- candisc::GrassYields from Nitrogen nutrition of grass species
- candisc::HSBHigh School and Beyond Data
- candisc::WineChemical composition of three cultivars of wine
- candisc::WolvesWolf skulls
- genridge::AcetyleneAcetylene Data
- genridge::DetroitDetroit Homicide Data for 1961-1973
- genridge::ManpowerHospital manpower data
- genridge::diabDiabetes Progression
- genridge::prostateProstate Cancer Data
- ggbiplot::crimeU. S. Crimes
- ggbiplot::wineWine dataset
- ggbiplot::wine.classWine dataset
- Guerry::AngevilleData from d'Angeville (1836) on the population of France
- Guerry::GuerryData from A.-M. Guerry, "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France"
- Guerry::Guerry_ranksRanks of Data from A.-M. Guerry, "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France"
- Guerry::gfranceMap of France in 1830 with the Guerry data
- Guerry::gfrance85Map of France in 1830 with the Guerry data, excluding Corsica
- Guerry::propensityDistribution of crimes against persons at different ages
- heplots::AddHealthAdolescent Mental Health Data
- heplots::AdoptedAdopted Children
- heplots::BeesCaptive and maltreated bees
- heplots::DiabetesDiabetes Dataset
- heplots::FootHeadHead measurements of football players
- heplots::HeadacheTreatment of Headache Sufferers for Sensitivity to Noise
- heplots::HerniorRecovery from Elective Herniorrhaphy
- heplots::Iwasaki_Big_FivePersonality Traits of Cultural Groups
- heplots::MockJuryEffects Of Physical Attractiveness Upon Mock Jury Decisions
- heplots::NLSYNational Longitudinal Survey of Youth Data
- heplots::NeuroCogNeurocognitive Measures in Psychiatric Groups
- heplots::OsloOslo Transect Subset Data
- heplots::OverdoseOverdose of Amitriptyline
- heplots::ParentingFather Parenting Competence
- heplots::PlasticPlastic Film Data
- heplots::Pottery2Chemical Analysis of Romano-British Pottery
- heplots::Probe1Response Speed in a Probe Experiment
- heplots::Probe2Response Speed in a Probe Experiment
- heplots::RatWeightWeight Gain in Rats Exposed to Thiouracil and Thyroxin
- heplots::ReactTimeReaction Time Data
- heplots::RohwerRohwer Data Set
- heplots::RootStockGrowth of Apple Trees from Different Root Stocks
- heplots::SakeTaste Ratings of Japanese Rice Wine (Sake)
- heplots::SkullsEgyptian Skulls
- heplots::SocGradesGrades in a Sociology Course
- heplots::SocialCogSocial Cognitive Measures in Psychiatric Groups
- heplots::TIPIData on the Ten Item Personality Inventory
- heplots::VocabGrowthVocabulary growth data
- heplots::WeightLossWeight Loss Data
- heplots::dogfoodDogfood Preferences
- heplots::mathscoreMath scores for basic math and word problems
- heplots::oralEffect of Delay in Oral Practice in Second Language Learning
- heplots::pengSize measurements for penguins near Palmer Station, Antarctica
- heplots::schooldataSchool Data
- heplots::schoolsitesSchooldata Sites
- HistData::ArbuthnotArbuthnot's data on male and female birth ratios
- HistData::ArmadaLa Felicisima Armada
- HistData::BowleyBowley's data on values of British and Irish trade, 1855-1899
- HistData::BreslauHalley's Breslau Life Table
- HistData::CavendishCavendish's Determinations of the Density of the Earth
- HistData::ChestSizesChest measurements of Scottish Militiamen
- HistData::ChestStiglerChest measurements of Scottish Militiamen
- HistData::CholeraWilliam Farr's Data on Cholera in London, 1849
- HistData::CholeraDeaths1849Daily Deaths from Cholera and Diarrhaea in England, 1849
- HistData::CushnyPeeblesCushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine Derivatives
- HistData::CushnyPeeblesNCushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine Derivatives
- HistData::DactylEdgeworth's counts of dactyls in Virgil's Aeneid
- HistData::DrinksWagesElderton and Pearson's (1910) data on drinking and wages
- HistData::EdgeworthDeathsEdgeworth's Data on Death Rates in British Counties
- HistData::FingerprintsWaite's data on Patterns in Fingerprints
- HistData::GaltonGalton's data on the heights of parents and their children
- HistData::GaltonFamiliesGalton's data on the heights of parents and their children, by child
- HistData::GuerryData from A.-M. Guerry, "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France"
- HistData::HalleyLifeTableHalley's Life Table
- HistData::JevonsW. Stanley Jevons' data on numerical discrimination
- HistData::Langren.allvan Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and Rome
- HistData::Langren1644van Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and Rome
- HistData::MacdonellMacdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908)
- HistData::MacdonellDFMacdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908)
- HistData::MayerMayer's Data on the Libration of the Moon.
- HistData::MichelsonMichelson's Determinations of the Velocity of Light
- HistData::MichelsonSetsMichelson's Determinations of the Velocity of Light
- HistData::Minard.citiesData from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow
- HistData::Minard.tempData from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow
- HistData::Minard.troopsData from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow
- HistData::NightingaleFlorence Nightingale's data on deaths from various causes in the Crimean War
- HistData::OldMapsLatitudes and Longitudes of 39 Points in 11 Old Maps
- HistData::PearsonLeePearson and Lee's data on the heights of parents and children classified by gender
- HistData::PolioTrialsPolio Field Trials Data
- HistData::PollenPollen Data Challenge
- HistData::ProstitutesParent-Duchatelet's time-series data on the number of prostitutes in Paris
- HistData::PyxTrial of the Pyx
- HistData::QuarrelsStatistics of Deadly Quarrels
- HistData::SaturnLaplace's Saturn data.
- HistData::Snow.datesJohn Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
- HistData::Snow.deathsJohn Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
- HistData::Snow.deaths2John Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
- HistData::Snow.polygonsJohn Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
- HistData::Snow.pumpsJohn Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
- HistData::Snow.streetsJohn Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
- HistData::VirginisJohn F. W. Herschel's Data on the Orbit of the Twin Stars gamma _Virginis_
- HistData::Virginis.interpJohn F. W. Herschel's Data on the Orbit of the Twin Stars gamma _Virginis_
- HistData::WheatPlayfair's Data on Wages and the Price of Wheat
- HistData::Wheat.monarchsPlayfair's Data on Wages and the Price of Wheat
- HistData::YeastStudent's (1906) Yeast Cell Counts
- HistData::YeastD.matStudent's (1906) Yeast Cell Counts
- HistData::ZeaMaysDarwin's Heights of Cross- and Self-fertilized Zea May Pairs
- Lahman::AllstarFullAllstarFull table
- Lahman::AppearancesAppearances table
- Lahman::AwardsManagersAwardsManagers table
- Lahman::AwardsPlayersAwardsPlayers table
- Lahman::AwardsShareManagersAwardsShareManagers table
- Lahman::AwardsSharePlayersAwardsSharePlayers table
- Lahman::BattingBatting table
- Lahman::BattingPostBattingPost table
- Lahman::CollegePlayingCollegePlaying table
- Lahman::FieldingFielding table
- Lahman::FieldingOFFieldingOF table
- Lahman::FieldingOFsplitFieldingOFsplit table
- Lahman::FieldingPostFieldingPost data
- Lahman::HallOfFameHall of Fame Voting Data
- Lahman::HomeGamesHomeGames table
- Lahman::LahmanDataLahman Datasets
- Lahman::ManagersManagers table
- Lahman::ManagersHalfManagersHalf table
- Lahman::ParksParks table
- Lahman::PeoplePeople table
- Lahman::PitchingPitching table
- Lahman::PitchingPostPitchingPost table
- Lahman::SalariesSalaries table
- Lahman::SchoolsSchools table
- Lahman::SeriesPostSeriesPost table
- Lahman::TeamsTeams table
- Lahman::TeamsFranchisesTeamFranchises table
- Lahman::TeamsHalfTeamsHalf table
- Lahman::battingLabelsVariable Labels
- Lahman::fieldingLabelsVariable Labels
- Lahman::pitchingLabelsVariable Labels
- matlib::classClass Data Set
- matlib::coffeeData on Coffee, Stress and Heart Damage
- matlib::therapyTherapy Data
- matlib::workersWorkers Data
- mvinfluence::FertilizerFertilizer Data
- nestedLogit::GSSData From the U.S. General Social Survey 1972-2016
- nestedLogit::HealthInsuranceChoice of Health Insurance Product
- twoway::ArizonaMean monthly temperatures in Arizona
- twoway::RubberCompressibility of Rubber
- twoway::VermontPopVermont country populations from the US Census, 1900-1990
- twoway::drugsScores for 5 subjects after being given each of 4 drugs
- twoway::hstartNumber of U.S. housing starts by month for the years 1965 - 1973
- twoway::insectCountsCounts of an insect for the combinations of 4 treatments and 6 areas of a field
- twoway::sentRTReaction times for T/F judgments
- twoway::taskRTData on reaction times for various tasks and topics
- vcdExtra::AbortionAbortion Opinion Data
- vcdExtra::AccidentTraffic Accident Victims in France in 1958
- vcdExtra::AirCrashAir Crash Data
- vcdExtra::AlligatorAlligator Food Choice
- vcdExtra::AsbestosEffect of Exposure to Asbestos
- vcdExtra::BartlettBartlett Data on Plum Root Cuttings
- vcdExtra::BurtBurt (1950) Data on Hair, Eyes, Head and Stature
- vcdExtra::CaesarRisk Factors for Infection in Caesarian Births
- vcdExtra::CancerSurvival of Breast Cancer Patients
- vcdExtra::CormorantsAdvertising Behavior by Males Cormorants
- vcdExtra::CyclingDeathsLondon Cycling Deaths
- vcdExtra::DaytonSurveyDayton Student Survey on Substance Use
- vcdExtra::DependsDependencies of R Packages
- vcdExtra::DetergentDetergent preference data
- vcdExtra::DonnerSurvival in the Donner Party
- vcdExtra::Draft1970USA 1970 Draft Lottery Data
- vcdExtra::Draft1970tableUSA 1970 Draft Lottery Table
- vcdExtra::DykeSources of Knowledge of Cancer
- vcdExtra::FungicideCarcinogenic Effects of a Fungicide
- vcdExtra::GSSGeneral Social Survey- Sex and Party affiliation
- vcdExtra::GeisslerGeissler's Data on the Human Sex Ratio
- vcdExtra::GilbyClothing and Intelligence Rating of Children
- vcdExtra::GlassBritish Social Mobility from Glass(1954)
- vcdExtra::HairEyePlaceHair Color and Eye Color in Caithness and Aberdeen
- vcdExtra::Hauser79Hauser (1979) Data on Social Mobility
- vcdExtra::HeartSex, Occupation and Heart Disease
- vcdExtra::HeckmanLabour Force Participation of Married Women 1967-1971
- vcdExtra::HospVisitsHospital Visits Data
- vcdExtra::HouseTasksHousehold Tasks Performed by Husbands and Wives
- vcdExtra::HoytMinnesota High School Graduates
- vcdExtra::ICUICU data set
- vcdExtra::JobSatCross-classification of job satisfaction by income
- vcdExtra::MammogramsMammogram Ratings
- vcdExtra::MentalMental Impairment and Parents SES
- vcdExtra::MiceMice Depletion Data
- vcdExtra::MobilitySocial Mobility data
- vcdExtra::PhdPubsPublications of PhD Candidates
- vcdExtra::ShakeWordsShakespeare's Word Type Frequencies
- vcdExtra::TVTV Viewing Data
- vcdExtra::TitanicpPassengers on the Titanic
- vcdExtra::ToxaemiaToxaemia Symptoms in Pregnancy
- vcdExtra::VietnamStudent Opinion about the Vietnam War
- vcdExtra::Vote1980Race and Politics in the 1980 Presidential Vote
- vcdExtra::WorkerSatWorker Satisfaction Data
- vcdExtra::Yamaguchi87Occupational Mobility in Three Countries
- VisCollin::biomassBiomass Production in the Cape Fear Estuary
- VisCollin::carsCars Data
- VisCollin::consumptionConsumption Function Dataset
- WordPools::BattigBattig - Montague Categorized Word Norms
- WordPools::CatPropJoelson-Hermann Category Properties
- WordPools::PaivioPaivio, Yuille & Madigan Word Pool
- WordPools::TWPThe Toronto Word Pool