Title: | 'vcd' Extensions and Additions |
Description: | Provides additional data sets, methods and documentation to complement the 'vcd' package for Visualizing Categorical Data and the 'gnm' package for Generalized Nonlinear Models. In particular, 'vcdExtra' extends mosaic, assoc and sieve plots from 'vcd' to handle 'glm()' and 'gnm()' models and adds a 3D version in 'mosaic3d'. Additionally, methods are provided for comparing and visualizing lists of 'glm' and 'loglm' objects. This package is now a support package for the book, "Discrete Data Analysis with R" by Michael Friendly and David Meyer. |
Authors: | Michael Friendly [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Michael Friendly <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=2) |
Version: | 0.8-6 |
Built: | 2025-03-24 19:16:58 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/friendly/vcdExtra |
This package provides additional data sets, documentation, and
a few functions designed to extend the vcd
package for Visualizing Categorical Data
and the gnm
package for Generalized Nonlinear Models.
In particular, vcdExtra extends mosaic, assoc and sieve plots from vcd to handle glm() and gnm() models and
adds a 3D version in mosaic3d
This package is also a support package for the book, Discrete Data Analysis with R by Michael Friendly and David Meyer, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2016, https://www.routledge.com/Discrete-Data-Analysis-with-R-Visualization-and-Modeling-Techniques-for/Friendly-Meyer/9781498725835 with a number of additional data sets, and functions. The web site for the book is http://ddar.datavis.ca.
In addition, I teach a course, Psy 6136: Categorical Data Analysis, https://friendly.github.io/psy6136/ using this package.
The main purpose of this package is to serve as a sandbox for
introducing extensions of
mosaic plots and related graphical methods
that apply to loglinear models fitted using
and related, generalized nonlinear models fitted
with gnm()
in the gnm-package
A related purpose is to fill in some holes in the analysis of
categorical data in R, not provided in base R, the vcd,
or other commonly used packages.
The method mosaic.glm
extends the mosaic.loglm
method in the vcd
package to this wider class of models. This method also works for
the generalized nonlinear models fit with the gnm-package
including models for square tables and models with multiplicative associations.
introduces a 3D generalization of mosaic displays using the
rgl package.
In addition, there are several new data sets, a tutorial vignette,
Working with categorical data with R and the vcd package, vignette("vcd-tutorial", package = "vcdExtra")
and a few functions for manipulating categorical data sets and working with models for categorical data.
A new class, glmlist
, is introduced for working with
collections of glm
objects, e.g., Kway
for fitting
all K-way models from a basic marginal model, and LRstats
for brief statistical summaries of goodness-of-fit for a collection of
For square tables with ordered factors, Crossings
supplements the
specification of terms in model formulas using
, etc. in the gnm-package
Some of these extensions may be migrated into vcd or gnm.
A collection of demos is included to illustrate fitting and visualizing a wide variety of models:
Mental health data: mosaics for glm() and gnm() models
Occupational status data: Compare mosaic using expected= to mosaic.glm
UCBAdmissions data: Conditional independence via loglm() and glm()
VisualAcuity data: Quasi- and Symmetry models
Yaish data: Unidiff model for 3-way table
Political views and support for women to work (U, R, C, R+C and RC(1) models)
Political views, support for women to work and national welfare spending (3-way, marginal, and conditional independence models)
Visualize glm(), multinom() and polr() models from example(housing, package="MASS")
Use demo(package="vcdExtra")
for a complete current list.
The vcdExtra package now contains a large number of data sets illustrating various forms of categorical data analysis
and related visualizations, from simple to advanced. Use data(package="vcdExtra")
for a
complete list, or datasets(package="vcdExtra")
for an annotated one showing the class
for each data set.
Michael Friendly
Maintainer: Michael Friendly <friendly AT yorku.ca> || (ORCID)
Friendly, M. Visualizing Categorical Data, Cary NC: SAS Institute, 2000. Web materials: http://www.datavis.ca/books/vcd/.
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca.
Meyer, D.; Zeileis, A. & Hornik, K.
The Strucplot Framework: Visualizing Multi-way Contingency Tables with vcd
Journal of Statistical Software, 2006, 17, 1-48.
Available in R via vignette("strucplot", package = "vcd")
Turner, H. and Firth, D. Generalized nonlinear models in R: An overview of the gnm package,
http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/472/. Available in R via vignette("gnmOverview", package = "gnm")
, for an extended range of models for contingency tables
for details on mosaic displays within the strucplot framework.
example(mosaic.glm) demo("mental-glm")
example(mosaic.glm) demo("mental-glm")
Opinions about abortion classified by gender and SES
A 3-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 3 variables for 1100 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Sex |
"Female", "Male"
2 | Status |
"Lo", "Hi"
3 | Support_Abortion |
"Yes", "No"
is a natural response variable.
The combinations of Sex
and Status
represent four independent samples, having
fixed Sex
marginal totals.
There were 500 females and 600 males. Within the female group, 250 of low status and 250
of high status were sampled. Similarly for the males, with 300 in each of the low and high
status sub-groups.
This is an example of a product-multinomial sampling scheme.
the Sex:Status
association must be included in any loglinear model
where the goal is to determine how attitude toward abortion depends on the others.
Alternatively, a logit model for abortion support may provide a simpler analysis.
Christensen, R. (1990). Log-Linear Models, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, p. 92, Example 3.5.2.
Christensen, R. (1997). Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression, New York, NY: Springer, p. 100, Example 3.5.2.
data(Abortion) ftable(Abortion) mosaic(Abortion, shade=TRUE) # stratified by Sex fourfold(aperm(Abortion, 3:1)) # stratified by Status fourfold(aperm(Abortion, c(3,1,2)))
data(Abortion) ftable(Abortion) mosaic(Abortion, shade=TRUE) # stratified by Sex fourfold(aperm(Abortion, 3:1)) # stratified by Status fourfold(aperm(Abortion, c(3,1,2)))
Bertin (1983) used these data to illustrate the cross-classification of data by numerous variables, each of which could have various types and could be assigned to various visual attributes.
For modeling and visualization purposes, the data can be treated as a
4-way table using loglinear models and mosaic displays, or as a
frequency-weighted data frame using a binomial response for
vs. "Injured"
) and plots of
predicted probabilities.
A data frame in frequency form (comprising a 5 x 2 x 4 x 2 table) with 80 observations on the following 5 variables.
an ordered factor with levels 0-9
< 10-19
< 20-29
< 30-49
< 50+
a factor with levels Died
mode of transportation,
a factor with levels 4-Wheeled
a factor with levels Female
a numeric vector
is an ordered factor, but arguably, mode
should be treated as ordered, with levels
< Bicycle
< Motorcycle
< 4-Wheeled
as Bertin does. This affects the parameterization in models, so we don't do this directly in the
data frame.
Bertin (1983), p. 30; original data from the Ministere des Travaux Publics
Bertin, J. (1983), Semiology of Graphics, University of Wisconsin Press.
# examples data(Accident) head(Accident) # for graphs, reorder mode Accident$mode <- ordered(Accident$mode, levels=levels(Accident$mode)[c(4,2,3,1)]) # Bertin's table accident_tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ gender + mode + age + result, data=Accident) structable(mode + gender ~ age + result, data=accident_tab) ## Loglinear models ## ---------------- # mutual independence acc.mod0 <- glm(Freq ~ age + result + mode + gender, data=Accident, family=poisson) LRstats(acc.mod0) mosaic(acc.mod0, ~mode + age + gender + result) # result as a response acc.mod1 <- glm(Freq ~ age*mode*gender + result, data=Accident, family=poisson) LRstats(acc.mod1) mosaic(acc.mod1, ~mode + age + gender + result, labeling_args = list(abbreviate = c(gender=1, result=4))) # allow two-way association of result with each explanatory variable acc.mod2 <- glm(Freq ~ age*mode*gender + result*(age+mode+gender), data=Accident, family=poisson) LRstats(acc.mod2) mosaic(acc.mod2, ~mode + age + gender + result, labeling_args = list(abbreviate = c(gender=1, result=4))) acc.mods <- glmlist(acc.mod0, acc.mod1, acc.mod2) LRstats(acc.mods) ## Binomial (logistic regression) models for result ## ------------------------------------------------ library(car) # for Anova() acc.bin1 <- glm(result=='Died' ~ age + mode + gender, weights=Freq, data=Accident, family=binomial) Anova(acc.bin1) acc.bin2 <- glm(result=='Died' ~ (age + mode + gender)^2, weights=Freq, data=Accident, family=binomial) Anova(acc.bin2) acc.bin3 <- glm(result=='Died' ~ (age + mode + gender)^3, weights=Freq, data=Accident, family=binomial) Anova(acc.bin3) # compare models anova(acc.bin1, acc.bin2, acc.bin3, test="Chisq") # visualize probability of death with effect plots ## Not run: library(effects) plot(allEffects(acc.bin1), ylab='Pr (Died)') plot(allEffects(acc.bin2), ylab='Pr (Died)') ## End(Not run) #
# examples data(Accident) head(Accident) # for graphs, reorder mode Accident$mode <- ordered(Accident$mode, levels=levels(Accident$mode)[c(4,2,3,1)]) # Bertin's table accident_tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ gender + mode + age + result, data=Accident) structable(mode + gender ~ age + result, data=accident_tab) ## Loglinear models ## ---------------- # mutual independence acc.mod0 <- glm(Freq ~ age + result + mode + gender, data=Accident, family=poisson) LRstats(acc.mod0) mosaic(acc.mod0, ~mode + age + gender + result) # result as a response acc.mod1 <- glm(Freq ~ age*mode*gender + result, data=Accident, family=poisson) LRstats(acc.mod1) mosaic(acc.mod1, ~mode + age + gender + result, labeling_args = list(abbreviate = c(gender=1, result=4))) # allow two-way association of result with each explanatory variable acc.mod2 <- glm(Freq ~ age*mode*gender + result*(age+mode+gender), data=Accident, family=poisson) LRstats(acc.mod2) mosaic(acc.mod2, ~mode + age + gender + result, labeling_args = list(abbreviate = c(gender=1, result=4))) acc.mods <- glmlist(acc.mod0, acc.mod1, acc.mod2) LRstats(acc.mods) ## Binomial (logistic regression) models for result ## ------------------------------------------------ library(car) # for Anova() acc.bin1 <- glm(result=='Died' ~ age + mode + gender, weights=Freq, data=Accident, family=binomial) Anova(acc.bin1) acc.bin2 <- glm(result=='Died' ~ (age + mode + gender)^2, weights=Freq, data=Accident, family=binomial) Anova(acc.bin2) acc.bin3 <- glm(result=='Died' ~ (age + mode + gender)^3, weights=Freq, data=Accident, family=binomial) Anova(acc.bin3) # compare models anova(acc.bin1, acc.bin2, acc.bin3, test="Chisq") # visualize probability of death with effect plots ## Not run: library(effects) plot(allEffects(acc.bin1), ylab='Pr (Died)') plot(allEffects(acc.bin2), ylab='Pr (Died)') ## End(Not run) #
Data on all fatal commercial airplane crashes from 1993–2015. Excludes small planes (less than 6 passengers) and non-commercial (cargo, military, private) aircraft.
A data frame with 439 observations on the following 5 variables.
phase of the flight, a factor with levels en route
a factor with levels criminal
human error
date of crash, a Date
number of fatalities, a numeric vector
year, a numeric vector
of the flight was cleaned by combining related variants, spelling, etc.
Originally from David McCandless, https://informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/plane-truth-every-single-commercial-plane-crash-visualized/, with the data at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OvDq4_BtbR6nSnnHnjD5hVC3HQ-ulZPGbo0RDGbzM3Q/edit?usp=drive_web, downloaded April 14, 2015.
Rick Wicklin, http://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2015/03/30/visualizing-airline-crashes.html
data(AirCrash) aircrash.tab <- xtabs(~Phase + Cause, data=AirCrash) mosaic(aircrash.tab, shade=TRUE) # fix label overlap mosaic(aircrash.tab, shade=TRUE, labeling_args=list(rot_labels=c(30, 30, 30, 30))) # reorder by Phase phase.ord <- rev(c(3,4,1,2,5)) mosaic(aircrash.tab[phase.ord,], shade=TRUE, labeling_args=list(rot_labels=c(30, 30, 30, 30)), offset_varnames=0.5) # reorder by frequency phase.ord <- order(rowSums(aircrash.tab), decreasing=TRUE) cause.ord <- order(colSums(aircrash.tab), decreasing=TRUE) mosaic(aircrash.tab[phase.ord,cause.ord], shade=TRUE, labeling_args=list(rot_labels=c(30, 30, 30, 30))) library(ca) aircrash.ca <- ca(aircrash.tab) plot(aircrash.ca)
data(AirCrash) aircrash.tab <- xtabs(~Phase + Cause, data=AirCrash) mosaic(aircrash.tab, shade=TRUE) # fix label overlap mosaic(aircrash.tab, shade=TRUE, labeling_args=list(rot_labels=c(30, 30, 30, 30))) # reorder by Phase phase.ord <- rev(c(3,4,1,2,5)) mosaic(aircrash.tab[phase.ord,], shade=TRUE, labeling_args=list(rot_labels=c(30, 30, 30, 30)), offset_varnames=0.5) # reorder by frequency phase.ord <- order(rowSums(aircrash.tab), decreasing=TRUE) cause.ord <- order(colSums(aircrash.tab), decreasing=TRUE) mosaic(aircrash.tab[phase.ord,cause.ord], shade=TRUE, labeling_args=list(rot_labels=c(30, 30, 30, 30))) library(ca) aircrash.ca <- ca(aircrash.tab) plot(aircrash.ca)
The Alligator data, from Agresti (2002), comes from a study of the primary food choices of alligators in four Florida lakes. Researchers classified the stomach contents of 219 captured alligators into five categories: Fish (the most common primary food choice), Invertebrate (snails, insects, crayfish, etc.), Reptile (turtles, alligators), Bird, and Other (amphibians, plants, household pets, stones, and other debris).
A frequency data frame with 80 observations on the following 5 variables.
a factor with levels George
a factor with levels female
alligator size, a factor with levels large
(>2.3m) small
primary food choice, a factor with levels bird
cell frequency, a numeric vector
The table contains a fair number of 0 counts.
is the response variable. fish
is the most frequent choice, and often
taken as a baseline category in multinomial response models.
Agresti, A. (2002). Categorical Data Analysis, New York: Wiley, 2nd Ed., Table 7.1
data(Alligator) # change from frequency data.frame to table allitable <- xtabs(count ~ lake + sex + size + food, data=Alligator) # Agresti's Table 7.1 structable(food ~ lake + sex + size, allitable) plot(allitable, shade=TRUE) # mutual independence model mosaic(~ food + lake + size, allitable, shade=TRUE) # food jointly independent of lake and size mosaic(~ food + lake + size, allitable, shade=TRUE, expected = ~lake:size + food) if (require(nnet)) { # multinomial logit model mod1 <- multinom(food ~ lake + size + sex, data=Alligator, weights=count) }
data(Alligator) # change from frequency data.frame to table allitable <- xtabs(count ~ lake + sex + size + food, data=Alligator) # Agresti's Table 7.1 structable(food ~ lake + sex + size, allitable) plot(allitable, shade=TRUE) # mutual independence model mosaic(~ food + lake + size, allitable, shade=TRUE) # food jointly independent of lake and size mosaic(~ food + lake + size, allitable, shade=TRUE, expected = ~lake:size + food) if (require(nnet)) { # multinomial logit model mod1 <- multinom(food ~ lake + size + sex, data=Alligator, weights=count) }
A two-way contingency table formed from the cross-classification of the number of years of occupational exposure to asbestos and the diagnosed severity of asbestosis of 1117 New York workers. Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease that results in the lung tissue being scared due to contact with the fibers which can lead to severe breathing difficulties.
The format is: num [1:5, 1:4] 310 212 21 25 7 36 158 35 102 35 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ exposure: chr [1:5] "0-9" "10-19" "20-29" "30-39" ... ..$ grade : chr [1:4] "None" "Grade 1" "Grade 2" "Grade 3"
and grade
should be regarded as ordered factors.
Beh and Lombardo (2022) use this data to illustrate a polynomial
biplot for ordered categories.
The data summarized here was studied by Beh and Smith (2011) and comes from the original data collected and published by Selikoff (1981) who examined the link between asbestos exposure and asbestosis severity in 1963.
Beh, E. J. & Lombardo, R. (2022). Features of the Polynomial Biplot for Ordered Contingency Tables, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 31:2, 403-412, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2021.1990773, Table 1.
Beh, E. J., and D. R. Smith (2011b), Real World Occupational Epidemiology, Part 2: A Visual Interpretation of Statistical Significance, Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 66, 245-248.
Selikoff, I. J. (1981), Household Risks With Inorganic Fibers, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 57, 947-961.
data(Asbestos) # mosaic plot vcd::mosaic(Asbestos, shade=TRUE, legend=FALSE) # do the correspondence analysis library(ca) Asbestos.ca <- ca(Asbestos) plot(Asbestos.ca, lines=TRUE)
data(Asbestos) # mosaic plot vcd::mosaic(Asbestos, shade=TRUE, legend=FALSE) # do the correspondence analysis library(ca) Asbestos.ca <- ca(Asbestos) plot(Asbestos.ca, lines=TRUE)
In an experiment to investigate the effect of cutting length (two levels) and planting time (two levels) on the survival of plum root cuttings, 240 cuttings were planted for each of the 2 x 2 combinations of these factors, and their survival was later recorded.
Bartlett (1935) used these data to illustrate a method for testing for no three-way interaction in a contingency table.
A 3-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 3 variables for 960 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Alive |
"Alive", "Dead"
2 | Time |
"Now", "Spring"
3 | Length |
"Long", "Short"
Hand, D. and Daly, F. and Lunn, A. D.and McConway, K. J. and Ostrowski, E. (1994). A Handbook of Small Data Sets. London: Chapman & Hall, p. 15, # 19.
Bartlett, M. S. (1935). Contingency Table Interactions Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Supplement, 1935, 2, 248-252.
data(Bartlett) # measures of association assocstats(Bartlett) oddsratio(Bartlett) # Test models ## Independence MASS::loglm(formula = ~Alive + Time + Length, data = Bartlett) ## No three-way association MASS::loglm(formula = ~(Alive + Time + Length)^2, data = Bartlett) # Use woolf_test() for a formal test of homogeneity of odds ratios vcd::woolf_test(Bartlett) # Plots fourfold(Bartlett, mfrow=c(1,2)) mosaic(Bartlett, shade=TRUE) pairs(Bartlett, gp=shading_Friendly)
data(Bartlett) # measures of association assocstats(Bartlett) oddsratio(Bartlett) # Test models ## Independence MASS::loglm(formula = ~Alive + Time + Length, data = Bartlett) ## No three-way association MASS::loglm(formula = ~(Alive + Time + Length)^2, data = Bartlett) # Use woolf_test() for a formal test of homogeneity of odds ratios vcd::woolf_test(Bartlett) # Plots fourfold(Bartlett, mfrow=c(1,2)) mosaic(Bartlett, shade=TRUE) pairs(Bartlett, gp=shading_Friendly)
This function calculates the log odds and log odds ratio for two binary responses classified by one or more stratifying variables.
It is useful for plotting the results of bivariate logistic regression
models, such as those fit using vglm
in the
blogits(Y, add, colnames, row.vars, rev=FALSE)
blogits(Y, add, colnames, row.vars, rev=FALSE)
Y |
A four-column matrix or data frame whose columns correspond to the 2 x 2 combinations of two binary responses. |
add |
Constant added to all cells to allow for zero frequencies. The default
is 0.5 if |
colnames |
Names for the columns of the results. The default is
row.vars |
A data frame or matrix giving the factor levels of one or more factors
corresponding to the rows of |
rev |
A logical, indicating whether the order of the columns in |
For two binary variables with levels 0,1 the logits are calculated
assuming the columns in Y
are given in the order
11, 10, 01, 00, so the logits give the log odds of the 1 response
compared to 0.
If this is not the case, either use rev=TRUE
or supply
as the first argument.
A data frame with nrow(Y)
rows and 3 + ncol(row.vars)
Michael Friendly
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca.
data(Toxaemia) tox.tab <- xtabs(Freq~class + smoke + hyper + urea, Toxaemia) # reshape to 4-column matrix toxaemia <- t(matrix(aperm(tox.tab), 4, 15)) colnames(toxaemia) <- c("hu", "hU", "Hu", "HU") rowlabs <- expand.grid(smoke=c("0", "1-19", "20+"), class=factor(1:5)) toxaemia <- cbind(toxaemia, rowlabs) # logits for H and U logitsTox <- blogits(toxaemia[,4:1], add=0.5, colnames=c("logitH", "logitW"), row.vars=rowlabs) logitsTox
data(Toxaemia) tox.tab <- xtabs(Freq~class + smoke + hyper + urea, Toxaemia) # reshape to 4-column matrix toxaemia <- t(matrix(aperm(tox.tab), 4, 15)) colnames(toxaemia) <- c("hu", "hU", "Hu", "HU") rowlabs <- expand.grid(smoke=c("0", "1-19", "20+"), class=factor(1:5)) toxaemia <- cbind(toxaemia, rowlabs) # logits for H and U logitsTox <- blogits(toxaemia[,4:1], add=0.5, colnames=c("logitH", "logitW"), row.vars=rowlabs) logitsTox
Cyril Burt (1950) gave these data, on a sample of 100 people from Liverpool, to illustrate the application of a method of factor analysis (later called multiple correspondence analysis) applied to categorical data.
He presented these data initially in the form that has come to be called a "Burt table", giving the univariate and bivariate frequencies for an n-way frequency table.
A frequency data frame (representing a 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 frequency table) with 36 cells on the following 5 variables.
hair color, a factor with levels Fair
eye color, a factor with levels Light
head shape, a factor with levels Narrow
height, a factor with levels Tall
a numeric vector
Burt says: "In all, 217 individuals were examined, about two-thirds of them males. But, partly to simplify the calculations and partly because the later observations were rather more trustworthy, I shall here restrict my analysis to the data obtained from the last hundred males in the series."
and Stature
reflect a binary coding where people are classified
according to whether they are below or above the average for the population.
Burt, C. (1950). The factorial analysis of qualitative data, British Journal of Statistical Psychology, 3(3), 166-185. Table IX.
data(Burt) mosaic(Freq ~ Hair + Eyes + Head + Stature, data=Burt, shade=TRUE) #or burt.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ Hair + Eyes + Head + Stature, data=Burt) mosaic(burt.tab, shade=TRUE)
data(Burt) mosaic(Freq ~ Hair + Eyes + Head + Stature, data=Burt, shade=TRUE) #or burt.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ Hair + Eyes + Head + Stature, data=Burt) mosaic(burt.tab, shade=TRUE)
Data from infection from birth by Caesarian section, classified by Risk
(two levels),
whether Antibiotics
were used (two levels) and whether the Caesarian section was Planned
or not.
The outcome is Infection
(three levels).
A 4-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 4 variables for 251 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Infection
"Type 1", "Type 2", "None"
2 | Risk
"Yes", "No" (presence of risk factors) |
3 | Antibiotics
"Yes", "No" (were antibiotics given?) |
4 | Planned
"Yes", "No" (was the C section planned?) |
is regarded as the response variable here.
There are quite a few 0 cells here, particularly when Risk
is absent and the Caesarian section was unplanned.
Should these be treated as structural or sampling zeros?
Fahrmeir, L. & Tutz, G. (1994). Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models New York: Springer Verlag, Table 1.1.
for the same data recorded as a frequency data frame
with other variables.
data(Caesar) #display table; note that there are quite a few 0 cells structable(Caesar) require(MASS) # baseline model, Infection as response Caesar.mod0 <- loglm(~Infection + (Risk*Antibiotics*Planned), data=Caesar) # NB: Pearson chisq cannot be computed due to the 0 cells Caesar.mod0 mosaic(Caesar.mod0, main="Baseline model") # Illustrate handling structural zeros zeros <- 0+ (Caesar >0) zeros[1,,1,1] <- 1 structable(zeros) # fit model excluding possible structural zeros Caesar.mod0s <- loglm(~Infection + (Risk*Antibiotics*Planned), data=Caesar, start=zeros) Caesar.mod0s anova(Caesar.mod0, Caesar.mod0s, test="Chisq") mosaic (Caesar.mod0s) # what terms to add? add1(Caesar.mod0, ~.^2, test="Chisq") # add Association of Infection:Antibiotics Caesar.mod1 <- update(Caesar.mod0, ~ . + Infection:Antibiotics) anova(Caesar.mod0, Caesar.mod1, test="Chisq") mosaic(Caesar.mod1, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Adding Infection:Antibiotics")
data(Caesar) #display table; note that there are quite a few 0 cells structable(Caesar) require(MASS) # baseline model, Infection as response Caesar.mod0 <- loglm(~Infection + (Risk*Antibiotics*Planned), data=Caesar) # NB: Pearson chisq cannot be computed due to the 0 cells Caesar.mod0 mosaic(Caesar.mod0, main="Baseline model") # Illustrate handling structural zeros zeros <- 0+ (Caesar >0) zeros[1,,1,1] <- 1 structable(zeros) # fit model excluding possible structural zeros Caesar.mod0s <- loglm(~Infection + (Risk*Antibiotics*Planned), data=Caesar, start=zeros) Caesar.mod0s anova(Caesar.mod0, Caesar.mod0s, test="Chisq") mosaic (Caesar.mod0s) # what terms to add? add1(Caesar.mod0, ~.^2, test="Chisq") # add Association of Infection:Antibiotics Caesar.mod1 <- update(Caesar.mod0, ~ . + Infection:Antibiotics) anova(Caesar.mod0, Caesar.mod1, test="Chisq") mosaic(Caesar.mod1, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Adding Infection:Antibiotics")
Three year survival of 474 breast cancer patients according to nuclear grade and diagnostic center.
A 3-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 3 variables for 474 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Survival
"Died", "Surv"
2 | Grade
"Malignant", "Benign"
3 | Center
"Boston", "Glamorgan"
Lindsey, J. K. (1995). Analysis of Frequency and Count Data Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. p. 38, Table 2.5.
Whittaker, J. (1990) Graphical Models in Applied Multivariate Statistics New York: John Wiley and Sons, p. 220.
data(Cancer) MASS::loglm(~Survival + Grade + Center, data = Cancer) vcd::mosaic(Cancer, shade=TRUE)
data(Cancer) MASS::loglm(~Survival + Grade + Center, data = Cancer) vcd::mosaic(Cancer, shade=TRUE)
Provides generalized Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests of association of two possibly ordered factors,
optionally stratified other factor(s). With strata, CMHtest
calculates these tests for
each level of the stratifying variables and also provides overall tests controlling for the
For ordinal factors, more powerful tests than the test for general association (independence) are obtained by assigning scores to the row and column categories.
CMHtest(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' CMHtest(formula, data = NULL, subset = NULL, na.action = NULL, ...) ## Default S3 method: CMHtest(x, strata = NULL, rscores = 1:R, cscores = 1:C, types = c("cor", "rmeans", "cmeans", "general"), overall=FALSE, details=overall, ...) ## S3 method for class 'CMHtest' print(x, digits = max(getOption("digits") - 2, 3), ...)
CMHtest(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' CMHtest(formula, data = NULL, subset = NULL, na.action = NULL, ...) ## Default S3 method: CMHtest(x, strata = NULL, rscores = 1:R, cscores = 1:C, types = c("cor", "rmeans", "cmeans", "general"), overall=FALSE, details=overall, ...) ## S3 method for class 'CMHtest' print(x, digits = max(getOption("digits") - 2, 3), ...)
x |
A 2+ way contingency table in array form, or a class |
formula |
a formula specifying the variables used to create a contingency table from |
data |
either a data frame, or an object of class |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used. |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain |
strata |
For a 3- or higher-way table, the names or numbers of the factors to be treated as strata. By default, the first 2 factors are treated as the main table variables, and all others considered stratifying factors. |
rscores |
Row scores. Either a set of numbers (typically integers, |
cscores |
Column scores. Same as for row scores. |
types |
Types of CMH tests to compute: Any one or more of
overall |
logical. Whether to calculate overall tests, controlling for the stratifying factors. |
details |
logical. Whether to include computational details in the result |
... |
Other arguments passed to default method. |
digits |
Digits to print. |
The standard tests for association in a two-way table
treat both table factors as nominal (unordered) categories.
When one or both factors of a two-way table are
quantitative or ordinal, more powerful tests of association
may be obtained by taking ordinality into account using
row and or column scores to test for linear trends or differences
in row or column means.
The CMH analysis for a two-way table produces generalized Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistics (Landis etal., 1978).
These include the CMH correlation statistic ("cor"
treating both factors as ordered.
For a given statum, with equally spaced row and column scores,
this CMH statistic reduces to ,
is the Pearson correlation between X and Y.
scores, this CMH statistic is analogous
to , using the Spearman rank correlation.
The ANOVA (row mean scores and column mean scores) statistics,
treat the columns and rows respectively as ordinal,
and are sensitive to mean shifts over columns or rows.
These are transforms of the statistics from one-way ANOVAs
with equally spaced scores and to Kruskal-Wallis tests with
The CMH general association statistic treat both factors as unordered,
and give a test closely related to the Pearson test.
When there is more than one stratum, the overall general CMH statistic
gives a stratum-adjusted Pearson
equivalent to what is calculated by
For a 3+ way table, one table of CMH tests is produced for each
combination of the factors identified as strata
If overall=TRUE
, an additional table is calculated for
the same two primary variables, controlling for (pooling over)
the strata
These overall tests implicitly assume no interactions between the primary variables and the strata and they will have low power in the presence of interactions.
An object of class "CMHtest"
, a list with the following 4 components:
table |
A matrix containing the test statistics, with columns
names |
The names of the table row and column variables |
rscore |
Row scores |
cscore |
Column scores |
If details==TRUE
, additional components are included.
If there are strata, the result is a list of "CMHtest"
If overall=TRUE
another component, labeled ALL
is appended to the list.
Michael Friendly
Stokes, M. E. & Davis, C. S. & Koch, G., (2000). Categorical Data Analysis using the SAS System, 2nd Ed., Cary, NC: SAS Institute, pp 74-75, 92-101, 124-129. Details of the computation are given at: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/statug/63033/HTML/default/viewer.htm#statug_freq_a0000000648.htm
Cochran, W. G. (1954), Some Methods for Strengthening the Common Tests,
Biometrics, 10, 417-451.
Landis, R. J., Heyman, E. R., and Koch, G. G. (1978). Average Partial Association in Three-way Contingency Tables: A Review and Discussion of Alternative Tests, International Statistical Review, 46, 237-254.
Mantel, N. (1963), Chi-square Tests with One Degree of Freedom: Extensions of the Mantel-Haenszel Procedure," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58, 690-700.
provides the CMH test of general association;
provides the CMH correlation test of linear by linear association.
provides the overall general
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel chi-squared test of the null that two nominal variables are conditionally independent
in each stratum, assuming that there is no three-way interaction
data(JobSat, package="vcdExtra") CMHtest(JobSat) CMHtest(JobSat, rscores="midrank", cscores="midrank") # formula interface CMHtest(~ ., data=JobSat) # A 3-way table (both factors ordinal) data(MSPatients, package="vcd") CMHtest(MSPatients) # also calculate overall tests, controlling for Patient CMHtest(MSPatients, overall = TRUE) # compare with mantelhaen.test mantelhaen.test(MSPatients) # formula interface CMHtest(~ ., data = MSPatients, overall = TRUE) # using a frequency data.frame CMHtest(xtabs(Freq~ses + mental, data = Mental)) # or, more simply CMHtest(Freq~ses + mental, data = Mental) # conditioning formulae CMHtest(Freq~right + left | gender, data = VisualAcuity) CMHtest(Freq ~ attitude + memory | education + age, data = Punishment) # Stokes etal, Table 5.1, p 92: two unordered factors parties <- matrix( c(221, 160, 360, 140, 200, 291, 160, 311, 208, 106, 316, 97), nrow=3, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) dimnames(parties) <- list(party=c("Dem", "Indep", "Rep"), neighborhood=c("Bayside", "Highland", "Longview", "Sheffield")) CMHtest(parties, rscores=NULL, cscores=NULL) # compare with Pearson chisquare chisq.test(parties)
data(JobSat, package="vcdExtra") CMHtest(JobSat) CMHtest(JobSat, rscores="midrank", cscores="midrank") # formula interface CMHtest(~ ., data=JobSat) # A 3-way table (both factors ordinal) data(MSPatients, package="vcd") CMHtest(MSPatients) # also calculate overall tests, controlling for Patient CMHtest(MSPatients, overall = TRUE) # compare with mantelhaen.test mantelhaen.test(MSPatients) # formula interface CMHtest(~ ., data = MSPatients, overall = TRUE) # using a frequency data.frame CMHtest(xtabs(Freq~ses + mental, data = Mental)) # or, more simply CMHtest(Freq~ses + mental, data = Mental) # conditioning formulae CMHtest(Freq~right + left | gender, data = VisualAcuity) CMHtest(Freq ~ attitude + memory | education + age, data = Punishment) # Stokes etal, Table 5.1, p 92: two unordered factors parties <- matrix( c(221, 160, 360, 140, 200, 291, 160, 311, 208, 106, 316, 97), nrow=3, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) dimnames(parties) <- list(party=c("Dem", "Indep", "Rep"), neighborhood=c("Bayside", "Highland", "Longview", "Sheffield")) CMHtest(parties, rscores=NULL, cscores=NULL) # compare with Pearson chisquare chisq.test(parties)
Collapse (or re-label) variables in a
a contingency table, array or ftable
object by re-assigning levels of the table variables.
collapse.table(table, ...)
collapse.table(table, ...)
table |
... |
A collection of one or more assignments of factors of the table to a list of levels |
Each of the ...
arguments must be of the form
variable = levels
, where variable
is the name of one of the table
dimensions, and levels
is a character or numeric vector of length equal
to the corresponding dimension of the table.
A xtabs
and table
object, representing the original table with
one or more of its factors collapsed or rearranged into other levels.
Michael Friendly
expands a frequency data frame to case form.
"collapses" a table in a different way, by
summing over table dimensions.
# create some sample data in table form sex <- c("Male", "Female") age <- letters[1:6] education <- c("low", 'med', 'high') data <- expand.grid(sex=sex, age=age, education=education) counts <- rpois(36, 100) data <- cbind(data, counts) t1 <- xtabs(counts ~ sex + age + education, data=data) structable(t1) ## age a b c d e f ## sex education ## Male low 119 101 109 85 99 93 ## med 94 98 103 108 84 84 ## high 81 88 96 110 100 92 ## Female low 107 104 95 86 103 96 ## med 104 98 94 95 110 106 ## high 93 85 90 109 99 86 # collapse age to 3 levels t2 <- collapse.table(t1, age=c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C")) structable(t2) ## age A B C ## sex education ## Male low 220 194 192 ## med 192 211 168 ## high 169 206 192 ## Female low 211 181 199 ## med 202 189 216 ## high 178 199 185 # collapse age to 3 levels and pool education: "low" and "med" to "low" t3 <- collapse.table(t1, age=c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C"), education=c("low", "low", "high")) structable(t3) ## age A B C ## sex education ## Male low 412 405 360 ## high 169 206 192 ## Female low 413 370 415 ## high 178 199 185 # change labels for levels of education to 1:3 t4 <- collapse.table(t1, education=1:3) structable(t4) structable(t4) ## age a b c d e f ## sex education ## Male 1 119 101 109 85 99 93 ## 2 94 98 103 108 84 84 ## 3 81 88 96 110 100 92 ## Female 1 107 104 95 86 103 96 ## 2 104 98 94 95 110 106 ## 3 93 85 90 109 99 86
# create some sample data in table form sex <- c("Male", "Female") age <- letters[1:6] education <- c("low", 'med', 'high') data <- expand.grid(sex=sex, age=age, education=education) counts <- rpois(36, 100) data <- cbind(data, counts) t1 <- xtabs(counts ~ sex + age + education, data=data) structable(t1) ## age a b c d e f ## sex education ## Male low 119 101 109 85 99 93 ## med 94 98 103 108 84 84 ## high 81 88 96 110 100 92 ## Female low 107 104 95 86 103 96 ## med 104 98 94 95 110 106 ## high 93 85 90 109 99 86 # collapse age to 3 levels t2 <- collapse.table(t1, age=c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C")) structable(t2) ## age A B C ## sex education ## Male low 220 194 192 ## med 192 211 168 ## high 169 206 192 ## Female low 211 181 199 ## med 202 189 216 ## high 178 199 185 # collapse age to 3 levels and pool education: "low" and "med" to "low" t3 <- collapse.table(t1, age=c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C"), education=c("low", "low", "high")) structable(t3) ## age A B C ## sex education ## Male low 412 405 360 ## high 169 206 192 ## Female low 413 370 415 ## high 178 199 185 # change labels for levels of education to 1:3 t4 <- collapse.table(t1, education=1:3) structable(t4) structable(t4) ## age a b c d e f ## sex education ## Male 1 119 101 109 85 99 93 ## 2 94 98 103 108 84 84 ## 3 81 88 96 110 100 92 ## Female 1 107 104 95 86 103 96 ## 2 104 98 94 95 110 106 ## 3 93 85 90 109 99 86
Male double-crested cormorants use advertising behavior to attract females for breeding. In this study by Meagan McRae (2015), cormorants were observed two or three times a week at six stations in a tree-nesting colony for an entire season, April 10, 2014-July 10, 2014. The number of advertising birds was counted and these observations were classified by characteristics of the trees and nests.
The goal is to determine how this behavior varies temporally over the season and spatially, as well as with characteristics of nesting sites.
A data frame with 343 observations on the following 8 variables.
Time of season, divided into 3 categories based on breeding chronology, an ordered factor with levels Pre
< Incubation
< Chicks Present
Week of the season
Station of observations on two different peninsulas in a park, a factor with levels B1
Type of nest, an ordered factor with levels no
< partial
< full
Relative height of bird in the tree, an ordered factor with levels low
< mid
< high
Number of other nests in the tree, an ordered factor with levels zero
< few
< moderate
< high
Health of the tree the bird is advertising in, a factor with levels dead
Number of birds advertising, a numeric vector
Observations were made on only 2 days in weeks 3 and 4, but 3 days in all other weeks. One should use log(days) as an offset, so that the response measures rate.
Cormorants$days <- ifelse(Cormorants$week %in% 3:4, 2, 3)
McRae, M. (2015). Spatial, Habitat and Frequency Changes in Double-crested Cormorant Advertising Display in a Tree-nesting Colony. Unpublished MA project, Environmental Studies, York University.
data(Cormorants) str(Cormorants) if (require("ggplot2")) { print(ggplot(Cormorants, aes(count)) + geom_histogram(binwidth=0.5) + labs(x="Number of birds advertising")) # Quick look at the data, on the log scale, for plots of `count ~ week`, # stratified by something else. print(ggplot(Cormorants, aes(week, count, color=height)) + geom_jitter() + stat_smooth(method="loess", size=2) + scale_y_log10(breaks=c(1,2,5,10)) + geom_vline(xintercept=c(4.5, 9.5))) } # ### models using week fit1 <-glm(count ~ week + station + nest + height + density + tree_health, data=Cormorants, family = poisson) if (requireNamespace("car")) car::Anova(fit1) # plot fitted effects if (requireNamespace("effects")) plot(effects::allEffects(fit1))
data(Cormorants) str(Cormorants) if (require("ggplot2")) { print(ggplot(Cormorants, aes(count)) + geom_histogram(binwidth=0.5) + labs(x="Number of birds advertising")) # Quick look at the data, on the log scale, for plots of `count ~ week`, # stratified by something else. print(ggplot(Cormorants, aes(week, count, color=height)) + geom_jitter() + stat_smooth(method="loess", size=2) + scale_y_log10(breaks=c(1,2,5,10)) + geom_vline(xintercept=c(4.5, 9.5))) } # ### models using week fit1 <-glm(count ~ week + station + nest + height + density + tree_health, data=Cormorants, family = poisson) if (requireNamespace("car")) car::Anova(fit1) # plot fitted effects if (requireNamespace("effects")) plot(effects::allEffects(fit1))
Given two ordered factors in a square, n x n frequency table, Crossings
creates an n-1 column matrix corresponding to different degrees of difficulty
in crossing from one level to the next, as described by Goodman (1972).
... |
Two factors |
For two factors of n
levels, returns a binary indicator matrix
of n*n
rows and n-1
Michael Friendly and Heather Turner
Goodman, L. (1972). Some multiplicative models for the analysis of cross-classified data. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, pp. 649-696.
for model fitting functions for frequency tables
for similar extensions to terms in model formulas.
data(Hauser79) # display table structable(~Father + Son, data=Hauser79) hauser.indep <- gnm(Freq ~ Father + Son, data=Hauser79, family=poisson) hauser.CR <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Crossings(Father,Son)) LRstats(hauser.CR) hauser.CRdiag <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Crossings(Father,Son) + Diag(Father,Son)) LRstats(hauser.CRdiag)
data(Hauser79) # display table structable(~Father + Son, data=Hauser79) hauser.indep <- gnm(Freq ~ Father + Son, data=Hauser79, family=poisson) hauser.CR <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Crossings(Father,Son)) LRstats(hauser.CR) hauser.CRdiag <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Crossings(Father,Son) + Diag(Father,Son)) LRstats(hauser.CRdiag)
acts like cut
dividing the range of x
into intervals and
coding the values in x
according in which interval they fall.
However, it gives nicer labels for the factor levels and
by default chooses convenient breaks among the values based on deciles.
It is particularly useful for plots in which one wants to make a numeric variable discrete for the purpose of getting boxplots, spinograms or mosaic plots.
cutfac(x, breaks = NULL, q = 10)
cutfac(x, breaks = NULL, q = 10)
x |
a numeric vector which is to be converted to a factor by cutting |
breaks |
either a numeric vector of two or more unique cut points or a single number (greater than or equal to 2) giving the number of intervals into which |
q |
the number of quantile groups used to define |
By default, cut
chooses breaks by equal lengths of the range of x
whereas cutfac
uses quantile
to choose breaks of roughly equal count.
A factor
corresponding to x
is returned
Achim Zeileis
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca.
if (require(AER)) { data("NMES1988", package="AER") nmes <- NMES1988[, c(1, 6:8, 13, 15, 18)] plot(log(visits+1) ~ cutfac(chronic), data = nmes, ylab = "Physician office visits (log scale)", xlab = "Number of chronic conditions", main = "chronic") plot(log(visits+1) ~ cutfac(hospital, c(0:2, 8)), data = nmes, ylab = "Physician office visits (log scale)", xlab = "Number of hospital stays", main = "hospital") }
if (require(AER)) { data("NMES1988", package="AER") nmes <- NMES1988[, c(1, 6:8, 13, 15, 18)] plot(log(visits+1) ~ cutfac(chronic), data = nmes, ylab = "Physician office visits (log scale)", xlab = "Number of chronic conditions", main = "chronic") plot(log(visits+1) ~ cutfac(hospital, c(0:2, 8)), data = nmes, ylab = "Physician office visits (log scale)", xlab = "Number of hospital stays", main = "hospital") }
A data frame containing the number of deaths of cyclists in London from 2005 through 2012 in each fortnightly period. Aberdein & Spiegelhalter (2013) discuss these data in relation to the observation that six cyclists died in London between Nov. 5 and Nov. 13, 2013.
A data frame with 208 observations on the following 2 variables.
a Date
number of deaths, a numeric vector
STATS 19 data, 2005-2012, using the files
Aberdein, Jody and Spiegelhalter, David (2013). Have London's roads become more dangerous for cyclists? Significance, 10(6), 46–48.
data(CyclingDeaths) plot(deaths ~ date, data=CyclingDeaths, type="h", lwd=3, ylab="Number of deaths", axes=FALSE) axis(1, at=seq(as.Date('2005-01-01'), by='years', length.out=9), labels=2005:2013) axis(2, at=0:3) # make a one-way frequency table CyclingDeaths.tab <- table(CyclingDeaths$deaths) gf <- goodfit(CyclingDeaths.tab) gf summary(gf) rootogram(gf, xlab="Number of Deaths") distplot(CyclingDeaths.tab) # prob of 6 or more deaths in one fortnight lambda <- gf$par$lambda ppois(5, lambda, lower.tail=FALSE)
data(CyclingDeaths) plot(deaths ~ date, data=CyclingDeaths, type="h", lwd=3, ylab="Number of deaths", axes=FALSE) axis(1, at=seq(as.Date('2005-01-01'), by='years', length.out=9), labels=2005:2013) axis(2, at=0:3) # make a one-way frequency table CyclingDeaths.tab <- table(CyclingDeaths$deaths) gf <- goodfit(CyclingDeaths.tab) gf summary(gf) rootogram(gf, xlab="Number of Deaths") distplot(CyclingDeaths.tab) # prob of 6 or more deaths in one fortnight lambda <- gf$par$lambda ppois(5, lambda, lower.tail=FALSE)
The data
function is used both to load data sets from packages,
and give a display of the names and titles of data sets in one or more packages,
however it does not return a result that can be easily used to get additional
information about the nature of data sets in packages.
The datasets()
function is designed to produce a more useful summary
display of data sets in one or more packages. It extracts the class
and dimension information (dim
or codelength) of each item,
and formats these to provide additional descriptors.
datasets(package, allClass=FALSE, incPackage=length(package) > 1, maxTitle=NULL)
datasets(package, allClass=FALSE, incPackage=length(package) > 1, maxTitle=NULL)
package |
a character vector giving the package(s) to look in |
allClass |
a logical variable. Include all classes of the item ( |
incPackage |
include the package name in result? |
maxTitle |
maximum length of data set Title |
The requested packages must be installed, and are silently loaded in order
to extract class
and size information.
A data.frame
whose rows correspond to data sets found in package
The columns (for a single package) are:
Item |
data set name, a character variable |
class |
class, the object class of the data set, typically one of |
dim |
an abbreviation of the dimensions of the data set, in a form like |
Title |
data set title |
In Rmd documents, 'datasets("package") |> knitr::kable()' can be used to create a more pleasing display.
Michael Friendly, with R-help from Curt Seeliger
datasets("vcdExtra") # datasets(c("vcd", "vcdExtra")) datasets("datasets", maxTitle=50) # just list dataset names in a package datasets("vcdExtra")[,"Item"] datasets("vcd")[,"Item"]
datasets("vcdExtra") # datasets(c("vcd", "vcdExtra")) datasets("datasets", maxTitle=50) # just list dataset names in a package datasets("vcdExtra")[,"Item"] datasets("vcd")[,"Item"]
This data, from Agresti (2002), Table 9.1, gives the result of a 1992 survey in Dayton Ohio of 2276 high school seniors on whether they had ever used alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana.
A frequency data frame with 32 observations on the following 6 variables.
a factor with levels Yes
a factor with levels Yes
a factor with levels Yes
a factor with levels female
a factor with levels white
a numeric vector
Agresti uses the letters G (sex
), R (race
A (alcohol
), C (cigarette
), M (marijuana
) to refer to the table variables,
and this usage is followed in the examples below.
Background variables include sex
and race
of the
respondent (GR), typically treated as explanatory, so that any
model for the full table should include the term sex:race
Models for the reduced table, collapsed over sex
and race
are not entirely unreasonable, but don't permit the estimation
of the effects of these variables on the responses.
The full 5-way table contains a number of cells with counts of 0 or 1, as well as many cells with large counts, and even the ACM table collapsed over GR has some small cell counts. Consequently, residuals for these models in mosaic displays are best represented as standardized (adjusted) residuals.
Agresti, A. (2002). Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd Ed., New York: Wiley-Interscience, Table 9.1, p. 362.
Thompson, L. (2009). R (and S-PLUS) Manual to Accompany Agresti's Categorical Data, http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~aa/cda/Thompson_manual.pdf
data(DaytonSurvey) # mutual independence mod.0 <- glm(Freq ~ ., data=DaytonSurvey, family=poisson) # mutual independence + GR mod.GR <- glm(Freq ~ . + sex*race, data=DaytonSurvey, family=poisson) anova(mod.GR, test = "Chisq") # all two-way terms mod.all2way <- glm(Freq ~ .^2, data=DaytonSurvey, family=poisson) anova(mod.all2way, test = "Chisq") # compare models LRstats(mod.0, mod.GR, mod.all2way) # collapse over sex and race Dayton.ACM <- aggregate(Freq ~ cigarette+alcohol+marijuana, data=DaytonSurvey, FUN=sum) Dayton.ACM
data(DaytonSurvey) # mutual independence mod.0 <- glm(Freq ~ ., data=DaytonSurvey, family=poisson) # mutual independence + GR mod.GR <- glm(Freq ~ . + sex*race, data=DaytonSurvey, family=poisson) anova(mod.GR, test = "Chisq") # all two-way terms mod.all2way <- glm(Freq ~ .^2, data=DaytonSurvey, family=poisson) anova(mod.all2way, test = "Chisq") # compare models LRstats(mod.0, mod.GR, mod.all2way) # collapse over sex and race Dayton.ACM <- aggregate(Freq ~ cigarette+alcohol+marijuana, data=DaytonSurvey, FUN=sum) Dayton.ACM
This one-way table gives the type-token distribution of the number of dependencies declared in 4983 packages listed on CRAN on January 17, 2014.
The format is a one-way frequency table of counts of packages with 0, 1, 2, ... dependencies.
'table' int [1:15(1d)] 986 1347 993 685 375 298 155 65 32 19 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1 ..$ Depends: chr [1:15] "0" "1" "2" "3" ...
Using code from https://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2013/12/a-look-at-the-distribution-of-r-package-dependencies.html
data(Depends) plot(Depends, xlab="Number of Dependencies", ylab="Number of R Packages", lwd=8) # what type of distribution? # Ord_plot can't classify this! Ord_plot(Depends) ## Not run: # The code below, from Joseph Rickert, downloads and tabulates the data p <- as.data.frame(available.packages(),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) names(p) pkgs <- data.frame(p[,c(1,4)]) # Pick out Package names and Depends row.names(pkgs) <- NULL # Get rid of row names pkgs <- pkgs[complete.cases(pkgs[,2]),] # Remove NAs pkgs$Depends2 <-strsplit(pkgs$Depends,",") # split list of Depends pkgs$numDepends <- as.numeric(lapply(pkgs$Depends2,length)) # Count number of dependencies in list zeros <- c(rep(0,dim(p)[1] - dim(pkgs)[1])) # Account for packages with no dependencies Deps <- as.vector(c(zeros,pkgs$numDepends)) # Set up to tablate Depends <- table(Deps) ## End(Not run)
data(Depends) plot(Depends, xlab="Number of Dependencies", ylab="Number of R Packages", lwd=8) # what type of distribution? # Ord_plot can't classify this! Ord_plot(Depends) ## Not run: # The code below, from Joseph Rickert, downloads and tabulates the data p <- as.data.frame(available.packages(),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) names(p) pkgs <- data.frame(p[,c(1,4)]) # Pick out Package names and Depends row.names(pkgs) <- NULL # Get rid of row names pkgs <- pkgs[complete.cases(pkgs[,2]),] # Remove NAs pkgs$Depends2 <-strsplit(pkgs$Depends,",") # split list of Depends pkgs$numDepends <- as.numeric(lapply(pkgs$Depends2,length)) # Count number of dependencies in list zeros <- c(rep(0,dim(p)[1] - dim(pkgs)[1])) # Account for packages with no dependencies Deps <- as.vector(c(zeros,pkgs$numDepends)) # Set up to tablate Depends <- table(Deps) ## End(Not run)
Cross-classification of a sample of 1008 consumers according to (a) the softness of the laundry water used, (b) previous use of detergent Brand M, (c) the temperature of laundry water used and (d) expressed preference for Brand X or Brand M in a blind trial.
A 4-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 4 variables for 1008 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Temperature
"High", "Low"
2 | M_User
"Yes", "No"
3 | Preference
"Brand X", "Brand M"
4 | Water_softness
"Soft", "Medium", "Hard"
Fienberg, S. E. (1980). The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p. 71.
Ries, P. N. & Smith, H. (1963). The use of chi-square for preference testing in multidimensional problems. Chemical Engineering Progress, 59, 39-43.
data(Detergent) # basic mosaic plot mosaic(Detergent, shade=TRUE) require(MASS) (det.mod0 <- loglm(~ Preference + Temperature + M_User + Water_softness, data=Detergent)) # examine addition of two-way terms add1(det.mod0, ~ .^2, test="Chisq") # model for Preference as a response (det.mod1 <- loglm(~ Preference + (Temperature * M_User * Water_softness), data=Detergent)) mosaic(det.mod0)
data(Detergent) # basic mosaic plot mosaic(Detergent, shade=TRUE) require(MASS) (det.mod0 <- loglm(~ Preference + Temperature + M_User + Water_softness, data=Detergent)) # examine addition of two-way terms add1(det.mod0, ~ .^2, test="Chisq") # model for Preference as a response (det.mod1 <- loglm(~ Preference + (Temperature * M_User * Water_softness), data=Detergent)) mosaic(det.mod0)
This data frame contains information on the members of the Donner Party, a group of people who attempted to migrate to California in 1846. They were trapped by an early blizzard on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and before they could be rescued, nearly half of the party had died.
What factors affected who lived and who died?
A data frame with 90 observations on the following 5 variables.
family name, a factor with 10 levels
age of person, a numeric vector
a factor with levels Female
a numeric vector, 0 or 1
date of death for those who died before rescue, a POSIXct
This data frame uses the person's name as row labels.
reflects a recoding of the last names of individuals
to reduce the number of factor levels.
The main families in the Donner party were: Donner, Graves, Breen and Reed.
The families of Murphy, Foster and Pike are grouped as 'MurFosPik'
those of Fosdick and Wolfinger are coded as 'FosdWolf'
, and
all others as 'Other'
is the response variable. What kind of models should be used here?
D. K. Grayson, 1990, "Donner party deaths: A demographic assessment", J. Anthropological Research, 46, 223-242.
Johnson, K. (1996). Unfortunate Emigrants: Narratives of the Donner Party. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press. Additions, and dates of death from http://user.xmission.com/~octa/DonnerParty/Roster.htm.
Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2002). The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis, (2nd ed), Duxbury.
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca.
in alr3,
in Sleuth2(adults only) provide similar data sets.
# conditional density plots op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), cex.lab=1.5) cdplot(factor(survived) ~ age, subset=sex=='Male', data=Donner, main="Donner party: Males", ylevels=2:1, ylab="Survived", yaxlabels=c("yes", "no")) with(Donner, rug(jitter(age[sex=="Male"]), col="white", quiet=TRUE)) cdplot(factor(survived) ~ age, subset=sex=='Female', data=Donner, main="Donner party: Females", ylevels=2:1, ylab="Survived", yaxlabels=c("yes", "no")) with(Donner, rug(jitter(age[sex=="Female"]), col="white", quiet=TRUE)) par(op) # fit some models (mod1 <- glm(survived ~ age + sex, data=Donner, family=binomial)) (mod2 <- glm(survived ~ age * sex, data=Donner, family=binomial)) anova(mod2, test="Chisq") (mod3 <- glm(survived ~ poly(age,2) * sex, data=Donner, family=binomial)) anova(mod3, test="Chisq") LRstats(glmlist(mod1, mod2, mod3)) # plot fitted probabilities from mod2 and mod3 # idea from: http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~joseff/rstudy/summer2010_ggplot2_intro.html library(ggplot2) # separate linear fits on age for M/F ggplot(Donner, aes(age, survived, color = sex)) + geom_point(position = position_jitter(height = 0.02, width = 0)) + stat_smooth(method = "glm", method.args = list(family = binomial), formula = y ~ x, alpha = 0.2, size=2, aes(fill = sex)) # separate quadratics ggplot(Donner, aes(age, survived, color = sex)) + geom_point(position = position_jitter(height = 0.02, width = 0)) + stat_smooth(method = "glm", method.args = list(family = binomial), formula = y ~ poly(x,2), alpha = 0.2, size=2, aes(fill = sex))
# conditional density plots op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), cex.lab=1.5) cdplot(factor(survived) ~ age, subset=sex=='Male', data=Donner, main="Donner party: Males", ylevels=2:1, ylab="Survived", yaxlabels=c("yes", "no")) with(Donner, rug(jitter(age[sex=="Male"]), col="white", quiet=TRUE)) cdplot(factor(survived) ~ age, subset=sex=='Female', data=Donner, main="Donner party: Females", ylevels=2:1, ylab="Survived", yaxlabels=c("yes", "no")) with(Donner, rug(jitter(age[sex=="Female"]), col="white", quiet=TRUE)) par(op) # fit some models (mod1 <- glm(survived ~ age + sex, data=Donner, family=binomial)) (mod2 <- glm(survived ~ age * sex, data=Donner, family=binomial)) anova(mod2, test="Chisq") (mod3 <- glm(survived ~ poly(age,2) * sex, data=Donner, family=binomial)) anova(mod3, test="Chisq") LRstats(glmlist(mod1, mod2, mod3)) # plot fitted probabilities from mod2 and mod3 # idea from: http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~joseff/rstudy/summer2010_ggplot2_intro.html library(ggplot2) # separate linear fits on age for M/F ggplot(Donner, aes(age, survived, color = sex)) + geom_point(position = position_jitter(height = 0.02, width = 0)) + stat_smooth(method = "glm", method.args = list(family = binomial), formula = y ~ x, alpha = 0.2, size=2, aes(fill = sex)) # separate quadratics ggplot(Donner, aes(age, survived, color = sex)) + geom_point(position = position_jitter(height = 0.02, width = 0)) + stat_smooth(method = "glm", method.args = list(family = binomial), formula = y ~ poly(x,2), alpha = 0.2, size=2, aes(fill = sex))
This data set gives the results of the 1970 US draft lottery, in the form of a data frame.
A data frame with 366 observations on the following 3 variables.
day of the year, 1:366
draft priority rank of people born on that day
an ordered factor with levels Jan
< Feb
... < Dec
The draft lottery was used to determine the order in which eligible men would be called to the Selective Service draft. The days of the year (including February 29) were represented by the numbers 1 through 366 written on slips of paper. The slips were placed in separate plastic capsules that were mixed in a shoebox and then dumped into a deep glass jar. Capsules were drawn from the jar one at a time.
The first number drawn was 258 (September 14), so all registrants with that
birthday were assigned lottery number Rank
1. The second number drawn corresponded to
April 24, and so forth. All men of draft age (born 1944 to 1950) who shared a
birthdate would be called to serve at once. The first 195 birthdates drawn were
later called to serve in the order they were drawn; the last of these was
September 24.
Starr, N. (1997). Nonrandom Risk: The 1970 Draft Lottery, Journal of Statistics Education, v.5, n.2 http://jse.amstat.org/v5n2/datasets.starr.html
Fienberg, S. E. (1971), "Randomization and Social Affairs: The 1970 Draft Lottery," Science, 171, 255-261.
data(Draft1970) # scatterplot plot(Rank ~ Day, data=Draft1970) with(Draft1970, lines(lowess(Day, Rank), col="red", lwd=2)) abline(lm(Rank ~ Day, data=Draft1970), col="blue") # boxplots plot(Rank ~ Month, data=Draft1970, col="bisque") lm(Rank ~ Month, data=Draft1970) anova(lm(Rank ~ Month, data=Draft1970)) # make the table version Draft1970$Risk <- cut(Draft1970$Rank, breaks=3, labels=c("High", "Med", "Low")) with(Draft1970, table(Month, Risk))
data(Draft1970) # scatterplot plot(Rank ~ Day, data=Draft1970) with(Draft1970, lines(lowess(Day, Rank), col="red", lwd=2)) abline(lm(Rank ~ Day, data=Draft1970), col="blue") # boxplots plot(Rank ~ Month, data=Draft1970, col="bisque") lm(Rank ~ Month, data=Draft1970) anova(lm(Rank ~ Month, data=Draft1970)) # make the table version Draft1970$Risk <- cut(Draft1970$Rank, breaks=3, labels=c("High", "Med", "Low")) with(Draft1970, table(Month, Risk))
This data set gives the results of the 1970 US draft lottery, in the form of a frequency table. The rows are months of the year, Jan–Dec and columns give the number of days in that month which fall into each of three draft risk categories High, Medium, and Low, corresponding to the chances of being called to serve in the US army.
The format is: 'table' int [1:12, 1:3] 9 7 5 8 9 11 12 13 10 9 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ Month: chr [1:12] "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" ... ..$ Risk : chr [1:3] "High" "Med" "Low"
The lottery numbers are divided into three categories of risk of being called for the draft – High, Medium, and Low – each representing roughly one third of the days in a year. Those birthdays having the highest risk have lottery numbers 1-122, medium risk have numbers 123-244, and the lowest risk category contains lottery numbers 245-366.
This data is available in several forms, but the table version was obtained from
Fienberg, S. E. (1971), "Randomization and Social Affairs: The 1970 Draft Lottery," Science, 171, 255-261.
Starr, N. (1997). Nonrandom Risk: The 1970 Draft Lottery, Journal of Statistics Education, v.5, n.2 https://jse.amstat.org/v5n2/datasets.starr.html
data(Draft1970table) chisq.test(Draft1970table) # plot.table -> graphics:::mosaicplot plot(Draft1970table, shade=TRUE) mosaic(Draft1970table, gp=shading_Friendly) # correspondence analysis if(require(ca)) { ca(Draft1970table) plot(ca(Draft1970table)) } # convert to a frequency data frame with ordered factors Draft1970df <- as.data.frame(Draft1970table) Draft1970df <- within(Draft1970df, { Month <- ordered(Month) Risk <- ordered(Risk, levels=rev(levels(Risk))) }) str(Draft1970df) # similar model, as a Poisson GLM indep <- glm(Freq ~ Month + Risk, family = poisson, data = Draft1970df) mosaic(indep, residuals_type="rstandard", gp=shading_Friendly) # numeric scores for tests of ordinal factors Cscore <- as.numeric(Draft1970df$Risk) Rscore <- as.numeric(Draft1970df$Month) # linear x linear association between Month and Risk linlin <- glm(Freq ~ Month + Risk + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Draft1970df) # compare models anova(indep, linlin, test="Chisq") mosaic(linlin, residuals_type="rstandard", gp=shading_Friendly)
data(Draft1970table) chisq.test(Draft1970table) # plot.table -> graphics:::mosaicplot plot(Draft1970table, shade=TRUE) mosaic(Draft1970table, gp=shading_Friendly) # correspondence analysis if(require(ca)) { ca(Draft1970table) plot(ca(Draft1970table)) } # convert to a frequency data frame with ordered factors Draft1970df <- as.data.frame(Draft1970table) Draft1970df <- within(Draft1970df, { Month <- ordered(Month) Risk <- ordered(Risk, levels=rev(levels(Risk))) }) str(Draft1970df) # similar model, as a Poisson GLM indep <- glm(Freq ~ Month + Risk, family = poisson, data = Draft1970df) mosaic(indep, residuals_type="rstandard", gp=shading_Friendly) # numeric scores for tests of ordinal factors Cscore <- as.numeric(Draft1970df$Risk) Rscore <- as.numeric(Draft1970df$Month) # linear x linear association between Month and Risk linlin <- glm(Freq ~ Month + Risk + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Draft1970df) # compare models anova(indep, linlin, test="Chisq") mosaic(linlin, residuals_type="rstandard", gp=shading_Friendly)
Observational data on a sample of 1729 individuals, cross-classified in a 2^5 table according to their sources of information (read newspapers, listen to the radio, do 'solid' reading, attend lectures) and whether they have good or poor knowledge regarding cancer. Knowledge of cancer is often treated as the response.
A 5-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 5 variables for 1729 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Knowledge
"Good", "Poor"
2 | Reading
"No", "Yes"
3 | Radio
"No", "Yes"
4 | Lectures
"No", "Yes"
5 | Newspaper
"No", "Yes"
Fienberg, S. E. (1980). The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p. 85, Table 5-6.
Dyke, G. V. and Patterson, H. D. (1952). Analysis of factorial arrangements when the data are proportions. Biometrics, 8, 1-12.
Lindsey, J. K. (1993). Models for Repeated Measurements Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, p. 57.
data(Dyke) # independence model mosaic(Dyke, shade=TRUE) # null model, Knowledge as response, independent of others require(MASS) dyke.mod0 <- loglm(~ Knowledge + (Reading * Radio * Lectures * Newspaper), data=Dyke) dyke.mod0 mosaic(dyke.mod0) # view as doubledecker plot Dyke <- Dyke[2:1,,,,] # make Good the highlighted value of Knowledge doubledecker(Knowledge ~ ., data=Dyke) # better version, with some options doubledecker(Knowledge ~ Lectures + Reading + Newspaper + Radio, data=Dyke, margins = c(1,6, length(dim(Dyke)) + 1, 1), fill_boxes=list(rep(c("white", gray(.90)),4)) ) # separate (conditional) plots for those who attend lectures and those who do not doubledecker(Knowledge ~ Reading + Newspaper + Radio, data=Dyke[,,,1,], main="Do not attend lectures", margins = c(1,6, length(dim(Dyke)) + 1, 1), fill_boxes=list(rep(c("white", gray(.90)),3)) ) doubledecker(Knowledge ~ Reading + Newspaper + Radio, data=Dyke[,,,2,], main="Attend lectures", margins = c(1,6, length(dim(Dyke)) + 1, 1), fill_boxes=list(rep(c("white", gray(.90)),3)) ) drop1(dyke.mod0, test="Chisq")
data(Dyke) # independence model mosaic(Dyke, shade=TRUE) # null model, Knowledge as response, independent of others require(MASS) dyke.mod0 <- loglm(~ Knowledge + (Reading * Radio * Lectures * Newspaper), data=Dyke) dyke.mod0 mosaic(dyke.mod0) # view as doubledecker plot Dyke <- Dyke[2:1,,,,] # make Good the highlighted value of Knowledge doubledecker(Knowledge ~ ., data=Dyke) # better version, with some options doubledecker(Knowledge ~ Lectures + Reading + Newspaper + Radio, data=Dyke, margins = c(1,6, length(dim(Dyke)) + 1, 1), fill_boxes=list(rep(c("white", gray(.90)),4)) ) # separate (conditional) plots for those who attend lectures and those who do not doubledecker(Knowledge ~ Reading + Newspaper + Radio, data=Dyke[,,,1,], main="Do not attend lectures", margins = c(1,6, length(dim(Dyke)) + 1, 1), fill_boxes=list(rep(c("white", gray(.90)),3)) ) doubledecker(Knowledge ~ Reading + Newspaper + Radio, data=Dyke[,,,2,], main="Attend lectures", margins = c(1,6, length(dim(Dyke)) + 1, 1), fill_boxes=list(rep(c("white", gray(.90)),3)) ) drop1(dyke.mod0, test="Chisq")
Converts a frequency table, given either as a table object or a data frame in frequency form to a data frame representing individual observations in the table.
expand.dft(x, var.names = NULL, freq = "Freq", ...) expand.table(x, var.names = NULL, freq = "Freq", ...)
expand.dft(x, var.names = NULL, freq = "Freq", ...) expand.table(x, var.names = NULL, freq = "Freq", ...)
x |
A table object, or a data frame in frequency form containing factors and one numeric variable representing the cell frequency for that combination of factors. |
var.names |
A list of variable names for the factors, if you wish to override those already in the table |
freq |
The name of the frequency variable in the table |
... |
Other arguments passed down to |
is a synonym for expand.dft
A data frame containing the factors in the table and as many observations as are
represented by the total of the freq
Mark Schwarz
Originally posted on R-Help, Jan 20, 2009, http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e6/help/09/01/1873.html
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca.
, expandCategorical
library(vcd) art <- xtabs(~Treatment + Improved, data = Arthritis) art artdf <- expand.dft(art) str(artdf) # 1D case (tab <- table(sample(head(letters), 20, replace=TRUE))) expand.table(tab, var.names="letter")
library(vcd) art <- xtabs(~Treatment + Improved, data = Arthritis) art artdf <- expand.dft(art) str(artdf) # 1D case (tab <- table(sample(head(letters), 20, replace=TRUE))) expand.table(tab, var.names="letter")
Data from Gart (1971) on the carcinogenic effects of a certain fungicide
in two strains of mice.
Of interest is how the association between group
(Control, Treated)
and outcome
(Tumor, No Tumor) varies with sex
of the mice.
Breslow (1976) used this data to illustrate the application of linear models to log odds ratios.
The data comprise a set of four 2 x 2 tables classifying 403 mice, either Control or Treated and whether or not a tumor was later observed. The four groups represent the combinations of sex and strain of mice. The format is: num [1:2, 1:2, 1:2, 1:2] 5 4 74 12 3 2 84 14 10 4 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 4 ..$ group : chr [1:2] "Control" "Treated" ..$ outcome: chr [1:2] "Tumor" "NoTumor" ..$ sex : chr [1:2] "M" "F" ..$ strain : chr [1:2] "1" "2"
All tables have some small cells, so a continuity correction is recommended.
Gart, J. J. (1971). The comparison of proportions: a review of significance tests, confidence intervals and adjustments for stratification. International Statistical Review, 39, 148-169.
Breslow, N. (1976), Regression analysis of the log odds ratio: A method for retrospective studies, Biometrics, 32(3), 409-416.
data(Fungicide) # loddsratio was moved to vcd; requires vcd_1.3-3+ ## Not run: fung.lor <- loddsratio(Fungicide, correct=TRUE) fung.lor confint(fung.lor) ## End(Not run) # visualize odds ratios in fourfold plots cotabplot(Fungicide, panel=cotab_fourfold) # -- fourfold() requires vcd >= 1.2-10 fourfold(Fungicide, p_adjust_method="none")
data(Fungicide) # loddsratio was moved to vcd; requires vcd_1.3-3+ ## Not run: fung.lor <- loddsratio(Fungicide, correct=TRUE) fung.lor confint(fung.lor) ## End(Not run) # visualize odds ratios in fourfold plots cotabplot(Fungicide, panel=cotab_fourfold) # -- fourfold() requires vcd >= 1.2-10 fourfold(Fungicide, p_adjust_method="none")
Geissler (1889) published data on the distributions of boys and girls in families in
Saxony, collected for the period 1876-1885. The Geissler
data tabulates
the family composition of 991,958 families by the number of boys and girls
listed in the table supplied by Edwards (1958, Table 1).
A data frame with 90 observations on the following 4 variables. The rows represent the non-NA entries in Edwards' table.
number of boys in the family, 0:12
number of girls in the family, 0:12
family size: boys+girls
number of families with this sex composition
The data on family composition was available because, on the birth of a child, the parents had to state the sex of all their children on the birth certificate. These family records are not necessarily independent, because a given family may have had several children during this 10 year period, included as multiple records.
Edwards, A. W. F. (1958). An Analysis Of Geissler's Data On The Human Sex Ratio. Annals of Human Genetics, 23, 6-15.
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca.
Geissler, A. (1889). Beitrage zur Frage des Geschlechts verhaltnisses der Geborenen Z. K. Sachsischen Statistischen Bureaus, 35, n.p.
Lindsey, J. K. & Altham, P. M. E. (1998). Analysis of the human sex ratio by using overdispersion models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 47, 149-157.
, containing the data for families of size 12.
data(Geissler) str(Geissler) # reproduce Saxony data, families of size 12 Saxony12 <- subset(Geissler, size==12, select=c(boys, Freq)) rownames(Saxony12)<-NULL # make a 1-way table xtabs(Freq~boys, Saxony12) # extract data for other family sizes Saxony11 <- subset(Geissler, size==11, select=c(boys, Freq)) rownames(Saxony11)<-NULL Saxony10 <- subset(Geissler, size==10, select=c(boys, Freq)) rownames(Saxony10)<-NULL
data(Geissler) str(Geissler) # reproduce Saxony data, families of size 12 Saxony12 <- subset(Geissler, size==12, select=c(boys, Freq)) rownames(Saxony12)<-NULL # make a 1-way table xtabs(Freq~boys, Saxony12) # extract data for other family sizes Saxony11 <- subset(Geissler, size==11, select=c(boys, Freq)) rownames(Saxony11)<-NULL Saxony10 <- subset(Geissler, size==10, select=c(boys, Freq)) rownames(Saxony10)<-NULL
Schoolboys were classified according to their clothing and to their teachers rating of "dullness" (lack of intelligence), in a 5 x 7 table originally from Gilby (1911). Anscombe (1981) presents a slightly collapsed 4 x 6 table, used here, where the last two categories of clothing were pooled as were the first two categories of dullness due to small counts.
Both Dullness
and Clothing
are ordered categories, so models and methods
that examine their association in terms of ordinal categories are profitable.
A 2-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 2 variables for 1725 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Dullness
"Ment. defective", "Slow", "Slow Intell", "Fairly Intell", "Capable", "V.Able"
2 | Clothing
"V.Well clad", "Well clad", "Passable", "Insufficient"
Anscombe, F. J. (1981). Computing in Statistical Science Through APL. New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 302
Gilby, W. H. (1911). On the significance of the teacher's appreciation of general intelligence. Biometrika, 8, 93-108 (esp. p. 94). [Quoted by Kendall (1943,..., 1953) Table 13.1, p 320.]
data(Gilby) # CMH tests treating row/column variables as ordinal CMHtest(Gilby) mosaic(Gilby, shade=TRUE) # correspondence analysis to see relations among categories if(require(ca)){ ca(Gilby) plot(ca(Gilby), lines=TRUE) }
data(Gilby) # CMH tests treating row/column variables as ordinal CMHtest(Gilby) mosaic(Gilby, shade=TRUE) # correspondence analysis to see relations among categories if(require(ca)){ ca(Gilby) plot(ca(Gilby), lines=TRUE) }
The Goodman-Kruskal statistic is a measure of
association for ordinal factors in a two-way table proposed by
Goodman and Kruskal (1954).
GKgamma(x, level = 0.95)
GKgamma(x, level = 0.95)
x |
A two-way frequency table, in matrix or table form. The rows and columns are considered to be ordinal factors |
level |
Confidence level for a significance test of |
Returns an object of class "GKgamma"
with 6 components, as follows
gamma |
The gamma statistic |
C |
Total number of concordant pairs in the table |
D |
Total number of discordant pairs in the table |
sigma |
Standard error of gamma |
CIlevel |
Confidence level |
CI |
Confidence interval |
Michael Friendly; original version by Laura Thompson
Agresti, A. Categorical Data Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 2002, pp. 57–59.
Goodman, L. A., & Kruskal, W. H. (1954). Measures of association for cross classifications. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 49, 732-764.
Goodman, L. A., & Kruskal, W. H. (1963). Measures of association for cross classifications III: Approximate sampling theory. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58, 310-364.
data(JobSat) GKgamma(JobSat)
data(JobSat) GKgamma(JobSat)
Glass(1954) gave this 5 x 5 table on the occupations of 3500 British fathers and their sons.
A frequency data frame with 25 observations on the following 3 variables representing a 5 x 5 table with 3500 cases.
a factor with levels Managerial
a factor with levels Managerial
a numeric vector
The occupational categories in order of status are: (1) Professional & High Administrative (2) Managerial, Executive & High Supervisory (3) Low Inspectional & Supervisory (4) Routine Nonmanual & Skilled Manual (5) Semi- & Unskilled Manual
However, to make the point that factors are ordered alphabetically by default, Friendly & Meyer (2016) introduce this data set in the form given here.
Glass, D. V. (1954), Social Mobility in Britain. The Free Press.
Bishop, Y. M. M. and Fienberg, S. E. and Holland, P. W. (1975). Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and Practice, MIT Press.
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca.
data(Glass) glass.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ father + son, data=Glass) largs <- list(set_varnames=list(father="Father's Occupation", son="Son's Occupation"), abbreviate=10) gargs <- list(interpolate=c(1,2,4,8)) mosaic(glass.tab, shade=TRUE, labeling_args=largs, gp_args=gargs, main="Alphabetic order", legend=FALSE, rot_labels=c(20,90,0,70)) # reorder by status ord <- c(2, 1, 4, 3, 5) mosaic(glass.tab[ord, ord], shade=TRUE, labeling_args=largs, gp_args=gargs, main="Effect order", legend=FALSE, rot_labels=c(20,90,0,70))
data(Glass) glass.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ father + son, data=Glass) largs <- list(set_varnames=list(father="Father's Occupation", son="Son's Occupation"), abbreviate=10) gargs <- list(interpolate=c(1,2,4,8)) mosaic(glass.tab, shade=TRUE, labeling_args=largs, gp_args=gargs, main="Alphabetic order", legend=FALSE, rot_labels=c(20,90,0,70)) # reorder by status ord <- c(2, 1, 4, 3, 5) mosaic(glass.tab[ord, ord], shade=TRUE, labeling_args=largs, gp_args=gargs, main="Effect order", legend=FALSE, rot_labels=c(20,90,0,70))
creates a glmlist
object containing a list of fitted glm
objects with their names.
does the same for loglm
The intention is to provide object classes to facilitate model comparison,
extraction, summary and plotting of model components, etc., perhaps using
or similar.
There exists a anova.glm
method for glmlist
objects. Here,
a coef
method is also defined, collecting the coefficients from all models in
a single object of type determined by result
glmlist(...) loglmlist(...) ## S3 method for class 'glmlist' coef(object, result=c("list", "matrix", "data.frame"), ...)
glmlist(...) loglmlist(...) ## S3 method for class 'glmlist' coef(object, result=c("list", "matrix", "data.frame"), ...)
... |
One or more model objects, as appropriate to the function, optionally assigned names as in |
object |
a |
result |
type of the result to be returned |
The arguments to glmlist
or loglmlist
are of the form value
or name=value
Any objects which do not inherit the appropriate class glm
or loglm
are excluded, with a warning.
In the coef
method, coefficients from the different models are matched by name in the list of
unique names across all models.
An object of class glmlist
, just like a list
except that each model is given a name
Michael Friendly;
method by John Fox
The function llist
in package Hmisc
is similar, but perplexingly
more general.
The function anova.glm
also handles glmlist objects
gives LR statistics and tests for a glmlist
data(Mental) indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) coleff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) roweff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + mental:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) # use object names mods <- glmlist(indep, coleff, roweff, linlin) names(mods) # assign new names mods <- glmlist(Indep=indep, Col=coleff, Row=roweff, LinxLin=linlin) names(mods) LRstats(mods) coef(mods, result='data.frame') #extract model components unlist(lapply(mods, deviance)) res <- lapply(mods, residuals) boxplot(as.data.frame(res), main="Residuals from various models")
data(Mental) indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) coleff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) roweff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + mental:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) # use object names mods <- glmlist(indep, coleff, roweff, linlin) names(mods) # assign new names mods <- glmlist(Indep=indep, Col=coleff, Row=roweff, LinxLin=linlin) names(mods) LRstats(mods) coef(mods, result='data.frame') #extract model components unlist(lapply(mods, deviance)) res <- lapply(mods, residuals) boxplot(as.data.frame(res), main="Residuals from various models")
Data from the General Social Survey, 1991, on the relation between sex and party affiliation.
A data frame in frequency form with 6 observations on the following 3 variables.
a factor with levels female
a factor with levels dem
a numeric vector
Agresti, A. Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd E., John Wiley & Sons, 2002, Table 3.11, p. 106.
data(GSS) str(GSS) # use xtabs to show the table in a compact form (GSStab <- xtabs(count ~ sex + party, data=GSS)) # fit the independence model (mod.glm <- glm(count ~ sex + party, family = poisson, data = GSS)) # display all the residuals in a mosaic plot mosaic(mod.glm, formula = ~ sex + party, labeling = labeling_residuals, suppress=0)
data(GSS) str(GSS) # use xtabs to show the table in a compact form (GSStab <- xtabs(count ~ sex + party, data=GSS)) # fit the independence model (mod.glm <- glm(count ~ sex + party, family = poisson, data = GSS)) # display all the residuals in a mosaic plot mosaic(mod.glm, formula = ~ sex + party, labeling = labeling_residuals, suppress=0)
A three-way frequency table crossing eye color and hair color in two places, Caithness and Aberdeen, Scotland. These data were of interest to Fisher (1940) and others because there are mixtures of people of Nordic, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon origin.
One or both tables have been widely analyzed in conjunction with RC and canonical correlation models for categorical data, e.g., Becker and Clogg (1989).
The format is: num [1:4, 1:5, 1:2] 326 688 343 98 38 116 84 48 241 584 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3 ..$ Eye : chr [1:4] "Blue" "Light" "Medium" "Dark" ..$ Hair : chr [1:5] "Fair" "Red" "Medium" "Dark" ... ..$ Place: chr [1:2] "Caithness" "Aberdeen"
The hair and eye colors are ordered as in the original source, suggesting that they form ordered categories.
This data was taken from the colors
data in logmult.
Becker, M. P., and Clogg, C. C. (1989). Analysis of Sets of Two-Way Contingency Tables Using Association Models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84(405), 142-151.
Fisher, R.A. (1940) The precision of discriminant functions. Annals of Eugenics, 10, 422-429.
data(HairEyePlace) # separate mosaics mosaic(HairEyePlace[,,1], shade=TRUE, main="Caithness") mosaic(HairEyePlace[,,2], shade=TRUE, main="Aberdeen") # condition on Place mosaic(~Hair + Eye |Place, data=HairEyePlace, shade=TRUE, legend=FALSE) cotabplot(~Hair+Eye|Place, data=HairEyePlace, shade=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
data(HairEyePlace) # separate mosaics mosaic(HairEyePlace[,,1], shade=TRUE, main="Caithness") mosaic(HairEyePlace[,,2], shade=TRUE, main="Aberdeen") # condition on Place mosaic(~Hair + Eye |Place, data=HairEyePlace, shade=TRUE, legend=FALSE) cotabplot(~Hair+Eye|Place, data=HairEyePlace, shade=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
Hauser (1979) presented this two-way frequency table, cross-classifying occupational categories of sons and fathers in the United States.
It is a good example for exploring a variety of models for square tables: quasi-independence, quasi-symmetry, row/column effects, uniform association, etc., using the facilities of the gnm.
A frequency data frame with 25 observations on the following 3 variables, representing the cross-classification of 19912 individuals by father's occupation and son's first occupation.
a factor with levels UpNM
a factor with levels UpNM
a numeric vector
Hauser's data was first presented in 1979, and then published in 1980. The name of the dataset reflects the earliest use.
It reflects the "frequencies in a classification of son's first full-time civilian occupation by father's (or other family head's) occupation at son's sixteenth birthday among American men who were aged 20 to 64 in 1973 and were not currently enrolled in school".
As noted in Hauser's Table 1, "Counts are based on observations weighted to estimate population counts and compensate for departures of the sampling design from simple random sampling. Broad occupation groups are upper nonmanual: professional and kindred workers, managers and officials, and non-retail sales workers; lower nonmanual: proprietors, clerical and kindred workers, and retail sales workers; upper manual: craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers; lower manual: service workers, operatives and kindred workers, and laborers (except farm); farm: farmers and farm managers, farm laborers, and foremen. density of mobility or immobility in the cells to which they refer."
The table levels for Son
and Father
have been arranged in order of decreasing status
as is common for mobility tables.
R.M. Hauser (1979), Some exploratory methods for modeling mobility tables and other cross-classified data. In: K.F. Schuessler (Ed.), Sociological Methodology, 1980, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, pp. 413-458. Table 1.
Powers, D.A. and Xie, Y. (2008). Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis, Bingley, UK: Emerald.
data(Hauser79) str(Hauser79) # display table structable(~Father+Son, data=Hauser79) #Examples from Powers & Xie, Table 4.15 # independence model mosaic(Freq ~ Father + Son, data=Hauser79, shade=TRUE) hauser.indep <- gnm(Freq ~ Father + Son, data=Hauser79, family=poisson) mosaic(hauser.indep, ~Father+Son, main="Independence model", gp=shading_Friendly) # Quasi-independence hauser.quasi <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Diag(Father,Son)) mosaic(hauser.quasi, ~Father+Son, main="Quasi-independence model", gp=shading_Friendly) # Quasi-symmetry hauser.qsymm <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Diag(Father,Son) + Symm(Father,Son)) mosaic(hauser.qsymm, ~Father+Son, main="Quasi-symmetry model", gp=shading_Friendly) # numeric scores for row/column effects Sscore <- as.numeric(Hauser79$Son) Fscore <- as.numeric(Hauser79$Father) # row effects model hauser.roweff <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Father*Sscore) LRstats(hauser.roweff) # uniform association hauser.UA <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Fscore*Sscore) LRstats(hauser.UA) # uniform association, omitting diagonals hauser.UAdiag <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Fscore*Sscore + Diag(Father,Son)) LRstats(hauser.UAdiag) # Levels for Hauser 5-level model levels <- matrix(c( 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 1 ), 5, 5, byrow=TRUE) hauser.topo <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Topo(Father, Son, spec=levels)) mosaic(hauser.topo, ~Father+Son, main="Topological model", gp=shading_Friendly) # RC model hauser.RC <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Mult(Father, Son), verbose=FALSE) mosaic(hauser.RC, ~Father+Son, main="RC model", gp=shading_Friendly) LRstats(hauser.RC) # crossings models hauser.CR <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Crossings(Father,Son)) mosaic(hauser.topo, ~Father+Son, main="Crossings model", gp=shading_Friendly) LRstats(hauser.CR) hauser.CRdiag <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Crossings(Father,Son) + Diag(Father,Son)) LRstats(hauser.CRdiag) # compare model fit statistics modlist <- glmlist(hauser.indep, hauser.roweff, hauser.UA, hauser.UAdiag, hauser.quasi, hauser.qsymm, hauser.topo, hauser.RC, hauser.CR, hauser.CRdiag) sumry <- LRstats(modlist) sumry[order(sumry$AIC, decreasing=TRUE),] # or, more simply LRstats(modlist, sortby="AIC") mods <- substring(rownames(sumry),8) with(sumry, {plot(Df, AIC, cex=1.3, pch=19, xlab='Degrees of freedom', ylab='AIC') text(Df, AIC, mods, adj=c(0.5,-.5), col='red', xpd=TRUE) })
data(Hauser79) str(Hauser79) # display table structable(~Father+Son, data=Hauser79) #Examples from Powers & Xie, Table 4.15 # independence model mosaic(Freq ~ Father + Son, data=Hauser79, shade=TRUE) hauser.indep <- gnm(Freq ~ Father + Son, data=Hauser79, family=poisson) mosaic(hauser.indep, ~Father+Son, main="Independence model", gp=shading_Friendly) # Quasi-independence hauser.quasi <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Diag(Father,Son)) mosaic(hauser.quasi, ~Father+Son, main="Quasi-independence model", gp=shading_Friendly) # Quasi-symmetry hauser.qsymm <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Diag(Father,Son) + Symm(Father,Son)) mosaic(hauser.qsymm, ~Father+Son, main="Quasi-symmetry model", gp=shading_Friendly) # numeric scores for row/column effects Sscore <- as.numeric(Hauser79$Son) Fscore <- as.numeric(Hauser79$Father) # row effects model hauser.roweff <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Father*Sscore) LRstats(hauser.roweff) # uniform association hauser.UA <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Fscore*Sscore) LRstats(hauser.UA) # uniform association, omitting diagonals hauser.UAdiag <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Fscore*Sscore + Diag(Father,Son)) LRstats(hauser.UAdiag) # Levels for Hauser 5-level model levels <- matrix(c( 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 1 ), 5, 5, byrow=TRUE) hauser.topo <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Topo(Father, Son, spec=levels)) mosaic(hauser.topo, ~Father+Son, main="Topological model", gp=shading_Friendly) # RC model hauser.RC <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Mult(Father, Son), verbose=FALSE) mosaic(hauser.RC, ~Father+Son, main="RC model", gp=shading_Friendly) LRstats(hauser.RC) # crossings models hauser.CR <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Crossings(Father,Son)) mosaic(hauser.topo, ~Father+Son, main="Crossings model", gp=shading_Friendly) LRstats(hauser.CR) hauser.CRdiag <- update(hauser.indep, ~ . + Crossings(Father,Son) + Diag(Father,Son)) LRstats(hauser.CRdiag) # compare model fit statistics modlist <- glmlist(hauser.indep, hauser.roweff, hauser.UA, hauser.UAdiag, hauser.quasi, hauser.qsymm, hauser.topo, hauser.RC, hauser.CR, hauser.CRdiag) sumry <- LRstats(modlist) sumry[order(sumry$AIC, decreasing=TRUE),] # or, more simply LRstats(modlist, sortby="AIC") mods <- substring(rownames(sumry),8) with(sumry, {plot(Df, AIC, cex=1.3, pch=19, xlab='Degrees of freedom', ylab='AIC') text(Df, AIC, mods, adj=c(0.5,-.5), col='red', xpd=TRUE) })
Classification of individuals by gender, occupational category and occurrence of heart disease
A 3-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 3 variables for 21522 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Disease
"Disease", "None"
2 | Gender
"Male", "Female"
3 | Occup
"Unempl", "WhiteCol", "BlueCol"
Karger, (1980).
data(Heart) str(Heart) # Display the frequencies for occupational categories. # Each row is a 2 x 2 table vcd::structable(Disease + Gender ~ Occup, data=Heart) # display as fourfold plots vcd::cotabplot(~ Disease + Gender | Occup, data=Heart, panel = cotab_fourfold)
data(Heart) str(Heart) # Display the frequencies for occupational categories. # Each row is a 2 x 2 table vcd::structable(Disease + Gender ~ Occup, data=Heart) # display as fourfold plots vcd::cotabplot(~ Disease + Gender | Occup, data=Heart, panel = cotab_fourfold)
1583 married women were surveyed over the years 1967-1971, recording whether or not they were employed in the labor force.
The data, originally from Heckman & Willis (1977) provide an example of modeling longitudinal categorical data, e.g., with markov chain models for dependence over time.
A 5-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 5 binary variables for 1583 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | e1971
"71Yes", "No"
2 | e1970
"70Yes", "No"
3 | e1969
"69Yes", "No"
4 | e1968
"68Yes", "No"
5 | e1967
"67Yes", "No"
Lindsey (1993) fits an initial set of logistic regression models examining the dependence of
employment in 1971 (e1971
) on successive subsets of the previous years,
, e1969
, ... e1967
Alternatively, one can examine markov chain models of first-order (dependence on previous year), second-order (dependence on previous two years), etc.
Lindsey, J. K. (1993). Models for Repeated Measurements Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, p. 185.
Heckman, J.J. & Willis, R.J. (1977). "A beta-logistic model for the analysis of sequential labor force participation by married women." Journal of Political Economy, 85: 27-58
data(Heckman) # independence model mosaic(Heckman, shade=TRUE) # same, as a loglm() require(MASS) (heckman.mod0 <- loglm(~ e1971+e1970+e1969+e1968+e1967, data=Heckman)) mosaic(heckman.mod0, main="Independence model") # first-order markov chain: bad fit (heckman.mod1 <- loglm(~ e1971*e1970 + e1970*e1969 +e1969*e1968 + e1968*e1967, data=Heckman)) mosaic(heckman.mod1, main="1st order markov chain model") # second-order markov chain: bad fit (heckman.mod2 <- loglm(~ e1971*e1970*e1969 + e1970*e1969*e1968 +e1969*e1968*e1967, data=Heckman)) mosaic(heckman.mod2, main="2nd order markov chain model") # third-order markov chain: fits OK (heckman.mod3 <- loglm(~ e1971*e1970*e1969*e1968 + e1970*e1969*e1968*e1967, data=Heckman)) mosaic(heckman.mod2, main="3rd order markov chain model")
data(Heckman) # independence model mosaic(Heckman, shade=TRUE) # same, as a loglm() require(MASS) (heckman.mod0 <- loglm(~ e1971+e1970+e1969+e1968+e1967, data=Heckman)) mosaic(heckman.mod0, main="Independence model") # first-order markov chain: bad fit (heckman.mod1 <- loglm(~ e1971*e1970 + e1970*e1969 +e1969*e1968 + e1968*e1967, data=Heckman)) mosaic(heckman.mod1, main="1st order markov chain model") # second-order markov chain: bad fit (heckman.mod2 <- loglm(~ e1971*e1970*e1969 + e1970*e1969*e1968 +e1969*e1968*e1967, data=Heckman)) mosaic(heckman.mod2, main="2nd order markov chain model") # third-order markov chain: fits OK (heckman.mod3 <- loglm(~ e1971*e1970*e1969*e1968 + e1970*e1969*e1968*e1967, data=Heckman)) mosaic(heckman.mod2, main="3rd order markov chain model")
The HLtest
function computes the classical Hosmer-Lemeshow (1980) goodness of fit test
for a binomial glm
object in logistic regression
The general idea is to assesses whether or not the observed event rates match expected event rates in subgroups of the
model population. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test specifically identifies subgroups as the deciles of fitted event values,
or other quantiles as determined by the g
Given these subgroups, a simple chisquare test on g-2
df is used.
In addition to print
and summary
methods, a plot
method is
supplied to visualize the discrepancies between observed and fitted frequencies.
HosmerLemeshow(model, g = 10) HLtest(model, g = 10) ## S3 method for class 'HLtest' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'HLtest' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'HLtest' plot(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'HLtest' rootogram(x, ...)
HosmerLemeshow(model, g = 10) HLtest(model, g = 10) ## S3 method for class 'HLtest' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'HLtest' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'HLtest' plot(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'HLtest' rootogram(x, ...)
model |
A |
g |
Number of groups used to partition the fitted values for the GOF test. |
x , object
A |
... |
Other arguments passed down to methods |
A class HLtest
object with the following components:
table |
A data.frame describing the results of partitioning the data into |
chisq |
The chisquare statistics |
df |
Degrees of freedom |
p.value |
p value |
groups |
Number of groups |
call |
Michael Friendly
Hosmer, David W., Lemeshow, Stanley (1980). A goodness-of-fit test for multiple logistic regression model. Communications in Statistics, Series A, 9, 1043-1069.
Hosmer, David W., Lemeshow, Stanley (2000). Applied Logistic Regression, New York: Wiley, ISBN 0-471-61553-6
Lemeshow, S. and Hosmer, D.W. (1982). A review of goodness of fit statistics for use in the development of logistic regression models. American Journal of Epidemiology, 115(1), 92-106.
, ~~~
data(birthwt, package="MASS") # how to do this without attach? attach(birthwt) race = factor(race, labels = c("white", "black", "other")) ptd = factor(ptl > 0) ftv = factor(ftv) levels(ftv)[-(1:2)] = "2+" bwt <- data.frame(low = factor(low), age, lwt, race, smoke = (smoke > 0), ptd, ht = (ht > 0), ui = (ui > 0), ftv) detach(birthwt) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) BWmod <- glm(low ~ ., family=binomial, data=bwt) (hlt <- HLtest(BWmod)) str(hlt) summary(hlt) plot(hlt) # basic model BWmod0 <- glm(low ~ age, family=binomial, data=bwt) (hlt0 <- HLtest(BWmod0)) str(hlt0) summary(hlt0) plot(hlt0)
data(birthwt, package="MASS") # how to do this without attach? attach(birthwt) race = factor(race, labels = c("white", "black", "other")) ptd = factor(ptl > 0) ftv = factor(ftv) levels(ftv)[-(1:2)] = "2+" bwt <- data.frame(low = factor(low), age, lwt, race, smoke = (smoke > 0), ptd, ht = (ht > 0), ui = (ui > 0), ftv) detach(birthwt) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) BWmod <- glm(low ~ ., family=binomial, data=bwt) (hlt <- HLtest(BWmod)) str(hlt) summary(hlt) plot(hlt) # basic model BWmod0 <- glm(low ~ age, family=binomial, data=bwt) (hlt0 <- HLtest(BWmod0)) str(hlt0) summary(hlt0) plot(hlt0)
Length of stay in hospital for 132 schizophrenic patients, classified by visiting patterns, originally from Wing (1962).
A 3 by 3 frequency table, with format: table [1:3, 1:3] 43 6 9 16 11 18 3 10 16 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ visit: chr [1:3] "Regular" "Infrequent" "Never" ..$ stay : chr [1:3] "2-9" "10-19" "20+"
Both table variables can be considered ordinal.
The variable visit
refers to visiting patterns recorded hospital.
The category labels are abbreviations of those given by Goodman (1983);
e.g., "Regular"
is short for “received visitors regularly or patient went home”.
The variable stay
refers to length of stay in hospital, in year groups.
Goodman, L. A. (1983) The analysis of dependence in cross-classifications having ordered categories, using log-linear models for frequencies and log-linear models for odds. Biometrics, 39, 149-160.
Wing, J. K. (1962). Institutionalism in Mental Hospitals, British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 1 (1), 38-51.
data(HospVisits) mosaic(HospVisits, gp=shading_Friendly) if(require(ca)){ ca(HospVisits) # surprisingly 1D ! plot(ca(HospVisits)) }
data(HospVisits) mosaic(HospVisits, gp=shading_Friendly) if(require(ca)){ ca(HospVisits) # surprisingly 1D ! plot(ca(HospVisits)) }
A 13 x 4 table of frequencies of household tasks performed by couples, either by the 'Husband', 'Wife', 'Alternating' or 'Jointly'.
The format is: 'table' int [1:13, 1:4] 36 11 24 51 13 1 1 14 20 46 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ Task: chr [1:13] "Breakfast" "Dinner" "Dishes" "Driving" ... ..$ Who : chr [1:4] "Alternating" "Husband" "Jointly" "Wife"
This data set was taken from housetasks
, a
13 x 4 data.frame.
In this table version, the rows and columns were sorted alphabetically
(and a typo was corrected).
data(HouseTasks) ## maybe str(HouseTasks) chisq.test(HouseTasks) # mosaic plot, illustrating some tweaks to handle overlapping labels require(vcd) mosaic(HouseTasks, shade = TRUE, labeling = labeling_border(rot_labels = c(45,0, 0, 0), offset_label =c(.5,5,0, 0), varnames = c(FALSE, TRUE), just_labels=c("center","right"), tl_varnames = FALSE), legend = FALSE) # use seriation package to permute rows & cols using correspondence analysis if(require(seriation)) { order <- seriate(HouseTasks, method = "CA") # the permuted row and column labels rownames(HouseTasks)[order[[1]]] colnames(HouseTasks)[order[[2]]] # do the permutation HT_perm <- permute(HouseTasks, order, margin=1) mosaic(HT_perm, shade = TRUE, labeling = labeling_border(rot_labels = c(45,0, 0, 0), offset_label =c(.5,5,0, 0), varnames = c(FALSE, TRUE), just_labels=c("center","right"), tl_varnames = FALSE), legend = FALSE) }
data(HouseTasks) ## maybe str(HouseTasks) chisq.test(HouseTasks) # mosaic plot, illustrating some tweaks to handle overlapping labels require(vcd) mosaic(HouseTasks, shade = TRUE, labeling = labeling_border(rot_labels = c(45,0, 0, 0), offset_label =c(.5,5,0, 0), varnames = c(FALSE, TRUE), just_labels=c("center","right"), tl_varnames = FALSE), legend = FALSE) # use seriation package to permute rows & cols using correspondence analysis if(require(seriation)) { order <- seriate(HouseTasks, method = "CA") # the permuted row and column labels rownames(HouseTasks)[order[[1]]] colnames(HouseTasks)[order[[2]]] # do the permutation HT_perm <- permute(HouseTasks, order, margin=1) mosaic(HT_perm, shade = TRUE, labeling = labeling_border(rot_labels = c(45,0, 0, 0), offset_label =c(.5,5,0, 0), varnames = c(FALSE, TRUE), just_labels=c("center","right"), tl_varnames = FALSE), legend = FALSE) }
Minnesota high school graduates of June 1930 were classified with respect to
(a) Rank
by thirds in their graduating class, (b) post-high school Status
in April 1939 (4 levels), (c) Sex
(d) father's Occupation
al status (7 levels, from 1=High to 7=Low).
The data were first presented by Hoyt et al. (1959) and have been analyzed by Fienberg(1980), Plackett(1974) and others.
A 4-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 4 variables for 13968 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Status
"College", "School", "Job", "Other"
2 | Rank
"Low", "Middle", "High"
3 | Occupation
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
4 | Sex
"Male", "Female"
Post high-school Status
is natural to consider as the response.
and father's Occupation
are ordinal variables.
Fienberg, S. E. (1980). The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p. 91-92.
R. L. Plackett, (1974). The Analysis of Categorical Data. London: Griffin.
Hoyt, C. J., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Torrance, E. P. (1959) Analysis of complex contingency tables, Journal of Experimental Education 27, 187-194.
provides the same data as a data frame.
data(Hoyt) # display the table structable(Status + Sex ~ Rank + Occupation, data=Hoyt) # mosaic for independence model plot(Hoyt, shade=TRUE) # examine all pairwise mosaics pairs(Hoyt, shade=TRUE) # collapse Status to College vs. Non-College Hoyt1 <- collapse.table(Hoyt, Status=c("College", rep("Non-College",3))) plot(Hoyt1, shade=TRUE) ################################################# # fitting models with loglm, plotting with mosaic ################################################# # fit baseline log-linear model for Status as response require(MASS) hoyt.mod0 <- loglm(~ Status + (Sex*Rank*Occupation), data=Hoyt1) hoyt.mod0 mosaic(hoyt.mod0, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Baseline model: Status + (Sex*Rank*Occ)") # add one-way association of Status with factors hoyt.mod1 <- loglm(~ Status * (Sex + Rank + Occupation) + (Sex*Rank*Occupation), data=Hoyt1) hoyt.mod1 mosaic(hoyt.mod1, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Status * (Sex + Rank + Occ)") # can we drop any terms? drop1(hoyt.mod1, test="Chisq") # assess model fit anova(hoyt.mod0, hoyt.mod1) # what terms to add? add1(hoyt.mod1, ~.^2, test="Chisq") # add interaction of Sex:Occupation on Status hoyt.mod2 <- update(hoyt.mod1, ~ . + Status:Sex:Occupation) mosaic(hoyt.mod2, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Adding Status:Sex:Occupation") # compare model fits anova(hoyt.mod0, hoyt.mod1, hoyt.mod2) # Alternatively, try stepwise analysis, heading toward the saturated model steps <- step(hoyt.mod0, direction="forward", scope=~Status*Sex*Rank*Occupation) # display anova steps$anova
data(Hoyt) # display the table structable(Status + Sex ~ Rank + Occupation, data=Hoyt) # mosaic for independence model plot(Hoyt, shade=TRUE) # examine all pairwise mosaics pairs(Hoyt, shade=TRUE) # collapse Status to College vs. Non-College Hoyt1 <- collapse.table(Hoyt, Status=c("College", rep("Non-College",3))) plot(Hoyt1, shade=TRUE) ################################################# # fitting models with loglm, plotting with mosaic ################################################# # fit baseline log-linear model for Status as response require(MASS) hoyt.mod0 <- loglm(~ Status + (Sex*Rank*Occupation), data=Hoyt1) hoyt.mod0 mosaic(hoyt.mod0, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Baseline model: Status + (Sex*Rank*Occ)") # add one-way association of Status with factors hoyt.mod1 <- loglm(~ Status * (Sex + Rank + Occupation) + (Sex*Rank*Occupation), data=Hoyt1) hoyt.mod1 mosaic(hoyt.mod1, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Status * (Sex + Rank + Occ)") # can we drop any terms? drop1(hoyt.mod1, test="Chisq") # assess model fit anova(hoyt.mod0, hoyt.mod1) # what terms to add? add1(hoyt.mod1, ~.^2, test="Chisq") # add interaction of Sex:Occupation on Status hoyt.mod2 <- update(hoyt.mod1, ~ . + Status:Sex:Occupation) mosaic(hoyt.mod2, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Adding Status:Sex:Occupation") # compare model fits anova(hoyt.mod0, hoyt.mod1, hoyt.mod2) # Alternatively, try stepwise analysis, heading toward the saturated model steps <- step(hoyt.mod0, direction="forward", scope=~Status*Sex*Rank*Occupation) # display anova steps$anova
The ICU data set consists of a sample of 200 subjects who were part of a much larger study on survival of patients following admission to an adult intensive care unit (ICU), derived from Hosmer, Lemeshow and Sturdivant (2013) and Friendly (2000).
The major goal of this study was to develop a logistic regression model to predict the probability of survival to hospital discharge of these patients and to study the risk factors associated with ICU mortality. The clinical details of the study are described in Lemeshow, Teres, Avrunin, and Pastides (1988).
This data set is often used to illustrate model selection methods for logistic regression.
A data frame with 200 observations on the following 22 variables.
Died before discharge?, a factor with levels No
Patient age, a numeric vector
Patient sex, a factor with levels Female
Patient race, a factor with levels Black
. Also represented here as white
Service at ICU Admission, a factor with levels Medical
Cancer part of present problem?, a factor with levels No
History of chronic renal failure?, a factor with levels No
Infection probable at ICU admission?, a factor with levels No
Patient received CPR prior to ICU admission?, a factor with levels No
Systolic blood pressure at admission (mm Hg), a numeric vector
Heart rate at ICU Admission (beats/min), a numeric vector
Previous admission to an ICU within 6 Months?, a factor with levels No
Type of admission, a factor with levels Elective
Admission with a long bone, multiple, neck, single area, or hip fracture?
a factor with levels No
PO2 from initial blood gases, a factor with levels >60
pH from initial blood gases, a factor with levels >=7.25
PCO2 from initial blood gases, a factor with levels <=45
Bicarbonate (HCO3) level from initial blood gases, a factor with levels >=18
Creatinine, from initial blood gases, a factor with levels <=2
Level of unconsciousness at admission to ICU, a factor with levels None
a recoding of race
, a factor with levels White
a recoding of coma
a factor with levels No
Patient ID numbers are the rownames of the data frame.
Note that the last two variables white
and uncons
are a recoding of
respectively race
and coma
to binary variables.
M. Friendly (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data, Appendix B.4. SAS Institute, Cary, NC.
Hosmer, D. W. Jr., Lemeshow, S. and Sturdivant, R. X. (2013) Applied Logistic Regression, NY: Wiley, Third Edition.
Lemeshow, S., Teres, D., Avrunin, J. S., Pastides, H. (1988). Predicting the Outcome of Intensive Care Unit Patients. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 348-356.
data(ICU) # remove redundant variables (race, coma) ICU1 <- ICU[,-c(4,20)] # fit full model icu.full <- glm(died ~ ., data=ICU1, family=binomial) summary(icu.full) # simpler model (found from a "best" subsets procedure) icu.mod1 <- glm(died ~ age + sex + cancer + systolic + admit + uncons, data=ICU1, family=binomial) summary(icu.mod1) # even simpler model icu.mod2 <- glm(died ~ age + cancer + admit + uncons, data=ICU1, family=binomial) summary(icu.mod2) anova(icu.mod2, icu.mod1, icu.full, test="Chisq") ## Reproduce Fig 6.12 from VCD icu.fit <- data.frame(ICU, prob=predict(icu.mod2, type="response")) # combine categorical risk factors to a single string risks <- ICU[, c("cancer", "admit", "uncons")] risks[,1] <- ifelse(risks[,1]=="Yes", "Cancer", "") risks[,2] <- ifelse(risks[,2]=="Emergency", "Emerg", "") risks[,3] <- ifelse(risks[,3]=="Yes", "Uncons", "") risks <- apply(risks, 1, paste, collapse="") risks[risks==""] <- "(none)" icu.fit$risks <- risks library(ggplot2) ggplot(icu.fit, aes(x=age, y=prob, color=risks)) + geom_point(size=2) + geom_line(size=1.25, alpha=0.5) + theme_bw() + ylab("Probability of death")
data(ICU) # remove redundant variables (race, coma) ICU1 <- ICU[,-c(4,20)] # fit full model icu.full <- glm(died ~ ., data=ICU1, family=binomial) summary(icu.full) # simpler model (found from a "best" subsets procedure) icu.mod1 <- glm(died ~ age + sex + cancer + systolic + admit + uncons, data=ICU1, family=binomial) summary(icu.mod1) # even simpler model icu.mod2 <- glm(died ~ age + cancer + admit + uncons, data=ICU1, family=binomial) summary(icu.mod2) anova(icu.mod2, icu.mod1, icu.full, test="Chisq") ## Reproduce Fig 6.12 from VCD icu.fit <- data.frame(ICU, prob=predict(icu.mod2, type="response")) # combine categorical risk factors to a single string risks <- ICU[, c("cancer", "admit", "uncons")] risks[,1] <- ifelse(risks[,1]=="Yes", "Cancer", "") risks[,2] <- ifelse(risks[,2]=="Emergency", "Emerg", "") risks[,3] <- ifelse(risks[,3]=="Yes", "Uncons", "") risks <- apply(risks, 1, paste, collapse="") risks[risks==""] <- "(none)" icu.fit$risks <- risks library(ggplot2) ggplot(icu.fit, aes(x=age, y=prob, color=risks)) + geom_point(size=2) + geom_line(size=1.25, alpha=0.5) + theme_bw() + ylab("Probability of death")
This data set is a contingency table of job satisfaction by income for a small sample of black males from the 1996 General Social Survey, as used by Agresti (2002) for an example.
A 4 x 4 contingency table of income
by satisfaction
, with the following structure:
table [1:4, 1:4] 1 2 1 0 3 3 6 1 10 10 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ income : chr [1:4] "< 15k" "15-25k" "25-40k" "> 40k" ..$ satisfaction: chr [1:4] "VeryD" "LittleD" "ModerateS" "VeryS"
Both income
and satisfaction
are ordinal variables, and are so ordered in the
table. Measures of association, visualizations, and models should take ordinality into
Agresti, A. Categorical Data Analysis John Wiley & Sons, 2002, Table 2.8, p. 57.
data(JobSat) assocstats(JobSat) GKgamma(JobSat)
data(JobSat) assocstats(JobSat) GKgamma(JobSat)
Generate and fit all 0-way, 1-way, 2-way, ... k-way terms in a glm.
This function is designed mainly for hierarchical
loglinear models (or glm
in the poisson family), where it is desired to find the
highest-order terms necessary to achieve a satisfactory fit.
Using anova
on the resulting glmlist
object will then give sequential tests of the pooled contributions of
all terms of degree over and above those of degree
This function is also intended as an example of a generating function
for glmlist
objects, to facilitate model comparison, extraction,
summary and plotting of model components, etc., perhaps using lapply
or similar.
Kway(formula, family=poisson, data, ..., order = nt, prefix = "kway")
Kway(formula, family=poisson, data, ..., order = nt, prefix = "kway")
formula |
a two-sided formula for the 1-way effects in the model.
The LHS should be the response, and the RHS should be the first-order terms
connected by |
family |
a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the
model. This can be a character string naming a family function, a family
function or the result of a call to a family function.
(See |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by
... |
Other arguments passed to |
order |
Highest order interaction of the models generated. Defaults to the number of terms in the model formula. |
prefix |
Prefix used to label the models fit in the |
With y
as the response in the formula
, the 0-way (null) model
is y ~ 1
The 1-way ("main effects") model is that specified in the
argument. The k-way model is generated using the formula
. ~ .^k
With the default order = nt
, the final model is the saturated model.
As presently written, the function requires a two-sided formula with an explicit
response on the LHS. For frequency data in table form (e.g., produced by xtabs
you the data
argument is coerced to a data.frame, so you
should supply the formula
in the form Freq ~
An object of class glmlist
, of length order+1
containing the 0-way, 1-way, ...
models up to degree order
Michael Friendly and Heather Turner
(soon to be deprecated),
## artificial data factors <- expand.grid(A=factor(1:3), B=factor(1:2), C=factor(1:3), D=factor(1:2)) Freq <- rpois(nrow(factors), lambda=40) df <- cbind(factors, Freq) mods3 <- Kway(Freq ~ A + B + C, data=df, family=poisson) LRstats(mods3) mods4 <- Kway(Freq ~ A + B + C + D, data=df, family=poisson) LRstats(mods4) # JobSatisfaction data data(JobSatisfaction, package="vcd") modSat <- Kway(Freq ~ management+supervisor+own, data=JobSatisfaction, family=poisson, prefix="JobSat") LRstats(modSat) anova(modSat, test="Chisq") # Rochdale data: very sparse, in table form data(Rochdale, package="vcd") ## Not run: modRoch <- Kway(Freq~EconActive + Age + HusbandEmployed + Child + Education + HusbandEducation + Asian + HouseholdWorking, data=Rochdale, family=poisson) LRstats(modRoch) ## End(Not run)
## artificial data factors <- expand.grid(A=factor(1:3), B=factor(1:2), C=factor(1:3), D=factor(1:2)) Freq <- rpois(nrow(factors), lambda=40) df <- cbind(factors, Freq) mods3 <- Kway(Freq ~ A + B + C, data=df, family=poisson) LRstats(mods3) mods4 <- Kway(Freq ~ A + B + C + D, data=df, family=poisson) LRstats(mods4) # JobSatisfaction data data(JobSatisfaction, package="vcd") modSat <- Kway(Freq ~ management+supervisor+own, data=JobSatisfaction, family=poisson, prefix="JobSat") LRstats(modSat) anova(modSat, test="Chisq") # Rochdale data: very sparse, in table form data(Rochdale, package="vcd") ## Not run: modRoch <- Kway(Freq~EconActive + Age + HusbandEmployed + Child + Education + HusbandEducation + Asian + HouseholdWorking, data=Rochdale, family=poisson) LRstats(modRoch) ## End(Not run)
Calculates the log-likelihood value of the loglm
model represented by object
evaluated at the estimated coefficients.
It allows the use of AIC
and BIC
, which require
that a logLik
method exists to extract the corresponding log-likelihood for the
## S3 method for class 'loglm' logLik(object, ..., zero=1E-10)
## S3 method for class 'loglm' logLik(object, ..., zero=1E-10)
object |
A |
... |
For compatibility with the S3 generic; not used here |
zero |
value used to replace zero frequencies in calculating the log-likelihood |
If cell frequencies have not been stored with the loglm
(via the argument keep.frequencies = TRUE
), they are obtained
using update
This function calculates the log-likelihood in a way that allows for non-integer
frequencies, such as the case where 0.5 has been added to all cell frequencies
to allow for sampling zeros. If the frequencies still contain zero values,
those are replaced by the value of start
For integer frequencies, it gives the same result as the corresponding
model fit using glm
, whereas glm
returns -Inf
if there are any non-integer frequencies.
Returns an object of class logLik
This is a number with one attribute, "df"
(degrees of freedom),
giving the number of (estimated) parameters in the model.
Achim Zeileis
data(Titanic, package="datasets") require(MASS) titanic.mod1 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived, data=Titanic) titanic.mod2 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age + Sex), data=Titanic) titanic.mod3 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age * Sex), data=Titanic) logLik(titanic.mod1) AIC(titanic.mod1, titanic.mod2, titanic.mod3) BIC(titanic.mod1, titanic.mod2, titanic.mod3) # compare with models fit using glm() titanic <- as.data.frame(Titanic) titanic.glm1 <- glm(Freq ~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived, data=titanic, family=poisson) titanic.glm2 <- glm(Freq ~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age + Sex), data=titanic, family=poisson) titanic.glm3 <- glm(Freq ~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age * Sex), data=titanic, family=poisson) logLik(titanic.glm1) AIC(titanic.glm1, titanic.glm2, titanic.glm3) BIC(titanic.glm1, titanic.glm2, titanic.glm3)
data(Titanic, package="datasets") require(MASS) titanic.mod1 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived, data=Titanic) titanic.mod2 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age + Sex), data=Titanic) titanic.mod3 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age * Sex), data=Titanic) logLik(titanic.mod1) AIC(titanic.mod1, titanic.mod2, titanic.mod3) BIC(titanic.mod1, titanic.mod2, titanic.mod3) # compare with models fit using glm() titanic <- as.data.frame(Titanic) titanic.glm1 <- glm(Freq ~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived, data=titanic, family=poisson) titanic.glm2 <- glm(Freq ~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age + Sex), data=titanic, family=poisson) titanic.glm3 <- glm(Freq ~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age * Sex), data=titanic, family=poisson) logLik(titanic.glm1) AIC(titanic.glm1, titanic.glm2, titanic.glm3) BIC(titanic.glm1, titanic.glm2, titanic.glm3)
These functions generate lists of terms to specify a loglinear model
in a form compatible with loglin
and also provide for conversion to an
equivalent loglm
specification or a shorthand character
string representation.
They allow for a more conceptual way to specify such models by a function for their type, as opposed to just an uninterpreted list of model terms and also allow easy specification of marginal models for a given contingency table.
They are intended to be used as tools in higher-level modeling and graphics functions, but can also be used directly.
conditional(nf, table = NULL, factors = 1:nf, with = nf) joint(nf, table = NULL, factors = 1:nf, with = nf) markov(nf, factors = 1:nf, order = 1) mutual(nf, table = NULL, factors = 1:nf) saturated(nf, table = NULL, factors = 1:nf) loglin2formula(x, env = parent.frame()) loglin2string(x, brackets = c("[", "]"), sep = ",", collapse = " ", abbrev)
conditional(nf, table = NULL, factors = 1:nf, with = nf) joint(nf, table = NULL, factors = 1:nf, with = nf) markov(nf, factors = 1:nf, order = 1) mutual(nf, table = NULL, factors = 1:nf) saturated(nf, table = NULL, factors = 1:nf) loglin2formula(x, env = parent.frame()) loglin2string(x, brackets = c("[", "]"), sep = ",", collapse = " ", abbrev)
nf |
number of factors for which to generate the model |
table |
a contingency table used only for factor names in the model, typically the output from |
factors |
names of factors used in the model formula when |
with |
For |
order |
For |
x |
For the |
env |
For |
brackets |
For |
sep |
For |
collapse |
For |
abbrev |
For |
The main model specification functions, conditional
, joint
, ..., saturated
return a list of vectors indicating the marginal totals to be fit,
via the margin
argument to loglin
Each element of this list corresponds to a high-order
term in a hierarchical loglinear model, where, e.g., a term
like c("A", "B")
is equivalent to the loglm
term "A:B"
and hence automatically includes all low-order terms.
Note that these can be used to supply the expected
argument for
the default mosaic
function, when the data is supplied
as a contingency table.
The table below shows some typical results in terms of the standard shorthand notation for loglinear models, with factors A, B, C, ..., where brackets are used to delimit the high-order terms in the loglinear model.
function | 3-way | 4-way | 5-way |
mutual |
[A] [B] [C] | [A] [B] [C] [D] | [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] |
joint |
[AB] [C] | [ABC] [D] | [ABCE] [E] |
joint (with=1) |
[A] [BC] | [A] [BCD] | [A] [BCDE] |
conditional |
[AC] [BC] | [AD] [BD] [CD] | [AE] [BE] [CE] [DE] |
condit (with=1) |
[AB] [AC] | [AB] [AC] [AD] | [AB] [AC] [AD] [AE] |
markov (order=1) |
[AB] [BC] | [AB] [BC] [CD] | [AB] [BC] [CD] [DE] |
markov (order=2) |
[A] [B] [C] | [ABC] [BCD] | [ABC] [BCD] [CDE] |
saturated |
[ABC] | [ABCD] | [ABCDE] |
converts the output of one of these to a model formula
suitable as the formula
for of loglm
converts the output of one of these to a string
describing the loglinear model in the shorthand bracket notation,
e.g., "[A,B] [A,C]"
For the main model specification functions, conditional
, joint
, ..., the result is
a list of vectors (terms), where the elements in each vector are the
names of the factors. The elements of the list are given names
term1, term2, ...
Michael Friendly
These functions were inspired by the original SAS implementation of mosaic displays, described in the User's Guide, http://www.datavis.ca/mosaics/mosaics.pdf
joint(3, table=HairEyeColor) # as a formula or string loglin2formula(joint(3, table=HairEyeColor)) loglin2string(joint(3, table=HairEyeColor)) joint(2, HairEyeColor) # marginal model for [Hair] [Eye] # other possibilities joint(4, factors=letters, with=1) joint(5, factors=LETTERS) joint(5, factors=LETTERS, with=4:5) conditional(4) conditional(4, with=3:4) # use in mosaic displays or other strucplots mosaic(HairEyeColor, expected=joint(3)) mosaic(HairEyeColor, expected=conditional(3)) # use with MASS::loglm cond3 <- loglin2formula(conditional(3, table=HairEyeColor)) cond3 <- loglin2formula(conditional(3)) # same, with factors 1,2,3 require(MASS) loglm(cond3, data=HairEyeColor) saturated(3, HairEyeColor) loglin2formula(saturated(3, HairEyeColor)) loglin2string(saturated(3, HairEyeColor)) loglin2string(saturated(3, HairEyeColor), brackets='{}', sep=', ')
joint(3, table=HairEyeColor) # as a formula or string loglin2formula(joint(3, table=HairEyeColor)) loglin2string(joint(3, table=HairEyeColor)) joint(2, HairEyeColor) # marginal model for [Hair] [Eye] # other possibilities joint(4, factors=letters, with=1) joint(5, factors=LETTERS) joint(5, factors=LETTERS, with=4:5) conditional(4) conditional(4, with=3:4) # use in mosaic displays or other strucplots mosaic(HairEyeColor, expected=joint(3)) mosaic(HairEyeColor, expected=conditional(3)) # use with MASS::loglm cond3 <- loglin2formula(conditional(3, table=HairEyeColor)) cond3 <- loglin2formula(conditional(3)) # same, with factors 1,2,3 require(MASS) loglm(cond3, data=HairEyeColor) saturated(3, HairEyeColor) loglin2formula(saturated(3, HairEyeColor)) loglin2string(saturated(3, HairEyeColor)) loglin2string(saturated(3, HairEyeColor), brackets='{}', sep=', ')
The logarithmic series distribution is a long-tailed distribution introduced by Fisher etal. (1943) in connection with data on the abundance of individuals classified by species.
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile function and
random generation for the
logarithmic series distribution with parameter prob
dlogseries(x, prob = 0.5, log = FALSE) plogseries(q, prob = 0.5, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qlogseries(p, prob = 0.5, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, max.value = 10000) rlogseries(n, prob = 0.5)
dlogseries(x, prob = 0.5, log = FALSE) plogseries(q, prob = 0.5, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qlogseries(p, prob = 0.5, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, max.value = 10000) rlogseries(n, prob = 0.5)
x , q
vector of quantiles representing the number of events. |
prob |
parameter for the distribution, |
log , log.p
logical; if TRUE, probabilities |
lower.tail |
logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are |
p |
vector of probabilities |
max.value |
maximum value returned by |
n |
number of observations for |
The logarithmic series distribution with prob
= has density
for , where
. Note that counts
cannot occur.
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Michael Friendly, using
original code modified from the gmlss.dist
by Mikis Stasinopoulos.
Fisher, R. A. and Corbet, A. S. and Williams, C. B. (1943). The relation between the number of species and the number of individuals Journal of Animal Ecology, 12, 42-58.
, ~~~
XL <-expand.grid(x=1:5, p=c(0.33, 0.66, 0.99)) lgs.df <- data.frame(XL, prob=dlogseries(XL[,"x"], XL[,"p"])) lgs.df$p = factor(lgs.df$p) str(lgs.df) require(lattice) mycol <- palette()[2:4] xyplot( prob ~ x, data=lgs.df, groups=p, xlab=list('Number of events (k)', cex=1.25), ylab=list('Probability', cex=1.25), type='b', pch=15:17, lwd=2, cex=1.25, col=mycol, key = list( title = 'p', points = list(pch=15:17, col=mycol, cex=1.25), lines = list(lwd=2, col=mycol), text = list(levels(lgs.df$p)), x=0.9, y=0.98, corner=c(x=1, y=1) ) ) # random numbers hist(rlogseries(200, prob=.4), xlab='x') hist(rlogseries(200, prob=.8), xlab='x')
XL <-expand.grid(x=1:5, p=c(0.33, 0.66, 0.99)) lgs.df <- data.frame(XL, prob=dlogseries(XL[,"x"], XL[,"p"])) lgs.df$p = factor(lgs.df$p) str(lgs.df) require(lattice) mycol <- palette()[2:4] xyplot( prob ~ x, data=lgs.df, groups=p, xlab=list('Number of events (k)', cex=1.25), ylab=list('Probability', cex=1.25), type='b', pch=15:17, lwd=2, cex=1.25, col=mycol, key = list( title = 'p', points = list(pch=15:17, col=mycol, cex=1.25), lines = list(lwd=2, col=mycol), text = list(levels(lgs.df$p)), x=0.9, y=0.98, corner=c(x=1, y=1) ) ) # random numbers hist(rlogseries(200, prob=.4), xlab='x') hist(rlogseries(200, prob=.8), xlab='x')
For glm
objects, the print
and summary
methods give
too much information if all one wants to see is a brief summary of model
goodness of fit, and there is no easy way to display a compact comparison of
model goodness of fit for a collection of models fit to the same data.
All loglm
models have equivalent glm forms, but the
and summary
methods give quite different results.
provides a brief summary for one or more models
fit to the same dataset
for which logLik
and nobs
methods exist
(e.g., glm
and loglm
LRstats(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'glmlist' LRstats(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'loglmlist' LRstats(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL) ## Default S3 method: LRstats(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL)
LRstats(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'glmlist' LRstats(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'loglmlist' LRstats(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL) ## Default S3 method: LRstats(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL)
object |
a fitted model object for which there exists a logLik method to extract the corresponding log-likelihood |
... |
optionally more fitted model objects |
saturated |
saturated model log likelihood reference value (use 0 if deviance is not available) |
sortby |
either a numeric or character string specifying the column in the result by which the rows are sorted (in decreasing order) |
The function relies on residual degrees of freedom for the LR chisq test being available
in the model object. This is true for objects inheriting from
, glm
, loglm
, polr
and negbin
A data frame (also of class anova
) with columns
c("AIC", "BIC", "LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
Row names are taken from the names of the model object(s).
Achim Zeileis
data(Mental) indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) LRstats(indep) Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) coleff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) roweff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + mental:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) # compare models LRstats(indep, coleff, roweff, linlin)
data(Mental) indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) LRstats(indep) Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) coleff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) roweff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + mental:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) # compare models LRstats(indep, coleff, roweff, linlin)
Kundel & Polansky (2003) give (possibly contrived) data on a set of 110 mammograms rated by two readers.
A frequency table in matrix form. The format is: num [1:4, 1:4] 34 6 2 0 10 8 5 1 2 8 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ Reader2: chr [1:4] "Absent" "Minimal" "Moderate" "Severe" ..$ Reader1: chr [1:4] "Absent" "Minimal" "Moderate" "Severe"
Kundel, H. L. & Polansky, M. (2003), "Measurement of Observer Agreement", Radiology, 228, 303-308, Table A1
data(Mammograms) B <- agreementplot(Mammograms, main="Mammogram ratings") # agreement measures B Kappa(Mammograms) ## other displays mosaic(Mammograms, shade=TRUE) sieve(Mammograms, pop = FALSE, shade = TRUE) labeling_cells(text = Mammograms, gp_text = gpar(fontface = 2, cex=1.75))(as.table(Mammograms))
data(Mammograms) B <- agreementplot(Mammograms, main="Mammogram ratings") # agreement measures B Kappa(Mammograms) ## other displays mosaic(Mammograms, shade=TRUE) sieve(Mammograms, pop = FALSE, shade = TRUE) labeling_cells(text = Mammograms, gp_text = gpar(fontface = 2, cex=1.75))(as.table(Mammograms))
This function is intended as an alternative to plot.mjca
for plotting multiple correspondence analysis solutions.
It provides more flexibility for labeling factor levels and connecting
them with lines. It does not support some features of
(centroids, supplementary points, arrows, etc.)
mcaplot(obj, map = "symmetric", dim = 1:2, col = c("blue", "red", "brown", "black", "green3", "purple"), pch = 15:20, cex = 1.2, pos = 3, lines = TRUE, lwd = 2, legend = FALSE, legend.pos = "topright", xlab = "_auto_", ylab = "_auto_", rev.axes = c(FALSE, FALSE), ...)
mcaplot(obj, map = "symmetric", dim = 1:2, col = c("blue", "red", "brown", "black", "green3", "purple"), pch = 15:20, cex = 1.2, pos = 3, lines = TRUE, lwd = 2, legend = FALSE, legend.pos = "topright", xlab = "_auto_", ylab = "_auto_", rev.axes = c(FALSE, FALSE), ...)
obj |
An |
map |
Character string specifying the map type, i.e., the scaling applied to coordinates
for different types of MCA representations.
Allowed options include:
dim |
Dimensions to plot, an integer vector of length 2 |
col |
Vector of colors, one for each factor in the MCA |
pch |
Vector of point symbols for the category levels, one for each factor |
cex |
Character size for points and level labels |
pos |
Position of level labels relative to the category points; either a single number or a vector of length equal to the number of category points. |
lines |
A logical or an integer vector indicating which factors are to be
joined with lines using |
lwd |
Line width(s) for the lines |
legend |
Logical; draw a legend for the factor names? |
legend.pos |
Position of the legend in the plot, as in |
xlab , ylab
Labels for horizontal and vertical axes.
The default, |
rev.axes |
A logical vector of length 2, where TRUE reverses the direction of the corresponding axis |
... |
Arguments passed down to |
Returns the coordinates of the category points invisibly
Michael Friendly
returns CA and MCA coordinates,
draw multiple lines according to a factor,
require(ca) data(Titanic) titanic.mca <- mjca(Titanic) mcaplot(titanic.mca, legend=TRUE, legend.pos="topleft") data(HairEyeColor) haireye.mca <- mjca(HairEyeColor) mcaplot(haireye.mca, legend=TRUE, cex.lab=1.3)
require(ca) data(Titanic) titanic.mca <- mjca(Titanic) mcaplot(titanic.mca, legend=TRUE, legend.pos="topleft") data(HairEyeColor) haireye.mca <- mjca(HairEyeColor) mcaplot(haireye.mca, legend=TRUE, cex.lab=1.3)
A 6 x 4 contingency table representing the cross-classification of
mental health status (mental
) of 1660 young New York residents by
their parents' socioeconomic status (ses
A data frame frequency table with 24 observations on the following 3 variables.
an ordered factor with levels 1
< 2
< 3
< 4
< 5
< 6
an ordered factor with levels Well
< Mild
< Moderate
< Impaired
cell frequency: a numeric vector
Both ses
and mental
can be treated as ordered factors or
integer scores. For ses
, 1="High" and 6="Low".
Haberman, S. J. The Analysis of Qualitative Data: New Developments, Academic Press, 1979, Vol. II, p. 375.
Srole, L.; Langner, T. S.; Michael, S. T.; Kirkpatrick, P.; Opler, M. K. & Rennie, T. A. C. Mental Health in the Metropolis: The Midtown Manhattan Study, NYU Press, 1978, p. 289
Friendly, M. Visualizing Categorical Data, Cary, NC: SAS Institute, 2000, Appendix B.7.
data(Mental) str(Mental) (Mental.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ ses + mental, data=Mental)) # mosaic and sieve plots mosaic(Mental.tab, gp=shading_Friendly) sieve(Mental.tab, gp=shading_Friendly) if(require(ca)){ plot(ca(Mental.tab), main="Mental impairment & SES") }
data(Mental) str(Mental) (Mental.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ ses + mental, data=Mental)) # mosaic and sieve plots mosaic(Mental.tab, gp=shading_Friendly) sieve(Mental.tab, gp=shading_Friendly) if(require(ca)){ plot(ca(Mental.tab), main="Mental impairment & SES") }
Data from Kastenbaum and Lamphiear (1959). The table gives the number of depletions (deaths) in 657 litters of mice, classified by litter size and treatment. This data set has become a classic in the analysis of contingency tables, yet unfortunately little information on the details of the experiment has been published.
A frequency data frame with 30 observations on the following 4 variables, representing a 5 x 2 x 3 contingency table.
litter size, a numeric vector
treatment, a factor with levels A
number of depletions, a factor with levels 0
cell frequency, a numeric vector
Goodman, L. A. (1983) The analysis of dependence in cross-classifications having ordered categories, using log-linear models for frequencies and log-linear models for odds. Biometrics, 39, 149-160.
Kastenbaum, M. A. & Lamphiear, D. E. (1959) Calculation of chi-square to calculate the no three-factor interaction hypothesis. Biometrics, 15, 107-115.
data(Mice) # make a table ftable(mice.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ litter + treatment + deaths, data=Mice)) #library(vcd) vcd::mosaic(mice.tab, shade=TRUE)
data(Mice) # make a table ftable(mice.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ litter + treatment + deaths, data=Mice)) #library(vcd) vcd::mosaic(mice.tab, shade=TRUE)
Data on social mobility, recording the occupational category of fathers and their sons.
A 2-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 2 variables for 19912 observations. The variable names and their levels are:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | Son's_Occupation}\tab \code{"UpNonMan", "LoNonMan", "UpManual", "LoManual", "Farm"}\cr
2\tab \code{Father's_Occupation
"UpNonMan", "LoNonMan", "UpManual", "LoManual", "Farm"
Falguerolles, A. de and Mathieu, J. R. (1988). Proceedings of COMPSTAT 88, Copenhagen, Denmark, Springer-Verlag.
Featherman, D. L. and Hauser, R. M. Occupations and social mobility in the United States. Sociological Microjournal, 12, Fiche 62. Copenhagen: Sociological Institute.
for other examples of mobility data.
data(Mobility) Mobility # independence model MASS::loglm(~Father_Occupation + Son_Occupation, data = Mobility) vcd::mosaic(Mobility, shade=TRUE, legend = FALSE)
data(Mobility) Mobility # independence model MASS::loglm(~Father_Occupation + Son_Occupation, data = Mobility) vcd::mosaic(Mobility, shade=TRUE, legend = FALSE)
Formats a brief summary of model fit for a glm
or loglm
object, showing
the likelihood ratio Chisq (df) value and or AIC. Useful for inclusion in a plot
title or annotation.
modFit(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'glm' modFit(x, stats="chisq", digits=2, ...) ## S3 method for class 'loglm' modFit(x, stats="chisq", digits=2, ...)
modFit(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'glm' modFit(x, stats="chisq", digits=2, ...) ## S3 method for class 'loglm' modFit(x, stats="chisq", digits=2, ...)
x |
A |
... |
Arguments passed down |
stats |
One or more of |
digits |
Number of digits after the decimal point in displayed statistics. |
A character string containing the formatted values of the chosen statistics.
Michael Friendly
(soon to be deprecated),
data(Mental) require(MASS) (Mental.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ ses + mental, data=Mental)) (Mental.mod <- loglm(~ses + mental, Mental.tab)) Mental.mod modFit(Mental.mod) # use to label mosaic() mosaic(Mental.mod, main=paste("Independence model,", modFit(Mental.mod)))
data(Mental) require(MASS) (Mental.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ ses + mental, data=Mental)) (Mental.mod <- loglm(~ses + mental, Mental.tab)) Mental.mod modFit(Mental.mod) # use to label mosaic() mosaic(Mental.mod, main=paste("Independence model,", modFit(Mental.mod)))
Produces mosaic plots (and other plots in the strucplot
for a log-linear model fitted with glm
or for a generalized nonlinear model fitted with gnm
These methods extend the range of strucplot
visualizations well beyond the models that can
be fit with loglm
They are intended for models for counts using the Poisson family (or quasi-poisson),
but should be sensible as long as (a) the response variable is non-negative and (b) the
predictors visualized in the strucplot
are discrete factors.
## S3 method for class 'glm' mosaic(x, formula = NULL, panel = mosaic, type = c("observed", "expected"), residuals = NULL, residuals_type = c("pearson", "deviance", "rstandard"), gp = shading_hcl, gp_args = list(), ...) ## S3 method for class 'glm' sieve(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'glm' assoc(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'glm' mosaic(x, formula = NULL, panel = mosaic, type = c("observed", "expected"), residuals = NULL, residuals_type = c("pearson", "deviance", "rstandard"), gp = shading_hcl, gp_args = list(), ...) ## S3 method for class 'glm' sieve(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'glm' assoc(x, ...)
x |
A |
formula |
A one-sided formula with the indexing factors of the plot
separated by '+', determining the order in which the variables are used in the mosaic.
A formula must be provided unless |
panel |
Panel function used to draw the plot for visualizing the observed values, residuals
and expected values. Currently, one of |
type |
A character string indicating whether the
residuals |
An optional array or vector of residuals corresponding to the cells in the
data, for example, as calculated by |
residuals_type |
If the |
gp |
Object of class |
gp_args |
A list of arguments for the shading-generating function, if specified. |
... |
Other arguments passed to the |
For both poisson family generalized linear models and loglinear models, standardized residuals
provided by rstandard
(sometimes called adjusted residuals) are often preferred because they have
constant unit asymptotic variance.
The sieve
and assoc
methods are simple convenience interfaces to this plot method, setting the panel argument accordingly.
The structable
visualized by strucplot
is returned invisibly.
Heather Turner, Michael Friendly, with help from Achim Zeileis
, gnm
, plot.loglm
, mosaic
GSStab <- xtabs(count ~ sex + party, data=GSS) # using the data in table form mod.glm1 <- glm(Freq ~ sex + party, family = poisson, data = GSStab) res <- residuals(mod.glm1) std <- rstandard(mod.glm1) # For mosaic.default(), need to re-shape residuals to conform to data stdtab <- array(std, dim=dim(GSStab), dimnames=dimnames(GSStab)) mosaic(GSStab, gp=shading_Friendly, residuals=stdtab, residuals_type="Std\nresiduals", labeling = labeling_residuals) # Using externally calculated residuals with the glm() object mosaic.glm(mod.glm1, residuals=std, labeling = labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE) # Using residuals_type mosaic.glm(mod.glm1, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling = labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE) ## Ordinal factors and structured associations data(Mental) xtabs(Freq ~ mental+ses, data=Mental) long.labels <- list(set_varnames = c(mental="Mental Health Status", ses="Parent SES")) # fit independence model # Residual deviance: 47.418 on 15 degrees of freedom indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) long.labels <- list(set_varnames = c(mental="Mental Health Status", ses="Parent SES")) mosaic(indep, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling_args = long.labels, labeling=labeling_residuals) # or, show as a sieve diagram mosaic(indep, labeling_args = long.labels, panel=sieve, gp=shading_Friendly) # fit linear x linear (uniform) association. Use integer scores for rows/cols Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) mosaic(linlin, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling_args = long.labels, labeling=labeling_residuals, suppress=1, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Lin x Lin model") ## Goodman Row-Column association model fits even better (deviance 3.57, df 8) if (require(gnm)) { Mental$mental <- C(Mental$mental, treatment) Mental$ses <- C(Mental$ses, treatment) RC1model <- gnm(Freq ~ ses + mental + Mult(ses, mental), family = poisson, data = Mental) mosaic(RC1model, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling_args = long.labels, labeling=labeling_residuals, suppress=1, gp=shading_Friendly, main="RC1 model") } ############# UCB Admissions data, fit using glm() structable(Dept ~ Admit+Gender,UCBAdmissions) berkeley <- as.data.frame(UCBAdmissions) berk.glm1 <- glm(Freq ~ Dept * (Gender+Admit), data=berkeley, family="poisson") summary(berk.glm1) mosaic(berk.glm1, gp=shading_Friendly, labeling=labeling_residuals, formula=~Admit+Dept+Gender) # the same, displaying studentized residuals; # note use of formula to reorder factors in the mosaic mosaic(berk.glm1, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling=labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE, formula=~Admit+Dept+Gender, main="Model: [DeptGender][DeptAdmit]") ## all two-way model berk.glm2 <- glm(Freq ~ (Dept + Gender + Admit)^2, data=berkeley, family="poisson") summary(berk.glm2) mosaic.glm(berk.glm2, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling = labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE, formula=~Admit+Dept+Gender, main="Model: [DeptGender][DeptAdmit][AdmitGender]") anova(berk.glm1, berk.glm2, test="Chisq") # Add 1 df term for association of [GenderAdmit] only in Dept A berkeley <- within(berkeley, dept1AG <- (Dept=='A')*(Gender=='Female')*(Admit=='Admitted')) berkeley[1:6,] berk.glm3 <- glm(Freq ~ Dept * (Gender+Admit) + dept1AG, data=berkeley, family="poisson") summary(berk.glm3) mosaic.glm(berk.glm3, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling = labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE, formula=~Admit+Dept+Gender, main="Model: [DeptGender][DeptAdmit] + DeptA*[GA]") # compare models anova(berk.glm1, berk.glm3, test="Chisq")
GSStab <- xtabs(count ~ sex + party, data=GSS) # using the data in table form mod.glm1 <- glm(Freq ~ sex + party, family = poisson, data = GSStab) res <- residuals(mod.glm1) std <- rstandard(mod.glm1) # For mosaic.default(), need to re-shape residuals to conform to data stdtab <- array(std, dim=dim(GSStab), dimnames=dimnames(GSStab)) mosaic(GSStab, gp=shading_Friendly, residuals=stdtab, residuals_type="Std\nresiduals", labeling = labeling_residuals) # Using externally calculated residuals with the glm() object mosaic.glm(mod.glm1, residuals=std, labeling = labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE) # Using residuals_type mosaic.glm(mod.glm1, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling = labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE) ## Ordinal factors and structured associations data(Mental) xtabs(Freq ~ mental+ses, data=Mental) long.labels <- list(set_varnames = c(mental="Mental Health Status", ses="Parent SES")) # fit independence model # Residual deviance: 47.418 on 15 degrees of freedom indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) long.labels <- list(set_varnames = c(mental="Mental Health Status", ses="Parent SES")) mosaic(indep, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling_args = long.labels, labeling=labeling_residuals) # or, show as a sieve diagram mosaic(indep, labeling_args = long.labels, panel=sieve, gp=shading_Friendly) # fit linear x linear (uniform) association. Use integer scores for rows/cols Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) mosaic(linlin, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling_args = long.labels, labeling=labeling_residuals, suppress=1, gp=shading_Friendly, main="Lin x Lin model") ## Goodman Row-Column association model fits even better (deviance 3.57, df 8) if (require(gnm)) { Mental$mental <- C(Mental$mental, treatment) Mental$ses <- C(Mental$ses, treatment) RC1model <- gnm(Freq ~ ses + mental + Mult(ses, mental), family = poisson, data = Mental) mosaic(RC1model, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling_args = long.labels, labeling=labeling_residuals, suppress=1, gp=shading_Friendly, main="RC1 model") } ############# UCB Admissions data, fit using glm() structable(Dept ~ Admit+Gender,UCBAdmissions) berkeley <- as.data.frame(UCBAdmissions) berk.glm1 <- glm(Freq ~ Dept * (Gender+Admit), data=berkeley, family="poisson") summary(berk.glm1) mosaic(berk.glm1, gp=shading_Friendly, labeling=labeling_residuals, formula=~Admit+Dept+Gender) # the same, displaying studentized residuals; # note use of formula to reorder factors in the mosaic mosaic(berk.glm1, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling=labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE, formula=~Admit+Dept+Gender, main="Model: [DeptGender][DeptAdmit]") ## all two-way model berk.glm2 <- glm(Freq ~ (Dept + Gender + Admit)^2, data=berkeley, family="poisson") summary(berk.glm2) mosaic.glm(berk.glm2, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling = labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE, formula=~Admit+Dept+Gender, main="Model: [DeptGender][DeptAdmit][AdmitGender]") anova(berk.glm1, berk.glm2, test="Chisq") # Add 1 df term for association of [GenderAdmit] only in Dept A berkeley <- within(berkeley, dept1AG <- (Dept=='A')*(Gender=='Female')*(Admit=='Admitted')) berkeley[1:6,] berk.glm3 <- glm(Freq ~ Dept * (Gender+Admit) + dept1AG, data=berkeley, family="poisson") summary(berk.glm3) mosaic.glm(berk.glm3, residuals_type="rstandard", labeling = labeling_residuals, shade=TRUE, formula=~Admit+Dept+Gender, main="Model: [DeptGender][DeptAdmit] + DeptA*[GA]") # compare models anova(berk.glm1, berk.glm3, test="Chisq")
and loglmlist
This function provides a convenient interface for viewing mosaic displays
associated with a collection of glm models for frequency tables that have
been stored in a glmlist
or loglmlist
object. You can plot either selected models
individually, or mosaics for all models in an array of viewports.
## S3 method for class 'glmlist' mosaic(x, selection, panel=mosaic, type=c("observed", "expected"), legend=ask | !missing(selection), main=NULL, ask=TRUE, graphics=TRUE, rows, cols, newpage=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'loglmlist' mosaic(x, selection, panel=mosaic, type=c("observed", "expected"), legend=ask | !missing(selection), main=NULL, ask=TRUE, graphics=TRUE, rows, cols, newpage=TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'glmlist' mosaic(x, selection, panel=mosaic, type=c("observed", "expected"), legend=ask | !missing(selection), main=NULL, ask=TRUE, graphics=TRUE, rows, cols, newpage=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'loglmlist' mosaic(x, selection, panel=mosaic, type=c("observed", "expected"), legend=ask | !missing(selection), main=NULL, ask=TRUE, graphics=TRUE, rows, cols, newpage=TRUE, ...)
x |
a |
selection |
the index or name of one |
panel |
type |
a character string indicating whether the |
legend |
logical: show a legend for residuals in the mosaic display(s)? The default behavior is to include a legend
when only a single plot is shown, i.e., if |
main |
either a logical, or a vector of character strings used for plotting the main title.
If main is a logical and |
ask |
logical: should the function display a menu of models, when one is not specified in |
graphics |
logical: use a graphic dialog box when |
rows , cols
when |
newpage |
start a new page? (only applies to |
... |
other arguments passed to |
Most details of the plots produced can be controlled via ... arguments
as shown in some of the examples below. In particular, with panel=sieve
you need to also pass gp=shading_Friendly
to get a color version.
Returns the result of mosaic.glm
Michael Friendly
David Meyer, Achim Zeileis, and Kurt Hornik (2006). The Strucplot Framework: Visualizing Multi-Way
Contingency Tables with vcd. Journal of Statistical Software, 17(3), 1-48.
available as vignette("strucplot", package="vcd")
, mosaic
, for the many parameters that control the details of mosaic plots.
data(JobSatisfaction, package="vcd") # view all pairwise mosaics pairs(xtabs(Freq~management+supervisor+own, data=JobSatisfaction), shade=TRUE, diag_panel=pairs_diagonal_mosaic) modSat <- Kway(Freq ~ management+supervisor+own, data=JobSatisfaction, family=poisson, prefix="JobSat") names(modSat) ## Not run: mosaic(modSat) # uses menu, if interactive() ## End(Not run) mosaic(modSat, "JobSat.1") # model label mosaic(modSat, 2) # model index # supply a formula to determine the order of variables in the mosaic mosaic(modSat, 2, formula=~own+supervisor+management) mosaic(modSat, ask=FALSE) # uses viewports # use a different panel function, label the observed valued in the cells mosaic(modSat, 1, main=TRUE, panel=sieve, gp=shading_Friendly, labeling=labeling_values) data(Mental) indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) coleff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) roweff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + mental:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) # assign names for the plot labels modMental <- glmlist(Indep=indep, ColEff=coleff, RowEff=roweff, `Lin x Lin`=linlin) mosaic(modMental, ask=FALSE, margins=c(3,1,1,2), labeling_args=list(abbreviate_labs=5))
data(JobSatisfaction, package="vcd") # view all pairwise mosaics pairs(xtabs(Freq~management+supervisor+own, data=JobSatisfaction), shade=TRUE, diag_panel=pairs_diagonal_mosaic) modSat <- Kway(Freq ~ management+supervisor+own, data=JobSatisfaction, family=poisson, prefix="JobSat") names(modSat) ## Not run: mosaic(modSat) # uses menu, if interactive() ## End(Not run) mosaic(modSat, "JobSat.1") # model label mosaic(modSat, 2) # model index # supply a formula to determine the order of variables in the mosaic mosaic(modSat, 2, formula=~own+supervisor+management) mosaic(modSat, ask=FALSE) # uses viewports # use a different panel function, label the observed valued in the cells mosaic(modSat, 1, main=TRUE, panel=sieve, gp=shading_Friendly, labeling=labeling_values) data(Mental) indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) coleff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) roweff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + mental:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) # assign names for the plot labels modMental <- glmlist(Indep=indep, ColEff=coleff, RowEff=roweff, `Lin x Lin`=linlin) mosaic(modMental, ask=FALSE, margins=c(3,1,1,2), labeling_args=list(abbreviate_labs=5))
Produces a 3D mosaic plot for a contingency table (or a link[MASS]{loglm}
using the rgl-package
Generalizing the 2D mosaic plot, this begins with a given 3D shape (a unit cube), and successively sub-divides it along the X, Y, Z dimensions according to the table margins, generating a nested set of 3D tiles. The volume of the resulting tiles is therefore proportional to the frequency represented in the table cells. Residuals from a given loglinear model are then used to color or shade each of the tiles.
This is a developing implementation. The arguments and details are subject to change.
mosaic3d(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'loglm' mosaic3d( x, type = c("observed", "expected"), residuals_type = c("pearson", "deviance"), ...) ## Default S3 method: mosaic3d( x, expected = NULL, residuals = NULL, type = c("observed", "expected"), residuals_type = NULL, shape = rgl::cube3d(alpha = alpha), alpha = 0.5, spacing = 0.1, split_dir = 1:3, shading = shading_basic, interpolate=c(2,4), zero_size=.05, label_edge, labeling_args = list(), newpage = TRUE, box=FALSE, ...)
mosaic3d(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'loglm' mosaic3d( x, type = c("observed", "expected"), residuals_type = c("pearson", "deviance"), ...) ## Default S3 method: mosaic3d( x, expected = NULL, residuals = NULL, type = c("observed", "expected"), residuals_type = NULL, shape = rgl::cube3d(alpha = alpha), alpha = 0.5, spacing = 0.1, split_dir = 1:3, shading = shading_basic, interpolate=c(2,4), zero_size=.05, label_edge, labeling_args = list(), newpage = TRUE, box=FALSE, ...)
x |
A |
expected |
optionally, for contingency tables,
an array of expected frequencies of the same dimension as |
residuals |
optionally, an array of residuals of the same dimension as |
type |
a character string indicating whether the |
residuals_type |
a character string indicating the type of residuals to be computed when none are
supplied. If residuals is |
shape |
The initial 3D shape on which the mosaic is based. Typically this is a call to an rgl function, and must produce a |
alpha |
Specifies the transparency of the 3D tiles used to compose the 3D mosaic. |
spacing |
A number or vector giving the total amount of space used to separate the 3D tiles along each of the dimensions of the table. The values specified are re-cycled to the number of table dimensions. |
split_dir |
A numeric vector composed of the integers |
shading |
A function, taking an array or vector of residuals for the given model,
returning a vector of colors. At present, only the default
interpolate |
a vector of interpolation values for the |
zero_size |
The radius of a small sphere used to mark zero cells in the display. |
label_edge |
A character vector composed of |
labeling_args |
This argument is intended to be used to specify details of the rendering of labels for the table dimensions, but at present has no effect. |
newpage |
logical indicating whether a new page should be created for the plot or not. |
box |
logical indicating whether a bounding box should be drawn around the plot. |
... |
Other arguments passed down to |
Friendly (1995), Friendly [Sect. 4.5](2000) and Theus and Lauer (1999) have all used the idea of 3D mosaic displays to explain various aspects of loglinear models (the iterative proportional fitting algorithm, the structure of various models for 3-way and n-way tables, etc.), but no implementation of 3D mosaics was previously available.
For the default method,
residuals, used to color and shade the 3D tiles, can be passed explicitly,
or, more typically,
are computed as needed from observed and expected frequencies.
In this case, the expected frequencies are optionally computed for a specified
loglinear model given by the expected
For the loglm method, residuals and observed frequencies are calculated from the model
Invisibly, the list of shape3d
objects used to draw the 3D mosaic,
with names corresponding to the concatenation of the level labels, separated by ":".
Michael Friendly, with the help of Duncan Murdoch and Achim Zeileis
Friendly, M. (1995). Conceptual and Visual Models for Categorical Data, The American Statistician, 49, 153-160.
Friendly, M. Visualizing Categorical Data, Cary NC: SAS Institute, 2000. Web materials: http://www.datavis.ca/books/vcd/.
Theus, M. & Lauer, S. R. W. (1999) Visualizing Loglinear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 8, 396-412.
for details on fitting loglinear models
# 2 x 2 x 2 if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ mosaic3d(Bartlett, box=TRUE) # compare with expected frequencies under model of mutual independence mosaic3d(Bartlett, type="expected", box=TRUE) # 2 x 2 x 3 mosaic3d(Heart, box=TRUE) } ## Not run: # 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 # illustrates a 4D table mosaic3d(Detergent) # compare 2D and 3D mosaics demo("mosaic-hec") ## End(Not run)
# 2 x 2 x 2 if(requireNamespace("rgl")){ mosaic3d(Bartlett, box=TRUE) # compare with expected frequencies under model of mutual independence mosaic3d(Bartlett, type="expected", box=TRUE) # 2 x 2 x 3 mosaic3d(Heart, box=TRUE) } ## Not run: # 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 # illustrates a 4D table mosaic3d(Detergent) # compare 2D and 3D mosaics demo("mosaic-hec") ## End(Not run)
A data set giving the number of publications by doctoral candidates in biochemistry in relation to various predictors, originally from Long (1997).
There is a large number of zero counts. Is there evidence for a separate group of non-publishers?
A data frame with 915 observations on the following 6 variables.
number of articles published in the final three years of PhD studies
dummy variable for gender, coded 1
for female
dummy variable for marital status, coded 1
for married
number of young children, age 5 and under
prestige of the PhD department. The higher the number the more prestigious the program.
number of publications by the mentor in the preceeding three years
In this version of the data set, phdprestige
had been rounded to the nearest integer.
A Stata version with the continuous values was subsequently found at
Long, J. S. (1997). Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables, Sage.
Long, J. S. & Freese, J. (2006). Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, 2nd Ed., Stata Press.
data(PhdPubs) # very uninformative hist(PhdPubs$articles, breaks=0:19, col="pink", xlim=c(0,20), xlab="Number of Articles") library(vcd) rootogram(goodfit(PhdPubs$articles), xlab="Number of Articles") # compare with negative binomial rootogram(goodfit(PhdPubs$articles, type="nbinomial"), xlab="Number of Articles", main="Negative binomial")
data(PhdPubs) # very uninformative hist(PhdPubs$articles, breaks=0:19, col="pink", xlim=c(0,20), xlab="Number of Articles") library(vcd) rootogram(goodfit(PhdPubs$articles), xlab="Number of Articles") # compare with negative binomial rootogram(goodfit(PhdPubs$articles, type="nbinomial"), xlab="Number of Articles", main="Negative binomial")
This is a replacement for the print.Kappa
method in vcd
adding display of z
values to the vcd
version and
optional confidence intervals.
## S3 method for class 'Kappa' print( x, digits=max(getOption("digits") - 3, 3), CI=FALSE, level=0.95, ...)
## S3 method for class 'Kappa' print( x, digits=max(getOption("digits") - 3, 3), CI=FALSE, level=0.95, ...)
x |
A Kappa object |
digits |
number of digits to print |
CI |
Include confidence intervals in the display? |
level |
confidence level |
... |
Other arguments |
Returns the Kappa object, invisibly.
Michael Friendly
data("SexualFun") Kappa(SexualFun) print(Kappa(SexualFun), CI=TRUE) # stratified 3-way table apply(MSPatients, 3, Kappa)
data("SexualFun") Kappa(SexualFun) print(Kappa(SexualFun), CI=TRUE) # stratified 3-way table apply(MSPatients, 3, Kappa)
This function takes an n-way contingency table and fits a series of sequential models to the 1-, 2-, ... n-way marginal tables, corresponding to a variety of types of loglinear models.
seq_loglm(x, type = c("joint", "conditional", "mutual", "markov", "saturated"), marginals = 1:nf, vorder = 1:nf, k = NULL, prefix = "model", fitted = TRUE, ...)
seq_loglm(x, type = c("joint", "conditional", "mutual", "markov", "saturated"), marginals = 1:nf, vorder = 1:nf, k = NULL, prefix = "model", fitted = TRUE, ...)
x |
a contingency table in array form, with optional category labels specified in the dimnames(x) attribute, or else a data.frame in frequency form, with the frequency variable named |
type |
type of sequential model to fit, a character string.
One of |
marginals |
which marginal sub-tables to fit? A vector of a (sub)set of the integers, |
vorder |
order of variables, a permutation of the integers |
k |
conditioning variable(s) for |
prefix |
prefix used to give names to the sequential models |
fitted |
argument passed to |
... |
other arguments, passed down |
Sequential marginal models for an n-way tables begin with the
model of equal-probability for the one-way margin
(equivalent to a chisq.test
) and add
successive variables one at a time in the order specified by
All model types give the same result for the two-way margin, namely the test of independence for the first two factors.
Sequential models of joint independence (type="joint"
have a particularly simple interpretation, because they
decompose the likelihood ratio test for the model of
mutual independence in the full n-way table, and hence
account for "total" association in terms of portions attributable
to the conditional probabilities of each new variable,
given all prior variables.
An object of class "loglmlist"
, each of which is a class "loglm"
One-way marginal tables are a bit of a problem here, because they
cannot be fit directly using loglm
The present version uses loglin
and repairs the result to look like a loglm
object (sort of).
Michael Friendly
These functions were inspired by the original SAS implementation of mosaic displays, described in the User's Guide, http://www.datavis.ca/mosaics/mosaics.pdf
for descriptions of sequential models,
, ...
data(Titanic, package="datasets") # variables are in the order Class, Sex, Age, Survived tt <- seq_loglm(Titanic)
data(Titanic, package="datasets") # variables are in the order Class, Sex, Age, Survived tt <- seq_loglm(Titanic)
This function takes an n-way contingency table and plots mosaics for series of sequential models to the 1-, 2-, ... n-way marginal tables, corresponding to a variety of types of loglinear models.
seq_mosaic(x, panel = mosaic, type = c("joint", "conditional", "mutual", "markov", "saturated"), plots = 1:nf, vorder = 1:nf, k = NULL, ...)
seq_mosaic(x, panel = mosaic, type = c("joint", "conditional", "mutual", "markov", "saturated"), plots = 1:nf, vorder = 1:nf, k = NULL, ...)
x |
a contingency table in array form, with optional category labels specified in the dimnames(x) attribute, or else a data.frame in frequency form, with the frequency variable named |
panel |
a |
type |
type of sequential model to fit, a character string.
One of |
plots |
which marginal sub-tables to plot? A vector of a (sub)set of the integers, |
vorder |
order of variables, a permutation of the integers |
k |
conditioning variable(s) for |
... |
other arguments passed to |
This function produces
similar plots to the use of mosaic.loglmlist
called with the result of seq_loglm
None. Used for its side-effect of producing plots
Michael Friendly
These functions were inspired by the original SAS implementation of mosaic displays, described in the User's Guide for Mosaics, http://www.datavis.ca/mosaics/mosaics.pdf
for descriptions of sequential models,
, ...
, mosaic.loglmlist
, mosaic
, for the many parameters that control the details of mosaic plots.
data(Titanic, package="datasets") seq_mosaic(Titanic) # models of joint independence, Survived last seq_mosaic(Titanic, type="condit") seq_mosaic(Titanic, type="mutual") # other panel functions and options: presently BUGGED ## Not run: seq_mosaic(Titanic, type="mutual", panel=sieve, gp=shading_Friendly, labeling=labeling_values) ## End(Not run)
data(Titanic, package="datasets") seq_mosaic(Titanic) # models of joint independence, Survived last seq_mosaic(Titanic, type="condit") seq_mosaic(Titanic, type="mutual") # other panel functions and options: presently BUGGED ## Not run: seq_mosaic(Titanic, type="mutual", panel=sieve, gp=shading_Friendly, labeling=labeling_values) ## End(Not run)
This data set, from Efron and Thisted (1976),
gives the number of distinct words types (Freq
) of words
that appeared exactly once, twice, etc. up to 100 times (count
in the complete works of Shakespeare. In these works, Shakespeare
used 31,534 distinct words (types), comprising 884,647 words in total.
Efron & Thisted used this data to ask the question, "How many words did Shakespeare know?" Put another way, suppose another new corpus of works Shakespeare were discovered, also with 884,647 words. How many new word types would appear? The answer to the main question involves contemplating an infinite number of such new corpora.
A data frame with 100 observations on the following 2 variables.
the number of times a word type appeared in Shakespeare's written works
the number of different words (types) appearing with this count.
In addition to the words that appear 1:100
times, there are 846 words
that appear more than 100 times, not listed in this data set.
Bradley Efron and Ronald Thisted (1976). Estimating the Number of Unseen Species: How Many Words Did Shakespeare Know? Biometrika, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 435-447,
data(ShakeWords) str(ShakeWords) plot(sqrt(Freq) ~ count, data=ShakeWords)
data(ShakeWords) str(ShakeWords) plot(sqrt(Freq) ~ count, data=ShakeWords)
Subdivides a shape3d
object or a list of shape3d
into objects of the same shape along a given dimension
according to the proportions or frequencies specified in vector(s).
is the basic workhorse used in mosaic3d
but may be useful in other contexts.
and center3d
are utility functions, also useful in other contexts.
split3d(obj, ...) ## S3 method for class 'shape3d' split3d(obj, p, dim, space = 0.1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'list' split3d(obj, p, dim, space = 0.1, ...) range3d(obj) center3d(obj)
split3d(obj, ...) ## S3 method for class 'shape3d' split3d(obj, p, dim, space = 0.1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'list' split3d(obj, p, dim, space = 0.1, ...) range3d(obj) center3d(obj)
obj |
A |
... |
Other arguments for split3d methods |
p |
For a single |
dim |
The dimension along which the object is to be subdivided. Either an integer: 1, 2, or 3, or a character: "x", "y", or "z". |
space |
The total space used to separate the copies of the object along
dimension |
The resulting list of shape3d
objects is actually composed of copies
of the input object(s), scaled according to the proportions in p
and then translated to make their range along the splitting dimension
equal to that of the input object(s).
returns a list of shape3d
returns a 2 x 3 matrix, whose first row contains
the minima on dimensions x, y, z, and whose second row contains
the maxima.
returns a numeric vector containing
the means of the minima and maxima on dimensions x, y, z.
Duncan Murdoch, with refinements by Michael Friendly
for the plotting of lists of shape3d
if (require(rgl)) { open3d() cube <- cube3d(alpha=0.4) sl1 <- split3d(cube, c(.2, .3, .5), 1) col <- c("#FF000080", "#E5E5E580", "#0000FF80") shapelist3d(sl1, col=col) open3d() p <- matrix(c(.6, .4, .5, .5, .2, .8), nrow=2) sl2 <- split3d(sl1, p, 2) shapelist3d(sl2, col=col) }
if (require(rgl)) { open3d() cube <- cube3d(alpha=0.4) sl1 <- split3d(cube, c(.2, .3, .5), 1) col <- c("#FF000080", "#E5E5E580", "#0000FF80") shapelist3d(sl1, col=col) open3d() p <- matrix(c(.6, .4, .5, .5, .2, .8), nrow=2) sl2 <- split3d(sl1, p, 2) shapelist3d(sl2, col=col) }
For glm
objects, the print
and summary
methods give
too much information if all one wants to see is a brief summary of model
goodness of fit, and there is no easy way to display a compact comparison of
model goodness of fit for a collection of models fit to the same data.
All loglm
models have equivalent glm forms, but the
and summary
methods give quite different results.
provides a brief summary for one or more models
fit to the same dataset
for which logLik
and nobs
methods exist
(e.g., glm
and loglm
Summarise(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'glmlist' Summarise(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'loglmlist' Summarise(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL) ## Default S3 method: Summarise(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL)
Summarise(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'glmlist' Summarise(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'loglmlist' Summarise(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL) ## Default S3 method: Summarise(object, ..., saturated = NULL, sortby = NULL)
object |
a fitted model object for which there exists a logLik method to extract the corresponding log-likelihood |
... |
optionally more fitted model objects |
saturated |
saturated model log likelihood reference value (use 0 if deviance is not available) |
sortby |
either a numeric or character string specifying the column in the result by which the rows are sorted (in decreasing order) |
The function relies on residual degrees of freedom for the LR chisq test being available
in the model object. This is true for objects inheriting from
, glm
, loglm
, polr
and negbin
A data frame (also of class anova
) with columns
c("AIC", "BIC", "LR Chisq", "Df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
Row names are taken from the names of the model object(s).
Achim Zeileis
data(Mental) indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) Summarise(indep) Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) coleff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) roweff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + mental:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) # compare models Summarise(indep, coleff, roweff, linlin)
data(Mental) indep <- glm(Freq ~ mental+ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) Summarise(indep) Cscore <- as.numeric(Mental$ses) Rscore <- as.numeric(Mental$mental) coleff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:ses, family = poisson, data = Mental) roweff <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + mental:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) linlin <- glm(Freq ~ mental + ses + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = Mental) # compare models Summarise(indep, coleff, roweff, linlin)
Data on passengers on the RMS Titanic, excluding the Crew and some individual identifier variables.
A data frame with 1309 observations on the following 6 variables.
a factor with levels 1st
a factor with levels died
a factor with levels female
passenger age in years (or fractions of a year, for children), a numeric vector; age is missing for 263 of the passengers
number of siblings or spouses aboard, integer: 0:8
number of parents or children aboard, integer: 0:6
There are a number of related versions of the Titanic data, in various formats.
This version was derived from ptitanic
in the rpart.plot package,
modifying it to remove the Class 'labelled'
attributes for some variables
(inherited from Frank Harrell's titanic3
which caused problems with some applications, notably ggplot2
Other versions:
is the 4-way frequency table of all 2201 people
aboard the Titanic, including passengers and crew.
The original R source for this dataset was compiled by Frank Harrell and Robert Dawson: https://biostat.app.vumc.org/wiki/pub/Main/DataSets/titanic.html, described in more detail in https://biostat.app.vumc.org/wiki/pub/Main/DataSets/titanic3info.txt
For this version of the Titanic data, passenger details were deleted,
survived was cast as a factor, and the name changed to Titanicp
to minimize confusion
with other versions.
data(Titanicp) ## maybe str(Titanicp) ; plot(Titanicp) ...
data(Titanicp) ## maybe str(Titanicp) ; plot(Titanicp) ...
Brown et al (1983) gave these data on two signs of toxaemia, an abnormal condition during pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure (hypertension) and high levels of protein in the urine. If untreated, both the mother and baby are at risk of complications or death.
The data frame Toxaemia
represents 13384 expectant
mothers in Bradford, England in their first pregnancy, who
were also classified according to social class and the number
of cigarettes smoked per day.
A data frame in frequency form representing a 5 x 3 x 2 x 2 contingency table, with 60 observations on the following 5 variables.
Social class of mother, a factor with levels 1
Cigarettes smoked per day during pregnancy, a factor with levels 0
Hypertension level, a factor with levels Low
Protein urea level, a factor with levels Low
frequency in each cell, a numeric vector
Brown, P. J., Stone, J. and Ord-Smith, C. (1983), Toxaemic signs during pregnancy. JRSS, Series C, Applied Statistics, 32, 69-72
Friendly, M. (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, Example 7.15.
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca. Example 10.10.
data(Toxaemia) tox.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ class + smoke + hyper + urea, Toxaemia) ftable(tox.tab, row.vars=1) # symptoms by smoking mosaic(~smoke + hyper + urea, data=tox.tab, shade=TRUE) # symptoms by social class mosaic(~class + hyper + urea, data=tox.tab, shade=TRUE) # predictors mosaic(~smoke + class, data=tox.tab, shade=TRUE) # responses mosaic(~hyper + urea, data=tox.tab, shade=TRUE) # log odds ratios for urea and hypertension, by class and smoke ## Not run: LOR <-loddsratio(aperm(tox.tab)) LOR ## End(Not run)
data(Toxaemia) tox.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ class + smoke + hyper + urea, Toxaemia) ftable(tox.tab, row.vars=1) # symptoms by smoking mosaic(~smoke + hyper + urea, data=tox.tab, shade=TRUE) # symptoms by social class mosaic(~class + hyper + urea, data=tox.tab, shade=TRUE) # predictors mosaic(~smoke + class, data=tox.tab, shade=TRUE) # responses mosaic(~hyper + urea, data=tox.tab, shade=TRUE) # log odds ratios for urea and hypertension, by class and smoke ## Not run: LOR <-loddsratio(aperm(tox.tab)) LOR ## End(Not run)
This data set TV
comprises a 5 x 11 x 3 contingency table based on
audience viewing data from Neilsen Media Research for the week starting
November 6, 1995.
A 5 x 11 x 3 array of cell frequencies with the following structure:
int [1:5, 1:11, 1:3] 146 244 233 174 294 151 181 161 183 281 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3 ..$ Day : chr [1:5] "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" ... ..$ Time : chr [1:11] "8:00" "8:15" "8:30" "8:45" ... ..$ Network: chr [1:3] "ABC" "CBS" "NBC"
The original data, tv.dat
, contains two additional networks: "Fox" and "Other", with small
frequencies. These levels were removed in the current version.
There is also a fourth factor, transition State
transition (turn the television Off, Switch channels, or Persist in viewing the current channel).
The TV
data here includes only the Persist observations.
The original data, tv.dat
, came from the initial implementation of
mosaic displays in R by Jay Emerson (1998). Similar data had been used by
Hartigan and Kleiner (1984) as an illustration.
Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. http://ddar.datavis.ca.
Emerson, John W. Mosaic Displays in S-PLUS: A General Implementation and a Case Study. Statistical Graphics and Computing Newsletter, 1998, 9(1), 17–23, http://www.stat.yale.edu/~jay/R/mosaic/v91.pdf
Hartigan, J. A. & Kleiner, B. A Mosaic of Television Ratings. The American Statistician, 1984, 38, 32-35.
data(TV) structable(TV) doubledecker(TV) # reduce number of levels of Time TV.df <- as.data.frame.table(TV) levels(TV.df$Time) <- rep(c("8:00-8:59", "9:00-9:59", "10:00-10:44"), c(4, 4, 3)) TV2 <- xtabs(Freq ~ Day + Time + Network, TV.df) # re-label for mosaic display levels(TV.df$Time) <- c("8", "9", "10") # fit mode of joint independence, showing association of Network with Day*Time mosaic(~ Day + Network + Time, data = TV.df, expected = ~ Day:Time + Network, legend = FALSE) # with doubledecker arrangement mosaic(~ Day + Network + Time, data = TV.df, expected = ~ Day:Time + Network, split = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), spacing = spacing_highlighting, legend = FALSE)
data(TV) structable(TV) doubledecker(TV) # reduce number of levels of Time TV.df <- as.data.frame.table(TV) levels(TV.df$Time) <- rep(c("8:00-8:59", "9:00-9:59", "10:00-10:44"), c(4, 4, 3)) TV2 <- xtabs(Freq ~ Day + Time + Network, TV.df) # re-label for mosaic display levels(TV.df$Time) <- c("8", "9", "10") # fit mode of joint independence, showing association of Network with Day*Time mosaic(~ Day + Network + Time, data = TV.df, expected = ~ Day:Time + Network, legend = FALSE) # with doubledecker arrangement mosaic(~ Day + Network + Time, data = TV.df, expected = ~ Day:Time + Network, split = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), spacing = spacing_highlighting, legend = FALSE)
Provides an update
method for "xtabs"
typically by removing terms from the formula to collapse over them.
## S3 method for class 'xtabs' update(object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'xtabs' update(object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE)
object |
An existing |
formula. |
Changes to the formula ? see |
... |
Additional arguments to the call, or arguments with changed values. |
evaluate |
If |
If evaluate == TRUE
, the new "xtabs"
object, otherwise the updated call
Michael Friendly
for details on updates to model formulae
does something similar,
collapses category levels
vietnam.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ sex + year + response, data=Vietnam) update(vietnam.tab, formula = ~ . -year)
vietnam.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ sex + year + response, data=Vietnam) update(vietnam.tab, formula = ~ . -year)
These functions are provided for compatibility with older versions of the vcdExtra package only.
They are replaced by LRstats
... |
pass arguments down. |
have been replaced by LRstats
A survey of student opinion on the Vietnam War was taken at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May 1967 and published in the student newspaper. Students were asked to fill in ballot papers stating which policy out of A,B,C or D they supported. Responses were cross-classified by gender/year.
The response categories were:
Defeat North Vietnam by widespread bombing and land invasion
Maintain the present policy
De-escalate military activity, stop bombing and begin negotiations
Withdraw military forces Immediately
A frequency data frame with 40 observations representing a 2 x 5 x 4 contingency table on the following 4 variables.
a factor with levels Female
year of study, an ordered factor with levels
, Sophomore
, Junior
, Senior
, Grad student
a factor with levels A
cell frequency, a numeric vector
For some analyses, it is useful to treat year
as numeric,
and possibly assign grad students a value year=7
Aitken, M. etal, 1989, Statistical Modelling in GLIM
Friendly, M. (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, Example 7.9.
data(Vietnam) ## maybe str(Vietnam) ; plot(Vietnam) ...
data(Vietnam) ## maybe str(Vietnam) ; plot(Vietnam) ...
Data from the 1982 General Social Survey on votes in the 1980 U.S. presidential election in relation to race and political conservatism.
A frequency data frame representing a 2 x 7 x 2 table, with 28 observations on the following 4 variables.
a factor with levels NonWhite
a factor with levels 1
=most liberal, 7
=most conservative
a factor with levels Carter
; Carter
represents Jimmy Carter or other.
a numeric vector
The data contains a number of sampling zeros in the frequencies of NonWhites voting for Ronald Reagan.
Clogg, C. & Shockey, J. W. (1988). In Nesselroade, J. R. & Cattell, R. B. (ed.) Multivariate Analysis of Discrete Data, Handbook of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, New York: Plenum Press.
Agresti, A. (1990) Categorical Data Analysis, Table 4.12 New York: Wiley-Interscience.
Friendly, M. (2000) Visualizing Categorical Data, Example 7.5 Cary, NC: SAS Institute.
data(Vote1980) fourfold(xtabs(Freq ~ race + votefor + conservatism, data=Vote1980), mfrow=c(2,4))
data(Vote1980) fourfold(xtabs(Freq ~ race + votefor + conservatism, data=Vote1980), mfrow=c(2,4))
Blue collar workers job satisfaction from large scale investigation in Denmark in 1968 (Andersen, 1991).
A frequency data frame with 8 observations on the following 4 variables, representing the 2 x 2 x 2 classification of 715 cases.
Quality of management, an ordered factor with levels bad
< good
Supervisor satisfaction, an ordered factor with levels low
< high
Worker job satisfaction, an ordered factor with levels low
< high
a numeric vector
Originally from https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat504/lesson/10/
Andersen, E. B. (1991) Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data, 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag.
data(WorkerSat) worker.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ Worker + Super + Manage, data=WorkerSat) fourfold(worker.tab) mosaic(worker.tab, shade=TRUE)
data(WorkerSat) worker.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ Worker + Super + Manage, data=WorkerSat) fourfold(worker.tab) mosaic(worker.tab, shade=TRUE)
Yamaguchi (1987) presented this three-way frequency table, cross-classifying occupational categories of sons and fathers in the United States, United Kingdom and Japan. This data set has become a classic for models comparing two-way mobility tables across layers corresponding to countries, groups or time (e.g., Goodman and Hout, 1998; Xie, 1992).
The US data were derived from the 1973 OCG-II survey; those for the UK from the 1972 Oxford Social Mobility Survey; those for Japan came from the 1975 Social Stratification and Mobility survey. They pertain to men aged 20-64.
A frequency data frame with 75 observations on the following 4 variables. The total sample size is 28887.
a factor with levels UpNM
a factor with levels UpNM
a factor with levels US
a numeric vector
Five status categories – upper and lower
nonmanuals (UpNM
, LoNM
upper and lower manuals (UpM
, LoM
and Farm
) are used for both fathers' occupations and
sons' occupations.
Upper nonmanuals are professionals, managers, and officials; lower nonmanuals are proprietors, sales workers, and clerical workers; upper manuals are skilled workers; lower manuals are semi-skilled and unskilled nonfarm workers; and farm workers are farmers and farm laborers.
Some of the models from Xie (1992), Table 1, are fit in demo(yamaguchi-xie)
Yamaguchi, K. (1987). Models for comparing mobility tables: toward parsimony and substance, American Sociological Review, vol. 52 (Aug.), 482-494, Table 1
Goodman, L. A. and Hout, M. (1998). Statistical Methods and Graphical Displays for Analyzing How the Association Between Two Qualitative Variables Differs Among Countries, Among Groups, Or Over Time: A Modified Regression-Type Approach. Sociological Methodology, 28 (1), 175-230.
Xie, Yu (1992). The log-multiplicative layer effect model for comparing mobility tables. American Sociological Review, 57 (June), 380-395.
data(Yamaguchi87) # reproduce Table 1 structable(~ Father + Son + Country, Yamaguchi87) # create table form Yama.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ Son + Father + Country, data=Yamaguchi87) # define mosaic labeling_args for convenient reuse in 3-way displays largs <- list(rot_labels=c(right=0), offset_varnames = c(right = 0.6), offset_labels = c(right = 0.2), set_varnames = c(Son="Son's status", Father="Father's status") ) ################################### # Fit some models & display mosaics # Mutual independence yama.indep <- glm(Freq ~ Son + Father + Country, data=Yamaguchi87, family=poisson) anova(yama.indep) mosaic(yama.indep, ~Son+Father, main="[S][F] ignoring country") mosaic(yama.indep, ~Country + Son + Father, condvars="Country", labeling_args=largs, main='[S][F][C] Mutual independence') # no association between S and F given country ('perfect mobility') # asserts same associations for all countries yama.noRC <- glm(Freq ~ (Son + Father) * Country, data=Yamaguchi87, family=poisson) anova(yama.noRC) mosaic(yama.noRC, ~~Country + Son + Father, condvars="Country", labeling_args=largs, main="[SC][FC] No [SF] (perfect mobility)") # ignore diagonal cells yama.quasi <- update(yama.noRC, ~ . + Diag(Son,Father):Country) anova(yama.quasi) mosaic(yama.quasi, ~Son + Father, main="Quasi [S][F]") ## see also: # demo(yamaguchi-xie) ##
data(Yamaguchi87) # reproduce Table 1 structable(~ Father + Son + Country, Yamaguchi87) # create table form Yama.tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ Son + Father + Country, data=Yamaguchi87) # define mosaic labeling_args for convenient reuse in 3-way displays largs <- list(rot_labels=c(right=0), offset_varnames = c(right = 0.6), offset_labels = c(right = 0.2), set_varnames = c(Son="Son's status", Father="Father's status") ) ################################### # Fit some models & display mosaics # Mutual independence yama.indep <- glm(Freq ~ Son + Father + Country, data=Yamaguchi87, family=poisson) anova(yama.indep) mosaic(yama.indep, ~Son+Father, main="[S][F] ignoring country") mosaic(yama.indep, ~Country + Son + Father, condvars="Country", labeling_args=largs, main='[S][F][C] Mutual independence') # no association between S and F given country ('perfect mobility') # asserts same associations for all countries yama.noRC <- glm(Freq ~ (Son + Father) * Country, data=Yamaguchi87, family=poisson) anova(yama.noRC) mosaic(yama.noRC, ~~Country + Son + Father, condvars="Country", labeling_args=largs, main="[SC][FC] No [SF] (perfect mobility)") # ignore diagonal cells yama.quasi <- update(yama.noRC, ~ . + Diag(Son,Father):Country) anova(yama.quasi) mosaic(yama.quasi, ~Son + Father, main="Quasi [S][F]") ## see also: # demo(yamaguchi-xie) ##
Carries out a simple score test (van den Broek, 1995) for excess zeros in
an otherwise Poisson distribution of counts. It gives a
statistic on one degree of freedom.
x |
A vector of non-negative counts, or a one-way frequency table of such counts. |
The test first calculates the rate estimate from the mean,
The number of observed zeros,
is then compared with the expected
, where
Then the test statistic is calculated by the formula:
This test statistic
has a distribution.
Returns invisibly a list of three elements:
statistic |
Description of 'comp1' |
df |
Description of 'comp2' |
pvalue |
Upper tail p-value |
Michael Friendly
The original R code came from a Stackexchange question, https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/118322/how-to-test-for-zero-inflation-in-a-dataset
Van den Broek, J. (1995). A Score Test for Zero Inflation in a Poisson Distribution. Biometrics, 51(2), 738-743. https://www.jstor.org/stable/2532959
Yang, Zhao, James W. Hardin, and Cheryl L. Addy (2010). Score Tests for Zero-Inflation in Overdispersed Count Data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 39 (11) 2008-2030. doi:10.1080/03610920902948228
# synthetic tests zero.test(rpois(100, 1)) zero.test(rpois(100, 5)) # add some extra zeros zero.test(c(rep(0, 20), rpois(100, 5))) # Articles by Phd candidates data(PhdPubs, package="vcdExtra") zero.test(PhdPubs$articles) phd.tab <- table(PhdPubs$articles) zero.test(phd.tab)
# synthetic tests zero.test(rpois(100, 1)) zero.test(rpois(100, 5)) # add some extra zeros zero.test(c(rep(0, 20), rpois(100, 5))) # Articles by Phd candidates data(PhdPubs, package="vcdExtra") zero.test(PhdPubs$articles) phd.tab <- table(PhdPubs$articles) zero.test(phd.tab)