LaTeX Equations with latexMatrix, Eqn and matrix2latexUpdated 5 days ago

Phil Chalmers, John Fox, Michael Friendly

Rendered from latex-equations.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Solving Linear EquationsUpdated 5 days ago

Michael Friendly and John Fox

Rendered from linear-equations.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Vector Spaces of Least Squares and Linear EquationsUpdated 5 days ago

Michael Friendly, Georges Monette, John Fox, Phil Chalmers

Rendered from data-beta.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Linear transformations and matrix inverse in 3DUpdated 5 days ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from inv-3d.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: PropertiesUpdated 9 days ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from eigen-ex1.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Generalized inverseUpdated 1 months ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from ginv.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Matrix inversion by elementary row operationsUpdated 1 months ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from inv-ex2.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Properties of determinantsUpdated 1 months ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from det-ex1.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Plotting nestedLogit models with ggplot2Updated 3 months ago

Michael Friendly and John Fox

Rendered from plotting-ggplot.Rmd in nestedLogit 0.3.3.
Diabetes data: heplots and candisc examplesUpdated 4 months ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from diabetes.Rmd in candisc 0.9.0.
Continuous predictorsUpdated 1 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from continuous.Rmd in vcdExtra 0.8-5.
Creating and manipulating frequency tablesUpdated 1 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from creating.Rmd in vcdExtra 0.8-5.
Loglinear ModelsUpdated 1 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from loglinear.Rmd in vcdExtra 0.8-5.
Tests of IndependenceUpdated 1 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from tests.Rmd in vcdExtra 0.8-5.
Duplicate and Missing Cases in Snow.deathsUpdated 1 years ago

Peter Li

Rendered from Snow_deaths-duplicates.Rmd in HistData 0.9-2.
Nested-dichotomies logistic regression modelsUpdated 1 years ago

Michael Friendly and John Fox

Rendered from nestedLogit.Rmd in nestedLogit 0.3.3.
Standard Errors of Fitted Category Probabilities by the Delta Method for the Nested Logit ModelUpdated 1 years ago

John Fox

Rendered from standard-errors.Rmd in nestedLogit 0.3.3.
Mosaic plotsUpdated 1 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from mosaics.Rmd in vcdExtra 0.8-5.
Mobility tablesUpdated 1 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from mobility.Rmd in vcdExtra 0.8-5.
Datasets for categorical data analysisUpdated 2 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from datasets.Rmd in vcdExtra 0.8-5.
Demo - Housing DataUpdated 2 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from demo-housing.Rmd in vcdExtra 0.8-5.
Univariate versus Multivariate InfluenceUpdated 2 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from uni-vs-multi.Rmd in mvinfluence 0.9.1.
Eigenvalues: Spectral DecompositionUpdated 7 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from eigen-ex2.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization and RegressionUpdated 7 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from gramreg.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Evaluation of determinantsUpdated 8 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from det-ex2.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.
Inverse of a matrixUpdated 8 years ago

Michael Friendly

Rendered from inv-ex1.Rmd in matlib 0.9.95.