4,1,1)+.1) ``` The following examples illustrate the steps in finding the inverse of a matrix using *elementary row operations* (EROs): * Add a multiple of one row to another (`rowadd()`) * Multiply one row by a constant (`rowmult()`) * Interchange two rows (`rowswap()`) These have the properties that they do not change the inverse. The method used here is sometimes called the *Gauss-Jordan* method, a form of *Gaussian elimination*. Another term is *(row-reduced) echelon form*. Steps: 1. Adjoin the identity matrix to the right side of A, to give the matrix $[A | I]$ 2. Apply row operations to this matrix until the left ($A$) side is reduced to $I$ 3. The inverse matrix appears in the right ($I$) side Why this works: The series of row operations transforms $$ [A | I] \Rightarrow [A^{-1} A | A^{-1} I] = [I | A^{-1}]$$ If the matrix is does not have an inverse (is *singular*) a row of all zeros will appear in the left ($A$) side. ### Load the `matlib` package ```{r } library(matlib) ``` ### Create a 3 x 3 matrix ```{r create-matrix} A <- matrix( c(1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1,-2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE) ``` ### Join an identity matrix to A ```{r cbind-I} (AI <- cbind(A, diag(3))) ``` ### Apply elementary row operations to reduce A to an identity matrix. The right three cols will then contain inv(A). We will do this three ways: 1. first, just using R arithmetic on the rows of `AI` 2. using the ERO functions in the `matlib` package 3. using the `echelon()` function ### 1. Using R arithmetic ```{r solve-manually} (AI[2,] <- AI[2,] - 2*AI[1,]) # row 2 <- row 2 - 2 * row 1 (AI[3,] <- AI[3,] + AI[2,]) # row 3 <- row 3 + row 2 (AI[2,] <- -1 * AI[2,]) # row 2 <- -1 * row 2 (AI[3,] <- -(1/8) * AI[3,]) # row 3 <- -.25 * row 3 ``` Now, all elements below the diagonal are zero ```{r solve2} AI #--continue, making above diagonal == 0 AI[2,] <- AI[2,] - 6 * AI[3,] # row 2 <- row 2 - 6 * row 3 AI[1,] <- AI[1,] - 3 * AI[3,] # row 1 <- row 1 - 3 * row 3 AI[1,] <- AI[1,] - 2 * AI[2,] # row 1 <- row 1 - 2 * row 2 AI #-- last three cols are the inverse (AInv <- AI[,-(1:3)]) #-- compare with inv() inv(A) ``` ### 2. Do the same, using matlib functions `rowadd()`, `rowmult()` and `rowswap()` ```{r using-rowadd} AI <- cbind(A, diag(3)) AI <- rowadd(AI, 1, 2, -2) # row 2 <- row 2 - 2 * row 1 AI <- rowadd(AI, 2, 3, 1) # row 3 <- row 3 + row 2 AI <- rowmult(AI, 2, -1) # row 1 <- -1 * row 2 AI <- rowmult(AI, 3, -1/8) # row 3 <- -.25 * row 3 # show result so far AI #--continue, making above-diagonal == 0 AI <- rowadd(AI, 3, 2, -6) # row 2 <- row 2 - 6 * row 3 AI <- rowadd(AI, 2, 1, -2) # row 1 <- row 1 - 2 * row 2 AI <- rowadd(AI, 3, 1, -3) # row 1 <- row 1 - 3 * row 3 AI ``` ### 3. Using `echelon()` `echelon()` does all these steps *row by row*, and returns the result ```{r echelon1} echelon( cbind(A, diag(3))) ``` It is more interesting to see the steps, using the argument `verbose=TRUE`. In many cases, it is informative to see the numbers printed as fractions. ```{r echelon2} echelon( cbind(A, diag(3)), verbose=TRUE, fractions=TRUE) ```